*** MUS171 #01 01 04 @01_0000Miller: The purpose of this course is to show you how to -- well, "show" I'm not sure is the right word -- @01_0015is to enable you to make your own computer music applications, in the sense of designing electronic music instruments. What that means, in a sense, is making your computer do what a guitar or a drum set does when you @01_0030do things to it, so that the thing is running in real time. It's making sound, and you walk up to it and do things to it, and that changes the sound that it makes. For instance, it might be silent until you start doing something and then it starts making noise. Then you've got an instrument @01_0045that does something that responds to how you're trying to get it to do things. So this is a particular... This thing, this idea of using computers to make computer music instruments is, @01_0060in some sense, sort of the trunk of the whole field of computer music, at least the way I see it. Computer music grew out of, or maybe it's a part of, the field which could be called electronic music, which started, depending on how you think of it, maybe in the late 1900s -- @01_0075maybe in 1948 when the first tape recorder music started getting made. Well, you could put other kinds of dates on it. And the whole field of electronic music is basically people inventing ways @01_0090of making music with electronic gear as opposed to acoustic instruments. It wasn't obvious, at first, when computers showed up on the scene that computers would eventually, essentially, supplant all of the other @01_0105electronic musical instruments that exist, which means the tape recorder, the synthesizer, all that kind of good stuff. But nowadays, everything that you could have found in an electronic music studio in the '50s, or '60s, or the '90s @01_0120is a piece of software on a screen on your computer with a couple of very important provisos. Proviso number one is that a computer makes a rotten musical instrument in the sense that you can't strum it, or whap it, or any of those good things that you can do with acoustic instruments. @01_0135I'm not going to do a whole lot of talking about designing hardware interfaces for making computers that respond more naturally to musical impulses. The reason I'm not going to talk about that is because it's its own subject. And @01_0150it's also a rather various subject. Different people have completely different approaches to designing interfaces to computers. It's such a wide, disorganized field that it's hard to figure out how to make a syllabus out of it in the first place. So I'm just sort of going to ignore that and, @01_0165to the extent that I need to actuate my computer, I'm going to be using keyboards, and a mouse, and the microphone. All right. So other than that aspect of just getting inputs into the computer, I think @01_0180that everything that you do now in electronic music, you at least can do on your computer. So a couple of things about that, OK. First off, what does making music @01_0195with computers split up into as a set of things that you can do? And my own taxonomy of what you do with computers to make them into computer instruments are that there are three basic things that you might want to know how to do. One is @01_0210synthesize sounds. What that means, at least what that means to me, is that you write down an algebraic equation and it has a variable in it for time. As time passes you just plug different numbers into the time slot, and out comes a sinusoid @01_0225or whatever it is that you told the equation to make, and then you get to hear it, right? And if you came up studying mathematics like I did, this is paradise, right? Any equation you can think of, you can listen to. So that is synthesis, @01_0240synthesizing sound. That comes out of a long tradition of making stuff, like oscillators and filters that have existed for at least 100 years for doing that, before computers really came on the computer music scene. @01_0255A second thing is what I think people usually call either processing or signal processing, which is a misnomer because signal processing means many other things besides what it means to computer musicians. But at least if you're in a room @01_0270with computer musicians and when someone says signal processing, what they tend to mean is something that takes a sound in and changes it into something else to go out. The most ubiquitous example, I think, is @01_0285sampling, where you take a microphone up to something and make a recording, and then you have a button that you press that plays it back. And the only transformation is that you heard it at a different time from when you recorded it. That's a perfectly good transformation, right? @01_0300In chapter seven, I think it is, you will find all sorts of things to do with that particular kind of transformation. OK. That's item number two. One was synthesis. Two is signal processing. Three is @01_0315analysis, the idea of taking a sound that goes in and boiling it down to a set of parameters that describes what that sound is, or some aspect of what that sound is. A very simple example of that is an envelope follower, which will tell you whether @01_0330someone started playing an instrument or not, or more generally, tell you whether there seems to be sound coming into a microphone right now or not. And you would use that, for instance, if you wanted to find out if someone was walking into a room so you could turn the lights on @01_0345automatically. Put up a microphone, hook it into an envelope follower, and then have it turn the lights on when the amplitude of the sound reaches a certain level. So that's analysis. That doesn't sound as interesting as synthesis or processing because there's no sound @01_0360output, there's just sound input. I hope you'll find out that there's a whole world of cool stuff you can do with that as well. In terms of mental block-diagrams, if you want to think about what this all means: Synthesis is, you have a box @01_0375and it has an output. But the input was something that isn't sound; the output is sound. Analysis is, you have a box that has a sound input but not an output, and then Processing is a thing where you have both input and output. @01_0390What I'm going to do to start with is start with synthesis because it's the easiest thing to get your computers to do. Why? Because it's much easier to deal with speakers than it is to deal with microphones for reasons that I don't really understand very well. @01_0405But I want to give you some time to get used to how to get your microphones and your computers to be friends. That might make it more appropriate to wait a few weeks before, or however many weeks we can afford to wait, @01_0420before we start doing that kind of stuff... And just to make the gesture, I didn't bring a microphone today, although there will be microphones in the room later on. What do I have to tell you? I have to tell you some organizational things about the course that @01_0435are boring but that you need to know. There's a website, and the website tells you all the boring stuff that you need to know about the course. The website will somewhat change in time. @01_0450What it does now is it tells you, week by week, what I believe the topics to be that this course will consist of. Most of the time I'm actually able to do what I was planning to do, @01_0465but sometimes it has to change for one reason or another. So this is not a guarantee that this is what we're going to manage to do, but hopefully it's what we'll do. What you'll find is that as the quarter drags on there are going to be @01_0480a certain number of assignments, which are things that you have to do with a computer that demonstrate that you have mastered one or another technique that is the topic of the week. The first one of these is due @01_0495a week from Thursday, that's to say Thursday of week two, and that is a tight deadline. The assignment itself is very simple, I hope. What that requires you to do is get software loaded onto your computer @01_0510and figure out how to deal with the mechanisms for turning homework in, which you probably know better than I do. But leave time to figure all this stuff out. What this means is that you should be doing this right now so that @01_0525when things start going wrong you can ask for help and you can try to figure out what to do to get things to work for you. To that end, there are office hours. Both Joe, the teaching assistant, and I will @01_0540have office hours on Tuesdays because the homework is going to be due on Thursdays. I think that's the most effective way of running it. Joe will be here but I'm not sure in what room yet. The room number, @01_0555I think, might be changing, but he will be here from 2:00 to 3:00 on Tuesdays. I will be here after classes on Tuesdays, which will be when I find everyone most exhausted. Anyway, that's another possible way to find out what's going on. @01_0570The course has a textbook, sort of. Again, the textbook is -- where did I put it? The textbook is online, @01_0585and it doesn't look like a book, but here's a PDF version and a PostScript version, and then there's a nice HTML version. You can even download a nice tarball with the HTML version, and you can download all the examples @01_0600that are described in the book, which are patches in Pd. Or you can download -- don't do this -- download all the figures in the book, which are also patches in Pd, if you really want to laugh at what Pd can do. @01_0615It would be hard to do it quick. So that is textbook, and what I'm going to try to do, although I've been-- Yeah? Student: What's the website? Miller: Oh. What's the website? The URL is here. @01_0630That's the URL you want. Although, you can get there very easily because you Google "Puckette" and then you see Courses, and then you see the first one is Music 171. @01_0645I didn't want to insult your intelligences by printing out the syllabus. Well, actually, if you have trouble accessing the web, come see me and I'll print you out @01_0660a copy. But it won't help you so much because it's going to change. On that subject, I want to not forget to say one thing, which is if you don't have easy access to a computer and/or the network, please come see me @01_0675after class today so that we can figure out how to get that solved. There are various things that we can do to try to get you to a computer. I don't know what it's going to be yet because we'll just have to do it case by case. The polls say that 99 percent of students now @01_0690have computers, so I'm going to assume that you do until you tell me that you don't. If you don't, do please come tell me because otherwise you will be in serious trouble, and it is fixable. OK, @01_0705so that's the course web page. The next thing, this is what you know more about than I do. The system for turning in assignments is WebCT, which probably all of you have suffered through. Right? [laughter] @01_0720I last touched this in 2004, and it was a real bear. I think they've made it a little better now. It's actually better than anything else that I've seen. The reason it has to exist at all, @01_0735as opposed to just having everyone put homework up on a wiki, is because legally we're not allowed to let other people see your homework assignments. The whole thing is basically just to protect confidentiality, as far as I can tell. There's no other reason to have all this infrastructure. @01_0750In fact, I would love it if one of you could try this. If one of you who actually is online, if you could actually go to WebCT and see if you can log in to the course. So this is the @01_0765WebCT login. Actually, I think you do webct.ucsd.edu. It's not going to do this for you what it does for me. Student: It's not showing up. Miller: It's not showing up? In what sense? Student: : @01_0780After you log in it tells you what classes you have on WebCT. It's not on that page. Miller: And you don't have 171 as one of your classes? Student: Not yet. Miller: OK. I was worried about that because I asked for the class roster and I got not a single student in it. I have to call in @01_0795to WebCT to ask them if there's something that I should have been doing that I haven't done yet, which is probably going to turn out to be the reason. Sorry. OK. So this is not going to be an urgent issue until a week from Thursday when it's time to actually @01_0810upload stuff because I'm not using WebCT to make stuff available to you. I'm just using it to collect stuff. So for this week, the thing that really is urgent is another thing that I hope some of you will try because maybe this will fail, too. [laughter] @01_0825Which is see if you can download Pd and get it to run. This is going to be a little bit less obvious because I'm going to have to show you some things before you @01_0840can find out whether you're even successfully running Pd. So go back and say something I didn't say. There is a software package that you will be using for the course which is Pure Data, or Pd, and you get it from my website. @01_0855It will run on your computer, unless you have something really strange. It will even run on your iPhone, but that version of it is not on my website for that one. I'll tell you if you care. @01_0870You can run on Android, too. So you can have a lot of fun with this, but right now we're just going to be using the standard one on the computer and making things easy. So to do that, you do this. Or there's several things you can do. @01_0885I'm going to show you what I normally do, but your mileage may vary. The link is on the website, although you can also find this through my home page if you want to do that. There's all this good @01_0900stuff, and here is Pure Data. You can be conservative and use version 42, which works, or you can have fun and use version 43, which sort of works. [laughter] @01_0915But which does all sorts of new stuff. Yeah. OK. There's one thing I know that doesn't work in 43 which you're not going to get for another week, so I will try to fix that by the time you get it. @01_0930Anyway, I'll tell you with this one I can, which is when I told you what the object is that doesn't work right. Anyway, I'm going to be using 43. In fact let's just do this. @01_0945If you have a Macintosh that's more than six years old, you will want this funny version. Otherwise, you will want one of these, Mac OSX. Can I ask for a show of hands, @01_0960this is just out of curiosity, well, actually it matters somewhat but mostly curiosity, how many of you have, as your primary computer, a Macintosh? Wow. OK, how many of you have @01_0975the primary computer of a PC running Windows software? OK, so maybe 80 to 20, something like that. How many of you are running something else? One, two, @01_0990three. [laughter] Very good. The reason I brought the Macintosh today -- actually there are two reasons -- the honest reason is that a Linux box doesn't have DVI out so I'm kind of stuck with it now on compatibility mode. @01_1005The other reason is that I want to look like you guys are looking today, but then by Thursday you're going to be watching me play with Linux instead of OSX. All of the OSX lore, unless I decide really to punish you and bring the PC in. [laughter] @01_1020We'll see. No promises though. We're going to be Macintosh today. We're going to grab Pd, the scary one, and I think... I don't know what you do with these things. @01_1035Let's just tell it... I know. [laughter] I usually save it, and then I get into a shell, and then I type TAR, space, XZF, space, blah, blah. You probably don't want @01_1050to know how to do that so I'm going to try to pretend I'm a regular computer user. One of you is trying this, right, so that you can see if it's actually working? What did it do? Student: I don't know. Miller: @01_1065I think I just... I thought it opened? Student: No, your window just froze. Miller: See I just did that. It already did that to somebody already. Student: It's in the new Balance folder, I think. Miller: What is that? It probably threw it either on the desktop @01_1080or in the home drive. Oh, I'm running Pd. [laughter] Oh, look. It looks like I've got all this good stuff and now I don't know which of these is the one I just downloaded. Student: Right there. [laughter] Miller: @01_1095Let's get maybe this one. Student: Left hand side, left hand side. Miller: This must be it right here. All right, this is the one that I had to start with today. [laughter] Sorry, I don't think it will hurt you to have more than one. Then you just do this. That's the easy part @01_1110and then maybe this will happen, maybe not. One thing that I've noticed, the first time you do this on any computer, sometimes it seems to take 30 seconds for Pd to start up. So if you click it and it does nothing for 30 seconds, I don't know what that is, but that's @01_1125Steve Jobs doing that for you. [laughter] Student: Will Pd Extended work? Miller: Yes. Oh, thank you. Another thing that you can do, which will be more fun, is go get Pd Extended as opposed to Pd Pd. In fact, it's so much fun @01_1140I'm going to do this for you, too. The problem is I've forgotten where the... Oh, so we just do... Get in the browser, and then we say, Pd Extended. @01_1155Pd Extended, Pure Data downloads, Pd community site. I don't know what the difference is between that and that. All right. @01_1170This is the redoubtable Hans-Christoph Steiner, who is a person who aggregates-- well, does many, many things for Pd including actually spearheading Pd's Release 43. @01_1185But he's also making the so-called Pd Extended installers. For those of you who know what's going on with Pd and/or Macs, they have various kinds of objects in them. Pd itself ships with a couple hundred objects, and @01_1200Pd Extended ships maybe with a couple thousand objects in it. So you have lots and lots and lots more stuff to play with in Pd Extended, if you can figure out where to find it. [laughter] Once in a while I actually reach... You know, @01_1215I don't want to make a Butterworth filter. They've got Butterworth filters in it. So there are things which you care about which you can get in Pd Extended that are sometimes really worth getting. The other thing about that is when you want to make graphics, Pd has an extension @01_1230called GEM, the Graphics Environment for Multimedia, which will allow you to make graphics and also to shoot video and analyze it. Basically do with video the same things that Pd will do with audio. It's not really part of this course, but @01_1245Pd Extended has that. You can go make movies or whatever you want to do with it. I'll show you a little bit of that just as a teaser in week 10 when we're reaching out a little bit in the subject. So, Pd Extended. @01_1260The last time I did this it was very easy, so I'm hoping this will still be here. So download Pd 42. This is the one that works. Pd Extended 43 @01_1275is up there somewhere, too. So if you want Pd Extended in its natural state, you can do that. But anyway, I think what I do is click this, and it says, "Go to virtual online application." @01_1290Oh, yes. I want to open it with... Oh, it's a disc. All right. @01_1305I'll say something interesting for 38 seconds. Actually I sort of know this is going to work because I already have one of these things. It worked the first time. @01_1320Meanwhile, nothing will happen until... Now it's doing a clean-up. ... [laughter] No, OK. All right. @01_1335 @01_1350So I don't know why that was just faking me out. All right, we're done. @01_1365So disc images are things you click on like anything else in Mac. New? OK, I'll leave. [laughter] And ta-da, we have a disc that consists of, well, @01_1380no one. [laughter] As it starts, you can ignore it. It's quick when I do it the right way. So this is the Pd Extended application and I didn't do that, I just did this. [laughter] @01_1395Why? Because you don't really want to throw stuff into your applications folder. @01_1410I won't explain all the reasons you shouldn't mess with your applications folder. You'll have to guess. [laughter] Then it takes too long to do runs. @01_1425This is all the stuff that it either loaded or didn't load, and that's good. But now we're running Pd Extended. More about that later if you want to find out about that. Let's get out of here now and get back to being @01_1440vanilla. Take that, get rid of it, take that, get rid of it. Get rid of this. All right. @01_1455It's all free so you can throw it away any time you want. [laughter] So, next step. Now you've downloaded Pd. Has anyone actually done this? So, next step is, @01_1470see if it's working for you. Of course, it should start when you click it and it should also make sound when you ask it to make sound. Actually, that's the real step that means you're doing computer music. To do that, to find out @01_1485whether that's happening, there are two places that you should think about looking. I always go to the impatient place first. The impatient place is, go to Media and say "test audio and midi" and up comes @01_1500a Pd patch. This is a Pd document, first one you've seen so far I guess, and this has indicators @01_1515that say whether sound was coming in to your computer. These are numbers and decibels which you learned about in musical acoustics last quarter. These are in decibels with 100 being full blast. I don't have a microphone so this is the noise level on the audio @01_1530input device in my computer. There's nothing plugged in. So, I have a signal-to-noise ratio of, compute that and it's... Student: @01_1545Four minus. Miller: So the loudest signal I could get would be 100 here and I'm looking at 28. So the signal-to-noise ratio is 100 minus 28, which is 72. Which, there's not audio hardware supplied. @01_1560That's bad. OK. Now the other thing that you want to know... OK so, but sound is coming in. I like to seeing that better than I like seeing zero. What I really like seeing is one or two, which means I've got decent audio hardware. Now I can make sound, which is to say I can @01_1575ask the test tone to go on, and this is in decibels too, again, with 100 being full blast. So a good place to start is 60.[tone sounds] Now you hear a nice A440. Or here's 80.[tone sounds] @01_1590I always do 60 first because you never really know where the speakers are set.[tone sounds] While I was... Yeah, there it was.[tone sounds] Now, what I didn't show you was, before most of you came in, I @01_1605connected my computer to the audio system in this room along with the projector. So what you're hearing now is the computer's line output...[tone sounds] ...talking to my stereo. And any of you who has a stereo can do the same thing, and that's a better way. @01_1620That or headphones would be a better way to operate than using the little speakers that are on the computer. Yeah? Student: Did you say the lower the number the better? Miller: Well here, yeah. If there's nothing plugged in, the lower the number the better. But @01_1635if you have a laptop, your laptop might have a microphone. So you might not just be looking at the electrical noise level on your equipment, but you might actually be looking at sound. If that's the case, then when you say things that number goes, up. Then you get really happy because @01_1650you got audio and then you can start making cool processing actions. I'll say that this will happen to you, the first audio process you actually make will suffer from horrible feedback if you're using the microphone with speakers on the... @01_1665Yeah, like that. [laughter] Because the mike is very close to the speaker, right? And so the sound comes out of the speaker and back through, like that. If you want to control that, plug in a pair of headphones, which usually will mute the microphones. Then you can listen to what it's doing and @01_1680the microphone will work properly, I think. Depends on, you know, your mileage may vary. The other thing, just telling you about this, I want to just tell you the basics about getting started. @01_1695When you do this...[tone sounds] ...and that happens, it's great. But it's possible to do this and not have the sound coming out. Then there are things that you might want to do to figure out why, whether you have sound or not, and that all is here, @01_1710under Pd. So this window popped up when I set the test audio and midi. By the way, this will be possible to do but not useful. I could have two of these up at once and they'll be fighting each other. So don't do that. @01_1725So then in Pd, that was in media, audio and midi. In Pd, you get preferences which have audio settings. We're not going to talk about midi today. And audio settings @01_1740are what sample rate we're running at and a magical number, which I should tell you about, and what audio devices, and what number of channels. Now I can do things that will cause everything to break. Let's have @01_1755eight channels of output. All of a sudden, nothing happens. Maybe, I hope, I have an error message. I have lots of error messages. [laughter] @01_1770It didn't even give me the proper error message so I can't do it. So this is the "can't do it" mode. You don't see anything here and you don't hear anything coming out. That just means that your audio device didn't get opened. That could happen for all @01_1785sorts of reasons, which are hard to disambiguate. But in that case it was me asking for something impossible like that. Also if I ask for megahertz out, I don't think it's going to agree. @01_1800Can't do that. So you have to ask for something reasonable. And the standard CD sample rate is 44K1. [tone sounds] @01_1815Now we're back to being happy with the input now. The other thing that can go wrong is you could... You can't make it not be happy right now. @01_1830You can have this thing dialed in on a device that is no longer plugged into your computer. You buy a USB audio device, you plug it in, you tell Pd to use it. Then you unplug the device, it no longer exists, Pd starts up, you can't find it. Then you @01_1845see here it's just a little circle which has nothing in it. You just have to click on that and select the thing that you really want. The other thing that I want to tell you is this number here, the delay, @01_1860this is the spooky setting that matters but which is hard to figure out how to deal with. This is a number which is 80 milliseconds or up, if you're using Bill Gates' software. Or it's @01_187520 to 30 if you're using whatever his name is, Bill Jobs', Steven Jobs' thing. [laughter] Or you can get it down to about 10 on Linux. This is the amount of time that passes between when sound @01_1890comes in the machine and when it comes back out. And if you try to make this too low, Pd should be showing you errors, which I'll see if I can find here. [tone sounds] Do you hear that? @01_1905Let's see here. I'm running 43. On 42 you would see a red light saying digital @01_1920IO errors. I'm trying to resize the window. It's too big for this stuff. Can't do it. OK. No, it's not there. All right. Never mind. @01_1935I don't know where you see the error. You just hear the error. Here it is. [tone sounds] And that's because I asked for a delay that is smaller than my hardware can provide. @01_1950Oh, I did a 15 and now it's clean. But now let's see if we can do 15 to 1. So the smaller that number is, the faster the tablet. That matters because you don't want to do something @01_1965to your computer and then wait a second before you hear the output. You want it to happen as -- Well, you want to have it happen with a small enough delay that it sounds like it's happening at the same time. Which, depending on your musical chops and which instrument you play, @01_1980might vary between five and 30 milliseconds. What this means is that Macintosh latency's 15 to 20 milliseconds, maybe, or 25, are barely acceptable and the Window's latencies that you get @01_1995are basically unacceptable. And I can tell you that that's only the built-in audio hardware on those devices. I have seen Windows boxes get very little latency by professional audio hardware you put on it. @01_2010So if you're a real gear-head and want to buy the gear, you can gear your way out of the problem. Although you can also just take this, plug it into your machine, and turn it into Linux, @01_2025which is what I would do. [tone sounds] Sorry to belabor all this, but this is important because you have like eight days, nine days to get this all happening and be turning in homework. So I want to make @01_2040this as painless as humanly possible. Questions about all this? I know I've forgotten things. Yeah? Student: So what you're telling me is that the latency... Which one's the latency? Like between Windows and Mac, is it the @01_2055hardware on there or the processing speed? Miller: No, it's certainly not the hardware because you can fix the problems by loading Linux on the same hardware. @01_2070I can't even generalize and tell you something that's really true in every possible case, but in some sense the audio... Well, audio systems consist of layers of stuff on top of stuff-- the driver and the @01_2085API and the Pd itself -- and they all have various amounts of buffering they do, buffering meaning the amount of memory that they allocate in order to deal with being on time with everything. So when you write something to a computer's audio output, you don't @01_2100just write the next sample that has to go out. You write several or many milliseconds in advance so that the audio hardware can be throwing them out while you're off thinking about email or something. So that then, when you get back to writing a sample, you're still ahead of what it's doing. @01_2115So there is a first in/first out buffer sitting in your audio output driver. It's throwing stuff out here, and you're preparing stuff for it to throw out, and you're staying ahead. But you're stopping every @01_2130once in a while because the OS is not treating you right and it is still reading. If it reads something before you wrote it, then you will hear bad noise. In fact you'll exactly this kind of bad sound now. [tone sounds] In general, you'll hear this sort of bad noise I'm just giving you. @01_2145This is a paradigmatic sound. So why would one @01_2160operating system or one audio application program interface require more buffering than another? You have make enough buffering to deal with whatever your operating system can do for you, in terms of calling you @01_2175back in short periods of time, and that is from the OS. But also, different writers of audio software are sometimes more or less conservative in the way they design these things. So in truth, Windows is overdesigned. @01_2190It could be a great deal racier, maybe one time in a million, fail. They can't fail one time in a million because they'll get phone calls. So they just make the buffer real long so the phone doesn't ring. @01_2205So, there's that. Now I can start doing stuff, I think. Are there questions before I actually start doing stuff? @01_2220So do, please, before Thursday, get this downloaded and running so that you're not discovering that you can't do your homework next weekend or something. So next thing is this, what is this thing good for? @01_2235So what I am going to do is make a patch that makes a sound. Then I'm going to go back and do some theory, simply because I think it might be better to @01_2250see the thing happen first and hear the theory afterwards. So what I am doing also is I'm simultaneously surreptitiously teaching you how to use pure data. The real content, of course, isn't Pure Data. It's the technique of @01_2265audio synthesis processing and analysis, which in fact you could do in software packages other than Pd. If you want to know about lots of possible software packages, I know them all. I can tell you all sorts of stuff you can do @01_2280with a computer, in some other context. I am going to just select a ridiculous font to start with. The basic thing you do is you put @01_2295stuff on the screen so there's this nice menu I can click. What I am going to do today is going to be limited to two kinds of things that you can put down. One is going to be objects. Of course, that really means 200 different things because I have to type in @01_2310what kind of objects they're going to be. So that's going to be where I live most of the time. The other thing is I'm going to need a button later on. So first off, I'm going to make an object. It shows up and I can... OK. @01_2325Here's the thing. This has a dotted outline that says that there's nobody in there right now. In fact, if I tell it, let's be some object that doesn't exist, it'll still say, "Nah, there's nobody there." In fact, it even got mad at me. @01_2340Now I'll just ask it to do something it knows how to do. There's an oscillator, and oscillators take as an argument... Yeah. @01_2355So I'm going to ask it to play A. So you've had musical acoustics and you all know that 440 hertz is A above middle C, right? That's one of those physical constants, like the speed of light, that people just don't touch. You just have that. @01_2370Now we're going to say what amplitude we want. So I'm going to put in another object. I'm doing this in the slow way now. I'll show you the fast way later. Put another object and put it down here. Then I'm going to type @01_2385 "times tilde," I should say, and ask it, let's only be a tenth of a hold for the blast sine wave. OK. I'm going to crack the book in a moment and show you in waveforms what we're talking about here. But for @01_2400right now just talking over this, this is putting out a full blast 440 hertz sine wave. By the way, you might know this intuitively, but these things are inputs up here and @01_2415this is an output. I'm going to hook the output of the oscillator to the input of times 0.1. What that is going to do is it's going to take the amplitude of this and reduce it from full blast to a tenth of full blast. What's full @01_2430blast? 100. Then I'm going to say put another object and this one is going to be -- this is kind of not well named -- it's going to be the "digital analogue convertor." That's the @01_2445person in your computer who takes those numbers and turns them into voltages. Now I'm going to say... [tone sounds] Oh, wow, it just worked. @01_2460Take the output of this thing and put it into speakers. That's to say make it available to the audio output of my computer, which by the way is connected to the speaker. Now how do I make it shut up? @01_2475There's this control here which says whether you're computing DSP or not. DSP, I don't know if that's a good name, is "digital signal processing," and that turns the network on and off. @01_2490That's the fastest way to get silence if something's happening too loud. That's important so there's a key accelerator: The slash turns it on and period turns it off. Oh, command slash is on and command period @01_2505is off, which you can think of as mute. It's not really mute, but you can think of it that way for now. All right. Now the other thing that I should have mentioned is that when you start Pd, @01_2520this thing is turned off. The reason it was on just now is not because I surreptitiously turned it on, but because the test tones, which I've already had out, automatically turns the DSP on so that it can make noise. @01_2535As a result, I was using the fact that DSP was still running, even though I'd closed the test tone. So this thing stays on regardless of whether I have the patches open or shut. I can close this patch and it won't change the status of whether DSP was @01_2550running or not. So this is more software. No, this is half software and half theory now. DSP running, what that means is every object whose @01_2565name ends in a tilde, if DSP is running, is computing 44,100 numbers per second. Or a number of numbers per second equal to the sample rate, I should say. @01_2580But 44K1 in and out. What that means is that when this is turned on, this output contains a stream of numbers, one every 44,100th of a second. @01_2595Let's say one every 22 microseconds. All right. And furthermore, each of one these things is doing that. It's using all of its inputs. It's receiving inputs at the same rate. If nothing is connected to one of these inputs, the input is... @01_2610All right, that's a complexity. If nothing is coming to an input that expects audio, the input is zero. I'm going to have to repeat in @01_2625several different ways distinctions between these streams of audio and things which happen sporadically, which sometimes we call "control" or "not audio." But what you're seeing right @01_2640now is connections between the audio output of the oscillator and the audio input. And what you have to know is this input expects audio and this input expects not audio. It expects messages, which I will tell you about later. @01_2655All right. So this network is -- I should say, these connections are like carrying numbers when it's turned on and they're not carrying numbers when it's turned off. @01_2670This input actually does expect an audio. It expects this audio signal. For instance, if I have this on I can break this. To cut a connection, select the connection, which turns it blue, @01_2685then hit command X. So if you want to try the other output, do that, or both. You can have fan out if you want. @01_2700While we're at it, you can have fan in. What's the interval between this frequency and that frequency? Any takers? What's the ratio @01_2715between those two numbers? Three to two. And that's what interval on the piano or musical scale? Yes, a fifth. [tone sounds] Ta-da, mathematics @01_2730turned into music! So the reason I did that was not to tell you what a fifth was, but just to show that you can hook two people into an audio input and it will just add them for you. Over here, @01_2745here's another thing you can do to demonstrate psychoacoustics effects. [tone sounds] All right, so I'm going to shut this up and talk a little bit more. @01_2760Is this all clear, what I've done so far? To do this, basically you do what you do with a computer, which is you sort of flail with stuff and find out what it does. But let me do a little bit of the flailing for you @01_2775so that you can expect things to happen when they do. The most confusing thing that will happen is this. You will reach to move something, like this, and it will move. @01_2790And you will be happy. Then you will release it and then you will click it again. Then you won't be able to move it anymore. It won't move. Now I'm editing the text. @01_2805What do you do? Well, if you're in this state, which is editing the text, and if you want to move the thing, deselect it and then move it. This is second nature to me, but everyone has to do this the first time @01_2820and it will confuse you for a second. So you can immediately move something that's not selected, but when you select something, when you release the mouse, the text is selected for you to edit the text, which is more than likely what you're going to want to be doing. But in case you really just wanted to move the thing, @01_2835then you have to deselect it so that you can move it after you deselect it. Also, you can select something by clicking on it, which selects the text, or you can select something as part of a region, @01_2850and that doesn't select the text. That just selects the objects. Then you can move things. Am I going too slow? Yeah. All right. @01_2865OK. So also, you can select a single thing as a group using the group selector thing, and again, it just selects the object. OK. Next thing @01_2880is this. I want to show you what this actually really is, and to do that I have to introduce two new objects. While I'm at it, I'm going to tell you there is, of course, a key-accelerator for putting an object @01_2895and it's "command-1", and then I can say "print." This is object number four. So I believe in the first week you're going to see about 10 kinds of objects. What I try to do is limit it to @01_2910five a day. First day is going to be iffy because we're already up to four. But theoretically, we will not be learning lots of objects all at once, but they will be coming out at a steady rate. So right now, we've seen the oscillator, OSC tilde, @01_2925we've seen the multiplier, we've seen the output, and now we've seen print tilde. What I'm going to do is I'm going to show you what the oscillator is doing by hooking it up to the print. Now logically, the first thing that you @01_2940would expect this to do would be to print out 44,100 numbers a second, but it turns out that that would choke any computer in the world to try to print that stuff. Plus you wouldn't want to see it. So instead of doing that, what it does is it waits until you tell it to please print the next @01_2955glob of data, and it prints it globs at a time. So now what we're going to do is we're going to put the bang under it, which is a button. Oh, let me do that slower. So put, I've been putting objects, but I'm going to put this thing down now. @01_2970 And it is a thing which... And now I have to let out more of the truth. OK. I'm being very careful, trying to let out bits of truth very slowly. So see now that this line that I connected is only one pixel wide, @01_2985 instead of two pixels wide, where this one is. In other words, these are nice dark lines here, but this is a lighter line. That is to tell you that this is not carrying an audio signal, but is @01_3000for control. It's for sending messages. Messages are things which happen at specific times, as opposed to signals or audio signals, which are happening continuously. The message that this thing @01_3015sends out is: Every time you click on it, out comes a message. The message just tells it to do their thing. In this case, it says do you print, please? @01_3030What has happened? Oh, because I have this turned off. Now I'm going to turn it on. [tone sounds] And now it prints out. Every time I whack it, it prints out a new collection of data. [tone sounds] @01_3045So print tilde's job is every time you ask it to, it will print you out the next block of data. @01_3060So there's built-in knowledge about what Pd is doing here, which is that Pd doesn't actually really just compute one audio sample at a time. It computes them in batches of, by default, 64 samples. @01_3075And let's see if we can get this thing shut off. It should make a nice space with these numbers printed out. So this is 64 consecutive numbers of a sinusoid, which is to say, @01_3090a sine wave, which is the thing coming out of OSC tilde. This is basically the first and most truthful tool at your disposal for finding out what's going on inside of @01_3105a patch that's doing audio. It's clunky and stupid, because this amounts to about 1.45 milliseconds of sound. So looking at this wouldn't actually tell you much @01_3120about what really is coming down in there. But if you tried to see it, it would be too much data. Anyway, you can see that good things are true about this thing. What's the maximum amplitude? It's about one. @01_3135Here's an almost one right there. So what you're looking at is just numbers, but if you graphed them you would see a rising and falling part of a sinusoid. Now let me get you to the book and show you what this is @01_3150in a picture. You can make Pd make pictures, but I don't want to teach you how to do that yet because there's too much detail involved. So I'm just going to provide data off of them . @01_3165Where was I? Don't want to do that. I want to do this. Yeah. All right, good. OK. So I told you there's a textbook. This is the textbook. You can buy this if you want to spend, I think it's $79, @01_3180and they did a good job of printing it. But you don't need to buy it because you can just look at it on the web, which is more convenient. But if you want to read it in a hammock, you can buy it. You can spend $80 and buy the thing, or print it out. @01_3195But don't tell them I told you to print it out. I'm skipping some stuff, which maybe I should go back to, but here's a picture of what a digitized audio sample looks like in graph language. @01_3210There are two pictures here because this is what you want, in some sense. What you want to make the speaker cone do is to move like that. The speaker cones live in continuous time wher time isn't split up into @01_3225trenches of 22 microseconds a hit. So the computer's representation of this, however, is split up into screen time and therefore if you graph it, it would look something like that. This audio signal has a @01_3240frequency and an amplitude. This is in fact exactly what would come out if you gave the appropriate frequency to an OSC tilde object. It varies between positive one and negative one. That @01_3255has no units. That's an arbitrary scale. But I should tell you that if you put something that's more than one or less than minus one at your audio output, that's to say if you feed @01_3270something that's out of that range to DAC tilde, then your computer will not be able to play it correctly. It will click. So this is the full audio range of your computer's audio output. How does Pd know that? Pd just asks @01_3285the computer, what range do you want to feed your DAC in? And it normalizes that to one. All right. The frequency that you would do this at is manifested in how many of these samples @01_3300it takes for the thing to make an entire cycle. This is all acoustics, right? In fact, what this is if you give it an equation is one of these things. @01_3315It's an amplitude times the cosine -- you could use sine, but I'm using cosine here -- of the frequency times the sample number plus a phase. So if you take one of these things and graph it, you will see @01_3330something like what you saw graphed down there. Furthermore, you can change the numbers a, which is the amplitude, or omega, which is the frequency, or phi, which is the initial phase, and you can change the way that it looks @01_3345in one way or another. n is the sample number, and that is the horizontal axis here. I'm insulting your intelligence here. @01_3360This is all it is though. All you do is you do this and say we'll change that equation and we get all confused. I've done this for 30 years and it never gets old. So what is omega here? @01_3375Well omega was enough so that after 20 samples the thing comes around and cycles. So omega is two pi over 20. Omega is the frequency out there. @01_3390So N is the number of the sample and this is the thing which controls the frequency, but it's the physical frequency of the thing as an array of numbers. It's not a heard frequency, and you can convert that @01_3405to the frequency-frequency by a simple formula. The frequency you hear is the omega, is the angular frequency is what that's called. @01_3420Time and sample rate divided by two pi, and that's how you make a sinusoid. So if you want it to be louder, change A. Or -- and here's why, @01_3435for this I have to go back to the patch -- if someone gives you a sinusoid and if you want to change its amplitude, all you have to do is multiply it by the ratio of the two amplitudes. That is, multiply it by the gain you want, gain meaning the difference between the two amplitudes. @01_3450So what that means is what is coming out of this equation, what's coming out of this oscillator right now. @01_3465Omega is two pi times 440 divided by 44,100, whatever that number is, and @01_3480A is one. The amplitude of the output of this thing is one. So what this is really putting out is the cosine of omega times the n, and forget the phase for now. Time is just passing and we don't know what the phase is right now. @01_3495But if we want to change this amplitude, if I gave you just cosine of omega, if you said, "No, I want 0.1 times the cosine of omega," in other words, I want something with an amplitude of 0.1 instead of one, then @01_3510the solution is to multiply the thing by 0.1. That multiplies it this way. It changes the amplitude. It doesn't do this. That would be... Yeah? Student: So if you were in your print command, @01_3525like your oscillators, then just having them separate, would that, instead of going all the way to one and down to negative one, would it just go up to 0.1 and down to negative 0.1? Miller: Yeah. Thank you, because I actually meant to do that but didn't. So I think what you're asking is, @01_3540"What if I just print the output of this?" Right? Student: Right. Miller: Yeah. OK, good. So it'll do that, and I forgot to turn... Oh, so nothing happened because the audio is turned off. So I'll turn audio on and it will say, "Oh, I need @01_3555to print something." [tone sounds] Yeah, there. Now what we see is kind of ugly. I'm sorry the spaces aren't worked right. But what you see is something that's going up to about 0.1. It is 0.9998, instead of one. So these numbers @01_3570are these numbers divided by 10. Except that I asked it a different time and so actually they are like them but they're not exactly the same as those divided by 10, some of the phase. All right? @01_3585Is that all clear? OK. Now without anything besides those things, @01_3600what have we got? We'll do those two. @01_3615I'm going to raise the total count of objects to five, but not in a very interesting way. I just need an adder. @01_3630Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to take the oscillator and have it be zero plus 440. Let me check if that gives us the same thing. Yeah. There's zero coming in here and we're adding @01_3645440 to it, so it comes out here as 440 volts, if this were an analog synthesizer, 440 volt signal. The oscillator then is giving us a signal that's plus or minus one volt, but it's changing 440 times a second. @01_3660The reason I did that is so that I can do this, take another oscillator, or get another oscillator. Oh, I'm doing this without telling you what I'm doing. I'm selecting this object without selecting the text and I'm hitting command D, which duplicates it. @01_3675It duplicates it and leaves it selected without the text selected, so that's very convenient for me to move it. This one I'm going to say six. And by the way, the machine duplicated it, too. @01_3690Look at this from a different perspective. Come on. Yeah, by the way, let's multiply that by something. No, let's not yet. Let's just leave it. @01_3705See what we get. Anyone want to guess what this is going to sound like? All right, I'll show you. [tone sounds] @01_3720So it's the oscillator on that. Oh, I can just connect it and show you. There is the sinusoid and here is the sinusoid. Its frequency is changing @01_3735once a second. It's going up to... OK, so here's an oscillator and it's going at six cycles per second, and what's its amplitude? Student: One. Miller: One, right. OK. @01_3750So then when we add 440, out comes not the 440 volts, but a varying voltage which varies from 339 to 441. That variation repeats six times @01_3765per second because this thing is happening at six cycles per second. But in fact, to make this an easier thing to hear, I will say let's multiply that @01_3780by five. This can be ugly, but we're going to do it. This will be quite audible. [tone sounds] Not quite as ugly as I want it to be. So now we're varying @01_3795between 435 and 445 hertz. Now of course, since it's a computer, you can tell it to do anything you want. [tone sounds] @01_3810It sounds like it's doing two pitches at once, to me anyway. But I'm in a weird place because I'm getting an echo from the speaker sounding. OK, let's do this. [tone sounds] Or, no... [tone sounds] @01_3825OK, let's not do that. So it's a computer, it'll do anything you tell it to, if it was a good idea or not. It doesn't matter to it. @01_3840And furthermore, it won't hurt you because what comes out won't be more than outside the range of the DAC. So as long as you don't crank your stereo or your headphones, you won't injure yourself doing this. @01_3855I think that what's going on here is it changes its speed to vibrato. I need it more to make this obvious. Right. I'm sorry, this is ugly now. So this is just how fast @01_3870it's going, once per second, twice per second and so on. You know what I didn't tell you? When you start typing in an object like this, it doesn't immediately change it to the new object. It @01_3885only does that when you click off of it to deselect the text. And furthermore, if you do something bad like this and then it would say, oh, @01_3900I couldn't create that. Then it prints the dotted line to tell me the object would be bad. But it kept the connection so that I don't have to remake a connection when I fix the problem. The problem here is that OSC tilde has a name that only @01_3915works when there's no space in its interior. For those of you who are computer scientists, space is "the delimiter." That is essentially the only delimiter that you have to deal with. @01_3930So don't try to make an object if its name has a space in it. Student: So just a question about the setup. So the amplitude for the OSC tilde is one, right? Miller: Right. Student: @01_3945And we times it by 30. Miller: Right. Student: So that makes the amplitude for the 440 between 410 and 470. Is that right? Miller: Right, and that's changing three times a second. Then that's becoming the frequency for the oscillator. @01_3960I didn't tell you something important. Frequently, objects will give you the choice of specifying their input or connecting to their input to set it. Here I've said "oscillator" which means @01_3975we're just going to take a signal and specify what our frequency's going to be. [tone sounds] But here I'm saying "oscillator" but I know what the frequency is. It's three, so I'm just going to keep it on. There's another way in too, which is that you can change these in messages, but I'm not @01_3990going to try to tell you that. Student: Is there a map of all the names of the objects that we learned? Miller: If you really want to see it, you say "Help." Right-click on it and you @01_4005can get help and help within a patch, which tells you everything you want to know about it. OK, so that was help. @01_4020So if you want to have multiplier help, you do that. Then if you right-click on the canvas and say help -- the canvas meaning the document but not @01_4035any of the objects in the document -- then you will get this lovely patch that someone else made. It will tell you everything in this very carefully organized order. But this will only be the first 200 objects, @01_4050which are the ones that you get before you get Pd Extended. More than one... [laughter] That's funny. @01_4065I didn't see any specific examples but I'm just about sure that there are two copies of this thing here. Never mind, I'm sorry. There really is @01_4080this much stuff. Well, sorry, it's just what it is. Maybe there are more than 200 objects now. So that will tell you everything that you might need to know. If we're doing @01_409510 a week, at the end of the 10 weeks you'll know 100 of those objects. You don't need to know them all. I know them all, but you're not me. [laughter] @01_4110Basically, with about 100 of them, you can do a whole lot of stuff. And then there will be an occasional thing that you can't do with those 100 that will require that you find another one out and thereabouts. So what happens is that there will be a period @01_4125of intense learning objects, like 10 a week. After a while, you won't need 10 new objects, there won't be any more and things will calm down. Other questions? Yeah. Student: How do you get the print thing to work again? Miller: @01_4140OK. So oh, yeah, there's a thing I didn't tell you, which is fundamental. The patch can be in two different... Sorry. The interface of the patch can be in two different states, which are sometimes @01_4155called "run mode" or "edit mode." If I try to click this thing now, I'm just editing the patch, and that doesn't click on it. It just moved it, right? So what I have to do is put myself @01_4170into run mode, which I do here. Let's get out of edit mode. Now edit mode is no longer... Whoops! [laughter] It is still on. [tone sounds] [laughter] Miller: OK. Well, this is version 43. @01_4185You tend to get what you pay for. [laughter] Anyway, the indication is what the cursor looks like. So right now what you see is an arrow. And if I do that again, you will see an arrow again. [laughter] Like now. Now it's just being happy. [laughter] All right. @01_4200You cannot get out of edit mode. [laughter] That's cool. OK, well, I'm expecting to see stuff like this because we're in pre-release. Student: Does the shortcut work, Apple-E? Miller: @01_4215Oh, the shortcut works great. So the shortcut, you just hit DSP, command E, or Apple E. And then it goes back and forth between modes, except that this is a thing that Hans has driven, and just torn hair out of his head over it. @01_4230You don't actually see the new state until you move the cursor. Because some smart person at Apple thought you would never have the cursor change unless you reached it, unless you changed wherever the cursor is. So what you have to do is change @01_4245the mode, but then you have to jiggle the cursor to see that you are in the other mode. Isn't that horrible? That's only on Macintosh, so only 80 percent of you are going to have this trouble like we're having today. [laughter] Student: 90 percent. Miller: OK. So anyway, @01_4260we're just moving to make sure this is what you think it is. When you're in the run mode, which is not edit mode, you can click this thing and get it to do its thing. And of course, sorry, we also have to turn on audio. [tone sounds] @01_4275Of course, there's a reason why I'm not on audio. Let's see. Let's just do this. So now we can turn the thing on but not hear it. Now we're running so I can do this. But if I can get @01_4290back into edit mode, like this, then I can click it all I want. Although, sometimes you can hold the command key down and click it. And it will say, it's as if you were in run mode. @01_4305So the command key operates as a sort of shift into run mode thing, if you can remember that. I never remember it, so I just toggle the mode. Other questions? Did that answer yours? Student: Yes. Miller: @01_4320OK. Yeah? Student: I just want to make sure I understand print and DAC tilde. Print within run mode, when you click it, it creates a graphical mathematical representation of that patch, is that right? Miller: @01_4335Well, not even graphical. It just prints the numbers out. Student: All right. And then the DAC tilde, then the time is...? Miller: OK, so the DAC tilde, that takes whatever the signal is... [tone sounds] ...and puts it there. So it @01_4350causes it to appear as an audio output. So this is, print the values out so I can see them, and this is, play them so I can hear them. Student: Is that abbreviated for something? Miller: DAC? It's "digital-to-analog converter," and that @01_4365used to be what people called it. There actually is a DAC in your machine, but people never seem to use that term anymore. So, yeah. Yeah? Student: It only prints the first 64 though, right? Miller: It only prints the next 64, until you whack it. @01_4380Of course, if you really wanted to... No, never mind. I could ask it to print more. Yeah? Student: Do you have a limit in the inputs and outputs? Miller: You mean as to amplitude @01_4395or the number of inputs or....? Student: Just how many things you can enter. Miller: Oh, no. Student: You can have more inputs than objects? Miller: Yeah. Oh, wait. Add more than just an object, meaning... I think what your question was, was how many other things could I run into this... Student: Right. Miller: ...into these fixed objects. @01_4410But I can do that and you'd never have to stop. But could I make the object itself have more inputs? Each object has its own schematics about what its inputs and outputs mean. Some of them actually do have variable numbers, but you won't see those for a couple of weeks. @01_4425Other questions? These are good questions, by the way. Yeah? Student: You said that the right input was an input for messages? So if you try to put an input, like with an audio, to that, it won't work? Miller: Yeah. Student: @01_4440You have to keep it to the left. Miller: Yeah. So for these particular objects, the right input is... Yeah, OK. So we'll get there, because there'll be other things where there will be more than one audio input. @01_4455Sometimes you'll want to multiply two audio signals or something like that. And I'd be scared to tell you that right now. I'll tell you about that on Thursday. Student: Is this only one channel right now? Like, left only? Miller: I've only been using the left side, mostly. When I'm working @01_4470at home, I use both sides... [tone sounds] ...because it irritates me to hear every sound out of just one side of the thing. You know, it's just what you like. Yeah? Student: So there's no spaces unless you put a number in there? @01_4485You just have the space to put the number. Miller: Right. Student: Because otherwise you just get the domino effect. Miller: Right. Yeah. One way I can have it fail is to add a space right in one. So I'd be looking for an object named OSC and I didn't see one. @01_4500The other thing I could do wrong would be to not put a space there and so it would look for an object named "OSC tilde three" which doesn't exist. Student: Are there any defaults if you don't put a number in there? Miller: Yeah, zero. [laughter] @01_4515You can add zero to something, you could multiply by zero. But if you don't fill that number in, then the other inlet becomes an audio inlet. @01_4530Then you can run an audio signal in there instead. I wasn't going to tell you that. If I just want to just multiply by something else, then I just don't say what multiplies by this thing @01_4545and then it becomes an audio input. Then you can be multiplying two of the audio signals. That's really for next time, but that's the thing you would do. Yeah? Student: @01_4560I have a question. Why does the print object not have two inlets? Why are you going just inlets down this way to the right? Miller: Yeah, isn't that stupid? OK. So @01_4575inputs to objects can have various functionalities, and one of the particular things that you can send an input is an audio signal. But there are other things you can send as an audio signal input as well. Of course if a thing had @01_4590two different audio signal inputs, then we'd have to have two different inlets in order to be able to disambiguate them. But if it takes two things that are different, like the message in an audio signal, then you get away with these in the same inlet. If there was less @01_4605clutter on the screen, you'd just combine them. That's the simple answer. Other questions? All right. Go look at the homework assignment. I don't know if my machine is going to be able to play it. @01_4620But it's going to be to do this. [tone sounds] Firefox... I don't know if I bookmarked it. [tone sounds] And somewhere down here... You get @01_4635your assignment here, which is to do this. Now I don't know if this is going to play correctly, so... [tone sounds] It's lame. All it is, @01_4650is just a musical fourth that gets louder and softer. It's checking whether you can control amplitudes and frequencies, and understand the difference between them. And it's checking whether you can actually get around the oscillator, and the multiplier, and the adder. @01_4665Basically what this amounts to is understanding oscillators, frequencies and amplitudes -- and being able to kick Pd on -- which is probably going to be the hard part. Student: @01_4680When we turn in homework we'll be turning in all of this? Miller: Oh. To turn the homework in, just upload the patch you made. And I will give you more details about how the patch should act in order to conserve the TA's sanity. @01_4695There should be a clear way to turn it on, that sort of thing. But more about that next time. *** MUS171 #02 01 06 Miller: This is the stuff that's in store for today.(Indicating the pd patch on the screen.) What I want to do is several things at once. I need you to just look at the practical aspects of running and surviving .pd. How many of you are trying to run pd and not succeeding? Three. OK. One of you emailed me, I forgot who, and didn't have - four - didn't have sound coming out. Student: I figured that out. Miller: Oh. OK. Student: It was weird. It didn't show me any numbers though with the outputs. But when I did the test tone after a little bit of a restart on the computer, it came up. It was kind of strange. Miller: Something like that's been happening to me today, it hasn't happened before, which is that I had to try twice to get it to run. Student: I use the version 43 instead of 42 because that looks more familiar from the one we looked at in class. Miller: I think I'm running 42 right now. I'll tell you one thing that doesn't work in 43 in case you run the 43. This is something I still can't figure out how to fix. Anyone else for whom it's not working, can you tell me what symptoms you're getting? Student: It wouldn't allow me to put in objects. Miller: It wouldn't allow you to put in objects? Student: On the clip menu everything was greyed out. Miller: Maybe you're looking at .pd's window here and trying to do put, and for that you need to be actually talking to a real document. I didn't actually say this but this is pd's print-out window (which exists mostly when pd is actually runnng.) You can have this but it won't be doing anything until you have some number of patches open, and you can have one or more patches open and they're all running, all at the same time. Furthermore, they can talk to each other, so you should be aware of that possibility. Other problems? Student: I can get single sign-wave to play. When I try to put in another oscillator I have to get crazy. I can clip and then it's just gone. Miller: I think I might know what happened to you and that's something that I'm going to try and address today. It could be that what they're doing was numerically outside of the range of the possible values that you can convert, and there were ways that you could do that that would cause it to make silence. And that's a "gotcha" that I want to try to help you avoid today if I can succeed. Other issues? Student: I'm just having problems downloading pd on my computer. Miller: PC? Student: Yeah. PC. Miller: I got a PC today and I'm not sure if I'll have the same problems as you, but if you see me doing something that you're not doing, that might help. Otherwise, see me after class today. Student: Do you know when a 64-bit version of pd is compiled for Ubuntu? Miller: Ubuntu? The last I heard, someone had a machine and they were going to compile it on but no one knew when it was really going to work. You might have to compile it yourself. OK, so, next matter. I have another thing to sort of just check off which is, in class didn't exist as far as WebCT was concerned on Tuesday, but that should be fixed now. Is it decently clear how you would upload assignments? I have one slight comment to make which is that it's possible to get confused downloading patches on the web. I actually don't know if I'm on the network, so I don't know if I can show you this, but I can tell you this: If you see a patch on the web such as, for instance, the patch that I saved from Tuesday which is on the website for the course. You could click it and it will download you a nice patch, or you can click it and you will see this bizarre text in your browser. If you click and see the text in your browser that's because pd patches are, in fact, text files, and if your browser sees that it's text, it might just decide to show you the text instead of saving it to another file. This is not a problem. Just save it as a file anyway and make sure it ends in ".pd" and then tell your computer the ".pd" things are your puredata documents -- and then you're happy again. Iregularly get e-mail "I tried to download this patch and I just saw gibberish on my screen." OK; patches are gibberish and you just saw your patch. If you're curious, by the way, you get to look and see what patches are. They're just text files and they just have gibberish in them that describes how you can make a patch. And, furthermore, those of you who get too excitable too late at night, if you learn what those messages are you can generate those messages from pd and you can make patches that build themselves. I'm not going to show you how to do that, though. I'll have to figure that out, or, everyone on the web is doing it. Just so I can shut this window down, I'm going to put this up as a sort of review for today. What I want to show you now are two other objects ... Wait, I forgot something. I actually gave you six objects last time because there was also the push-button. This is my resume from last time and what we're doing this time is another control which is a number box. It suddenly means now that you can make wonderful analog synthesis type sounds. Arrays which are graphs which you can do this with. These things are functional objects which I will grab and use as needed as we get through today's stuff. Today's stuff is mostly going to be figuring out what went wrong with the last time. So now what I'm going to do is, watch this, it's ctl-alt-backspace, that is equivalent of, "save as." I am going to give myself a new file name so that I can make a new check point. This will be built and I will try it, I will try to save these things before I erase major portions so that you can see, in a progression, what happened as we went through a day. Now, review, let me just make the patches that last time very quickly and show you how you can see what they're doing and then go on from there. So oscillator 440 Hertz please, and then I will say, oh... If you have an object selected and if you hit the key accelerator for making a new object, it doesn't just make a new object but it makes a new object and connects it the previous one. It doesn't matter to you now, but late at night when your make hundreds, and hundreds of objects. You will get to like this feature, most people like it. You're going to multiply by 0.1, a tenth, and then I am going to send this out to the digital analog converter. [tone] Miller: I am going to turn the beep off, this is the cooler "hello world" hash. Now, what I am going to do, is show you not just how to print stuff but how to grab it. To print stuff, which is from last time is a print object, which is a print-tilde by the way, because it prints with a single input. Now, I am going to talk to this 0.1 thing and then I am going to make it a push button. This is the thing that I forgot to tell you first the first seventy minutes of the other class. It is that you're not going to get very far just trying to click this button like this because I am in edit mode and I want to get into run mode, and then I can click it and have stuff happen. Except, nothing happens because DSP is off. These are the numbers correspond to one 64-sample buffer of digital sound and my apology about the horrible format. Now, another thing that you might wish to be able to do is see it, as in a oscilloscope or as in a sound editor. I am going to introduce that because I am going to be using it to go back and make sure everyone understands about amplitudes, frequencies and modulation again. Even what the word modulation means, so to do that ... (New materials start now.) There is a wonderful object, called an "array" which you can get down here. (on the menu). This is unfortunate, there is a thing (also on the menu) called "graph" which is a rectangle that you can throw arrays inside. This is a array which is the thing you throw inside the rectangle, which more like the thing that you want, because "graph" will just give you a empty rectangle and idea how to stick an array inside it. (Well, there are ways; I am not going to tell you yet.) So ... get an array like this. -- And it immediately says "I want to know all this nonsense about the array." The important nonsense is, "What is its name going to be?" I am not going to tell you yet all about pd's naming -- how pd treats names is a subject all to itself. But, I am just going to use a name for now. In fact "array1" sounds good to me right now. And a size: this is the number of points that the array is going to have, so that number would be, for instance, at our sample rate if I want a whole second of sound I would have to ask for 44,100 points here. As a general thing, pd doesn't know much about sound. It does know that a second of sound require say 44k1 points == anyway that number could change because the sample rate of the computer might change while pd is running. It doesn't make sense to ask for a array to hold a second of sound. So, you have to go on and tell it numerically how much sound you want in the array. In the same spirit, that you had to tell the oscillator how many cycles per second it had to vibrate in order to make you a nice A440. Well, what I call A440 is just a concert A4. So here I don't want 44,100 points, I want a 1,000 points just for now. This is aesthetics but I prefer points to polygons. "Polygons" means it draws little segments between the points, and points means it just draws the points. So I am going to choose "points" because it's me and that is my preference. And I am going to say "OK." And it says OK and it draws me a thing. So, I am not in edit mode, so lets get in edit mode and look around. It says "Hi my name is array one and my values are all zero" By default these values range from -1 to 1, which the same range as audio is, which is a good thing. For instance it is a good thing because I can now use that to graph what's coming out of this network and show you what it looks like as an audio signal. Let me do it wrong again, in the same way as I did the other thing wrong. I am going to need another push button and I am going to need an object whose name is "tabwrite~." That's an ugly name but it fits in a series with a bunch of other names so it has to be named the way it is. Then I am going to say "What table," that's to say array we are going to write to. Nomenclature: in computer music arrays were called tables, this has been true since 1958 and there is confusion in pd as to whether something should be called a table to be true to its computer music roots or to be called array which is what the thing really is, which is just bunch of things all the same type. The name kind of flops, back and forth, between things that say table or tabwrite~ and a things that say "array." I apologize -- you never know what's going to happen if you develop something for 20 years. Now, I am going to listen to this thing by connecting it here. Notice again, as I mentioned last time: These are skinny wires that hold or carry messages and these are fat wires which carry signals -- and those are different animals: Signals are happening all the time, and messages are happening only sporadically. Now I'm going to click this forgetting that I have to lock the patch. So I'll lock the patch, then I'll click it, and nothing happens. Why? Student: DSP is off. Miller: DSP is off! Go up here, turn on DSP. That's why I left this thing on the screen. Then, ta-da -- [tone] We are looking at the network output . OK, so now DSP is off but we just wrote into the array. In the same spirit as for the print~ object, this thing has an audio input but what it does is something that it does sporadically, that's to say when you want it to do it. You have to send it a message ("trigger," if you like) to say "do your thing." "Doing your thing" amounts to commencing to record the audio signal that is coming in and continuing to record until you reach the end of the array, at which point you stop. It doesn't loop around. You can make it loop around, but by default it just does it once. Student: What was the shortcut for DSP again? Miller: What? Student: What was the shortcut for turning it on? Miller: Oh, the shortcut for DSP. I don't even know if this is documented. Ctrl-slash turns DSP on [tones] and Ctrl-. turns it off. "ctrl-." is fairly standard Macintosh language, and the slash is just next to the dot. Yeah? Student: How did you get the array to look like that? Miller: To look like that? Student: Yeah, you did it by writing the top. When I turn my DSP on it didn't do that. Miller: Yes, OK. I did two things. One is, I clicked the tab, I clicked this button. I did that while I was out of edit mode. Student: Oh, OK. Miller: In fact if I do it again... Oh, nothing happened because DSP is still off. We'll turn DSP on. Student: OK. So I was just in edit mode. [tone] Miller: OK. With DSP on, each time I click it it'll make a new recording. You know what, I should really... It's all right. Do it the easy way. Yeah? Student: How do you edit array1? Miller: How do you edit array1 ... Student: if I want to change its size. Miller: Oh, I see, if you want to change the size. Right. OK. I was going to forget to say this and, by the way, this is very confusing. If you have more than a one button mouse, left click. If you have a Macintosh that only gives you one button, I think you command-click, or option-click. I forget. It gives you properties or open or help and do properties. Open means, "hi, I'm a sub-patch and I only contain this." [student laughter] Miller: That's good for other things. Properties is going to do this: It's going to give you (watch out) two windows because there really are two things here. There's the array, which is the squiggly line, and then there's the graph, which is the rectangle it's in. . So when I asked it to make an array, it made me an array and a graph and put the array in the graph. By the way, there's no intellectual content in any of this. This is just pd lore. So this is the array. This has to do with the points in there. Since there are thousands of them that I can ask it, oh, let's have 2,000 of them. Then I'll say "apply" here. It's going to be a little embarrassing because you can only have 1,000 good points and then the other 1,000 are now zeroed. It did have the decency to change the bounds of the graph so that the array still fits in it, but that's about all it did for us. Now I'll do back to 1,000, like that. "OK" means "apply then disappear." Then the other thing is--what's that graph thing doing? Just left, so let's start over. Oh, and I'm drawing a polygon ... OK, now let's get the properties back so we can see not just the arrays but the Canvas properties. Now, here we can say the X... OK, X and Y really mean the horizontal and vertical axis. X is going to range from zero to 1,000. That means this point here is point zero and this point here is actually 999 because there are 1,000 points. If I change that -- you don't need to remember this-- you get the following embarrassing result-- Your graph wants 2,000 points but the array only has 1,000 so it looks stupid. I could also say, oh, the range is only 700, say. Then we get... It doesn't do it. Oh, yes, because I'm running .43 and there's a bug, so we say "no." If the array doesn't fit in the graph... In .43 it doesn't draw it. That's bad, and it's going to take me hours to fix it because there's something subtle wrong there. If your thing isn't drawing, it's because it doesn't fit in the graph. My apologies. Go back to 42 if you really need to see it. Somehow I didn't realize that was running .43. OK, we're going to cancel this. Oh, except I'm going to do this: The Y range goes from 1 to -1. Isn't that ugly? That's because computers think numbers go up that way, whereas mathematicians think numbers go up that way, or graphs think numbers go up that way. You have to say, yeah, I could say it goes from minus one to one but everything would be upside down and it would be confusing. For right now I'm going to say we'll go from 2 to -2 so that you can see the thing drops in size because now this is 2 and that's -2. There are ways of getting the thing to show you what its bounds are but, let's leave it that way. I'm going to just leave it like this. Just to belabor a point, let me disconnect this so I can have DSP running and not listen to it. I just ask it to graph the output of the oscillator and not the output of the multiplier so you can see what a full blast oscillator looks like. Now recall, I have the graph -- that's the rectangle -- going from 2 to -2 . The signal, the oscillator signal, ranges in value from -1 to 1, which is full blast as far as the computer is concerned. You can make signals that are more than full blast. These numbers are all floating points, so you can have numbers that go up to 10^37 or something like that. Your speakers can't play those. And it's a good thing, because you would vaporize the planet if you could. [laughter] Miller: But as long as what goes out is between minus one and plus one, then your computer will, I hope, faithfully turn that into voltages that your earphones or your stereo can deal with. All right. Just for, hadn't got these things... OK, this is the moment I think perhaps, to save this patch and continue. Played it, and I'm going to save "3.signalrange.pd" as the range, the signal range. All right. I'm going to now show you what happens when you... Oh, I'm going to turn the volume down in the room before I do this. And I'm just going to play the oscillator full blast into the speaker, or in the mixer. But the mixer's volume is going to be down, so we won't lose our eardrums. And then, I'll show you what happens when you add another one, which will cause things to malfunction in a novel way, which actually, you might have already heard a couple times. So, let's see. I don't want this anymore. Don't want this anymore. And I'm going to turn the volume down. OK, then I'm going to connect this to this. Actually, what I should do is turn them off. [tone] Miller: It's too much for the mixer. You can hear already, there's not a clean sinusoid. But let's, we'll pretend it's a clean sinusoid because I'm about to make it even worse. [laughter] Miller: I'm going to say, "OK, that's good." And I also want to go and get 550, which is a perfect third above 440. First off, I'll get... [tone] Miller: OK, hear that? Now, ready, set... [tone] Miller: What happened? Student: Clipping. Miller: Clipped. Yeah, yeah, OK. There's some, those of you with digital audio experience know what's going on here. But I'll graph it for you to show you what's really happening at the level of the signal, and to do that I have to introduce the final object for the day, which is clip~. And this is a, one of those minority objects which, it just, sometimes you just need it. But those times are maybe only once a week or so. So here it is, click. This is the, clipping is, it's a term that... I don't know how old it is, but it certainly dates back to the old analog electronic days. It simply means what happens when signal goes out of the range of the audio device that is receiving it. So if the standard thing about clipping is you can hook an electric guitar up to an amplifier and overdrive the tubes. And if you overdrive the tube, well there is a maximum or minimum current the tube can put through. And beyond that, it just says, "Well, I'm clipped. I can't go any further, so I'm just going to stop right where I am." So it's like in this building, if you ask for floor minus one or floor four on the elevator, you won't get it. You only get floors one through three, because that's where the elevator goes. It's the same deal. So for instance, I'm going to clip between minus one and one, which is an exact imitation of what actually happens when the audio goes out of your computer, because the range of possibilities is minus one to one, and if it's out of the range, it is simply clipped to the range. And if I knew that, and if I for instance, add these two oscillators together... Oh, before I do that, sorry. Before I do that, I'm going to do this. Push that one, here we go. So here's the first thing. [tone] Miller: Oh, right. We're only listening to one of them, so let me play you both of them and show you both of... [second tone] Miller: So what's really happening is the periods of the two oscillators that we have are short. If each of them is fitting 20 or 25 cycles, then the thing... What you can see is that the thing itself is repeating at its much lower rate, which is in fact the, what is it now? It's the greatest common factor of those two frequencies, if you like, or the least common multiple of those two periods. OK? Or, now, finally, I'll show you what the computer... Let me show you. [tones stop] Miller: Or to show you what the computer really is playing, let's look at it this way. Rather than add it right into the tab where I will add the clipper and the tabwrite~, and then do that. Aha. Now, the signal that you saw before, even though, yeah. Even though the signal that you saw before was clearly periodic with this period, you didn't hear that period because in fact, in its internal structure, it really only had two components, each of which had a much shorter period, and your ear resolved those. It didn't hear, it didn't make a difference to... It just heard the individual harmonics; it couldn't fuse them, right? At least my ear couldn't. But if you clip it, you'd make that be no longer true. There's simply no possible way you can hear the signals having any period other than the period in this that it's got. Yeah? Student: How do you get the little toggle-light? Miller: These? Oh, this is not a toggle. This is a, this is the button which is called "bang." Oh, and if you go to toggle, you'll get another rectangular thing, but it's a toggle switch which goes on and off when you press it. That's related. All right? So this is clipping, and this is what your audio hardware does to you. Now, let me show you how you can make your life even worse. [laughter] Miller: I think this happened to one of you, but I'm not sure. I'm just operating on a guess now. So I'm going to say if you've got an oscillator like this... And now, I'm going to listen to my nice A440. [tone] Miller: And then I'm going to add another oscillator here. Ready? [tone] Miller: Oh, that's not what I wanted. Oh, yeah. I miscalculated. Add another one: Oops! What happened here ... is this: Let's see ... OK, so let me put in the, let me get that something into, yeah now we are clipping. Actually I can save some steps by just listening to the clip at the output. [tones] Miller: Now we get this, and this a problem because it is the sum of a sinusoid and another sinusoid that has zero frequency and zero phase, which means output is one volt... right? And the result is.... that half of the cycle is below 1 still - the half that was from zero to minus one is now going from 1 to 0, and the half that was going from 1 to 0 is now going from 2 to 1, and it's getting clipped. OK. In fact, when you learn how to control this, you can have a lot of fun because you can do this controllably and you can change the timbre of sounds by selectively clipping more or less of it, and this, for you electric guitarists, is the bias knob on your Ampeg amplifier thing [laughter] . Fender doesn't give you the bias knob, but the other manufacturers do. OK. Now I'm going to add another one. And what do you know? [laughter] Miller: The patient died, [tone] and the reason - worse - the reason why the patient dies is because now, the entire sinusoid here is above positive one, and so it got clipped to plus one, and so the result is a signal that you can't hear, you an only smell it, because it will melt your speaker. Speakers, theoretically will go down to zero Ohm's of DC and your stereo probably wouldn't do this to your speaker, but if it could, then you would have to call the fire department or something. All right, so this is [tone] this is how to make your life hard by making signals that are out of range, and, oops, that's interesting. And so, the first thing you hear is funny distortion, but you don't know whether the funny distortion is your patch, or whether it's just because your earphones are bad or something like that, and then when the signal goes away all together, then you still don't know which it is, but it's very possibly that it might be this. It might be a good idea to equip yourself with one of these things at the same stage as you are making your output. So, for instance, one thing that might be a really good idea would be: Whatever we do, we'll just put a nice adder at the bottom. It doesn't matter whether you're adding more than one thing or not. This adder really is just here to remind me that whatever's going out the DAC, it's going to go out the tabwrite~ -- it's going to be graphable as well. So now if I for instance do this, then I can both see it and hear it. Now, when you're turning in homework. ... Oh, good. Student: What's the adder for? Because I didn't see anything. What did it do? Miller: Oh, what's the adder for? The adder is there because when I change, when I add or take out stuff, I'm going to hook it into the adder instead of hooking it into the DAC and into the tabwrite~. And then that way I'm not going to forget to add something into the DAC that I didn't add into the tabwrite~. So really I'm adding zero. Student: OK. Lecturer: I'm going to explain more about adders in a second, but all I'm doing really is adding zero onto the signal, so I'm just wasting operations really. The reason I'm doing that at all is so that I can do stuff like this. In fact it doesn't even matter which - you wouldn't need an adder in pd at all because signals automatically add anyway. --Well OK, that's not quite true as I will tell you next. Any questions about that? Yeah? Student: Wait, so, is the adder unnecessary? Like can you just... Miller: The adder's unnecessary. It's only there so if I make a connection to it it makes the connection both to the dac~ and to the tabwrite~ too. And I could do that in a spiffier way, but I'd have to use another object. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to put this patch in a nice state so you might be able to remember what I was doing... This patch is going to get saved, and then I'm going to make a new thing (Starting patch "4.ampfrequency.pd")and do some other stuff... OK, so I'm going to insult your intelligence just for a few more moments and talk once again about amplitudes and frequency then graph them, because.... there is - I sense there is still confusion about this, and I don't know how to simulate this confusion in my own brain, so I'm just going to try to confuse you and hope that you stop me when things get confusing. So, here we go. Now we're going to take this away all the cruft. Oh, I didn't say this, but of course I didn't give this oscillator an argument so that means it's going at zero Hertz until I tell it otherwise, but Oh, I didn't mention something else that's going to happen to you. If you open two or three of these patches at once, and if you have an array named "array1" in all of them, or in more than one of them, you're going to get complaints because pd will have two things named array1 and the name is supposed to let it figure out which one you're talking about. So, if there are two of them, it's confusing, pd will print you out a warning message and it will choose one of them for you, and it will probably not be the one you thought it was going to be. So what I'm going to do for that is I'm going to now change -- I forgot to do one, so I am going to try to remember later. But I'm going to change the name of this one to array3. And bang there and see if it worked... [tone] Miller: So now, we don't need clip~ anymore. What I'm going to do is I'm going to introduce the last thing that intend to do today; which is the number box. Oh, no. Second to last, sorry. I'm going to start; OK so there are two distinctions which are going to be important for the next half hour or so. One is frequencies versus amplitudes and inputs versus outputs. In other words, how you change the amplitude or the frequency of the sound and what it looks like when you change those two things in terms of the graph - that's one thing. And the other thing is that I have to give you some more details or more information about distinctions between messages and signals. And these two things I don't see how to separate them very well, so I'm just going to fold them together into one discussion. The first thing I want to do is this: go back and show you the oscillator, but give it a variety of frequencies. Let's see... [tones] This is my 440 Hertz. And if I start changing it I see this kind of change. All right? So now we got a nice theramin or something. [laughter] You will find this very hard to play musically. And we'll talk more about that later, perhaps. Now that is changing the frequency of the oscillator. That is the same thing in some way as telling the oscillator that its frequency should be some number like this. You could even do this: but we don't, but you could. You could say ... The oscillator is now 440 Hertz. [tone] But meanwhile I'm going to change it directly. [tone changes] This is perfectly legal, but this is confusing. This is confusing in one of the two ways you could be confusing in pd that I know of, that I'm going to cover now. Which is that I initialized the frequency to 440 but then I overrode it, or replaced it if you like, with the value 205. This is not good style. I'm doing it to show you how you can confuse yourselves. The reason you can confuse yourself now is that you can think that this number is still 440 because it says so right here. But it's not because I changed it. It would be smarter if I'm going to run something and it's going to change it, is to not give it a value which is not going to be reality after I do something to it. Although it's perfectly legal to do it. So now, the other thing that I want to do is say ... so that's why I'm saying oscillator without an argument now. Because I have a number box hooked up to it now and I'm trying to be hygenic about the way I'm making this patch. So the next thing is going to be: now I'm going to starting changing the amplitude. Which, if you recall, one does with a multiplier. What I showed you before is that we can multiply the thing by some number like a tenth. And then we would get something that looks like this. What did I do wrong there? Oh, oh boy! This is the oldest mistake in the book. Now what I've done is made a new oscillator, so its frequency is zero. And I had this nice number box going into to it, so it thinks it's 205. But I haven't actually sent the oscillator the message 205, since I made it again. So let me fix it and then break it again and then fix it so you'll see this. Because this is a thing which could be confusing. So I'll say all right, "go to 220 please." So you're at 220 Hertz. [tone] By the way it's quieter now since I'm doing this other thing. That's good. Now I'm going to say my oscillator: I want it to be something else. No actually, I just want it to be an oscillator, thanks. (I hit Control-Z there to do an undo.) And nothing, because it didn't really undo the change. It just made me a new oscillator and I told it to build me a clean one. It's clean in the sense that it hasn't received any messages that might change things like its frequency or its phase. So it's sitting there at the frequency zero, so it's putting out the value one. So I should be looking at the value 0.1 here, which we can't see. And that will be true until I do something like touch this. [tones] And once I touch this the value of 220 is added. Yeah? Student: Can you do that by taking out the input and re-connecting it now? Miller: No. Yeah so this would not work. Actually another way to break it would be to type a space here. And then click outside and then remake the object. Just typing a space dirtied the text string so it says, "Oh, I've got to make a new one." It makes a new one and it re-formats it so it's like the old one, but it's a new one now. Yeah. Taking this out...oops, taking this out and reconnecting it doesn't do a thing. You have to actually make the thing create an output. This seems like a horrible bug. And it will seem like a bug for a year or two until you realize that it's actually a feature. [laughter] I'll show you how you can even confuse yourself worse. [tones] Now what I've done is set up and argument between two sources of control. Watch. [tones] Here's my low A, and here's my high A. Which is it? [tone modulates] Well you can't tell from looking at the patch. So maybe you shouldn't do it. [laughter] You're perfectly welcome to, and there's situation where you could want to. But it's not likely that you would want to display the value coming in from two ways. One of which is guaranteed to be wrong at any given time. So you might indeed want to have two possible sources of frequency that are active at different times. In fact that's an important aspect of why pd is designed the way it is: You can do things from different sources. But if you do that, then you might not want to see what each source is trying to tell the oscillator. You might want to see what the oscillator itself is doing in the patch. So I could do that by either clarifying or further confusing, depending on your point of view. Let's do this: Now notice the oscillator is still going on at 447 Hertz. It doesn't care about any of this stuff that I've been reconnecting. Because these are messages, the messages are not flowing until I do something. I'm just making a patch. But, now, if I do something, like say, 440, please, then I've got 440 but at least I can see what it is. [tones] This is maybe a little bit better, and this will be OK until I confuse myself again by pouncing directly into here. This is not computer science. This is music. So, let's get rid of that because this is just confusing. I just did that to warn you how you can confuse yourselves. So, this is frequency and, while I'm at it, of course I've already shown you, I think, that this makes these kinds of changes [tones] . And, the amplitude is a similar situation except that I wouldn't dare do something like put 440 in here. Would I? Now, remember, I have the mixer way, way down right now. If I had done that at home with my stereo at its usual setting I would have jumped out of my chair [laughter] . What that did ..., well, I can't even graph it for you ... Oh, I can clip it then graph it. So, I'm going to say "clip -1 to 1" so that, in fact, I'm simulating what my computer's really putting out. And now, as long as I'm between -1 and 1, everything is good. But when I say I want 440 volts, please... [tone] I see that. That didn't graph terribly well. It's trying to to polygons. This is what Jimi Hendrix got when he played a note on his guitar. Basically, the tube was always either saturated and then you got what is essentially a square wave. This is a computer music technique. It's been elevated by having a name; it's called "wave shaping". You will hear more about this or read more about this in chapter five of the book. We will hold off on all the gory details until later. So, different ranges of numbers might be appropriate for selecting frequencies as opposed to selecting amplitudes. Now we're multiplying by zero. No matter what you multiply by zero you get zero and it looks like this and sounds like what you're listening to. I meant to say something and didn't finish saying it. You've seen me do this to number boxes and, of course, if you're in edit-mode you're doing that and getting frustrated. But, you can also type the number in, and then if you hit carriage-return/"enter", the number is generated as output. So if I do this, the output is going to be four, it will be four in fact if I hit enter, but if I want 440 I'll do this. Now, I did that so I can do this. I'm going to go here and I'm going to type the number zero-point-one and hit enter. Now we've got a complete computer music instrument with amplitude and frequency control. Now this is kind of stupid because if I reach for this number box - of course if I just click on this and start scrolling or dragging them down, [tones] It's impossible for me to get a nice sound with this. I can't get anything between 0 and 1, which is completely quiet and full blast. It is true that you can hold the shift key down and ask this thing to go up and down in hundredths. But if I were designing this thing as a patch I'd want to do something a little bit more user friendly. I would take the thing and divide it by one-hundred or something reasonable like that before I started messing with it. That's going to take me outside of my budget of five object types, although it's nothing but time. What I'm going to do is, now, go back and show you a little bit more about manifestations and differences between signals and messages. Student: I'm sorry. How do you actually type the number value into the number object? Miller: Oh, I didn't tell you something important. You have to click on the thing. It doesn't give you any visual feedback, which is stupid. It should. Then you can start typing and then you hit enter to make it go in. Student: And you're out of edit mode. Miller: If you're in edit mode it won't do it for you. Student: If you're in edit it won't. Miller: Yeah. It has to be in "run mode" or "locked," if you'd like. So, the final object that I want to tell you about is "print". ("Comments" are just amusing ... but good for explaining -- comments are very good.) Let me do a quick review of something very imporant: What I've been doing on the "Put" menu so far is mostly reaching for objects. There are three things that I still need to do that don't require just making an object and typing into it because these are user interface objects -- they're things that make the surface of the patch. They are the number box which is here, the bang, which is here, and the array, which is here. Everything else that you see here is just plain old objects. All right? Now, what I want to do is save this. So, now we have this print object without a tilde. OK, so it expects not a signal, but a message, or messages. And now, if I change this value, we get to actually see what the thing is doing. OK, this is how you debug patches. You want to know what your patch is doing. And the way you find out is if there are messages going through. You can sometimes help yourself with number boxes, but frequently, if you really want a complete record of what's going on, you just hook a print up to something. And then, if you want to know what's going on with a signal, you have things like this tabwrite~ , or print~ which prints the things out here. And those two things have signal inputs, so they are appropriate for talking to signal outputs, and they will show you how something is varying in time and you'll see that. . Is there something else I needed to tell you about that ... Let it sit then. So, back to frequencies and amplitudes. Questions about this? Student: What was the keyboard shortcut for connecting two objects? Miller: Oh, there's no keyboard shortcut ... OK. There's one trick to that. There's only one way to make a connection that doesn't require that you actually do the drag thing, which by the way is horrible on a trackpad. And that is, we have an object, and we want to make a new object to be connected to it. So, while it's selected, you hit Control-1, Control-1 in general just makes a new object. But Control-1, if something ... one other object is selected, Control-1 means "make a new object and connect to it." Other questions? OK? Student: Does print run automatically when you turn on the DSP? Miller: Yes. Right. So print-tilde, you have to click it. With print tilde, you have to send it a message to tell it to operate like this. Let's see, you can do this, it's starting to get messy now. Turn it on. Oh, right, I've got the input down to zero. Oh, cool. Now I've shown you how you can make a patch that shuts up, but it's still running, so you can debug it without listening to it. -- -- Just make your patch have an amplitude of zero, make it be a control, the patch is going to be muted in the sense that everything I'm doing is initially getting multiplied by zero, so you don't hear it. But we can still go through things and do things like look at the oscillator numerically, or look at the oscillator graphically. ... No, we can't do that, but we can do this. ... Right. We can do that without having to have everything come over our speakers. It's a good thing. Student: Is there a way to graph in real time? Miller: Yeah. There's an object called metro, which is a metronome, which will send out a message repeatedly instead of just once when you click it, and then you can have it just grab 10 times a second or whatever you want. I'll get to that. It's out of my object budget right now. Student: Can you put up a bang on an oscillator, and how to play it with it? Miller: No. Oh, yeah. So how would you make something play when you click it? Yeah, I have to do some more objects to do that too. So, in fact, to make something start playing, you don't tell the oscillator to start playing, because it's always playing. You have to multiply it by something and make the thing that it's multiplied by quit being zero. And that in fact is kind of the crucial thing that I'm hoping to find about five different ways of saying today. Is ... You turn things on and off not by turning them on and off in the sense of "computing" or "not computing," but by multiplying them by numbers that vary from "zero" to "not zero." And the reason for that is -- obviously you would save computation time if you just turned the thing on and off -- but that doesn't make for nice musical beginnings and endings of notes. We want things to turn on and off smoothly, which you'll have to learn how to do. But the only way to accomplish that is by multiplying the outputs as a way of controlling the amplitude instead of simply by turning things on and off. And a wonderful example of that is this. Let's multiply ourselves by not a number, but by another oscillator. [tone] And let's maybe go at one Hertz. Now, this is where we're too loud for the mixer again, so we're hearing distortion. So rather than just take that lying down, I know how to deal with it now. So, let's say. Not only are we going to do that, but we're also going to have a multiplier controlling the overall amplitude. And now, we have a patch that does something interesting, but doesn't do it full blast. I'll start paying attention again and being careful about the outputs, that I can turn the mixer up. OK, so now what I'm doing is I'm taking this nice oscillator, that has a pitch of 330, and making it change its amplitude. So, as I click and look at the signal at different moments in time, I get different strengths. That's because this one is just making that waveform, whereas this other one, this one Hertz job, if I look at it --. Now remember. There are 1,000 points in this array. That means the array has a 44th of a second. So, at the speeds that we're looking at, you don't see very much varying at all in a one Hertz sinusoid. But of course, you hear variation, because there are 44 of these things going by per second. Faster than the video frame rate of the thing. So, this thing, even though it looks like it's doing almost nothing, is in fact varying, it's going once a second, so what it's really doing is it's going up, down, up, down, up, down. And what you hear is two peaks per second, because you hear a peak when the amplitude goes up to one, and you hear a peak when the amplitude goes down to minus one. Which means it got multiplied by minus one, which is also full blast. Student: Is this different than Tuesday? Because Tuesday we were doing something with the frequencies. Miller: Yes. This is a completely different situation from Tuesday's situation -- you've anticipated the next thing I want to do, in fact -- where there was an extra oscillator but it was controlling the frequency of the oscillator we were listening to. Maybe it's time to "Save as ..." ... Now we're saving "5.moreampfreq.pd" ... So, now what I want to do is say, "OK, this is good", but there's also the possibility where I had my nice oscillator. Here's an oscillator, and then I had an adder and I was adding 440, I think. And then I had another oscillator with another amplitude control. Student: Isn't that one multiplying by 440? Miller: Oh, thank you. I don't want to do that, do I? Now we have an oscillator. It's going to operate at some frequency, but, unlike last time, to give me more fun, I'll hook up a number there. I didn't have number objects last time, so I had to do it a little more severely. Now lets see what this does, let's do this. All right. Now we're getting complicated. This is yesterday's patch with a little bit more controllability but doing exactly the same thing. This is the oscillator that's making noise. And, morally speaking, it's speaking in 440 Hertz. But, in fact, we're taking that 440 and we're adding another audio signal to it. And that audio signal is the output of the oscillator whose frequency and amplitude we are controlling. Now, what was happening last time was this oscillator said "osc~ 6". So, that I initialized it to six Hertz. This was "*~ 30", and it was doing a fixed thing. But, now I'm using the number boxes here to fill in the frequency and the amplitude of this so-called "modulating oscillator." Now, if we turn this thing on, like this, let's turn this one off, I have to turn the patch on [tone] . There's 440 for us again. And, now if I say, this oscillator will run at three Hertz, we got this. There's that. And now this one was doing something different, which was this: [tone]. Let's go to 440 so we can compare it. This is a changing amplitude. Student: What's the point of adding the 440? Why didn't you just put the "osc~ 440" ? Miller: If I did that then it wouldn't know to add it -- it would be overridden by the values coming in. It wouldn't be 440 _plus_ the values. Student: Oh. OK. Miller: Yeah, so. That's a good question. It's not beautiful yet, but it's OK. I could have tried this. I just want to run this right in and then say 440. But now this 440 is actually being overridden by this. In fact, what I have really is an oscillator that is buried between plus and minus six Hertz. It's very easy to make sounds that you can't hear. And the reason you can't hear the sound, you can look at it and see why you can't hear it, is that it's just not moving fast enough for us to hear it. Student: For the lines you have connected, can you just grab it, disconnect it and move it to a different one or can you take the line off and .. Miller: I wouldn't be able to disconnect it either at the output or at the input. It doesn't do it. You have to delete the old line and make a new one. Student: This is probably a silly question, but, it sounds like another window that would show you the signal level, no way you could see how things are / troubleshoot? Miller: No, basically, no. There's no other window here except when you've got. I mean, you can build things that do that, but there's nothing built in. OK, so, that didn't work but this works: [tone] . Now, at this point I'm just confusing you but I think it's 440. I'm going to save that. Furthermore, you can improve it by doing this -- now everything is up for control [plays a scale of tones] . Don't try this at home. Then you have this -- which is how fast it's going. And this -- which is how deep it's going [demonstrating new tones and frequencies] . Now you have frequency modulation. This is 1960's computer music [laughter] . That is known as frequency modulation. Frequency modulation's taking the frequency of an oscillator and changing it. "Modulation" is a musical term that just means "change". In fact we shouldn't even call it "modulation..." Well, maybe it means change with time or something like that, or repeated change. No -- modulating harmony might not be repeated at all ... What we're doing now is we're taking this oscillator, it's frequency is the sum of a bass frequency, a "center-frequency" if you like and an oscillator. This is an oscillator, the amplitude and frequency are 172 Volts and 82 Hertz. This is taking this oscillator and changing it's frequency by talking to its input. This is taking this oscillator and changing its amplitude by multiplying its output by something. And that, contrast to the other things, makes it sound like this. We can make sounds with it. This is trigonometry. If this is cosine A, this is cosine B, this is (cosine A X cosine B), which we all know is 1/2 [cosine( A + B) + cosine (A - B)]. Miller: So Algebra II is just this! Or actually to put that backwards: People will tell you that the reason, if you have two oscillators -- two sinusoids that are nearby in frequency -- they "beat" when you superimpose them, it's because they're moving in and out of phase. That's the layman's explanation of what's going on. The truth is that the sum of two sinusoids is algebraically equal to the product of two other sinusoids, it's the same relationship I just told you and the product tells you that it's changing in amplitude, which is the beating you hear, and the sum is the two that you put together. Now I'm doing that backwards, I'm taking an oscillator here and I'm making it beat by multiplying with another oscillator that changes it's amplitude and that's just algebraically equal to those two that you have to add to beat. It's the same stuff -- you can do it either way. This however you can do to a real signal. Try that at home and see what you get. Find a politician you don't like and multiply him or her by a thirty Hertz oscillator, and then you'll get a pleasant surprise! [laughter] Miller: This is an oscillator, changing the amplitude, which is sometimes called amplitude modulation sometimes called ring modulation as an historical term which we'll never get out of. This is frequency modulation, which is taking the same oscillator ... (I should make a nice comment, emphasize what an oscillator is, the main oscillator if you like...) This is taking this oscillator and changing it's input. You can do both at the same time if you want. Yeah? Student: Is the number there zero right now? On the right hand side. Miller: Yes. This one here? Student: Is that the amplitude overall? Miller: This and this, those are volume controls, or gain controls that I have on the outputs of both of these patches, so I can turn them on and off -- Which is not making the computer not compute, but it's multiplying them by a tenth or a zero And of course we don't hear them because also I've turned DSP off. ... [tone] This is a more correct way of showing you what's happening. Student: What is cross-modulation... Student: Is that not an official thing? Miller: I would use that to mean that I was taking one sound and multiplying it by another sound or maybe doing something else to it depending on the other sound... I don't know if it's a trick definition. Student: OK. Miller: It's also, lots of terms... we'll get further along and see all sorts of other things. Any other questions about this? Sorry to belabor this but I'm going to belabor it slightly. What we have is two ways of looking at signals which are print~ and tabwrite~ going in to an array. This one (tabwrite~) is more more work but it gives you a nice graph. It's more work because you have to make a button and choose when you're going to do it and make a graph that agrees in name with the tabwrite~ . I could have five or ten arrays in my patch, and five or ten tabwrite~ 's and they could talk to individual arrays. There's a print without a tilde and that is a thing which takes message input. And by the way, as I showed, it's good for printing these things out (messages) but it's not good for printing these things out (signals). Furthermore it will even refuse to allow me to connect and will print a nasty message if I do that. In general you cannot take a signal and put it into a message input. A message input wouldn't know how to deal with 44,100 numbers a second. I _can_ however take a message output and put it into a signal input, as long as there's not a signal going into the signal input as well. The message will simply set the value of the signal. So numbers which are messages promoted to signals automatically, but not vice versa. What else do I have to tell you about way of review? One other thing, this is the review but this is important, I'm thinking I could have confused you by... If you do this, this input doesn't take signals, it tells it that it's messages. That's to say, binary operations like times or plus -- If you feed it an argument that initializes the value but also tells that the inlet is expecting messages as opposed to signalsx. Multiply two signals don't give it an argument just say times~. Now all this should be explained in the help windows for all these things. -- By way of reminder, you can always get help by right-click; here's help for the oscillator, even a graph ... *** MUS171 #03 01 11 @03_0000 OK, just to respond to one question. Especially if you have a PC, if you turn pd on and you don't get that nice @03_0015 computer sine tone, but get a beeping on and off sound like a truck backing up. That is because PCs have horrible audio latencies and you will need to have this delay number up @03_0030 to some nice high number like that. Or maybe even one time with a, what was it, Vista machine. I had to do this on the laptop to get the thing to operate correctly. So @03_0045 lesson one, don't use Vista, and lesson number two is if you don't get a solid audio output then that's a good place to change something. Increasing that will make the audio more robust, but will make everything react more slowly. @03_0060 So it won't be as pleasant to use. Another thing that you can do if your audio insists on hating itself, is @03_0075 you can ask it not to use audio input. You can do it that way or you can do it by saying, "Hi, I have zero channels of input." And that will @03_0090 run pd normally, except that whatever audio input device you have won't be getting used in your -- you haven't used audio input anyway yet, so it doesn't matter. But when you do you will, you'll make your computer's life slightly easier by not using that. @03_0105 But on the other hand it would be nice to be able to use audio input because it will show up later in this class. So that would be a temporary measure to try to improve things if you're having trouble. So yeah, put some horrible number like 100 or 300 up there. @03_0120 This is in PCs, Macintoshes don't seem to have this disease. Although Macintoshes do want this number to be at least 20 most of the time. All right, questions about the homework. @03_0135 Three of you came up before class and had specific kinds of things to ask about the homework assignment. So it seems like it's a good moment to see if you have other questions that I could just answer to the group. But there are office hours after class, too. So if you don't @03_0150 want to ask it in front of everyone else just come up and see me after Yeah? Student: Why are you multiplying a 220 Hertz oscillator by a lower frequency oscillator?@03_0165 Miller: @03_0180 OK. So yeah, so why do you have to multiply two oscillators? So this gets back to the example from last time, which rather than dig up, I'll just do it again because that'll slow me down a little bit and make me explain it. @03_0195 So what we'll do is we'll make an oscillator. What I'll do is I'll make a nice 440 Hertz oscillator which we'll be able to hear. To start with, I'll fix it @03_0210 so that you just hear it without any control at all really. [tone] Miller: @03_0225 All right. So this is the way to play an oscillator without losing your speakers. Now what I'm going to do is try to respond to you by controlling the amplitude, @03_0240 which is this: Multiply this thing as a signal. That means with a tilde object by some other oscillator. Let's make the amplitude -- all right. I'll just type the numbers in to start with. @03_0255 So here's changing amplitude. All right? And here is changing the amplitude real fast. @03_0270 I think this is what you're asking. It doesn't change the amplitude. It changes the frequency. Now this is psychoacoustics, which means it's not science really. [laughter] Miller: What I'm doing here is @03_0285 I'm changing the amplitude of the thing 330 times per second. You could think of that as a time varying amplitude, but it's too fast for you to perceive. But now you can use a different fact, which is that the product of two sinusoids is the sum of two @03_0300 other sinusoids at different frequencies. So in a confusing way of describing the situation, you can multiply something by a signal to change either its amplitude or its frequency, depending on how you do it. If you @03_0315 multiply it by something that's varying slowly in time... Let's see. Let's shut this thing up. If you multiply by something that's varying slowly in time -- that doesn't have a physical definition by the way, whatever that means -- then you will hear the thing changing in amplitude. @03_0330 If it's changing quickly in time, especially if it's changing repeatedly and quickly in time, then you will hear something else, which is new frequencies being introduced, which is one of the possible things that electronic musicians call modulation, although @03_0345 it's not the only one. Does that answer your question at all? Student: Yeah. Because my original conception of the oscillator object was with the number afterward. @03_0360 Because you know when you first did it you just changed that number/frequency. So I was having a hard time understanding in my head the difference between changing frequncies and changing the amplitude. Miller: Right. @03_0375 OK. So maybe what I should do also while I'm at this is get set up to graph this thing again. Sorry. This is repetition, but I don't think it's bad repetition. I'm going to use the "Put" thing and click on "array." It's going to have a name like... @03_0390 Let's see what I'm going to call this "seeme". OK, and I'm going to have a second -- ooh, how long am I going to make this? I'm going to make it a 1000 samples to start with. @03_0405 I like points, so I'm going to say, "OK." Oh, and I've got to fix it so that it goes from -2 to 2 because @03_0420 I fixed the bug last night, and if you download you will have the bug-fixed version now, on the test version, if you do, I haven't fixed it here yet. So you're going to be cautious. I made the table now which @03_0435 means I need a button. Sorry, I know you've seen this all before. And I need to tabwrite~. @03_0450 It needs to know the name of the table it is going to write into. It needs two things. It needs a message to tell it to write and it needs a signal... And nothing happens, why? Because I turned it off.@03_0465 [tone] Miller: There, oh, look at that, isn't that cool? That's not a sinusoid times another sinusoid in the way you'd look at it. It's a sinusoid plus a sinusoid. But that's because I chose this thing funny. @03_0480 Here's something where you can sort of see it, I think. [tone] Miller: Yeah. And now, you hear those gaps in the sound? @03_0495 That's because I have a very slow processor. And I have to add to my delay. OK, here we are. OK. So now what we see is that if you can imagine there's a sinusoid being multiplied by @03_0510 this other sinusoid. This one is going at 440 cycles a second, and this one is going 10 cycles a second, and the half cycle's about this long, if I can use the mouse to point to it. What you hear right now is the nether region @03_0525 between beating and hearing two pitches. I hear two pitches, but I also hear beating at the same time. Just, I don't know what, that's getting on the wrong side of the uncertainty principle. But if you want to only hear the two tones, make this number at least 30. @03_0540 [tone changes] Miller: And then, it looks like a sinusoid with changing amplitude, like your ear resolves the two sinusoids. The sum of that thing is maybe two different pitches that are about a musical @03_0555 second apart. Yeah? Student: Is there a way to keep the volume from getting so loud, for headphones to protect your ears? Miller: That's what this @03_0570 is doing. (The *~) Student: Yeah I know, but just something about that _really_ keeps the volume from blowing up. Miller: OK. ... So do this. Student: You go smaller? Miller: Yeah. Make it a hundredth. Oh yeah. So it's acoustics again. .1 is -20 dB. @03_0585 .01 is -40 dB. Student: OK. Right. Miller: Now the thing about that is, if you're having to pull it down that far, what's going to happen when somebody sends something of magnitude 100 @03_0600 into here? You're still going to get one and you're going to get a nice loud sound that you don't like. So you can also, if you want to, protect your ears by adding a clip object here. @03_0615 Maybe from -10 to 10. I'll show you how to do this in more sophisticated ways later, but now what we've got is... @03_0630 Actually, this is when I can turn the volume up in the room. (Oh, I don't hear a thing because I turned it off anyway. ...) OK. So now if I put out something with unit amplitude @03_0645 what will come out is -40 dB, and furthermore, even if I make a horrible mistake and the numbers here are in the thousands, which does sometimes happen -- especially when you have a divide (/~), this is going to happen -- then clip it to some reasonable range. @03_0660 And in this case, if we clip it to between -10 and 10, and then if we divide by 100, then we know that no matter how crazy the thing is that we put in, it's not going to be outside of the range, plus or minus a tenth, which might be a safe headphone range @03_0675 for the computer. Rather than do that, typically what I do is I make sure that the volume on my amplifier is down so that no matter how stupid I am making the patch, @03_0690 it can't make more than a certain full blast volume. So my way of protecting my ears is -- which is important for musicians, especially -- make the loudest noise that you care to make -- For instance, get out your test tone. @03_0705 Do this. [loud tone] Miller: @03_0720 And get this thing to be as loud as it's ever going to be. [very loud tone] Miller: And verify that that isn't unduly painful. So I didn't leave it up there for long, but that right now, what you just heard is the loudest thing that's going @03_0735 to come out of these speakers, period, with the audio system the way that it's set up right now. And that way, when I do something stupid, like take my white noise generator and stick it right into the jack, it won't make me jump out of my chair. @03_0750 I probably emphasize this more than it's really necessary to emphasize, but computer musicians surprise themselves a lot by turning things up because they don't hear them, turning them up because they don't hear them, and then turning them on and discovering @03_0765 that they've, meanwhile, that they've pushed them quite a few too many dB. Maybe some of you have had that experience already. OK? So that's sort of survival technique. Let's see, what else here? Yeah. @03_0780 That's about all I should say about that. Other questions or comments? Yeah? Student: Still having problems not getting any sound. Miller: @03_0795 OK. Did you, do you have the 42 working version or the 43 test version? Student: 42 Miller: OK. Good, so problem number one isn't happening. @03_0810 You have to have DSP on. In other words, check the pd window. And see that this, ooh, it's off for me right now, but that has to be on. Student: Make sure the patch is not in edit-mode. Miller: @03_0825 OK. Yeah, it's good. Yeah. All right, then what else could be wrong? If you're actually clicking this, oh, someone said make sure the patch is not in edit mode. Then next thing is obviously if I did @03_0840 something like misspelled this: (/tabwrite~ instead of tabwrite~) then it wouldn't happen. But then I would get an error message on the pd window, I think. Miller: @03_0855 Oh, yeah, thank you. Oh, that is interesting. [tone] Miller: Yeah, there we go. So look on the pd window and see if there are any helpful error messages. @03_0870 Yeah, OK, show me after class, it's got to be something, it's probably something that I'll have to tell you all about Thursday because it's probably @03_0885 something important that I've forgotten to say, but I don't know what it is yet. OK. Other questions? It's all good. ... Yeah? Student: Is the syllabus available through WebCT? Miller: No, not as far as I know. @03_0900 Why, can you not get the syllabus? Student: I was looking there for information. Miller: What's happening? Student: The syllabus wasn't there. Miller: Yeah, WebCT should just have a pointer to the syllabus link. Student: OK. Miller: Yeah. @03_0915 That's the thing. I haven't actually learned WebCT yet. So if you're using the chat thing to try to chat with me I probably didn't see it because I'm not cultivated in that way yet. (laughs)OK. @03_0930 Other questions? OK, next things to talk about. So, again, @03_0945 there are two things, one is pd lore, and one is actual signal processing knowledge, which I'll be developing simultaneously. So a bit of pd lore now is going to be more about messages and doing computations @03_0960 using messages, which is to say the sporadic control things that are not audio signals that go down the wires that are only one pixel big instead of two pixels big. So this is a control message here, and this is a signal message here, @03_0975 or signal, if you like, that's a continuously flowing piece of audio. What I want to tell you now is that -- oh, so, first off, one thing that you know from last time is that you can take an oscillator and control it. Whoops (puts a message-object). @03_0990 Sorry - that's for later. Take an oscillator and control it with a number box like this, and then you've got a patch operates like this.[tone] Miller: @03_1005 You know what... is that loud enough for people to hear? Or should I turn it up? All right. So what's happening now is instead of having @03_1020 the oscillator be an oscillator space and then a number to initialize the frequency to something, I'm running a number into the oscillator, which is in the form of messages. The oscillator's input actually can take signals, or messages, either way. @03_1035 But it wants numbers. These are messages, and you can tell that among other things by the fact that it's a one pixel wide as opposed to a two pixel wide one. And that's just the thing about number boxes, they don't know about audio signals, there's just nothing really they can do with them. @03_1050 OK. Next thing is, if you want to do something like, say -- oh, let me do it this way .. If you want to fix it so that you can predetermine -- @03_1065 So that you can predetermine some number to put here, you can use another thing, which is called a message-box, and I'll just put a couple of values in. @03_1080 And now I have a thing which is a push button. But unlike this push button, out comes a message which has a number in it when you click it. Now, this is different @03_1095 from -- OK, right, so let me do this while we're here. This is a message. This is a number box. @03_1110 And this is an object. And the thing that distinguishes them is the borders on them. This is supposed to look like a flag, which is... I mean, using only five pixels, or trying to make a representation @03_1125 of that. This is supposed to look like a punch card, and this is just a box to be the simplest possible shape, because it's used frequently, a frequently used thing. What this is about, is the number -- OK, now we're not in edit mode-- The number-box does this: @03_1140 You click on it, and you drag, or you click on it and type to give it values. It's a thing which will generate the messages which have numbers in them. This other thing (message-box) is a thing which lets you type a message in which you just click on and get the message. This is good, @03_1155 because very frequently you want to send something a message, you already know what the message is going to be. You don't want to oblige the user of the patch, such as yourself, to have to @03_1170 type the number in, because you know what the number is going to be. So now, if I have a collection of pitches that I want to hear... @03_1185 (I'll leave this for now. Let's go here.) So, things that have frequencies that correspond to pitches that we all know. @03_1200 How about 261.62, that's middle C, and how about a low A? These are just easy-to-remember ones. And the higher A. @03_1215 And if you know A, then you know the frequency of E, sort of. I'm avoiding having to actually show you how do the math to do this correctly. That'll happen either Thursday or next Tuesday, I would say. OK, @03_1230 I don't want to, I want this to be zero so we're not changing anymore, just combine... [tones] Miller: Now I've got... OK? [laughter] Miller: Now that would @03_1245 not be a good thing to do with a number box. Because to make those four notes, I'd have to type those numbers in at musical speed, so it wouldn't work. So almost the only reasonable thing that @03_1260 you can do if you're going to do something like have a musical scale that you want to use is put the numbers somewhere you can get them. And the simplest way of doing that is put them in a message box. All right. Yeah? Student: Can you go over one more time the difference between @03_1275 putting the number after the oscillator, after the osc~, vs putting it above? Miller: OK, good. And in fact, I was inadvertently a little confusing here, because I @03_1290 left the number here. This number is sitting there, so that this thing that it was creating was 440, but then I was changing the number by putting these other numbers into it. Student: They're overriding? Miller: And those are overriding it, yeah. So this is an initializer. And it's a better style. In fact, @03_1305 if you're going to change something, not to initialize it, so that it doesn't look like it's 440. Then for instance, it might be 261 or 162, instead. So that's one thing about that. Another thing @03_1320 is that you can put messages or signals into the oscillator. And some of the examples from last Thursday had us putting a signal into the oscillator in order to control the oscillator's frequency. @03_1335 So there again, putting a number into the oscillator's first inlet, which is its inlet for frequency, sets the frequency, be it by a number like this or by an audio signal which is a stream of numbers. Now the next thing to mention is @03_1350 that there are two inlets up here, and I've never told you what the other inlet is good for. It is a thing for initializing "phase." And initializing phase does not mean that... OK, let's see. @03_1365 OK, so what is phase? Phase is a number which, if you like, it varies in time and varies from say, 0 to 2*pi as a thing cycles. So if I -- let's get rid of this multiplier now, it's going to just be confusing. @03_1380 Actually, let me save this. Let me save this and give it a name, which will be... This is patch number two, and @03_1395 that's going to be, "2.oscillator" But now I'm going to save as patch three. And now we're going to start talking about phase. (Saves 3.phase.pd). @03_1410 All right? OK. By the way, I'm putting these patches up on the website, although I did that a little bit belatedly last time, the patches from Thursday only showed up on Sunday. @03_1425 So if you're looking for them before then, you didn't see them because I hadn't done them yet. Actually, I just forgot. So if you don't see them after class and want them, send me an email and remind me to put them up, because this is the sort of thing that I forget to do. OK, so now, now that I saved it @03_1440 I can get rid of this, because you've got this in the other patch. And in fact, I'm tired of the thing being so quiet, so I'm going to do something, I'm going to make it louder. OK? And I'm going to test it, so... [tones] Miller: Yeah, there it is. @03_1455 OK, more beautiful music, all right. Now, phase. OK, so phase is a... Oh, right, I want to graph this, I'm sorry. Yeah, can I put this one on this. I'm going to graph it from here. @03_1470 So we're now looking at A 440. So the phase is a number which -- OK, you can regard this thing as starting at any point during the cycle. A mathematically easy place to think of the cycle starting @03_1485 is at the top, because then everything is a cosine, and cosines are mathematically simpler than sines, for a reason I'll tell you later if you want to know. So you can, but since this is arbitrary, but I'm going to assume that the cycle is starting here. @03_1500 And the cycle then proceeds from the top down to the bottom and back up to the top. And there is a number called phase, which you don't see here, which is going from 0 to 2*pi every time the oscillator is oscillating. @03_1515 So if you like, the old metaphor is, imagine that you're in the dark and this bicycle wheel is spinning and there's a light on it, and you're looking straight along the plane of the wheel so you see the light going @03_1530 up and down. The phase is the angle of the wheel, which you don't see, so you don't see the wheel of the thing, so you see the light going up and down. The phase is the angle of the bicycle wheel, which you don't see. And the thing that you do see is the cosine of the phase, which is the thing that bounces up and down. Later, I'll show you how you can actually generate @03_1545 phases as audio signals and put them into things, in order to control this process in greater detail. But right now I'm not going to do that, it's more detail than we can deal with right now. I'm just going to mention that phase is a thing which @03_1560 you can initialize, but then the oscillator itself maintains the phase with changes in time. And now what I want to do is... maybe, let's... Yeah, right. I probably should have kept @03_1575 the other oscillator. OK, so we'll do this. A duplicate... Oh, yeah. If you haven't found out yet, the fastest way to make an object is to select one, without selecting its text, and then hit @03_1590 'duplicate', which will in effect copy any amount of patch that you want. So I'm going to now go back, sorry, and make an oscillator with a number controlling its @03_1605 frequency, and then I'm going to play it. So, multiply to control the amplitude, then we'll hear the output. I'll show you why in a second, I hope. OK, so I'm going to set one Hertz here, @03_1620 440 here. Play. [tone] Miller: All right. Yeah? Student: How do you copy the objects once you've selected them? Miller: Command-d, or it's up in edit there. @03_1635 Oh, control-d for me, but command-d for you, all right. OK, now next thing is this oscillator, of course, also has a phase which is going from 0 to 2*pi once a second. You can change the phase, but @03_1650 the phase is also always changing. So let's make this number -- let's make it slower, so that you can hear what's going on. I'll make it cycle every four seconds. OK. [tone] Miller: Now, I'm going to go @03_1665 into the other inlet. Let's see, get a message box, because I was telling you about that. And I'll make something that just bashes the phase to zero. @03_1680 Come on. All right. Now I've got a nice little attack-maker. Well, it makes an attack if I hit it at the right moment. But if I hit it at the wrong moment, @03_1695 and the thing was at phase zero anyway it doesn't change anything, so I don't hear anything that it wasn't already doing. Now I'm trying to figure out how I can, oh yeah. OK now I can graph this for you, but I will have to just graph @03_1710 this, I think. And furthermore because it's moving slowly, oh, but I'll still use it here. Because it's moving slowly, I'll make the table be huge, so that you can @03_1725 see things that are happening slowly. So in fact, let's put this back at one. And then, I'm going to make this thing happen at properties that will make it have a whole second's @03_1740 worth of stuff in it. And so 44,100 -- that's a second's worth of sound. Oh yeah, let's change the name. @03_1755 Actually, I'm just going to... do that, all right. New name "seeme2". Right. @03_1770 All right, let's record it. [tone] Student: You want "tabwrite~ seeme2" not "seeme" , no? Miller: Oh, thank you, yeah. Let's make it talk to the right array. Now, if I tell it to record, I could wait a second before I see it. @03_1785 It doesn't show the thing to you until it's finished recording into the array. Which is why you make the arrays kind of short if you want to see things quickly. So, now what we're seeing is, every time I whack it, I'm going to see one second @03_1800 of just this amplitude-controlling sinusoid. Now, I am going to set the phase of it. Do you hear that stuff? That is this. Let's see. Now I have to click this and then click that within @03_1815 a second. So I'm going to move them really close to each other. [laughter] Miller: There. Look at that. This is what happens when you have a nice sinusoid going and you say, "Now make the phase be @03_1830 zero, please." It makes the phase zero, all right, which means there is a discontinuity in the sound. Which, in computer music lore, means that you will here a click. So, discontinuities, or "step functions," are clicks -- @03_1845 or one source of clicks. Yeah? Student: Could you put the bang into the message-box? Miller: Sure enough. Yeah. So I could do this. I'll do even a little bit better in a second, but let's do that for now. So now let's listen to that again. [tone] Miller: @03_1860 Now I'll say, "Set the phase, please." It set the phase and started graphing it at exactly the same time. So now, any time I hit it, I will hear something. I'll hear @03_1875 a discontinuity in sound. Actually, you are hearing two. One is when I make a discontinuity by doing this. The other is a second later when it graphs the table. (I've really got a slow processor.) So ... @03_1890 now I have made a triggered oscilloscope, for those of you who have studied physics. Now, let me do something even better. Introducing the "delay" object. So this is going to be @03_1905 an object that's called delay. I am going to say, "Delay 400." 400 milliseconds of delay. So now what I am going to do is have my nice button @03_1920 start graphing and then, 400 milliseconds later, it is going to set the phase of the oscillator to zero. @03_1935 Now, no matter what I do, I hear discontinuity four-tenths of a second after I whack the button. Notice that this part of the table is changing, but @03_1950 at a fixed 400 milliseconds into the table, it sets the phase to zero and thereafter ( -- whoa! Every once in a while, something like that will happen. Thereafter, the thing is always @03_1965 the same. That's to say every time I whack the button I will have a nice consistent result starting 400 milliseconds in. All right, so you cannot put your guitar into this delay. @03_1980 There's another one for that, which I'll show you later. This is a delay for messages. What that means is that, I'll show you. Student: There's no "message" for that comment now, right? Miller: Yes. Thank you. @03_1995 So delay, what it does is when you send it a trigger, it sends you the trigger, the amount of delay later. @03_2010 So if you've been following me, what I'll do now is I'll say, "This delay, let's make it a longer delay, like two seconds." OK, now zero, one, two. Whoops, I didn't count right. All right, @03_2025 OK. And now if I graph that... [tones] Miller: One, two. Why was that stupid? @03_2040 It didn't hit until after the thing had finished writing into the array. The array is one second long, the phase is getting set after two seconds. It's hopeless, I'm not going to see anything. You can hear it though. OK, good. @03_2055 So, are people following this? This is important, because this is how you would set about making sequences, things that have an order in time. For instance, @03_2070 this is going to get crowded. OK, let me save this, I'm going to do a "save as" again. So now we'll make a dumb sequencer. (Saving 4.dumb.seq.pd) @03_2085 We'll make a smart sequencer later. The dumb sequencer is going to look like this. Get rid of this, don't need that. @03_2100 So I have this nice A Minor chord here, so I'm going to make the thing arpeggiate, all right? It's going to be easy, right? All we're going to do is we're going to have a nice button... Let's see, I don't want this anymore. I'm going to have the button @03_2115 bash us to low A, and then, I don't know, 150 milliseconds later... How do I know what number to use? -- I've done a lot of this. @03_2130 And then another 150 milliseconds later, and then another 150 milliseconds later, and then @03_2145 let's just go back down. Yeah. OK, this is, let's see. Take the output of that, the input of that, then just go... Let's see, this might work. All right, so now @03_2160 we'll play it. [arpeggio A minor chord] Miller: All right, now we've got Beethoven. [laughter] Miller: Not really, OK. And of course, the punch line. @03_2175 Let's just take this one and connect it over here. Now we've got... [A minor chord arpeggio starts looping] Miller: Whoops, I did something wrong. Oh yeah, I know what I did wrong. I need another delay before I loop it, don't I? Miller: @03_2190 So another 150 milliseconds later, I'll go back around. [Arpeggio loops with all notes evenly spaced] [laughter] Miller: @03_2205 OK. Do this at home and not here, all right? [laughter] Miller: In fact, I will try not to play that anymore now. OK. Oh, there are little things that maybe you could want to be able to stop this. @03_2220 There's only one way I can stop this right now with what you know, which is to break one of the connections and wait for it to run out. There are ways, but we'll get there when we get there. But now what's happening is the following thing: @03_2235 There are two parts of the patch. There's the part of the patch that's giving control, there's a part of the patch that's doing signal processing. The part that's doing control... And by the way, that's jargon. Control and signal processing aren't @03_2250 really two different things that you can do, they're all part of one thing. But in pd Land, you think of it as two things as being two different things simply because they're two different computer science-ish constructs that represent them. OK, so let's see. I don't need this. (deletes two unused bangs from the patch). @03_2265 OK, so what's happening is the control stuff is all this. The signal stuff is all this (and maybe this -- I don't know how to characterize the array.) And the control @03_2280 computations are happening at a specific instances in time. In fact, it's happening about seven times a second, because this is about a seventh of a second. And what is happening here is... Oh, let me show you what's happening here. Let's get rid of one of these buttons. @03_2295 Let's be even clearer: put that button here. Yeah ... what a mess -- let's see. Let's not do that, let's do this... That little mistake, oh, it's OK. @03_2310 I can do this. I need a start button, but then I could always just have buttons that show me what's happening. @03_2325 Yeah, this is going to be painful. Let's not do the whole thing, but I'll just do these two. All right, OK. @03_2340 So now, there are messages flying around in a very particular choreographed way. So each one of those delays is the source of a message, if you like, and what that message does... So the message's @03_2355 formal name is "bang." Oh, I can print it out for you. Let's make an object, we just call print, and you'll see what this message looks like, and just we print it into there. All right. @03_2370 So bang is just a word that means "I don't have any numbers for you, but do it anyway." In other words, well, you wouldn't just say a space or something like that to say a trigger. @03_2385 You have to have something to print there. So bang is just a verb that says "Whatever it is you normally do it's time to do it right now." It's a trigger, if you like. And this message bang is coming out of the delay and it's doing three things. @03_2400 It's hard to see because of the messy crossing lines. But one thing is it's causing this bang push-button to flash. @03_2415 Another thing that it's doing is it's sending a bang to this message box 261.62 and what is that doing in exchange? It is putting out -- oh my ... @03_2430 Oh yes, right. So there are two messages coming into here (message-box 261.2) -- from this delay and from that other delay further over. Anytime either one of those things goes off, it's getting printed here, and we're getting that number out. Yeah? Student: Can you connect the osc~ to print? Miller: @03_2445 It'll complain. It won't even connect it because "print" expects control messages. However, I could put a print~ after that, and then I would be looking at the audio -- you know, 64 samples @03_2460 worth of the audio signal. Am I going too slow? No, all right, OK, good. So to go back, if you like, the @03_2475 outlet of this delay, this -- whatever you hook up here "talks to a tree." That's to say a graph without any loops of stuff. And the stuff is what happens when that thing goes off. @03_2490 And the tree stops whenever you either change from being a control message to a signal. Or it stops whenever you put it into something that doesn't do anything as a result. @03_2505 I'll show you lots of ways that things can "not-do anything" as a result of things. That's going to happen later. So if you like, the tree of things that depend from this bang outlet consists of this delay, which by the way doesn't do anything @03_2520 so the tree doesn't go further through that. So what this tree is is everything that happens right when that bang happens. And not stuff that happens later as an indirect result of it. So this delay, when it receives a bang, its job @03_2535 when it receives a bang is to schedule itself for 150 milliseconds into the future. So it does that scheduling job which is a side effect in computer science language. And meanwhile, it returns, which is to say that's the @03_2550 end of that arm of that graph or that sub-graph, or sub-tree, I should call it. There are three things. First off there's the bang, and then there's the delay. Then there is this message box which @03_2565 puts out a number and that number goes down to the oscillator. And that's the entire chain of events that takes place when this delay goes off. So I should -- OK. Let's see... shift. @03_2580 Just to select everything that is in the tree, hanging from that delay object. Make that be a tree and not have @03_2595 loops in it. Because if you put a loop in there, then pd will try in a zero amount of time to do an infinite amount of stuff, which is traverse the loop as if it were a tree. And pd will then think hard, @03_2610 and then after a while, depending on the speed of your machine, it'll complain and say stack overflow, for technical reasons. So for instance if you want to see me do that, @03_2625 I'll get a nice number and hook it up to another number and do it back like that. This is illegal. But pd can't really sense this so it didn't stop me from editing it @03_2640 because the editor doesn't know that something bad is going to happen. But something bad is going to happen. When I put a number in here... Oh, yeah, I get stack overflows. It was actually pretty good at detecting it that time. . Sometimes it's better than other times depending on the OS and in particular the things you're doing. @03_2655 So your mileage will vary. You can bring pd to its knees this way. Why was this not a good thing to do? The first message box, sorry the first number box, the one on the left, if you like, tells the other one be 96, @03_2670 and by the way, output 96 and then return. After that you're done, right? For computer scientists it's a depth-first tree traversal. @03_2685 So the message box on the right then says "Oh, I just got a message 96, what I'm going to do now is tell the... sorry, I'm going to tell the number box on the left to change itself to 96." It already was but no matter, change it, repeat it anyway. And then that one says, "OK, @03_2700 before I'm done I want you to change to 96." And the other one says, "OK, that's good, before I'm done I want you to change to 96." And so on and so forth. It's an infinite loop. It's actually a recursive loop, but it's theoretically infinite. And pd couldn't deal with it because eventually it ran out of memory. @03_2715 In other words, recursion involves pushing stack values. You can also not make loops out of signals; signals hate loops too, but they hate them @03_2730 in a different way. So when I do this... let's take a nice signal and multiply it by five. OK. There are a lot of reasons you should not try to do something like this. @03_2745 And after that's done I'll multiply by five, and after that's done I'll multiply by five again and so on. And now -- Why didn't I get an error? Oh, because I turned it off. [starts DSP and playing the arpeggio chord etc.] Miller: It says "DSP loop detected. Some tilde ..." -- @03_2760 and then something I can't read, you can do it and find out. This is not the same kind of loop as that because notice we have fat connections here, and thin connections there. The error is found at different times. Here @03_2775 pd was smart enough to figure out that there was an error because it's much more able to analyze what will happen as a result of the signal analysis, or signal flow than messages. Why? Because if messages contain decision making objects, then to @03_2790 analyze a message computation, you would have to analyze a Turing machine, which is formally impossible. Signals are analyzed as a graph. You simply know that a signal crunches a number every sample. So there's no @03_2805 decision making to be done which can be second guessed. And so you can predict in advance how it's going to happen. This is important because it allows pd to operate on the signals very, very efficiently. What it really does is it -- it doesn't exactly pre-compile it, @03_2820 but it essentially figures out in advance what it's going to have to do for the signal network, and it sets it up to do it very optimally. So it analyzes this. It knows how this thing is going to act. And so it knows how to do it. @03_2835 How to linearize it, how to make it happen in order. And, gee whiz, it discovers that there's no possible way to do it because you have to have finished each one them before you can start the other. And so neither of them can ever be run. So that's an error, @03_2850 and that can't be done. What will happen to you when you make that error is those two things just won't be run, and the rest of your patch will run. But if you see that, it means that you're doing something wrong, and you should probably find out what it is. By the way, @03_2865 you can always say, "find last error," and if pd is able to figure out what object created the last error it will go to that window and turn that object blue for you -- select that object for you. @03_2880 That's a useful tool. So that's a loop, and this is a loop -- they both are. @03_2895 Now this is not a loop in that sense, even though it looks like one. I didn't make it look like one very well. But maybe I could do this. Well, I don't know how to make this patch pretty so you can see it. @03_2910 But what's happening now is each delay's output is going to the next one's input and so on, ad infinitum, until the last one's going back into the first one. That's not a loop because the delay, when it receives a message, does not as a result put a message out. Instead it schedules a message for the future. @03_2925 So in a sense it's the end of the line. It doesn't have any direct effect to put a bang into a delay. Questions about this? @03_2940 I promised you I wasn't going to play it anymore, but here's how you make the thing have a controllable tempo. You would just put these numbers into the delay. @03_2955 I'm not going to do it because I've already had enough of that. Students: Aw. [laughter] Miller: If you want to hear more of that you have to make it yourself. But then use headphones. [laughter] Miller: All right, questions about this? @03_2970 That is a lot of information, some of which was a little bit abstract. And I'll try to find ways of stubbing our toes on this again later. Yeah? Student: When you input a number to an osc~ for phase, is it assuming it's that number *pi, or how does it work? Miller: @03_2985 Ooh, thank you. Yes, OK. So I should have told you that right when I was telling you about setting phases of oscillators -- The only thing I ever set the phase to was zero. @03_3000 (Let's see, let me save this, and did I...? Yeah, OK, I can go back to this example (3.phase.pd). @03_3015 So I'm going to go back a little bit. @03_3030 Oh, let's save this "0.objects.pd" . OK. @03_3045 So the dumb sequencer, we're now going to close and tell it goodbye for a while. And now I'm going to go back here (3.phase.pd) and start setting phases of the oscillator. We'll go back to only waiting four-tenths of a second @03_3060 so that -- ooh, interesting. Oh, right. [tone] Miller: Let's see. This we need to be a "1", I think. Yeah, there it is. OK. @03_3075 So this number is not in radians, but in (radians/2*pi). It's relative; it's in "cycles." So if I want to have this thing @03_3090 look like a sinusoid, I'd want to go to three-quarters of a cycle in, .75. Now what I've done, OK, let me see if I can explain this. @03_3105 Now what I've done is I've set the phase of this oscillator to three-quarters, which means another quarter of a cycle in we will be at one. And, let's see, equivalently @03_3120 I could have set the phase to minus one-quarter of this. This is exactly the same thing. [tone] Miller: @03_3135 So minus a quarter is also a quarter of a cycle before the beginning of the cycle. And this is how I would set the thing to the phase of the sinusoid. If I say positive a quarter here, @03_3150 it sets us up to one quarter past the peak, which to say, it's at zero now, but it's at zero on the way down. And if I set it at a half, then it will be @03_3165 at the negative peak. So that's how phase goes. Now if you want to make two things be a sine and a cosine, so you can make something move in a circle parametrically, set one of the phases to zero -- that's the cosine -- and the @03_3180 other phase to -.25 or .75 for the sine. And then you'll have two things that are out of phase. It's 90 degrees out of phase, if you like, or pi/2 radians or one-quarter cycle -- which is the way pd thinks about it. Student: @03_3195 Can you make an example of two oscillators out of phase? Miller: Oh, all right. How would you get two of them to be out of phase? Why don't you do this -- why don't you set one of them to... OK, you're going to have to have two oscillators ... @03_3210 So you can set their phases to whatever you want to. So what's out of phase? If you want one of them to be peaking while the other goes through zero then give them two numbers that differ by a quarter cycle. Or, if you want one of them @03_3225 to peak up while the other peaks down, then set them a half cycle apart. Yeah. And this you'll want to do using message boxes. Message boxes are the right tool for doing this, because @03_3240 that's where you can put a number in that will happen without someone having to type the number in while they're using the patch. Student: @03_3255 On the homework are we graded on whether it's solved simply or not? Miller: No, we're not going to have a good grading policy the first time around, because you're just going to be sighting the thing in. @03_3270 So basically, for the first homework, if the thing works it's full credit, regardless of whether you were elegant or inelegant. And then, we will discuss after that, or the TA and I will talk, @03_3285 Joe and I will talk, and we'll try to figure out what to do after that. We'll either decide to make simple, elegant patches be worth more than ugly, horrible patches, or we'll decide that ugly horrible patches are worth more than elegant patches... [laughter] Miller: ...depending @03_3300 on what seems to be pedagogically the most appropriate choice. But for right now, just get it to work, and that's good. Student: On the timing problem, my sounds are distorted or at the wrong pitch. Miller: @03_3315 @03_3330 Sounds distorted? Oh, so you're probably not doing it right, yet.[laughter] Miller: OK, so good. So there are two things there. One is: what's the difference between those two sounds and can you hear it, which you've already got that, which is it sounds @03_3345 distorted, and it also sounding at the wrong pitch. Why is it sounding distorted is for reasons that I explained Thursday, you're overloading something. I don't know what, because I don't see the patch. But either you are putting two sinusoids at full @03_3360 blast into the DAC -- *ts range is from minus one to one. And if you are adding two full-blast sinusoids into it, you are going outside of the range of minus one to one, and there will be clipping. Student: Can it put the result through clipping? Miller: @03_3375 If you put a clip on, then it'll just clip, and you'll still hear the distortion. You have to actually put the amplitudes down to where you can play it without distorting. The other thing is, even if your patch is formally correct, depending on your audio hardware, it might distort. @03_3390 But, your TA knows this, and so his audio will not be distorted. So if it sounds distorted on your computer, it's just conceivable that it will sound clean on his. But if it sounds distorted @03_3405 on his computer, it already sounded distorted on your computer. There's a syllogism in there somewhere, but I can't spit it out right now. All right. Other questions? Student: @03_3420 How is it possible to find out it's phase of a signal? Miller: How would you offset. Oh, oh right. So, how do you find out the offset ... @03_3435 OK. I think what you're asking is how do you find out what the phase of an oscillator is while it's running. So that you could change it to something else, and it could depend on what you find. You need another object -- two other objects that I haven't told you about -- to be able to do that. They are phasor~, because you actually have to @03_3450 deal with the phase of the number. And snapshot~ , which is the "Look at a signal to see where it's at" object. And those will come up probably next week. Maybe phasor~ shows up tomorrow, -- sorry, on Thursday -- but snapshot~ @03_3465 not until next week. So you can set things right now, but you can't, like, query your patches as to how the signal processing is doing programatically yet. Student: What is the deadline for turning in the homework on WebCT? Miller: WebCT believes that it's @03_3480 due at 3:30. So that means that if it doesn't show up at 3:30, WebCT will flag it late. WebCT won't even take it if it's more than a week late. And, we haven't yet set the schedule of @03_3495 when we will grade it, but you should get it done before grading starts, because it's much, much easier for the TA to grade it all in one batch. Student: So we might not need to have it by 3:30 as long as it's before the grading starts? Miller: @03_3510 My guess is that Joe won't be able to download it until five, because he's going to be sitting in class. But on the other hand, if he gets bored he might actually decide to start downloading it @03_3525 while I'm talking. [laughter] Miller: I don't think he will. So, it seems like you've probably got until five. TA: It's safe to plan on 5PM. Miller: Right. [laughter] Miller: But come to office hours @03_3540 after class and I can help you. Maybe you can be done before 3:30. Yeah. Other questions? Oh, right, we haven't decided how late late is, or we don't have a late policy yet. All this we have to figure out how the class works before @03_3555 we can set things. Other questions? All right. I want to quickly show you another object just because... @03_3570 well, you'll see why. So this (in the patch) is the delay object. There is also another one which is called "metro" which is the metronome. @03_3585 And this is an object which takes two numbers in -- Let me get a number box. @03_3600 Oh you know what, let's do "save as," as this is going to be confusing now. So now we're going to save "5.metro.pd". And I don't know whether to leave all @03_3615 this stuff in the patch, so right now I'll just leave it. OK. This (metro) is an object which when you turn it on, does this [bang-light on metro output blinks]. @03_3630 And when you turn it off it, does that. All right, that's useful, and furthermore you can control -- sorry, yeah. I'll leave this "400" in here for now. But you can control the number of times @03_3645 per second it happens. So "1000" means it's every millisecond. And then if I want to double the tempo I should halve this number and make it 500 @03_3660 which means every 500 milliseconds which is twice a second. Yeah? Student: What is the "400" in the box where you have "metro 400?" Miller: This initializes the amount that you are -- oh right, I should probably @03_3675 sort of say something about initialization. So anytime you give an object an argument like "delay 400," or "metro 400" or "+ 400," or even "osc~ 400," the argument, -- the "400" or whatever number it is -- is an initializer @03_3690 for the parameter that the object uses if there's one parameter. If there's more than one parameter, you might want to give it more than one number. (But you haven't seen that happen yet.) I think I've been trying to do things in an order that @03_3705 allows me to start things gently. So what this is saying is when this object is created it's going to be 400. But when I send this number in it will change it to 500. Now let me confuse you a little bit. In order to try to @03_3720 unconfuse you. It's not universally true that the number that you initialize this to is changed by this inlet. In the case of metro, this is a thing which turns it on and off. @03_3735 And any number that's not zero means on and any number that is zero means off. This is the new value of 400 up here which is now 500. So right now it's not a metro of 400. Morally speaking, @03_3750 its a metro of 500. Student: Why doesn't the number 400 change, but the number in a number-box does change? Miller: OK, yeah. So this thing here (number in a number-box) -- This is a control ... What's the word? @03_3765 It's a control in the GUI sense of the word. It's a thing which shows its state and allows you to mouse its state to change it. These things: messages and objects -- are things that you type a text in and it defines what they are @03_3780 forever. So the number, you actually don't type this number in when you create it. In fact, in edit mode you can't even edit that number. It's a thing whose job is to change numbers at runtime. @03_3795 These other things -- you put these things in at edit time, and they are what they are while the patch is running. And so this is, yeah right. So this (number-box) is when your playing the patch @03_3810 and making the sound change and trying to make people dance. You have the patched locked at that point. You're not developing your patch anymore. So you're using the number box and the button and other things like that to be running the patch, @03_3825 basically, changing the state of the patch. But the functionality of the patch -- the computer program that the patch is -- is determined by the topology. That is to say, how things are connected together. It's also determined by what particular things you type into the message @03_3840 and object boxes. OK, now to slightly further confuse the situation: @03_3855 Another example of a thing being initialized that came up earlier is that you can initialize an oscillator to a frequency -- like that. But now to change that frequency you would put messages @03_3870 into the frequency inlet, which is the first inlet. The oscillator as a tilde object, it's a signal processing object. It doesn't take messages to start and stop. Or to do it's thing @03_3885 the way the metronome does. All it does is take messages to modify what it does, which is to say its frequency. It's always running. It doesn't need to be turned on. That's because its a tilde object. So in general, tilde objects, @03_3900 the first inlet, the leftmost inlet, is usually the thing that you can control by -- sorry, here -- usually the thing that you can control by changing the argument. Whereas in objects like metro, @03_3915 this number is being controlled by this inlet (right inlet) because this (the other, left inlet) is used to turn everything on and off. There are no very good generalizations. Objects are all designed to be as coherent as they can be. But there is a limit @03_3930 to how coherent they can be, because they all have radically different functions depending on what types of things they are. So that's something you just have to remember. Student: Did you connect the bang to the metro just for a visual? Miller: Yes, I did that just to show you what was happening. Yeah, @03_3945 so this would be doing the same thing if I had this connected to it or not. Objects don't know what they're connected to. They just put their output out there, and if there's nobody connected to it then the output doesn't get used. And if there are 50 things connected to it the output does a lot of work. @03_3960 All right, well. Yeah? Student: Can you connect the metro to an oscillator? Miller: Yeah, so a couple of, so let's... @03_3975 All right, I can think of nice and ugly ways of making that happen. Like for instance, what if I actually used this patch. Let's turn it on and listen to it. [tone] Miller: OK. @03_3990 So there's this oscillator, it's at three Hertz. Now I'm going to just set the thing to something every 400 milliseconds, sorry, every 500 milliseconds. OK. Now just to be @03_4005 bad about it ... [tone changes] Miller: Now I can make a motorboat sound. What I'm doing is I'm changing the phase of the oscillator. @03_4020 Offsetting the phase of the oscillator which is causing a discontinuity in the sound. OK. Let's see, let's shut this thing up. @03_4035 All right. Yeah? Student: On my computer my number boxes always just go up by integers? Miller: Oh, yes, that came up before, but I said it kind of fast: If you hit the shift key while you're scrolling it, you're scrolling in hundredths. @03_4050 And if you don't then your scrolling in ones. Any questions? All right. So now, what would happen if you took this metronome and well @03_4065 whatever it is, every 100 milliseconds now I'm just going to set the oscillator to three Hertz. [tone] Miller: Well the oscillator @03_4080 was already at three Hertz. So it doesn't do anything to set the oscillator to three Hertz. So it stays at three Hertz. So that has no effect. On the other hand, don't try this at home. @03_4095 [tone changes] Miller: You can have two of them and make them fight. So let's make this one go at some nice other speed like @03_4110 161.8, and you all know that number, right? And now we'll hook that up, too... "No, E!" "No, A!" "No, E!" right? @03_4125 That's Compositional Algorithms 101. Yeah, you can think about why that did what it did.[laughter] Miller: @03_4140 OK, but I should tell you what it did, which is this. These two things are putting out bangs. They're putting them out at different rates. One of them is happening 10 times a second. @03_4155 One of them is happening [10 X (1 + sqrt(5/2))] times per second -- the golden ratio. I just chose that because it always sounds good when the metronomes have the golden ratio. OK. Now, 10 times a second we're bashing @03_4170 the frequency to 220 "A". And some other number of times a second we're bashing it to 330 "E". In fact, if we want to see what that's doing, we could just say, actually show me the frequency of this oscillator. And then we have this @03_4185 schizoid frequency here. Student: It looks like an animated "2" and "3". Oh yeah! 2 and 3. All right, yeah, there's ASCII art to be gotten here, isn't it? [laughter] Miller: Right, OK. This is now @03_4200 having two different inputs to the oscillator, which are telling it to do different things. And they don't get added or anything like that. They would get added if they were signals, but since they are messages @03_4215 which happen at different times, it doesn't make sense to add them. And so instead, it just becomes a situation where whoever sets it last wins. So if someone is opening a door and someone else is closing a door, is the door open or closed? Well, it depends on who got there most recently. @03_4230 So the last person to set it wins. And meanwhile what you hear is the thing changing between the two values in whatever tempo it makes to get the two things to happen at different times. @03_4245 Is that clear? OK, all right. So this shows, in some way, the essential difference between @03_4260 the sporadic control message computations and signal computations. If you want to do something that has to do with decision making or has to do with events that happen in time, like waiting @03_4275 for network packets, or waiting a certain amount of time, or waiting until a keyboard key goes down or something like that, you are in Message Land. And message rules are that when something comes out of something, like this metronome generates @03_4290 events and the event traverses the tree of everything that is connected to it until it gets to something that doesn't respond, but simply changes its state or does something by side effect. At which point we have done that @03_4305 tree of messages that descends from this metronome setting. All right. Is that clear? And a good part of computer music is thinking of @03_4320 cool networks for controlling these signal processing networks. One thing about that is it takes brains of an entirely different sort to know how to make good control structures from knowing how @03_4335 to make good signal processing structures. Signal processing structures are -- it's very mathematical. You need to be able to deal with trig and stuff like that. You need to be able to think about spectra of sounds. For doing control, actually @03_4350 knowledge doesn't seem to help you very much. No one really has a good way of theorizing about how people should control computers and computer music applications. And as a result, you just sort of learn a collection of techniques which might @03_4365 involve how to respond to external events. How to make decisions. How to generate random numbers. How to solve problems involving constraints. And so on like that. I don't even know how to make the list. But what that @03_4380 looks like is like the field of combinatorics. Just a whole bunch of different things that are different ideas that you have to know a lot of in order to be effective at it. And you just have to wait until you've seen a bunch of things or invented a whole bunch of things, and then you have a nice @03_4395 repertoire of stuff you can put together and make a meaningful patches. So both of those things are things that take a tremendous amount of work to acquire well. The signal processing you can do in a more systematic kind of a way I think than the control aspect of it. @03_4410 And furthermore, it's a little bit artificial to separate them at all. OK. All right, so review of what happened today. A lot happened today. @03_4425 OK. So the new stuff you saw was these messages. And then I got to show you how you could like make things, like sets of numbers that you could then call up at different times. There were, @03_4440 I think, there should have been three new objects, but I can't remember what they were. They were delay and metronome. And I think that's all I've shown you. Oh, I forgot @03_4455 to show you one, and I don't have time now. I'll tell you what it is: I also meant to show you this wonderful object here, "line~" which is your all-purpose ramp generator. @03_4470 So I'll start showing you that in detail next time. Actually, since we have five minutes, I'll show you what it does and whet your appetite, and then you can get help on it. Then I'll show you in detail how to use it next time. This is the better amplitude control object. @03_4485 So we've been using oscillators to control amplitude -- I'll come clean now -- just because I didn't want to introduce another object right away. But it's not really the thing that you do all the time, use an oscillator to control the amplitude of another oscillator. More often @03_4500 what you want to do is this -- let's see, let's turn these things off because otherwise it's going to be nuts. OK. Thanks. Now I have a nice frequency. Now what I am going to do @03_4515 is a -- don't need this, don't need that, don't need this -- and line. And line is going to now have a message going into it. And the message is going to have two numbers. I haven't told you about this yet: @03_4530 a value, and a time to obtain the value at. So here's on and here's off in a second. Now I have @03_4545 the following wonderful thing: (turn DSP on) Miller: There's my 220 Hertz ... and there's my 220 Hertz shutting off. All right. There are @03_4560 several new concepts here. One thing is message boxes can have more than one number. And so messages don't necessarily consist only of numbers. Miller: They are actually quite free form although @03_4575 a lot of the time messages are just numbers. line~ will interpret a message with two numbers to mean, "This is the value we're going to attain. This is the amount of time we're going to attain it in." So that this is a faster one:@03_4590 [tone] Miller: ... as opposed to this. So this is the way we make sounds that turn on @03_4605 and off when we want them to, as opposed to just when the oscillator's phase changes appropriately. Yeah? Student: Where did you get the value of "1000" from for the message? Miller: Oh, it's 1000 milliseconds and that's the amount of time that it took to rise. And what I intended to do and @03_4620 got lost in details instead was graph this for you, the same way as I was doing before. Let's see, we're going to need delay, draw button ... @03_4635 Sorry, this is going to be over in just a second. And we're going to graph the line~ : [tone] Miller: Ta-da. There's what a line does. @03_4650 It sits there doing nothing until you tell it to do something. And 400 milliseconds later I told it to go up to 1 in 100 milliseconds. @03_4665 So now what's happening is the line is sitting at zero. Miller: @03_4680 So I asked it now to go up to 1 in 100 milliseconds, and what it did was, it starts graphing. 400 milliseconds later it says, "Line turn on." It turns on. It takes it a tenth of a second to reach @03_4695 its target value of one. And furthermore, I can now tell it to turn off. [tone fades out] Miller: And then it waits 400 milliseconds and then goes out. This is your @03_4710 way of getting stuff to start and stop. It's kind of one of those useful things that musicians need to be able to do with their sounds. And more about this next time, maybe. It's time to stop @03_4725 for now. @03_0000*** MUS171 #04 01 13 Miller: The new objects for today are going to be... my memory's long here...we're going to find out. @04_0015Six of them since you only got four last time. What I want to do is I have two things in the program today which are not absolutely to develop new theory but to continue @04_0030showing you manipulative level things that we might want to do. What they are are, first off, oscillators are the same thing as, let's see, what's an oscillator look like here. Do not be confused by @04_0045the fact that OSC and COS are anagrams. osc~ is oscillator and cos~ is a thing which just takes the cosine of what we're looking at. Actually, if you give the input in cycles -- so it's the cosine of two pi times the thing. And phasor @04_0060is the other thing that you need if you want to make an oscillator and someone gives you the cosine function. I'll try to explain that in comprehensible terms later and when you see that then you'll actually understand what an oscillator is and does. Then, @04_0075various conversion things: frequency back and forth to midi and RMS back and forth to decibels. These are the things that you really use at least at the first cut in order to be able to control pitches and amplitudes @04_0090in human readable ways. So up until today I've been giving you amplitudes that look like 0.1 and stuff like that which is a perfectly reasonable way to operate, but most people would prefer to use some kind of reasonable amplitude units. So stage two @04_0105in learning how to do that is knowing the usual psychoacoustics or acoustics measure of amplitudes and frequencies which are going to be... or frequencies, maybe, which is not really a unit but which seems to be the easiest way to describe @04_0120what that is and decibels which you learned about in physics. Alright, so that's physics@04_0135... So, with that in mind, I'm acutely aware that I used about five minutes of the very end of the last class to suddenly introduce the line~ object. So I want to go back over that review-ishly @04_0150and try to make sure everyone uses it and wants to use it. There will be more about how to use this thing effectively, that's to say programmaticly, that I won't be able to tell you today because I won't have all the GUI objects to be able to do that. @04_0165But I can at least keep at it at the sort of level of preplanned, here are the breakpoints, and here's what I want to do on this level. Alright? So the usual patch @04_0180that we've been operating on, or make it the usual kind of patch, is - make a frequency, - multiply it by something to control the amplitude (which until now has been an oscillator because we didn't have line~).But now that we have line~, @04_0195pretty much for the rest of time were going to be using this (line~) or objects derived from it for controlling amplitudes instead of oscillators which are not usually amplitude controllers really. Alright so @04_0210line~ does something which at the end of last class I was hurriedly trying to show that I will just develop that again - probably somewhat differently in order to emphasize it. So what we have here is a nice table with 44,100 @04_0225elements in it, so that it holds a second of a sound sample at the rate that we operate at. And that way we can do things like -- First off let's look at the oscillator and we'll see what 440 Hertz looks like if you @04_0240graph a second of it. Wait a second before you see it and then you see if @04_0255I were honest I would tell you that there aren't actually 440 cycles being graphed here. What's really happening is there aren't 440 pixels in that part of the screen so it's graphing some incorrectly unsampled @04_0270version of that waveform. But nonetheless you just get a sense that it just fills this table that is the rampage between -1 and +1. Which is indeed what the output of an oscillator looks like. If you want to see it @04_0285well you have to give this thing some much lower value. And then you'll see a reasonable number of cycles but on the other hand when I play it to you wont hear anything. Because 10 Hertz is below the @04_0300audible frequency range. Alright, so we go back to this. And now what I want to do is graph what line~ does. So lets turn it on @04_0315and lets graph it. Well that was kind of stupid. The graph actually falls right on top of the rectangle that holds it. So if you want to actually @04_0330see it maybe I should look do this -- I don't know how to do this in any good pedagogical way. I could make the table go from -2 to 2 which I've done a couple of times. There now your looking @04_0345at it. Yes? Student: What's the "300" in the message boxes going to line~? Miller: OK, yes I'v got to get to that. So the 300 is the amount of time in milliseconds that it takes to obtain the value that I gave it as a target. So here the target is zero and the time is 300. Student: @04_0360Because it takes 300 milliseconds to from 1 to 0? Miller: That's right or from wherever it was to zero because if it is at zero, I asked it to do that which means it has to go from zero to zero which means it just flattens. Or -- to @04_0375make it painfully obvious -- we'll put a delay on the message, like this. @04_0390OK. I didn't do that right; I didn't tell it how much to delay, did I? So we'll delay another 400 milliseconds. I'm going to turn it off and then, there it is: [tone]. @04_0405 Alright, so this is what line~ does. It starts where ever it was and when you send it a message -- so the message arrives, "0.95 @04_0420300" arrives, at this point in time. Because I started graphing 400 milliseconds earlier than I sent that message, and line~'s way of responding to that message is to ramp up to its target value, @04_0435which is almost a one, and do that in the next 300 milliseconds. It doesn't look like it, but this should be 4/10ths of it, and this should be 3/10ths of it. Something bothers me here ... it doesn't really look that way to me right now. But maybe it is. @04_0450Yeah. I'm looking at it from real close, too. Who knows. Alright! Or conversely, sorry to insult your intelligence, but, 2e'll do the same thing to get back down. @04_0465Oh, but with a different button. But now, of course, if I do .this ... -- nothing happens because I @04_0480stopped DSP! ... (Oh, this is going to be very confusing. The delay sent the message anyway, and then this thing happened, and it all happened while DSP wasn't running. @04_0495So they all took effect at the same moments, but that wasn't what I wanted to show you.) I wanted to show you this: Going up in here; here's what it looks like to go down -- and here's what it looks like if to go up and down. And pretty soon you @04_0510will be building synthesizers. Oops, what did I just do? I wanted to make this a smaller delay. ... @04_0525Let's do this for real. What we're going to do is turn it on after 100 milliseconds and then turn it off after another @04_0540400. Wow, there it is. Alright, now @04_0555someone who doesn't understand this, ask a question. Or do you just need to stare at it? That's a possibility too. Or is this just @04_0570clear? Probably not. What's not clear about it, first off is that you can't actually see from a patch what objects are doing the good thing right now and what aren't. That's a problem that no one will ever be able to solve. But what's happened was, @04_0585you could pretend these things aren't here because they are not happening right now. Let's actually cut this. Actually, let's just throw the whole thing out; we don't need it. So now @04_0600what we have is... I'm going to save this. This is a good moment. Miller: So what happened is I hit the button, 100 milliseconds later a message comes out of this delay, @04_0615a bang message comes out of this delay and does this, which means over the next 300 milliseconds we're going up. Then, how long does it stay at 0.95? Student: 100. Miller: The remaining 100 milliseconds between this @04_0630300 and this 400 because, another 400 milliseconds later, this message clicks. Yes. Student: Bang? Miller: Yes. Well. Delay sends a bang, which causes this message box to send a message "0 300" to the same line~, @04_0645therefore it goes down. And the whole thing fits within a second, so we got to see it all. Yeah. Student: It doesn't make sense. Could you just go over exactly line~ again, what the function of it does? [laughter] Miller: @04_0660Yeah. OK. So... Student: Could it replace something you've done before? Miller: Oh. OK. There @04_0675were examples earlier where we did things like this. Let me break this for a second. And do this: osc~ oscillator a couple of Hertz. Multiply by that. Miller: Right? @04_0690And that's an amplitude control. This... -- This is another amplitude control. But it is an amplitude control that let's you tell it whatever you want to do really, as opposed to just sitting there and just doing something by itself (as osc~ does). @04_0705So, answer number one is osc~ could be used as an audio generator or as a level control by using it to multiply by another oscillator or something else. And line~ also could be used as a straight @04_0720signal and you would hear a thump. Or you can use it as a level control by multiplying it by something that you want to hear. line~ makes this kind of waveform. In contrast to osc~, @04_0735which makes this kind of waveform. OK. Miller: Now I need another button to press just for graphing. @04_0750So there is what the oscillator does. So oscillators make sinusoids. And line~ makes line segments. Student: You said something about you can take the line~ and a signal and @04_0765make it sound like an oscillator? Miller: Yeah, Maybe I shouldn't have said that. If you want a kick drum sound? Make one of these. [tone] Miller: Sorry. Make one of what I just did -- not one of what you just heard, make one of what you just saw. @04_0780I shouldn't be telling you this. This is not good computer music here. But you can listen to the line~ object, right? And if I do this people won't hear @04_0795a thing and they can just see the speaker come move a little bit. Maybe, not even. But if you do this real fast -- like, if I replace these numbers with tiny numbers, like this. Let's replace this by 4 and make all these @04_0810numbers, you know about 2. Then I've got a nice sound that puts out. That's this. Oh. There it is. That's the sound of a pulse. You can't really see it in detail, @04_0825but that's a ramp that's going up in two milliseconds, then it's staying at the top for two milliseconds, then it's coming back down. Six milliseconds wide, which means that the bandwidth of it is .. well never mind, it's audible. It happens fast @04_0840enough that you can hear. Student: Then that number is the amplitude? Miller: The first number, yeah. 0.95 is the height here. Amplitude is one of these terms @04_0855that can mean anything ... But amplitude here is just how big it is in some sense. So yes it's the amplitude. Student: Could you make that .95 be -.95? Miller: Like this. @04_0870Right? Anyone want to predict what that will sound like? Yeah? Student: Won't it sound the same? Miller: Yeah. Looks different, but sounds the same. By the way, there's no reason that your ears couldn't have been designed in such a way that that would sound different. @04_0885That's a way that you can encode secret information in a signal that no one can hear. You've got the sign as a completely inaudible -- but very present -- parameter. OK. @04_0900So there's that. Let's get back to reality here. Anyway, let me go back to real reality, which is I'm going to go back to using this as an envelope in some kind of a reasonable way. OK. @04_0915Now you didn't hear this because I just played the output of the line~, not the thing that is having its amplitude controlled by that. But you can imagine that if you took a sinusoid @04_0930and multiplied it by a signal that started at 0 and gradually went up to 1-ish and then went back down to 0 that you would hear the sinusoid turn on and off. That's what you heard before, which is this sound. [tone]@04_0945Furthermore, it might be helpful to graph that.[tone] Student: @04_0960Can you tell us how you have the parameters of that "x1-13" array set? Miller: Oh. The array is going from minus one to one and it's 44,100 points, which means @04_0975one second. I have it graphing points and not lines, I think. Oh wait, it doesn't look like I'm doing that right so maybe that's not true. One little thing about @04_0990that, there's another good thing in the properties of an array which is that there's someplace where you select whether you want @04_1005to save its contents. OK,@04_1020 here it is: "Save contents." If you un-check that then it will not pollute your patch with 44,100 values of whatever is sitting in your array. And then when you load the patch, it'll be zeros and your patch will be many many lines smaller, @04_1035which might be a good thing as soon as you start putting large values in arrays. Student: Do you know of problems or quirks with dragging the properties window on a Macintosh? Miller: On a Macintosh? Miller: @04_1050Yeah, you have the test version from December, maybe you still can. Miller: OK. @04_1065This sounds eerily familiar but I thought this problem had gone away. I've seen this, I saw this last year so @04_1080I should go back to worrying about that. I suspect that there might be weirdnesses for OS 10.4 if you have an old Mac but now? -- @04_1095because I heard some reports about that. So I don't know, maybe I should look at it later. I know what it would look like because I think I've seen it but it's odd that it's still happening. So, yes, everyone else: On a Mac, when you do this and get the properties @04_1110do you have a way of moving the properties out of the way? Because...no, that's not good. I've had it on Macintosh's sometimes happen that you get the two, these two dialogues show up and the @04_1125array properties are right behind the canvas properties and, furthermore, you don't get the area that allows you to drag the windows so that you can't move it. Student: On my Mac, you can. Miller: You can... You can't ... @04_1140OK, so it's 50/50 whether you can move it or not. [laughs] OK, I better go looking at this. @04_1155What you are looking at now is not the output of a line~ but the result of multiplying it by the oscillator . You've seen @04_1170what the oscillator's output looks like, it's got a constant amplitude of one and it's batting up and down rapidly. Now what we have is nothing because no matter what's coming out of here you're multiplying it by zero, you're getting zero. And that's nothing @04_1185for the first 100 milliseconds until the thing ramps up and then there's a period of 100 milliseconds, (it's not too clear) where the thing is flat, and then there's a period of three hundred milliseconds where it goes back down. Miller: And this is what the output of a well-formed computer-music-@04_1200style instrument should look like. It should turn on in a gentle way. At least it shouldn't turn on by just turning on, and then it should turn off by just turning off here. So bad computer music style might be to - be to @04_1215do something like this. Actually I'll just simulate it. Suppose I either didn't put the line in or just put the thing right in the multiplier like this - yeah, here. @04_1230I'm just trying to figure out how not to be confusing -- Maybe the least confusing thing is I'll put times of zero here (for the line~ objects.) Now we have a computer music instrument @04_1245that makes a pop when it turns on and off. OK. Differently, to boot. What you see is every time that I whack it I get something somewhat different. It jumps from @04_1260zero to some value. Whose value depends on what phase the oscillator happened to be at, at the moment I clicked the button. Or actually, at the moment the computer decided I had clicked the button. @04_1275And so at that particular time we didn't get a huge click because the value was relatively close to zero right when I whacked it, but if I whack it again - That one really was smooth on but it was not smooth off. @04_1290You just get what you get. There it was bad - it jumped almost to full blast right at the outset. OK? This is a good way to make annoying sounds. Miller: As a rule of thumb, @04_1305this is either a function of psychoacoustics or personal preference, depending on your philosophy. If you give this thing at least five milliseconds to go up and down, @04_1320you will get something that most people don't perceive as having a click at the beginning and the end. And that, in my opinion, is about as fast an attack as you should have on something@04_1335 if you don't want to have a snapping sound, or a click. Unfortunately, that number is not a constant of nature. That number depends on the frequency of the oscillator. For low frequency tones, like 50 Hertz-ish, @04_1350you will still hear an ugly popping sound even at this speed, and you'll have to make this number larger. So then it's a question: how do people who play bass, play their instruments? @04_1365It doesn't take 20 milliseconds for a bass to start sounding. And so there is this ramp of 20 milliseconds and yet the bass, when you pluck a string, doesn't click. There is a reason for that but I'll try to explain that later on. @04_1380It is possible to make things that go on quickly without clicking even if they have bass frequencies. But you will have to be smarter than what I've taught you to be so far in order to pull that one off. In particular you should make it so that the phase of the oscillator is something appropriate for @04_1395quickly starting up, when it starts. Miller: So we have a sort of barely acceptable computer music instrument here. And while were doing computer music lets make this delay be @04_1410just the rise time which is five and lets make this delay the half second. Now we have the standard computer music @04_1425bell. This is incorrect by the way. There is no bell that decays linearly. What would be the correct decay shape for a bell? @04_1440Logarithmic? Well yeah, logarithmic that's one way to say it. It should be a falling exponential. Which is to say, if you took the logarithm of it you should see a straight line going down. It's an amazing fact that a mass-and-spring system. Like the ones you studied in Music 170 as they @04_1455decay they lose a fixed number of decibels per second. So if you believe in decibels as a psychoacoustic measure, the rate of drop off is actually constant whn you listen to it. Which is why bells work as musical instruments in some sense. This @04_1470doesn't work it sort of hangs in the air and then ends in this sort of -- I don't know what. That doesn't sound right. It sounds like it was ringing for a while and then someone damped it. @04_1485As opposed to someone let it ring. And if I graphed the logarithm of this which would be how you heard it. In other words if I graphed it in decibels. It shouldn't take the log of this. Well it could take the log of of this: @04_1500This is now this is showing the envelope generator again. If I took the logarithm out of this you would see something that started off not quite level but then suddenly started dropping precipitously later on. @04_1515Until finally here it hits minus infinity because the logarithm of 0 is divergent. Questions about what I just put down? I'll probably say this @04_1530again and again, in many different ways. Yeah? Student: So, how would you change it to logarithmic decay? Miller: Yeah, how would you make it be logarithmic? Oh that's a good one! I intend to bend your ears very seriously about that in the coming weeks. @04_1545There are five or six ways you can do it. Depending on the exact spin that you want to try. @04_1560One thing that you could do is you could say, ... Oh you know what? I'd have to use an object here that I'm not ready to use yet. So let me go on to units because once I've talked a bit more about the @04_1575psychoacoustic units then I can answer questions like that a little bit better. Other questions? Yeah? Student: In the line~ the "500" was 500 milliseconds. What is the 44,100 number? Miller: Yeah. Oooh, @04_1590that is a good question. OK. Units in PD are confusing. 44,100 is the numbers of samples in a second. 500 is the number of milliseconds in a half second @04_1605and sometimes in pd-Land time is in samples, and sometimes time is in milliseconds. This is just kind of unfortunate, I don't know anyway around this situation. PD here doesn't actually believe that @04_1620the axis here is time, this is really just an array of numbers. Which of course you could treat as an audio sample which is the way I'm treating it right now. But it could be probabilities or it could be weather data or @04_1635anything. If you want to use this to store a sound, the natural thing to do is have the horizontal axis be samples of which each one is 1/n-th of a second where 'n' is the sample rate. @04_1650And that number varies - if that number were always the same things would be a lot easier, but in fact sample rates vary depending on what you're trying to do. If you want to find about a dolphin's songs you should not @04_1665operate at 44k1. You should operate at a couple hundred thousand at least. That explains the value 44,100, which was the size of this @04_1680array which we set in the panel where you set the size of the array. Here, these are values of time, which are of interest to line~. So another part of the answer to that question is @04_1695that different objects - for instance, line~, or osc~, take their inputs to mean different things depending on their functions. So for osc~, its input is setting the frequency of that object. And @04_1710line~ -- when I'm sending it messages like this -- the message is interpreted as, "This is an output value which itself is in arbitrary units, which matters to the next object down. The second thing is @04_1725 a time which is in milliseconds. And that is possible, because line~ is a thing which actually runs in time, and so it has access to what the real value of time is so it can operate on a time unit as opposed to a unit of samples. Student: @04_1740Could you use line~ to set the frequency of an oscillator? Miller: Yeah. That's a fun idea. @04_1755You could use line~ to set the frequency of an oscillator. The answer is yes you can and why not. Miller: @04_1770Now these are not good frequencies for an oscillator, right? So, 440 and lets make it a half second. All right. @04_1785So, now I'll turn it on [plays tone and modulates pitch by an octave.] @04_1800Now we've got full computer music, right? [laughter]. Well, never mind that comment ... You can hook anything to anything. The only restrictions being is that there is @04_1815a distinction of type, which is to say something can be a number which is happening at the time of messages, or something can be an audio signal, which is something that comes out of a ~ object. Yeah? Student: @04_1830Could that line~ there be a message line. Is there also a message version of line? Miller: There is. You could do this: Watch this connection when I change that -- Boing! -- It turns into a message line! Now, @04_1845you'll get a wonderful effect [plays tone]. Let's make that a smaller number. No, it's too small @04_1860[plays tone]. You can almost hear it now. Hear an arpeggio? The reason it's arpeggiating like that - I'll put it @04_1875more in your face [makes adjustments to line values]. The reason you hear those values in the middle ... This thing, which I wasn't going to tell you about, is a version of line~ which puts out messages @04_1890at a fixed rate. What rate? The rate that defaults to 20 milliseconds. Why 20 milliseconds? Because people used to use this to control midi devices @04_1905and if you try to ram more than 50 messages (per second) down a midi device line you can get in trouble for various reasons. So, this (message-version of line) exists. And anyway sending a message to osc~ @04_1920changes its frequency just fine, but it changes it in a way that happens right when it's going to happen, as opposed to doing it continuously the way a signal would. Another way of seeing that is @04_1935our old friend, print. First off, there's nothing coming out of line, but if I tell it to ramp up to 880 ...[showing the pd window] ... @04_1950whoops. It's already at 880. That wasn't a good example; I'll ramp it back down. And, it says, "oh, OK. 20 milliseconds later they're here and here", and this is the arpeggio that you heard which was too fast to be able to hear very well @04_1965[playing a series of frequencies]. The version I showed you before @04_1980which is [plays frequency pattern] this smooth one. Was that clear to everyone? Student: So, line is discrete and line~ is continuous? Miller: Yeah, line~ makes it into an @04_1995audio signal, which for practical purposes is continuous. In fact I think using the word "continuous" is a bit of a lie because it's really just "continuously at the sample rate." Oh yea and we can do that here too, @04_2010and this is going to be rotten. Let's do 100 here. I don't hear anything wrong. @04_2025If we listen to this over headphones you wouldn't like it though. Can't hear it in this room I don't think, at least I can't. What you should hear is a gritty sound that's called "zipper noise," @04_2040which is the effect of this thing now. So you have five steps, going from zero to .95, and this thing is changing discontinuously, which is therefore a click, like this. @04_2055Let's see, so here's the crude way to turn things on and off.[ Uses only "0" and "1" message boxes.] OK, so if you do it this way @04_2070you have the same thing, but each of the jumps is only a fifth as large so they're quieter and buried in the sound of the oscillator, but if you do that with your headphones you can hear something bad. It's actually, it's easy @04_2085to track problems down when things are really bad, but when things are only just a little bad like that, then you will have to listen to your thing very much more carefully and more critically on order to be able to find find the problem. @04_2100It's better if you can to avoid getting into that situation. So that's line, as opposed to line~, which would do it correctly. Student: The message at the top is @04_2115every tenth of a second after you click it, it takes a tenth of a second to go to 110. Miller: OK, let me see. OK. See, you're referring to this network over here, I'm assuming? Oh -- these two, @04_2130oh OK. So what's happening here is - Right. OK. Whenever I whack it, over the next tenth of a second when I whack it, it ramps from wherever it is up to the values, @04_2145or down to the values it needed. Student: So assuming you just turn on the DSP ... So what's the starting value? Miller: Zero. So now, for instance if I'm playing the sound and I say 'OK give me a new one of these, it's putting out zeros @04_2160until I decide to send a message telling it something else. Now that we've done that, @04_2175remember that I showed you how to do rudimentary frequency modulation? (This isn't exactly an aside, this is an embellishment.) So we save as, ["3.fmagain.pd"] @04_2190and we're going to say three FM again. @04_2205And now let's see - lets get rid of - sorry, OK. I don't need this anymore. What I need is another oscillator whose frequency is ... -- I'm going to recreate as much like the @04_2220old values as I the old ones I can remember. So I'm going to add 440 to another oscillator in order to create this oscillator. And that other oscillator is going to be an oscillator with an amplitude control. So lets get @04_2235these two things out -- oh these three things out. So this is an amplitude controlled oscillator. That's all you really need to do it. So here now if I listen to that @04_2250like this I get, whoops I don't have the off button sorry. OK. There's that and now we're going to take that instead of @04_2265setting it up to an amplitude of 1-ish I'm going to set it up to an amplitude of 1,000-ish. Do not play this through the speaker. And meanwhile I'm going to make it slower so you can hear what's happening. @04_2280And what I'm going to do to this, is I'm going to add 440 to it and make it be the frequency of another oscillator. @04_2295Let's just make sure this is off. And I'm going to clean it up a little bit so that you can see a little better what's going on. Alright, Oscillator. OK. Now what were listening to is this oscillator right now its playing @04_2310at 440 Hertz and this is going to apply vibrato to it. Vibrato is going to be at the audio frequency also at 440 Hertz and its going to have amplitude of zero up to 1000. OK. @04_2325And that's the sound that I incorrectly said was @04_234060's computer music. This was invented or published in 1973 so this is 70's computer music not 60's computer music. That's a correction from last week. My apologies to John Chowning if he ever sees this video. @04_2355Oh, John Chowning is the originator of the frequency modulation technique, as we all know. And anyone who has a cell phones uses FM all day long. For which I once heard John say he was sorry. OK. @04_2370Is it? -- Now this is an excellent moment to ask if you understand what's going on or not. Let me tell you one useful thing. Student: @04_2385Can you say what the graph parameters are? Miller: The graph parameters -- OK. I didn't actually graph anything just now. The graph parameters are properties. It's got a name (x1-13) it's got size 44,100 @04_2400and I am saving contents which I probably shouldn't and I have these polygons despite the fact that I might need points. Whoops, I closed the other thing too. @04_2415And then the "canvas" -- that is to say the graph that it's in -- the horizontal range is set so that it holds the array. You can change that but- Student: Doesn't the array actually have 44,101 points? Miller: @04_2430Oh, OK. So arrays actually are indexed starting with zero, c-style. So really the graph could have been from 0 to 44,099 but @04_2445what would that change? That might move one thing over one pixel. Also, I mean you also can lie to it. You can say "I want you to start graphing at 1000 please." You probably shouldn't do this ... and then it's all very good except @04_2460the thing is - Oh, look at that. I just destroyed it. What did I just do? Hmm. All right. Can't see it anymore. @04_2475I didn't want it that way anyway. So what's happening here is: first off @04_2490this thing is repeating every... hmm, I don't know how to describe this... OK, this is an oscillator nominally which is operating at 440 Hertz and I'm applying vibrato but the vibrato itself is @04_2505repeating every 440 Hertz. What that means is that rather than changing the heard-pitch of the thing, I'm changing the pitch so fast that it's actually changing the waveform. Or, @04_2520to put it another way, the result is repeating still every 440th of a second. The thing's repeating at 440 Hertz still even though its pitch nominally is changing, it's happening within a cycle and the cycle is always the same @04_2535period so we don't hear any change in pitch when we start applying vibrato [the original 440 Hertz oscillator alone] [then ramping-in the vibrato changes the timbre.] Miller: @04_2550So, if we're not changing the amplitude, and we're not changing the pitch then old psychoacoustics joke is: If something isn't amplitude and it isn't pitch, then it must be timbre. @04_2565So we're making a timbrel variation on the sound and there are ways of describing mathematically what's happening here which I won't go into but I will go so far as to graph these waveforms so that you can see the vibrato in action. @04_2580And it's a good thing. To do that now, I have now to change the parameters of the table. "Properties" -- OK. So let's have @04_2595the thing only be 1,000 points now. Yeah. Let's see. Let's graph @04_2610just the output of the oscillator without worrying about the amplitude. -- And ... it won't do it! .. Because I have to do something else. This is the old 43-test bug. Yeah, question? Student: @04_2625Does that 440 in the oscillator add to 2000? Miller: It does, yeah. Oh, yes. Thinking of it that way, the first oscillator is 2,000 volts right now. It's actually varying from plus or minus @04_26402,000 volts and I'm adding an offset to that, so it's varying from +2,440 and - 1,560. Yeah? Student: Sorry, could you explain @04_2655the values in the message box and what goes to the *~? Miller: OK. This is going to be the target value that line~ gets, so if I graph the line~ output it would be 2,000 units north. Student: But that 2000 ... @04_2670what units is it in? Miller: Oh, what unit is it in? It's in whatever units the thing I put it to is taking it to be. In other words, it's really just a pure number. The units only become relevant when you use it for something, which is down here. @04_2685So it's really just knowledge about the patch that this is all operating in Hertz and the reason it's operating in Hertz is because this oscillator wants the thing in Hertz, or cycles per second. Yeah? Student: @04_27002,000 is the amplitude connected to the value of the oscillator, right? Miller: That's right. And that's why "amplitude" is such a slippery word. It's both an amplitude, but it's an amplitude that's in Hertz. Student: It's a magnitude. Miller: @04_2715A magnitude? Yeah. This is a question. I think of amplitudes as being able to be positive and negative and magnitude as being the absolute value of the amplitude. That might be a @04_2730local usage of mine. It's the usage that's in my book. It's also what the quantum mechanician would say, I think. Student: If that's 2,000 Hertz then it's not oscillating at 440 ... why doesn't the pitch change? Miller: @04_2745That's right. And yet the change that I'm making in the frequency of the oscillator is varying, but it's varying in such a way it all adds up to no variation @04_2760because there's as much positive as there is negative. So half the cycle here this thing is adding to the frequency, the other half is taking away from the frequency, so the average frequency is still 440 even though @04_2775it's going up to much higher than that and down to something negative. Yeah. Let me see how you graph it. @04_2790Let me graph it. Hang on to your questions for just a second. I'm just going to change it [the Y-range] to +2, -2 again. Miller: @04_2805@04_2820@04_2835OK, so now we're looking at the oscillator, but we're not changing the frequency. @04_2850So now you see the period of the oscillator is from, for instance here to here. So it's about 2/5ths of this number line. OK, I changed the window by the way, so that it's at 250 points now. So it's a very short amount of time in the life of this sound. @04_2865Now I'm going to send the oscillator up to amplitude 2,000. I'm not going to graph that (first oscillator), because it would go through the roof. But you can still now look at the output of this (second) oscillator, and then you get - OK now, @04_2880this requires some explanation. It still has the same cycle, but let me ... - Before I give it 2,000, let me give it some smaller number like @04_2895440. No, smaller than that.... OK, here, this is easier to understand. @04_2910So you see it's still cycling from here to here. That it's going too fast, and then after that , it's going too slow. It's going faster here because at @04_2925this moment in the cycle, this oscillator was positive, and therefore was adding to the frequency. So it sped up to some frequency much higher than 440 Hertz. But then over this period of time, it has slowed down to some frequency much lower @04_2940than 440 Hertz. And on average, over the cycle, the frequency was 440, and so it actually made it through the cycle in the correct amount of time. But it did it in a non-uniform way, @04_2955whose result therefore was not at all a sinusoid. And then if you listen to it, you won't hear a sinusoid, you will hear some other waveform that has some other partials, because waveforms have partials. @04_2970OK. Now what was your question? Student: What would you do if you only wanted magnitude, you wanted the lowest value to be 0, instead of @04_2985going between positive and negative? Miller: Oh, yeah, there's a couple of ways you could do that. You could take the absolute value. Which means negative values simply be negated so they become positive. Or you could slide the whole thing up @04_3000by adding one to it. And then you would just see the entire waveform do that. Oh, that would be if you added one to this oscillator. This oscillator right now has an amplitude of @04_3015330 but I'm adding 440 to it. So if I graphed it I it would go up to positive in fact. It's all ranging from 110 to 770. Student: So those are all magnitudes? Miller: @04_3030Yeah, in my way of using amplitude and magnitude I would say that magnitude is the amplitude because the number is a positive real number, whose absolute value is itself. But I would never say something like that except to confuse someone. @04_3045Goal achieved [laughs]. So these are amplitudes which are variously positive and negative. But if you add enough to @04_3060a sinusoid - if you add enough of a constant to a sinusoid it would be positive and the samples would all be positive. Student: Then you wouldn't have phase issues? Miller: Oh boy you always have phase issues. But they would be different phase issues. -- @04_3075But that probably didn't answer your question very well did it? Student: Sort of. I can just look at it on the computer. Miller: Yeah, I think the gist of it, you're confusing yourself by using the word magnitude. Student: @04_3090I just wanted all of the values to be positive. Miller: But how would that help you? Miller: @04_3105Yeah I think I could do that to this and then the frequencies wouldn't - whats the right way of saying this. @04_3120Obscure it, the results would be complicated. Yeah OK. Miller: So OK. So now if I make this value bigger, @04_3135let's try 1000. Student: You don't have a second value in the message to line~ , where you have 1000 as the first value? How long does that line~ take to ramp up? Miller: Zero. That just means "do it right now please." So this is equivalent to "1000 space 0." @04_3150And now we have the following hilarious sinusoid which did get around to phase zero once in the cycle but in fact was going -- @04_3165you can't see it right now. I'm going to just scramble the phase a little bit and see if we get a better one. Oh, there we go. Alright. So at some point it hits zero phase and then it goes racing along @04_3180until at some point it decides "No I went a little bit too far ;lets go backwards." And so I think at this portion of the waveform I think it's actually a negative frequency going backwards until it decides to come backwards enough to rush forward at @04_3195superior speed. So by pushing the - OK. So what I did was I made this oscillator have amplitude 1000 which therefore is so great that even after you add @04_3210440, you have both positive and negative values. And therefore you see the thing wrapping both forward and backwards in the cycle. Student: Can we hear what that sounds like? Miller: Yeah. In fact, you can do @04_3225more of it. So now I'm going to ramp it up to 5,000 and then graph it. Yeah --2,000, sorry. Yeah, yeah. Alright. Let's make it 5,000. @04_3240Oof -- There maybe I shouldn't be graphing points after all. @04_3255Let's go back to graphing this stupid way with polygons. Polygons are better if you have smaller numbers of points. --- There we go. This is the classical, pedagogical waveform that we show @04_3270when you show frequency modulation. The thing is wrapping forward crazily and then wrapping backward crazily to add up to just one cycle forward. Yeah? Student: Does the oscillator still output 440 Hertz even @04_3285when 5,000 is added to it's frequency? Miller: OK. Sample this oscillator and the oscillator's frequency is averaging 440, but it's varying by 5,000 around that average, which means it's rarely in the vicinity of 440 anymore. @04_3300It's just being scattered all over the place. Student: How does the first value of 440 fit in? Miller: Oh, this is getting added to this oscillator. @04_3315Oh, you mean this 440 on top? Oh, that's a good question. What if I make this 440 something different? Let's turn it off first. So now we're listening to @04_3330the same thing. Then turn on the variation: Now what we have is something that looks like this: [tone] @04_3345There's the original tone, which is an octave higher. Now what I'm doing is I'm varying the frequency at a rate so that it evens out completely only over two cycles. @04_3360So the resulting period is in fact 1/220th and not 1/440th. So this (220) is the frequency at which this thing is changing. Now @04_3375the variations are taking twice as long to cycle, but this (440) is still the center frequency, which could be some other number if we wanted to. Yeah? Student: How does the line~ control the changes? Miller: @04_3390Right. The line~ controls how widely it's varying around the center value of 440. Student: @04_3405And the starting frequency of 220 controls how quickly those changes happen? Miller: It's how quickly the variations happen. Yeah! Yeah, yeah that's it. So the frequency of this oscillator is 440 with disturbances. The disturbances have both an amplitude and @04_3420they have a speed. So the speed is 220 times a second and the size of the disturbance is 5000 or whatever it is that I set it to. Student: And its 5000 Hertz? Miller: Yeah, because it's being used as Hertz @04_3435because oscillator is ... These magnitudes are eventually finding their way down here and then they're being used as Hertz. But I could use this to read a sample or something like that and then the units would be different. Miller: Yeah? Student: @04_3450Is the 5000 frequency really just wave shaping? Miller: It is FM modulation. It's frequency modulation. @04_3465Which is "FM." You could even think of it being as overdrive in something too, but I'm not sure what. Yeah maybe, I'll talk more about wave shaping and over-driving and stuff later on. @04_3480It is a sort of overdrive. Now OK, so gravy on the cake is why don't we just make this thing be something we can control. Like this: ...Now I'll go back to the original(440). @04_3495The amplitude now is 1000 and now I'll start changing the frequency continuously. @04_3510[tones] @04_3525Alright, oh so this, now looks like this. And @04_3540you don't see a period in fact, you have to wait an entire second I think, no, you have to wait a fifth of a second before the thing all wraps around. So now you get something which is a nice @04_3555inharmonic tone. And you can analyze this and find out what the frequencies of the inharmonic partials are which I think we'll manage to get into in week six or seven, but here I'm showing that this is a thing that you can do. @04_3570Now, of course the amplitude can still be varied, the amplitude of the modulating oscillator can be varied and then you get [tone]... @04_3585one of these good 1970's computer-music sounds. Yeah. Student: Instead of making line~ do it in five seconds can you do it in one second? Miller: @04_3600Oh yeah OK. All right speed it up. Now, this is going to sound bad with these values ... [speeded up variation plays]. Student: @04_3615That doesn't sound bad. That sounds awesome! Miller: OK ... I guess you could like that ... [laughter]. What I don't like about it is that you hear this little @04_3630wah-wah effect as it's changing and you can't get that wah-wah effect out. And it's cool for the first five minutes but then you get really tired of it. And you can't iron it out -- you just have to turn to a different sysnthesis method at that point. @04_3645Most people who use FM, don't use these kinds of values. They're good pedagogically, because there's no way you can miss hearing it. If you keep these values upon the order of this (440) or maybe even twice as much as this, you don't get that wah-wah, @04_3660but you still get a timbrel variation. -- But you don't get a whole lot of high partials, so then, if you want high partials but not the wah-wah then you have to think a little harder. There are five or six ways I can tell you of proceeding. But, that happens later. Miller:@04_3675Other questions about this? There's a homework assignment for next time which is on the (~msp) website, but I haven't made the WebCT upload-yoohah yet. The homework assignment is @04_3690actually not to do FM, but is something that you will need line~ for, which is to make a collection of four oscillators which makes a tone and breaks up into two tones. After you've enjoyed it for awhile. Let's see if I can actually find it ... @04_3705 @04_3720The gotcha is I don't think I'm going to be able to get my computer to play this. This is a graph that shows you how you can do the thing. Which you will not be able to hear @04_3735because I'm not configured ../ It's playing out some other audio device that I don't know how to control. You'll hear it if you play it. It will start out as a nice @04_3750tone. This is a time versus frequency plot, which is a way of describing how you might wish the partials of the sound which would be sinusoidal components which would add up to make a sound -- if you believe that sounds are made up of sinusoids, which they @04_3765could be. So, what I'm describing here is how the frequencies of a bunch of sinusoidal components might change in time. If you played this and, for instance, -- the amplitudes, they're not shown here, but if you made the amplitudes all equal, which would be a good idea -- when you play these four @04_3780you will hear a tone. At least if the four sinusoids start at the same time, you'll hear a tone, whose frequency would be that of the fundamental -- which I think I suggested might want to be 220 Hertz. And @04_3795so if that were true this would be 220, 440, 660, 880. And you would hear a nice tone until this thing happened. At which point a wonderful psychoacoustic effect would take place. Which is your ear would quit being able to hear this as a tone. You would still @04_3810hear this and this being fused as a single tone at this frequency, although its timbre would change because it would no longer enjoy even harmonics anymore. And meanwhile you would hear this, these two. ... Oh, what's the interval between this partial and that partial? Student: @04_3825Is that the ratio? Miller: What's the interval? Two to one is the ratio. Yeah, so an interval is a ratio, really. So the interval of two to one is called an octave, in Music Land. So since these are an octave apart, @04_3840they in fact could also function as a tone at this frequency that has two partials. And you will hear that tone as soon as this thing starts sliding away, because your ear will no longer allow it to hide @04_3855behind these partials to be considered part of this tone. So what you'll hear is a single tone that bifurcates into two tones paradoxically. One of them consisting only of odd harmonics, harmonics number one and three. @04_3870And the other consisting of harmonics one and two of a different pitch. And that's a wonderful thing to contemplate. I didn't bring it along this time, but @04_3885next time I'll play you some music by Jean-Claude Risset which uses that in interesting ways. Basically, you can design timbres that you can tear apart and make series of pitches out of. Or collections of pitches out of. It's fascinating. @04_3900And, it is indeed 60's computer music, because that was stuff that they did even before they had access to frequency modulation. So this has nothing to do with FM. You can do this just with additive synthesis. Sorry -- "additive synthesis" is what computer musicians say when they're talking @04_3915about making a bunch of oscillators and adding their results. So you can make this by adding four oscillators up. And now that you know about line~, you can arrange for the frequencies of oscillators to slide from value to value. And of course you should make the whole @04_3930thing turn on in a smooth way and then do this, and then turn off. And that will require also that you have delay objects because you want the ramp up to start here but then you want the change in frequency to start here @04_3945and then you want a ramp down to start over here. Student: You need the other objects with line~ and delay, too? Miller: Yeah, and oscillators, yeah. It's, basically, you just practice with the objects that you all know about. Yeah. Student: @04_3960So line~ can ramp the volume down too? Miller: Oh, how would you ramp the thing down? Yeah, you can't show it, I'm not graphing amplitudes here but frequencies. So I would have to make a separate graph to show how the amplitudes would change. And, yeah, just have a line~ multiplied @04_3975by the whole wreck. And then it, after an appropriate delay you send that to a nice message zero with a time value. And then it would turn off. And then when you do that you will have full access to all of @04_3990additive synthesis. At that point you can make more complicated ... -- Well, OK, your patches will be horrible if you actually try to do it without introducing some automation. But you will at least in principle have control over over the @04_4005structure of the harmonics, or enharmonic partials of any sound that you want to make. Which could be powerful. *** MUS171 #05 01 18 Miller: @05_0000 This is the familiar network where you have an oscillator with a controllable amplitude. Amplitude of course you control by @05_0015 multiplying the output of the oscillator, that's the easy way to do it. And the frequency of the oscillator you control by sending it the appropriate input. So here it is: [Tone] Miller: You can do them both simultaneously, maybe not. Miller: @05_0030 Wizard of Oz. And if you want to sequence that, why you don't get some delay objects, so maybe the @05_0045 good way to do this is give yourself a button, and then you can have delays. "Delay" you can abbreviate as "del"; there are abbreviations for some of the @05_0060 most frequently used objects. And it's going to become important in this particular case. You'll see why. Miller: So let's @05_0075 have the button turn this on, and have it to be at 440. The recording will jump to 440; I'll tell you why in a second. You don't want to necessarily slide to the note, if you want to start a note at the beginning of something. @05_0090 You might want to have it just jump there. So this is now a button that makes sure that we're at 440 when we turn this thing on. [Tone] Miller: When you turn something off, you don't have to do anything to its pitch, because just turning the amplitude of the thing by multiplying it by 0 turns it off. @05_0105 It's still playing A-440, this oscillator is, but we don't care about it. So now a...[Tone] Miller: You do want one of those -- @05_0120 it also turns this off, right? So hit that button and turn it off. So you want it to slide to 440 and turn it off. Miller: @05_0135 Ah! That sounded horrible. Let's not do that! OK. So now what we're going to do is make a nice little sequence by having "delay 500" successively, @05_0150 which will be setting these delays every 500 milliseconds. Miller: As a matter of survival, if you're going to have a bunch of delays, don't daisy-chain them but have them all come off of the @05_0165 button or whatever triggered them. Because, why? Because that way when you start it again it restarts all the delays and you won't have messages trickling down the delays when you're no longer trying @05_0180 to do certain things. So now what's going to happen is every time I press the button ... yeah, I should do this <> every time you press the button you start a sequence of delays going. [Tone] Miller: @05_0195 [Over sound] Miller: And furthermore, here's a subtlety, when you start a delay, if it was already started, it forgets @05_0210 the previous time it had been started for and resets it to the new time you're starting for. Miller: That's a good way for a delay object to behave, because then it doesn't go off and do something in the wrong order, because you told it to do something and then changed your mind later. If you changed @05_0225 your mind about what you wanted to do. It is now only doing the new thing, so you can actually believe that things are going to do what you ask them to when you start something -- if you connect to the delay this way. Miller: If you decide that you want to connect to the delays @05_0240 successively one to the next, then that won't necessarily be true, each one will set the next one off, and if you reset the first one, depending on what phase the others are in, they'll continue doing their things, and then you'll have different delays fighting each other for control of your oscillators, @05_0255 which will not be as good. So it is a good thing not to daisy chain your delays, but to have them all come off the same source like that. Miller: Now I'm going to make beautiful music. That's going to be, nothing? Oh, @05_0270 it's going to be a rest. Yeah, that'll suit fine. And then they'll go over there, and then they'll wait another second. I won't even put that delay in there. It should be 2500. @05_0285 And here it'll go back down to A and here we'll stop. And now, here's one of the things that's problematic about patching, and I will show you @05_0300 strategies later to deal with this: Your patches get messy after you've done a certain amount of stuff. Technique number one: Miller: Turn the font size down. Other techniques are going to be use more than one window, but I haven't shown you how, and also @05_0315 use names for things so that everything doesn't have to be a connection. I haven't shown you how to do that either, but that's all coming. And now if I have this right I'll have this this beautiful composition. [Tone] Miller: @05_0330 Ta-da! The marching demons in the Wizard of Oz. So this is how to make sequences that do things like control amplitudes and frequencies. OK. Questions about this? What I did and why? @05_0345 Yeah? Student: I forgot, for the first number in these messages is for frequency? There's a .03 there. Miller: Oh! OK, yes. That's the thing. These are @05_0360 numbers, what they are depends on where you put them. Or rather, how they're interpreted depends on where you put them. So these numbers are frequencies by virtue of the fact that they're talking through this line to this oscillator. But these other numbers are amplitudes because they're talking and this line is getting multiplied @05_0375 by the oscillator. So even though the data goes down, in some sense the meaning bubbles up. Student: So it's on the line that goes amplitude and then time...? Miller: Right. Or value and time or target and time. @05_0390 I think of it as target, because it's the place where the line will eventually be, or the thing that the line will eventually be emitting, I guess is the right word after the time elapses. Student: So it's another process that determines what they're lined up to. Miller: Yeah. @05_0405 Other questions? No. I'll leave this then and get onto fun topics. Not that this isn't a fun topic, but there are other fun topics. ...I'll just do a "Save As", @05_0420 remember the font size and start all over again. I'll just do three...table...Oh, no, wait. Miller: I neglected to tell you a bunch of things last time. @05_0435 Yes, right. Table oscillators first, and then units, psychoacoustic units which is MIDI units of pitch versus frequencies, and decibels versus linear amplitudes, which I will show you after I show you the basic @05_0450 yoga of table lookup in computer music -- Well, phase generation and table lookup, which is how oscillators are made, which is the bread and butter of computer music. And the fact that it's taken me five classes to get here says something either about the @05_0465 indirectness with which I'm approaching the thing, or the fact that perhaps it is actually more complicated than I'm thinking to myself it was supposed to be. OK, so we're going to do phase and tables. <> Do this one. OK. @05_0480 And, we don't need any of this except the time for that, so. But we'll keep this around for this, just to be able to use it. @05_0495 But...here's where I'll stop, maybe on this. Miller: All right. So the first thing to comment on is the following: There is an object, @05_0510 whose name is phasor, which generates phases. These are not useful things to listen to. In fact, let me prove to you this is not useful to listen to by playing it.[Tone] Miller: This is a bad sound. @05_0525 The reason is that it sounds like a mosquito is what's called fold-over. Well, there are several reasons it sounds like a mosquito. But the reason it sounds bad in computer music ears is because of fold-over, the fact that this signal is not a good band-limited signal @05_0540 that is limited to 22 kiloHertz and a half. It is an un-band-limited signal that has theoretically an infinite trail of partials, and in a digital environment such as in any computer music environment, you will hear @05_0555 various kinds of badness happen. What it sounds like is just not exactly a stable quality of the signal. It sounds like it's fluttering a little bit. That is @05_0570 fold-over. There are better examples of fold-over that I could show you, but they would be piercingly ugly to listen to and I don't really want to deal with them. Go look at the PD documentation; you'll see a wonderful fold-over generating patch which will make you jump out of @05_0585 your chair and spit out your gum. So now why am I showing you this, then? Because you use it to do things like look up wavetables. To show you this, I have to get out @05_0600 my array so you can see what's happening. I'll do that now. Sorry this is getting repetitive, but it is what it is. I'll call it <> "array.1.18a" Miller: 18] @05_0615 And then just going to use a nice tabwrite~ write it. Wow. I shouldn't really have given a long name, should I? "array.1.18a" ... I don't want these to fight with each other if @05_0630 you happen to load more than one of these up while you're looking at old patches, which is why I'm making these awful names. I'll show you a better way later, but that will wait. Miller: So now, one of the things the phasors do that makes ...oh! @05_0645 Duh! I thought it was me. It actually was me but at a deeper level. Here's a crucial thing to get: Here's a @05_0660 sawtooth wave...notice how there are bad kinks in this? That's actually graphics. Miller: But there are bad kinks in the thing, because sometimes when the thing wraps around, actually let's go to 440, sometimes when the thing wraps around... Since we're at @05_0675 44,100 points per second, 440 Hertz means how many samples per cycle? @05_0690 100 and a fraction, I think, if I'm doing this right. << (41,100 samples/second)/(440 cycles/second) = 100.22 samples/cycle >> Miller: So it's <> about 100 samples long. Oh yeah, it's about a hundred samples long 'cause the table's about a 100 samples big. But @05_0705 it's not exactly 100 samples long from the bottom to the top, it's just that sometimes it's 100 samples and sometimes it's 101 samples.<> Miller: It's not a decent periodic signal, really, it's a sawtooth wave being represented @05_0720 digitally and it sounds bad. What you do to make it sound good is you use it to look up a table such as ... -- And here's object number two for today: Phasor and cosine are both @05_0735 objects you haven't seen yet. The cos takes whatever goes into it and reports its cosine, or outputs its cosine. [Tone] Miller: @05_0750 And that's when you get this kind of thing: That's a nice sinusoid. Miller: OK. So your cosine is not a sine, because cosine is the simple function and sine is the complicated function to @05_0765 deal with. There's only one wavetable, so it became cosine. With an oscillator, really, you've seen this as osc~. The osc~ is in some sense equivalent to (phasor and cosine). @05_0780 Phasor is an object which just generates a phase that goes from left to right if you'd like, a certain number of times a second you specify, for instance by an input. And cosine is a table lookup @05_0795 which if you give it 0, it gives you 1; if you give it 1/2, it gives you -1. And if you give it 1, it gives you 1 again. Miller: And I happened to click it just at a moment when it was going from 0 to 1 in the space of the window. But if I do it again, @05_0810 you'll see in fact that it's just moving between those two values. That was an accidental click. All right? Miller: Now, this is interesting because you don't have to use cosines. You can use other waveforms. And @05_0825 what would be another good waveform? Miller: Well, for instance, I could ask for the cosine of twice the thing which would be two @05_0840 cycles of the cosine wave and do that like this: Multiply the phasor by two so that it doesn't sweep from 0 to 1, It sweeps from 0 to 2. Miller: And then, @05_0855 when I connect that, you hear [Tone] the octave. Miller: So, there's twice as fast as this. [Tone] Miller: Well, "twice as fast," that might be confusing. What's really happening is, @05_0870 think of this as a function. This function is a cosine of twice the input which is to say it doesn't just go from one, to minus one, to one once as the phasor's output goes from 0 to 1. Miller: As the phasor's output goes from 0 to 1, @05_0885 this goes from 0 to two and so this thing goes through two cycles. So, you're looking up the second harmonic. So, now you can do groups of harmonically related sinusoids. You can build up tones out of @05_0900 amplitudes of individual harmonics by combining cos~, and cos~ of the octave with the cos~ of the twelfth, and so on ... like that until you get tired of making the patch. Miller: This is @05_0915 a very simple ... What's the right word? ... a very simple example of using wavetables, of using waveforms, specifying waveforms, which are things which @05_0930 you index by giving it a number from 0 to 1 so this phasor does repeatedly at some number of times per second given by its frequency. Miller: Phasor has memory. It has to remember its @05_0945 phase from sample to sample. So, it is an effective integrator. The frequency that you put it tells it how much it's going to add to each previous sample to make the next one. Miller: cos~ doesn't have any memory. It's @05_0960 just a pure function that takes whatever you put in and puts something out. So, phasor is the real oscillator here and cos~ is a wavetable that the oscillator is indexing. Miller: And furthermore, this @05_0975 combination of (phasor and cos~) is what you previously have known as osc~. All right? Now, I told you that so I can tell you this next thing: Miller: You can make your own tables up. @05_0990 Here's where, at least in some respects, things start to get fun. So, how am I going to do this so it's in the right space? There, I can't see that so I'm going to cheat a little bit. I'm going to make a window as big as @05_1005 I possibly can so I can keep this font. Miller: That will hopefully make something that can be understood. I'm going to make another table and I'm going to give it, @05_1020 again, I didn't think in advance, I'm going to give it 8 points. Yeah. And this is now going to be a table, "tab.1.18" -- @05_1035 Sorry. That's a bad name. Everything is bad about this ... Miller: Here's the graph. Yep. We're happy. Everything is good. Now, last time I did this, I forgot that I asked you to do @05_1050 the points instead of polygons. Miller: Points. So check that we did. I forgot, OK. Now, we have something which we can edit and it's just a bunch of numbers. 8 of them. Right? Miller: @05_1065 So, you've seen all of this before except I don't know if you've seen me drawing one, but that's one way of getting things into the table. There are other ways. You can have text in a file. You can, if you want to, @05_1080 save the properties and somewhere in here it gives you the opportunity to... Miller: What does it do? What does it allow you to do? Edit this in by...Oh, got 'em .. where am I now? I'm looking a feature that @05_1095 isn't there -- OK. I'll show you how to get numbers in there in a good way later. That's going to be a whole other thing. All right? Miller: So, I just put a waveform in here. Now, what I can do is say, "Oh. Let's listen to it by..." Miller: @05_1110 OK. Some pedagogical sense tells me I should do this first. We're going to read out of the table and the table is going to be "tab.1.18a." @05_1125 Notice, I did not put a tilde in. I'm going to do this just with messages to start with because it's going to be easier to understand what's going on. And then, I'm going to add a tilde and we're going to be operating with signals. So, @05_1140 on that Miller: Input number ... and beside it Miller: So, I'm using a Macintosh keyboard on a Linux machine. The little Apple key doesn't do anything in Linux. @05_1155 It doesn't think it's an Apple. Miller: OK. So, I give it numbers like 0 and it gives me this value. I give it a number 1 and it gives me this value and so on like that. And now, I can just go sweeping through @05_1170 the thing looking at the values in the table. Right? Miller: So, we've got storage. Not only storage, but storage of as many numbers as you want to put in the array. Student: How come when you go @05_1185 negative three, it still gives you a value? Miller: Yes, thank you. What happens when I go off the end of the table is, it says, "Well, that's OK. I'll just give you the closest point to what you had." So, in general, Pd's approach to errors -- @05_1200 this is not good computer science -- is it just puts guardrails on everything. Miller: So, if you divide by 0, it doesn't give you an error. It just gives you 0. If you try to read off the <> array ... Actually, there's several things it could have done. It doesn't give you an error because then you wouldn't hear anything. @05_1215 It's better to hear something that's wrong than not to hear anything. Maybe. Miller: You could also say that "if I gave you a negative value, the thing that you should do is wrap around to the other end as if you were an endlessly repeating waveform." That <> @05_1230 is done using a different object in Pd. The table doesn't do that and if you want that, you have to use an object called "wrap" which I will introduce later if needed. Miller: Instead, it simply says, "If you're between 0 and 7, @05_1245 it will read the value out of the table. And if you're in excess of 7 or below 0, it will simply give you the last or the first value." Which is good enough for us right now. Miller: Furthermore, if I give it a number like, let's see... If I give it 0 as the first value, @05_1260 and the last value is 7 because there are 8 numbers -- That's one possible way of counting. That's the modular arithmetic way of counting. Miller: The other thing is, if I give it a half, what should it do? @05_1275 That's a trick question on two levels. ... Yeah? Student: You can give it a 1, possibly. Or you can give it less than 1? Miller: Well between this and this. So, you could just @05_1290 do what you said, which is to say, just call it 1 or just call it 0. Miller: Oh! And then, should you round, in other words, if I give it a half should round it up to one, or should it just truncate it down to 0? Another thing that... Yeah? Student: @05_1305 Could it do interpolation? Miller: Another thing it can do is interpolation. But then, the question is, how many points of interpolation should you do? And if it's two points, there's really only one good interpolation algorithm. But when you have four or 8 points, there are several different @05_1320 ways of interpolating that have different properties. -- So, it just doesn't<>. Miller: If I give it numbers between 0 and one, it declines to act smart. It simply truncates the 0 and gives you that value @05_1335 until I hit one, at which point, it gives you the next value and so on. Student: So, if you were to go below this number now, does it round down or does it just round one of them up? Miller: It rounds down. Right. Oh, yes. @05_1350 There's no memory again so it doesn't know what I asked it previously. So, everything is as if there's no yesterday and it always rounds toward minus infinity. Actually, in table land, it only counts from 0. So it rounds towards 0, we'll call it. @05_1365 OK? If you wanted to... Yeah? Student: Can you go and put the numbers in again? Miller: Yes. @05_1380 I'm trying to decide which is the best way to show you how to do that and which requires the least constructs. There are about five ways of doing it and I didn't realize I was going to have to do that today. So, I didn't think @05_1395 in advance about which one to show you so I'll get back to that. Miller: You will eventually want to be able to do things like throw values in a table. Miller: Oh! There's a tabwrite~ you can see here, so you can guess that there might be a tabwrite <>. @05_1410 But it's not. Remind me to get back to this. The tabwrite is not a tabwrite~ without a tilde. -- It doesn't turn out to make sense to just write sequentially through the table in message land so it works differently. Miller: @05_1425 All right. So, here's tabread. Now, you could say, "tabread~" And now that you've heard everything that you've heard, you know exactly what will happen when I run a phasor into tabread~ @05_1440 and then, listen to the result. Miller: Why don't I hear anything? Do I look surprised that I don't hear anything? @05_1455 I'm not trying to project surprise here. OK? Miller: What are the values coming out of phasor? 0 to 1, not inclusive. And what does tabread~ do? It rounds down to the nearest integer. @05_1470 The nearest integer down is always 0 so we're getting out solid, whatever that number was, -.21 and the mixer is then forgetting it because it's AC-coupled. Miller: So, if I want to hear something, @05_1485 I would take this phasor and multiply its output by the size of the table. Miller: @05_1500 Oh. Here's a thing: You will learn various ways of making your patches not occupy a huge amount of space. Something that I do but you don't have to, is when you're multiplying @05_1515 by a line, you put the line next to the multiplier instead of above it. Miller: And if you do that consistently, then you learn to expect it and then it looks normal when you do this, even though, this line almost looks like it's going up. This is the way that I normally do this when I'm working. Miller: @05_1530 Now, I'm going to say, "Multiply by the size of the table, please." Oh, I forgot to put a space. Miller: Oh, hey! Sorry. @05_1545 I need a tilde because I need a signal multiplier because there's a signal coming out of phasor~. Miller: And now, this is sounding better than the phasor. Right? @05_1560 And I have a little timbre-editor. OK. This is not beautiful sounds yet because there are discontinuities in the table. Let's turn this off. Student: @05_1575 Doesn't the table go from from 0 to 7, though? Instead of 8? Miller: Ah, thank you, right. So, why am I going up to 8? It's because if I went from 0 to 7 you would never hear this last value because the phasor @05_1590 would go from 0 to 7 but it would never get to 7 because the exact value of 7 would wrap it down to 0. Miller: So if I want to read the entire table, I want to go all the way to 8 even though I know nominally the table stops at 7. So @05_1605 it's confusing for two reasons that cancel each other out. Miller: There are 8 things in the table so 0 to 8 sounds natural until you realize that actually they're indexed from 0 to 7. So it sounds like you should go only to 7. But in truth you should still go to 8 because @05_1620 otherwise you wouldn't get any of the 7 because it would not do it. Miller: Is that clear? That is either clear or not depending on whether you could follow about three different facts that I introduced in the last half hour @05_1635 all at once. OK? So you can think of the horizontal axis here as going from 0 to 8. Miller: In fact I think of it that way, even though the places where the individual points live @05_1650 are just in integers from 0 to 8 which are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 -- but not 8, because then there would be nine of them. Miller: And furthermore, for it to "spend just as much time," if you like, between @05_1665 7 and 8 as it does between 0 and 1, you should multiply the phasor's output by the whole number 8 -- the number of points: 8. This will change when we start interpolating the table, because then there will be fewer values that are useful. @05_1680 But that will happen later. ... Next thing about this, what if...There is one way of getting values into the table. But we can do it anyway. @05_1695 Let's put a sinusoid in here. Miller: I am going to be a little sloppy, but not terribly sloppy. We're going to say, osc~, and I'm going to give it a frequency which is equal to (the sample rate)@05_1710 /8, so that its period in samples is 8. Right? Miller: And I'm going to be lazy and say, give me a message @05_1725 box which gives me the sample rate which I believe to be 44,100. And then I will say divide it by 8, the number of samples in the table. That will be the frequency for an oscillator. And then I'm going to write @05_1740 that into the table. This is called "tab.1.18a" ... confusing, @05_1755 all of the above ... Miller: . OK. write it. And there is our nice sinusoid. Oh, that didn't appear... <> except I'm going to make it be variable. All right? Let's see, I'm going to need some room. @08_0345 I can still reuse all that. And this needs to go to here, so that I have room up here. Pull this down, make the window bigger. @08_0360 So now what I'm going to do is I'm going to make a number box, and I'm going to arrange for the table to play -- starting at the number box -- a few samples: All right? So, to do that, what we're going to want @08_0375 is to generate something like this, number, comma, and then another number in a certain amount of time. Except that the numbers are going to be variable. So, for instance, the numbers might be ... @08_0390 let's start at 10,000, and then let's go another 1,000, and let's take a hundred milliseconds. @08_0405 So, these two, if I did them in sequence, would go click, and what this is, sounds nice and metallic. @08_0420 That's me doing a consonant, probably, and it's at the wrong speed, because I have to be careful about speed here. Now, how would I do that, except make the 10,000 variable? Well, it's not so hard, all we have to do is we have to use the @08_0435 wonderful trigger object to generate two messages. One of the messages will go straight through, the other one we're going to add 100 to it, and then pack it in order to make a message to hit 100. So @08_0450 that's going to be like this. So this one, instead of doing this, we're just going to run this straight in. This one is going to be a packed message using the pack object, and what we're going to pack is going to start with zero and 100, @08_0465 and this, except we're going to replace the value of zero with something. And, the value that we're going to replace is going to be whatever this thing is, plus 1000. @08_0480 And now, we have to send a message in here and there, and we should do it in the right order. So, we should use a trigger object. @08_0495 Trigger: -- OK, these are all objects you've seen, although you haven't seen them done this way, so I'm doing a sort of review. So first off, we're going to send the value as a floating-point number @08_0510 to the line then, and immediately after, we're going to send a value which is 1,000 more. But it's going to be in a packed message, with 100. And now if I say 10,000, I get my sound back. [sound] @08_0525 OK -- This isn't moving very much. So, let's do some labor-saving and multiply it by 100. @08_0540 Now, this value is too big. @08_0555 Now, what we're doing, is we're scratching through the sample. It's such a horrible pitch, you can't even tell what's happening -- or I can't. So I'm going to say, do this in about a fifth of the time that I said before. @08_0570 Now I've got a pretty powerful tool. Because I can do this: @08_0585 It's got problems, right, which we're going to have to work on. [sound] But notice now, I can say: here is the very beginning -- this is your question now. Here's the very beginning of it. @08_0600 If I want to know exactly what the beginning was, maybe I should subtract this 1,000 from here. But it's close enough. And, I don't know of a better way, actually, @08_0615 of finding the beginning... I don't know a better, simple way of finding the beginning of the sound than just looking for it audibly like that. Question? Student: Can you go over "trigger" one more time? Miller: Yeah. Good idea. So, trigger, I've introduced @08_0630 and I think the last time it was triggered with two bangs, as a way of making two message boxes be in the correct order. And now I'm using a slight twist on the trigger object, which is that it will take whatever message you put in, and output @08_0645 that message from right to left, in right to left order. Let's see ... it looks like this to you. And it will put out variously floating-point numbers or bangs, which are messages that don't have any data, or lists, in case your message @08_0660 has more than one number in it. And so in this case, what it's doing is it's interpreting this as a floating-point number each time, which is appropriate. And it's first putting the number 2,700 out here, and then it's putting it out @08_0675 here, so that it can get 100 added to it and get packed with the value 40. So that, if I want to see what's happening to the line (with a print object, no tilde needed, just the regular old message print). @08_0690 I can do this: Now, the print is hooked up exactly the same as the line object, which is down here. Student: What does the number 40 represent in the pack? Miller: 40 is the amount of time. @08_0705 So what I'm sending the line is these two messages. 2,700, that came from this 27 when I multiplied it by 100. And then the other message is going to be @08_0720 a target value of the time. The target value is computed by adding 1,000 to whatever the start time was, and the time I just gave as 40. And now, of course, 40 milliseconds isn't the right amount @08_0735 of time for 1,000 samples to last. But I just remembered that we went to the trouble of finding out that 100,000 samples is 2,268 milliseconds. @08_0750 So, really here for 1,000 we should use one hundredth of that which is really 22.6. It's not gonna be exactly right for technical reasons. [sound] Now I've got a little scratcher! [ Recording: "This is your brain..."] Miller: ... @08_0765 Yeah? Student: Why exactly do you want to pack this? Miller: Oh. Why do I want @08_0780 to pack these? So that the message itself can have two values in it, because line~ wants to get a message (which is target and amount of time) in a single message. Student: So that's why your packing ... Miller: Right. Student: @08_0795 So, pack automatically replaces the zero? Miller: Yes. So the zero initializes input but is getting replaced every time I put a new number in. In fact I can replace this <> by setting numbers in here too. Student: @08_0810 Could you hypothetically send the trigger also to the right inlet of pack and so whatever you are sending to that zero you're also just sending to the right inlet? ...@08_0825 You know how you're getting 40,200 plus a thousand... Miller: You mean make a thing that has this number twice? Student: Yes. Miller: You can do that but you can also do it wrong, like this: @08_0840 (This won't sound good but I'll do it just for the sake of the argument.) I do that and I'll put a number in here and I get the correct value and whatever the previous correct value was. So now we have one of these situations where @08_0855 if you put a message in here that generates output and then if you put a message in there it updates the inlet. But you want to update the inlet first so that that value will be there when the outlet comes. Student: I forget about that ... Miller: Right, and to do that you need another trigger object. Student: @08_0870 If you put another parameter in there as well will that create another inlet, so that you can control that, too? Miller: Yes, and I think line~ doesn't care about that: I'll give it another value. ... @08_0885 Oh, let's not do this anymore. <> [sound] Right now it's making messages with three values. The thing about that is that there aren't very many objects running on Pd @08_0900 that can meaningfully deal with three numbers at a time. They are all designed to be as elemental or as elementary -- as atomic as they can be. In general, when you are just using objects @08_0915 and forming messages for them pack with two numbers is all you're going to need. However, when you make instruments yourselves that might have 100 parameters in them to describe a voice, you might find yourself packing all those 100 parameters into a big mondo message. @08_0930 Eventually it's going to be interesting to be able to use pack with large numbers or at least medium sized numbers of parameters. Student: If that's the case would you use Pd window, that hidden window to do that and just have those with you? Miller: Yeah, by that point you would be @08_0945 keeping everything under the hood. Yeah, in a big way. And we'll get there but maybe not even in the first quarter of this. Other questions? @08_0960 If everyone is happy with this... I can't believe you actually all understand what is going on. Student: ...@08_0975 wouldn't say "all" ... OK, well my plans for the rest of the day are to make this @08_0990 more complicated. Because of course, it would be useful to be able to do things like actually control the transposition. @08_1005 When you buy a sampler you sample something and then you hit C and you hear the original thing so you hit G and you want to hear it in transposed to fifth and that sort of thing, So I want to talk about transposition and how to do it. Now the other thing which is @08_1020 perhaps, even more fundamentally important, is how to keep it from [sounds] making those clicks. And there are several ways of doing that. I want to show you two of them. What I think I should do is start with the transposition. @08_1035 The sounds will still be kind of revolting but at least you'll see how it's possible to transpose stuff. Then after that I'll start in on trying to work on the clicks. Alright. Transposition stuff. @08_1050 Transposition: It's not so easy to necessarily hear how much this is being transposed by because you might not know what the original... Does everyone know what transposition is? That's a musical term. @08_1065 That means the change in pitch that you get when you read out the sampler, compared to what you put into it. At least that's what it means in sampler land. What I am going to do is get rid of this because we are not going to get here so fast, @08_1080 but I''m going to put that in a future window. <> @08_1095 What this is that we will @08_1110 come back to is using a phasor object to drive a sampler. Which, you in fact saw for the first time on Tuesday but I haven't shown you for instance how to do things like affect the transposition @08_1125 in this way of doing sampling. So we've seen two ways of operating samplers in the same way as we have seen two ways of reading sequences back. One of which is this way, which is the signaling way which is generated, as I mentioned, well, which @08_1140 if you look all the way over to the top of the network here, you'll typically see a phasor~ object. The other way of doing it is to just use messages. In which case, you can do things in more irregular ways. But there is sometimes more to think about when you're doing @08_1155 the messages that just doing phasors. So this, which is maybe even conceptually simpler, I'm going to get rid of and go back to the more complicated thing. Meanwhile, let's see. I'll just set a good example by @08_1170 putting a high pass filter there and this, we might need this later. OK. So what we're going to do to start with is just listen to a nice sample: [tone]. It's just me saying "Oh" @08_1185 because I can't sing. This is about G [plays G on piano], just by accident. OK, so that's what's in this file. And now what I want to do is say "OK, that was a nice G, but I @08_1200 want to hear an A." [plays A on piano]. All right. Question: How do you get from G to A? Well, you transpose. How do you transpose? OK, choice! @08_1215 So we know basically how to transpose. We know that rather than do this, we should do this <> : [tone] We should do it in approximately 12 percent less than this; it's going to be 1850-ish. @08_1230 [tone] . No! Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad. I'm trying to do math in my head and not doing it well. [tone pairs] @08_1245 There is maybe a major second for you; it's not really exact. OK. A major second, OK, you learn this in acoustics, a minor second is six percent. It's actually 1.059 to 1. (That's the twelfth root of 2, @08_1260 which I use every day.) [laughter] And what I was trying to do here was divide by (the square of the twelfth root of two), which I didn't quite get. I finally just did it by ear. So here's the original sound [tone] -- That's G. This one, if I did it right, would be an A. [tone] @08_1275 Sorry about the bad singing. All right. So what's happening is I could have changed this value of 100,000. I could, say, just go, whatever, 12 percent further than 100,000 in that amount of time. But then when @08_1290 I started making extreme transformations down I might not get to the end of the table and so I might not like that so much. So instead, it's easier to, say, go to a place that I know is beyond the end of the table. In fact, when I'm doing this for myself, @08_1305 I usually take this into millions so that it's beyond any table that I would be likely to use. And then, compute the amount of time that you really should do that in in milliseconds. All right. @08_1320 There are a couple of ways you could do that. I could either do this explicitly with logarithms. Or I could do it the less brainy way, which is I could reach for mtof and operate that way. So I'll do that @08_1335 because that's easier to think about. Or rather, I don't know, I find this easier to think about. Maybe you will, too. So here is how you do this: @08_1350 So mtof "midi to frequency" is a thing which allows you to take a number, which is a frequency ... -- @08_1365 This is a number in MIDI and it converts it into a frequency. So for instance, if I feed it 60, I find the number of hertz in middle C. If I feed it 61, I'll be @08_1380 six percent faster, and so on like that. And now I'm realizing -- I'm trying to be as simple as possible. So I'm going to go back on my earlier promise to do this correctly in order @08_1395 to do it more simply in the following way: So what I'm going to do is say, "OK, we're going to go to 100,000 in 2268 milliseconds, all right. ..." " ... Except that my value of 100,000 is going to be different." @08_1410 I want to fix it so that when I say 60, it will be 100,000 all right. But if I say 61, it will be six percent more and so on like that. OK. How do I do that? Well, it's easy. I just change 261.6... @08_1425 whatever it is to 100,000. To do that -- it's a rescaling -- a simple-minded way of doing it is just divide by what it was and multiply it by what you want it to be. This is the other number I use every day, the number of @08_1440 hertz in middle C. And then you can multiply by 100,000. And then, I'm going to, why don't I set a good example and leave this network here. <> @08_1455 All right, so I'm going to reach for this trigger. @08_1470 This trigger gives me a value, which goes here. And then it gives me the... I'm going to stick this in here. And what I want it to do is I want it to say zero. And then I want it to say this value packed @08_1485 with the amount of time which is 2268. So, lose all this. I think I want the print object still. ...@08_1500 Let's see, what's a good... And here I just want a bang <>. Don't need this anymore. So, in fact, it would be better if I put all this in one place. There. @08_1515 Right. So, when I get a bang, I want to go to the value zero -- that's the @08_1530 beginning of the table. And then afterward I'm going to pack the amount of time, which will replace zero with the wonderful amount of time, 2268, this is all well and ... @08_1545 now, G: [tone; and tones at various successive keys] @08_1560 [laughter] Student: I'm lost. I'm lost with the bang. I got how you're setting and transposing, but why the bang? Miller: @08_1575 OK, let me answer that first, because that's specific, and then I'll try to answer. "I'm lost," which is more general. So, the specific question is, why would you put a bang on here, and float out here. OK, so this is a message box, @08_1590 which will put out 0, no matter what goes in. So, in fact, I could have put in a bang, or a floating point number, or a list of numbers -- or anything -- and out would have come the message "0". I put bang here as a matter of @08_1605 style, because I didn't want to put float, because it was just going to be ignored anyway. And so, it was simpler to think of it just as being bang. So, bang is just a message that doesn't have any numerical value associated with it. @08_1620 It's the equivalent of the keyword "void" in C. So, what happens is, whenever I say a number here, [tones] sorry... whenever I say a number here, stuff happens. (@08_1635 Which is why I should print this number out. I should display this for you, so you can enjoy it.) 60 again. Sorry. And the width will be seven, it might be a big number. Tada. Ooh. @08_1650 Truncation error. You won't hear that. All right. So, stuff happens, and this number comes out -- 100,000 -- which is the number of samples ... which is the number I want to put here. @08_1665 Oh, yes. Right, I need my print object again. So, now, this print object is showing us exactly what's happening to the line~. Let's get rid of @08_1680 all of this. We've got this in the previous patch; it's not doing anything right now. All right. So, 60 went in here, and it got converted, it got turned into @08_1695 100,000 and then trigger says "first, send a bang to here," which outputs the message zero, which causes line~ to jump to zero, which causes tabread~ to read the first element. Then, @08_1710 this gets the number 100,000 because I asked for a floating point number, which is just a number. So, this is now the message 100002 (sorry about the two), and then we pack that wigh 2268, @08_1725 and so then what we see is the message, which is 100000, 2268 . So this pair of messages got printed out, I think. @08_1740 Oh, I see. Maybe I don't... maybe I connected the print afterward. So... It gets two messages: It's "0," and then "100000 2268". Student: @08_1755 So basically, this time, we're transposing by... instead of changing the amount of seconds it takes with the line~ object, by changing the amount of samples? Miller: Right. And the reason I did that, was because @08_1770 it made the math simpler, not because it made the patch better. Yeah? Student: Is there a samples per second, kind of like, M2F kind of thing? You just kind of bypass the math? Miller: No. @08_1785 No, there isn't. Basically, there are no primitives that would make this easier, although I could tell you how to make it a little bit more complicated. @08_1800 So, now there are two things to understand, I guess: One is, the bit that, this bit here, the stuff that's actually making the sound, which is to say sequencing two messages for the line~, and making the sampler read. @08_1815 The other thing to understand is how on earth I'm computing this value. So this is the value that you have to stick here, in order to get the right transposition. @08_1830 And now, to answer your question a little bit better, I want this value to be proportional to this value, and not in proportion to its inverse. I didn't want to have to divide by something. It could, but it would be more work. @08_1845 Student: How do you get the 100,002 again? Miller: OK. Well, it got it for me. What I did was I said I want 60 to go to 100,000. So, this is... So, now what you're asking is what is the design of this @08_1860 collection of objects. There really are only three objects here that are doing stuff. There's the midi-to-frequency <> and then there's a rescaling, which is these two objects: We divide by the number of Hertz in middle C, and we multiply by 100000. So, @08_1875 what is happening here is we know that these numbers coming up have the correct proportions, so that we can do musical scales or musical intervals. Why, because mtof, if I, for instance, add 12 to the value here. @08_1890 [tones] <<12 steps for octave, doubles frequency>> Miller: It multiplies its result by two. All right? So mtof is the thing which takes 12 steps and turns it into "multiplied by two" in Hertz. @08_1905 Or, if you like, it takes the keys of a piano and converts them to Hertz. So that you move up 12 keys on the piano and it doubles the value. Now that we have the ability to do that... And that's just this object @08_1920 which does the math for us that does that. It's not so bad, it's -- I can tell you the expression. It's just an exponentiation, except it's scaled correctly. Then, what we say is "OK, I want those proportions. That's to say I want 72 @08_1935 to be twice what 60 is. I want 48 to be a half of what 60 is," and so on like that. But, anyway, I want 60 to give me 100,000. So how do I do that? I just have to multiply by the number, which is 100,000 over 261.62. @08_1950 Well, that's kind of... Ah, what's the right word? I could do that. I could divide 100,000 by 261.62; but I've found it more pedagogically transparent, hopefully, @08_1965 to use two objects so that I divide by 261.62 to get a transposition. And then multiply by this because I want a transposition of 1 to give me a value of 100,000. @08_1980 So, in fact, I should have been showing you two numbers. First off, this number is the interval from 60. So if I get 60... [tone] I .. get 1.0 there. If I really did it right. -- @08_1995 I think this is 261.626. Those twos are getting my goat. [tone] Miller: This is as close as I'll get -- Now we're within a part per million or so. A couple parts per million. So we divide by 261.626. @08_2010 That's just so that 60 gives us 1. And, by the way, now we're in floating point land. You're never going to represent this value exactly. It's irrational anyway. So instead, we just get as close as we can in floating point land to it. @08_2025 So now 60 goes to 1. So 72 will go to 2, for instance.[tone] ; 84 would go to 4; 96 would go to 8; @08_2040 And so on, like that. 48 goes to a half. Miller: And then harder values. There was 60 again, which goes to 1. Miller: Go up a fifth and you go to 67, which is MIDI for @08_2055 G above Middle C, and that turns into roughly 1.5 [tone] Miller: ...because seven semitones is roughly a factor, a multiple of 1.5 to 1 -- but not exactly. [laughter] Miller: Yeah? Student: @08_2070 If you go too low, though, it's going to start flipping like this. You don't have enough samples? Miller: @08_2085 Well, it'll just stop after two seconds, even if it doesn't get to the end of the sample. So if I say, yeah, do 24. [tone] Miller: Stops after two seconds. Oh! It stops at... Student: While you heard it, it was like tut-tut-tut-tut-tut... Miller: Right. This is now - what is that? Three octaves below Middle C? So I was droning along at 100 Hertz, and you divide that @08_2100 by eight and you get about 12, which is an audible rate. [sound playing] Miller: Maybe that's 12 Hertz-ish. Oh, and so that's one-eighth transposition, @08_2115 down by a factor of eight. And an eighth of 100,000 is this number, which is the amount we go in the table, which only gets us to about here. Somewhere in there. And it takes that 2.2 seconds to do it, but it originally it would @08_2130 have taken 100,000 samples. Student: So it's not playing the whole clip? It's only playing a portion of the clip? Miller: Yeah. Student: So you're not really transposing. Transposing would be playing the whole thing, but in a different key or in a different frequency. Miller: Yeah. So it's transposing it, @08_2145 but then it's cutting the transposition off after two seconds. Student: So if you would have to ... Miller: Yeah. I could have done it the other way, which is I could have said, "Go to the end of the table and compute the amount of time that you do." But then I would have had to divide by this number, which would have been an extra trigger object. @08_2160 I didn't want to make it any more complicated than it already is. ... Yeah? Student: When you're multiplying by 100,000, what is that number representing an amount of? Miller: So that's the @08_2175 number of samples at... OK. If you were at unit transposition -- that's to say, if you were playing the original sound back -- that is the number of samples that you would play in 2,268 milliseconds. @08_2190 So the value of 100,000 is, in fact, arbitrary. I chose that in some other context two days ago, and now I'm just sticking with that value because I happen to know that 100,000 @08_2205 samples at 44 Kilohertz corresponds to this number of milliseconds. Student: Which is a little more than two seconds. Miller: A bit over, yeah. Somewhat over two seconds. Student: @08_2220 Can you review tabread4~? Miller: Yeah, OK. So tabread4~ is a... Let's see, so it's doing a read into the array whose name is t1.27a, @08_2235 which is over here. And what goes in are the x-values, that's to say where you want to be in the array. And it is in samples. And what comes out is just what value is in @08_2250 the array there, which is the vertical axis in this graph. ... Yeah? Student: Is it possible to do a transposition without the time stretch? Miller: Well, @08_2265 yeah. It's more work. But, actually, you all ready sort of heard it because what I showed you in the previous patch, I was able to do little bits of samples in the table, you heard it going backwards and forwards, @08_2280 but it was ugly. So, to do that and make it pretty is actually hard. We might get there in a couple weeks or we might not, depending on whether it turns out to be a good use of our time. @08_2295 I'm not sure. ... Yeah? Student: Are there cases where you want to use tabread~ rather than tabread4~ ? Miller: Yes. The best example I know of is back in sequencer land. @08_2310 I think we go here ... "5.table.pitch" -- this one. @08_2325 All right: sampler![tone] . @08_2340 Now let's make this use tabread4~ [four tones] <> . Well, you could want that, but if you want it to sound like a classic synthesizer you really want tabread~. @08_2355 [asides] @08_2370 [asides] @08_2385 So, tabread4~ on the other hand, that's what you want to use if you want a clean audio sound @08_2400 of reading a sample out. Student: What is the "hip~ 3" object in the patch? @08_2415 "hip~" Yeah. -- "high pass filter." Let me show you, now that I'm in this context, one place where it's really good to have this. One thing that you can do is run off the end of the table, @08_2430 so let's go back to playing the original transposition [tone] . Now I have a rather bad thing because, if I disconnect this -- @08_2445 you hear that click? Actually, I could make that worse. What's the first sample of the table? There it is. @08_2460 It's not that much worse. The reason that you hear that click is because tabread~ is constantly giving me the last value in the table. @08_2475 So, the line~, is giving me a 100,000 right now. Let's just verify this. We need a bang for this. @08_2490 So, look at that. We have a 100,000 (1 X 10^5) coming out of the line. That's appropriate because I asked it @08_2505 to go there in 2268 milliseconds. Then we say tabread4~ and it says "OK. That's fine", and I'm going to give you 0.03... blah, blah, blah -- this amount. @08_2520 (That's the value of the table in it's location that corresponds to 99,999, which is the last point on the table.) And that, when you disconnect it or connect it, sounds like a click because it goes between @08_2535 that and zero. So, how do we get rid of this? We say "hip~ 3". @08_2550 The "3" is just a good number which is well under 20 -- which is the bottom limit of human hearing, luckily. Print tilde here said these numbers, @08_2565 and then if I talk to hip~ tilde I get these numbers which are much, much smaller. They're down to truncation error. It might even be turning into a zero? ... No, it won't go below that. @08_2580 So, the high pass filter essentially cleaned up the DC value, the constant value of .03 that we had before, as a result of which, I can now disconnect it and connect it without @08_2595 hearing it. Although I haven't told you about hip~ I systematically put a 3 Hertz, high pass filter @08_2610 in front of the digital to analog converter and before and after the analog to digital converter, every time I make a patch it's going to deal with audio. If my patch is going to drive a DC motor I don't do it, but @08_2625 that doesn't happen very often. Almost always I have "hip~ 3" somewhere in the signal path. Student: @08_2640 I was going to ask what the "3" coresponded to, but it's 3 Hertz? Miller: It's three Hertz. What that means is it's way below 20 hertz, so far below 20 hertz that by the time 20 hertz happens, we're so far away from the filter's roll off that it's not transmitting a signal. Engineers use values up to about 10 for that. It's a low cut-off. Student: @08_2655 But if we can't hear it, then what's the point of it? Miller: Well, a point of it is if I had a bunch of these voices, and they were all stopped in the same way, but if their outputs all added up @08_2670 to something more than one -- not only would I not hear anything, but even if I played a sound out in some other part of the patch, I wouldn't hear it because everything would be above the output max of the digital-to-analog converter. @08_2685 Here's a thing you might not want to do-- it's good review. Can we get a toggle and then make a metronome? @08_2700 Sorry about this: I'm going to make something that will annoy you. Out will come MIDI 60 [tone] , twice a second. Now that's really annoying -- We're not going to do that. @08_2715 Oh, and we don't need this print anymore. [beat track sound] OK? So, we know what's coming out of this thing.[laughter] Miller: Now what I'm going to do is show you how to make it hurt. I'm going to do another one of these. I'm not going to even remember @08_2730 to connect anything to it, but I'm going to connect it with a bad volume. Now I'm going to start annoying you again. [tones] Miller: @08_2745 That is @08_2760 the sound of my sample getting shoved up against the very top of the possible output range of my converter hardware. It's always called distortion, @08_2775 but sometimes this is called a bias. This is a knob on your expensive guitar amplifier, expensive tube amp. It does that to the guitar sound. Student: How does that relate to the high pass frequency filter? Miller: @08_2790 Oh, OK. So, I might have done this by accident, somehow, but if, [tones] on the other hand, I had a high-pass filter there, @08_2805 then I can give this as much bias as I want, and it filters it out. @08_2820 It's gone, so I can still hear this thing going. What happened there was this thing is putting out 0.06 V. So, this is now putting out @08_2835 60 V, too much for my hardware. But this <> is taking the DC out of it, which is therefore returning it to zero, because everything that's happening here is DC. It's flat-lined; it's not changing with time. Student: @08_2850 When you're increasing the bias, is the speaker cone also going out towards its maximum travel? Miller: It should be, except that I have faith in the cheapness of the mixing hardware @08_2865 that we have here, and it's almost certainly AC coupled, so that, in fact, there is an implied hip~ somewhere in the hardware. Student: OK. Miller: Otherwise I could actually literally push the speaker out its cone. Well, probably the amplifier wouldn't allow me @08_2880 to do that anyway, but it would be bad because DC speakers' resistance goes down, and so you can actually burn your speaker out if it would actually send that voltage to the speakers. I have long experience with this brand of mixer because @08_2895 I'm cheap too. I know that it won't actually do that to me, neither will your home stereo. It's more expensive to build DC-coupled stuff. ... Yeah? Student: Is it possible to write your own objects, like the mtof? ... @08_2910 Someone was saying before about the samples-to-frequency, because that's just a simple conversion? Miller: Sure. Yeah, it's just an arithmetic expression. You could just make an object that does it. That is the subject, or a subject among others, @08_2925 of Tom Erbe's seminar that he gives in the Fall on Programming for Musical Applications. Although, you can just sort of learn how to do it. Just go find a pd object that someone's written, see how it's done by example, and just go from there. @08_2940 There are some thousands of them on the web. ... Any questions? OK. @08_2955 So, what happened was two things that were kind of jumbled together. One is this high-pass filtering notion, which is a good way of dealing with DC offset problems in signals -- @08_2970 Which will come in. (This is one good way of making yourself a DC offset without wanting to-- having a sampler and just have it stuck in a location in the sample; but there are many others.) In particular, if I, for instance, just say "Give me an oscillator," @08_2985 it now has a phase of zero because it starts at the top of the cycle. It's putting out "1" constantly. If I put that out my dac~, @08_3000 that will mess up the sound of the rest of the patch. Frequency modulation and wave shaping-- I've shown you frequency modulation, although I need to show it to you again more controllably-- they have a tendency to have @08_3015 DC as part of their spectrum. It's not the only thing they put out, but they will put out some DC as well as everything else. As a result, if you are playing them, you probably want to put one of these things <>x in the chain somewhere. @08_3030 So that's this object and then the other thing was this way of talking about transposition of samples. Done in a way that hopefully is as simple as possible which is to say @08_3045 that you first get yourself from pitch to frequency and then correct. So that its in the range that you want which is 100,000 corresponds to no transposition. And the reason I've decided that 60 should correspond to no transposition is just because that's a habit: @08_3060 Middle C by default is no transposition on a sample. And 60 is the MIDI value for Middle C. Questions about this? ... Yeah? Student: @08_3075 Is there a way to change the slope of the filter. Miller: @08_3090 Slope? OK. In this particular filter is the most simple minded well second most simple minded filter in the world and the only thing you can change is the cut-off point. It always has a 3 dB per octave roll off. @08_3105 So it's the cheapest, simplest possible low cut filter you can get. You can get better ones but then you land in a region where there are actually thousands of designs of filters. There are at least dozens of them available in Pd. @08_3120 And you would have to spend some time figuring out what characteristics you wanted. I wouldn't be able to just give you a quick answer. Other questions about that? OK. So what I want to do now is @08_3135 first off mention that of course this was playing the entire sample but you can play bits of samples as well. And what I should do is start another window showing you an example of playing a bit @08_3150 of a sample. That will be interesting because it will make it much much more important to be able to control the clicks that naturally happen at the beginnings and ends of samples. So that should be kind of the next thing to worry about. OK. So what I'm going to do is "save as," @08_3165 going to hang on to this thing. And I thought it was before that but, four. <> @08_3180 I won't get too far but I'll start it anyway to do enveloping the sampl. The first thing I want to do is say, OK rather than making 100,000 I want to make ... @08_3195 no, lets do 10,000 points. And lets do it in this amount of time. See how this sounds. [tones] Pretty good. @08_3210 I should say here that this is not a good practice. I'm taking a very short amount of time here and time is quantized. @08_3225 Rather I should say line~ has a quantization in its actions which is 64 samples. So this is not a terribly accurate way to make a sampler because this will be quantized to about 1 1/2 which would be noticeably out of tune if we're actually being careful about it. @08_3240 So this is just going to be a bad example right now because I just want to show you an envelope. That is that: The problem is that it clicks every time you use it. @08_3255 And we would like it not to do that. So how do we deal with that? In the usual obvious way, you multiply it by a line~. And the thing that you multiply by is the output of a tabread4~. Student: @08_3270 I thought you were high pass filtering that? Oh I am high pass filtering that @08_3285 but I'm changing the value I put into to the high filter which gets us to the step function which we still hear -- although then it takes it out. Anyway, let's get rid of this and let's multiply it by a line~. And now there will be two line~'s running around. And so there @08_3300 will be plenty of opportunity to get confused. The first one, let's see ... ... @08_3315 This one now what were going to do is were going to say you are at 0 please and lets go up to a value of 1 and do it in a certain amount of time. Which will be 50 milliseconds. @08_3330 And then after a certain delay we can turn it back off. @08_3345 And now I get something which allows me to put values in here: @08_3360 Whoa?! What did I just do... I didn't want it to do that -- Send this to zero: [tones] Ah, no clicks! So before it was this [tones] @08_3375 and after is this [tones]. All right. OK. Now who can tell me why this will stop working, @08_3390 the next thing I do? I'm going to do scroll on this thing and it's going to make my clicks after all. Anyway. And why does that happen? Student: @08_3405 You're going faster than the delay? Miller: Yeah. I'm not waiting for this, I'm not waiting for the end of a note before I start another one. So let me back up, and carefully explain what's happening. What's happening is, we're starting the tabread~ and we're giving it two messages which tell it to jump to a point and then to slide to another point. @08_3420 At the same time we're doing that, we're muting this line: We're making it jump to 0; and then we're ramping it up to 1 in 50 milliseconds. And then, a 100 milliseconds later, we ramp it back down to zero. So that it's safely back down, before the end of this segment. @08_3435 So the thing goes up. It sits there at it's apex for 50 milliseconds because we started it but then a 100 milliseconds later, we started sending it back down. But meanwhile, if I don't wait that whole @08_3450 150 milliseconds before I send another message. [modulating sounds] It will bash the value zero discontinuously, and that will sound like a click. So, actually, it's a little harder than this. @08_3465 What you really should do is ... What you really should do -- @08_3480 I'm thinking of a simple way to explain this. First off, what we have to do is remember the value we want. Because @08_3495 we are not going to be able to use it immediately. So we're going to take the value and stick it in a nice F-box. Like this. That's step one. At the same @08_3510 time as that, we will mute the value of the line~. What that means is that we will send it down to zero, and do it very quickly. And now I will go ahead and do bad style and @08_3525 just send the floating point number straight into the message box. OK. Then we will start a delay of five milliseconds. @08_3540 After which, we do the rest of it using the floating point value. Like that. Now I have to clean this up. @08_3555 I don't think we need that zero anymore, because we already did that. OK. So now, what's happening? You know what? Let me make it a little bit better style @08_3570 and put it back in. So that you can see it all in order. So, first thing, first step is to mute the thing. So whatever is happening @08_3585 when I ask it to play a new voice it doesn't do anything except mute the old one. Because it might be playing something and the new one is going to start at zero. And if we don't then ramp it to zero, we're going to hear a click because it will jump to zero. So, we spend five milliseconds @08_3600 covering up for ourselves by muting whatever was happening previously. And then; and by the way, the next thing to do is take the floating point number and store it because five milliseconds later, we're going to need it. @08_3615 And five milliseconds later -- "del" is short for delay -- five milliseconds later we will get the value out of the float and then we will do the previous thing, which is bang this to turn the line on and do all this choreography for this line. @08_3630 Now if we do that we have: [sound notes changing without clicks] Not perfect, but it's at least decreased. All right? @08_3645 Now let me move this down so you can actually see where the lines are going. @08_3660 So, this is now an almost complete and almost acceptable sampler. In the sense that I can throw pitches at it and it will play samples back. [sound of sample] And this is...Yeah? Student: @08_3675 In your "trigger bang float bang" is the float doing anything, or...? Miller: Yeah this float corresponds to this outlet, and it is being remembered. ... @08_3690 So the "float" object - I think this showed up last Tuesday. This is an object which remembers values and then when you give a bang which, the delay will put out, it restores the value. Student: OK. Miller: @08_3705 There are other ways to cause a number to get delayed. But in general, when you want to do something after a certain amount of time and have the thing that you had before, you have to store it. @08_3720 So this is may be conceptually the simplest way of doing it. Now the next thing that you might want to do is: gee we got a sampler, let's make it a @08_3735 100-voice polyphonic. So lets just copy and paste this thing a hundred times? .... No, you want to do something different. So that's coming. But actually I think what's going to have to happen next time is more careful @08_3750 talk about envelopes, and pitches, and transpositions, and stuff like that. Because I'm sure there are a whole lot of misconceptions to clear up. So this is using line~ and messages, as opposed to using a phasor to loop through a sampler. @08_3765 I didn't even show you how to de-clicks sampler that are operating from phasors. There's a totally different strategy for doing that. *** MUS171 #09 02 01 Miller: @09_0000 What I'm going to try to do today is push on through designing samplers -- both from the point of view of @09_0015 having them message-activated and the point of view of having them run from phasors. What happened last time -- which might be worth a quick review is: a sampler which is able to make samples with a @09_0030 desired transposition and a desired size of place in the sample that you're going to play back, driven from messages -- in such a way that you can do things like start notes. (You can regard samples to be things that @09_0045 can play notes.) Miller: And I just grabbed a copy of that patch. Oh, this is the patch after I edited it to put it up on the website. So this is a bit cleaner @09_0060 than what you saw in class. <> But this is pretty much where we got. The situation was this: There's a tabread4~, which is playing the sound, and the sounds @09_0075 are being turned on -- not by a phasor object .. In other words the control, the impetus of the patch isn't coming from tilde objects -- from objects that make streaming samples -- but from messages. And in this case, there's a metronome, which is @09_0090 spitting out copies of some pitch. [tone] Miller: There you go. [tone] Miller: All right. Let's turn that off. Oh, this is now going to be the pitch of the thing. @09_0105 Did you hear it? [tone] Miller: OK. So what's happening is, there's a metronome twice a second, a number is coming out. Oh right, number boxes: If you send a number box a bang, such as comes out of the metronome @09_0120 it simply outputs what the number was. So also I can also output it just by mousing on the number box itself. [tone] Miller: Right. And there was work to do, which I always review for you if you are curious about it. But for the moment the idea was to figure out how far you were going to go @09_0135 in a fixed amount of time. And so what happens to the tabread4~, is it eventually gets a message to tell it to go somewhere in a certain amount of time. The time is computed to be the number of seconds you want to go 100,000 @09_0150 samples in. <>. So I just got out a calculator and found that out. There was this number <<2268>> of milliseconds. And now so if you gave it 100,000 that would mean you were playing the thing back in its own speed. @09_0165 And then also we could compute other speeds and get intervals from that. And then it got all Music 170-ish, trying to figure out what numbers to throw in there. OK. Questions about that? Student: How do you select the part of the audio to output? Miller: Oh. Right. @09_0180 I didn't say that, in fact. How do you select what part of the audio? Really, there are two messages going in -- which in fact perhaps I should print. So, let's make a print object. A regular message print object because all of this @09_0195 is being done with messages. So, yeah. Actually I'm just realizing, looking at it, that it's always starting from the beginning. So here, we say @09_0210 60. [tone] Miller: And what comes out is first the message 0 and then the message "slide to 100,000 (approximately) in the correct amount of time."<<2268 milliseconds>> And this is the only number in @09_0225 the pair of messages that will change when you ask it for a different pitch you will compute a different value of that. So, in fact I have shown you other ways of making samplers, where you could go in and select where to hit play. @09_0240 And you could easily adapt this to do that: What you could do if you want to start somewhere other than 0 you would add whatever the number is to this 0. And you would also add it to this number here. And then you would have a thing that had a controllable offset in the sample, right? @09_0255 The other thing that's potentially confusing about this is that you don't hear an entire 2.-something second long sound. When the thing happens you only hear something that lasts @09_0270 a few milliseconds. [tone] Miller: And that's happening because the thing is being enveloped, so the signal processing network that you see really is: this line is generating @09_0285 the addresses of the samples in this array here. This line here is turning the thing on and off -- well, fading it and out -- it's being used as an "envelope generator," in classical synthesizer-speak. @09_0300 So this is a thing, which starts at 0, ramps up. Oh! I should print that for you too. How about we do this? This is going to be the, what do we call that, address. @09_0315 And this is going to be the line controlling the envelope. And the envelope ... This line~ which is doing the envelope is getting messages, here, here, and there. So I should show you all @09_0330 three of those. You won't actually see the timing but you will at least see the sequence. I'll hit this again ...[tone] Miller: Now go look at the Pd window ... @09_0345 And now what you have is: -- Oh yeah, I didn't tell you but you can feed print an argument, ask it to say instead of "print:" "something:". So, the envelope generator is getting sent to 0. And then after five milliseconds @09_0360 of wait, of delay, it sets the address to 0 and the envelope generator starts ramping up. The reason to have that delay is so that you don't hear the address get reset to 0. So what is happening @09_0375 is when you give it a number it doesn't actually start playing a new sample for five milliseconds. Because it has to take care of whatever might have been happening before. Then after another ... -- oh right so @09_0390 these three things, I'm not sure why they're in that order. But at any rate these things should be roughly at the same time. @09_0405 The address should be zeroed out and then should be ramped to a 100,000. And meanwhile the envelope generator should be turned back on at whatever speed. At a speed which is controlled by whatever attack time you want. And then after @09_0420 you're ready to end the note, which is some time in the future, you turn the envelope generator back off. And the address is still ramping at that point. It certainly is in this case, because it's only in a tenth of a second in. @09_0435 But the fact that you multiply it by zero means that whatever is happening to the array, the tabread4~ is not being heard. And so the thing is effectively turned off. So again as with oscillators, if you want to turn something off, you don't actually turn the oscillator off in general. But the better way to do it @09_0450 is to cut the amplitude off by multiplying by something that you ramp to 0. And so that's happening here with this line~. And now, @09_0465 what bothers me about this, I guess it's all right ... OK. Are there questions about this. I have to take the print object out @09_0480 because I think people are OK with it. So there are two topics today. And they take this thing in a different directions. -- Each of which is an important direction, but this is the starting point. But they don't actually @09_0495 have anything to do with each other. The first one is, going back and showing how to make something similar but deriving it from the phasor~ object, in case you want to make a looping sampler that's driven from a signal. And the second thing to show you is a @09_0510 more interesting and general thing, which is how to make polyphonic stuff in general: That's to say, "Now I've got a nice voice of this, what would I do if I wanted to have eight of these?" And be able to play a chord or what-not -- a sequence @09_0525 that might be polyphonic. And what I want to do is, since it's simpler, is go over the phasor~ -driven thing first. And then that should be easy but then the polyphonic voice allocation could be hard. @09_0540 So that can come afterward. So, I can close this and move on to the next thing? ... This is from last week. <> ... @09_0555 OK, there are things that I haven't done here ... @09_0570 This is stolen from a patch that you saw sometime last week, I think. And this is the way of reading from a @09_0585 tabread4~ if -- instead of having a line~ generate things to feed into it (that is to say locations or addresses) -- you want to use a phasor~ to drive it. Now, line~ will go from anything to anything depending on what messages you send it, but phasor~ goes always @09_0600 from 0 to 1 -- It's just a phase generator and phase is considered in cycles. So, with phasor~ you'll then have to take it and renormalize its output to reach where it is that you want it to go. So here @09_0615 is the...let's see, we get the table now, so stupid of me to close that other one ... Oh, still there. So you don't have the...@09_0630 This is what happens when you move a patch from one directory to another that uses other files. ... The other thing that's wrong is that I made it bigger @09_0645 in order to put it on the web, now it won't fit on my screen anymore. So what I have to do is go copy this thing. @09_0660 Now, do I have the other window? I just wanted to @09_0675 get this thing to read. Actually that's OK. I'm going to get it along with this stuff which might be using. I'm going to close that and get over here @09_0690 where we're actually working and put that down, get it out of the way. All right! ... @09_0705 We're back where we were before. In fact I am going to get properties out here ... well I'm going to do that later ... so this has a bad name -- but we'll live. So, this now is a thing where you tell it how many per second you want, @09_0720 so 5 per second maybe, and then you tell it how big a sample you want it to read in that amount of time. Let's see, it's in hundreds of samples, so I'm going to ask it to read a whole second's worth. <<441 X 100 = 44,100 samples>> Oh, so this is one per second then. @09_0735 Now we listen to this:[tone] @09_0750 So this is just a looping sampler, but it's a looping sampler that doesn't have a metronome that has to generate messages to make it start up. Instead it's a looping sampler that loops just because phasor~ likes to loop. Here, again, you could wish to fix the problem @09_0765 that whenever it loops it has a discontinuity in the sound. So to emphasize that discontinuity let me make the thing go faster and have less. That would be @09_0780 882 [tone] ... Woah!? 88.2 Looking for a bad click. ... @09_0795 Can't hear the clicks in there. There is a click, but it's getting lost in the sound. Maybe if I make it shorter it'll be more obvious? @09_0810 I'm not sure. Oh -- There we go! OK, this is a bad setting because I think I put it right where it was breathing in. But if you start moving around the sample maybe ... [tone] @09_0825 I'm trying to find something that has a useful sound and has a click; I'm not succeeding. ... There we go! @09_0840 All right. OK. So there's a nice sample. This would be a nice thing to be able to have, but it would be nice to be able to have it without the clicks. The clicks, by the way ... If we go faster than 30 a second they won't sound like @09_0855 individual clicks, but they'll still be a part of the sound. It'll just make the sound, sound buzzy, so now we've got a nice little buzz generator. OK. @09_0870 So this is a useful tool, but this would be more useful perhaps if it didn't sound buzzy. That buzziness is the same issue as the fact @09_0885 that it was clicking when it was going slower. OK. Is it clear what I'm doing? I don't think I gave you this particular collection of window size and speed before ... But what's happening is this number here @09_0900 is being added to the output of the phasor that's already been ranged. So when I'm changing this value I'm changing where in the table it is. OK? @09_0915 Meanwhile, this portion of it is doing nothing but generating a ramp that is repeating at 76 times per second, so that's controlling the pitch that you hear. @09_0930 This is controlling how much of the sample you get. A wonderful thing happens when you change that now. [tone] That kind of stuff. OK, now @09_0945 I'll explain a little bit better why that sounds like that later. You can sort of explain that, although it takes a little bit of work. So let me @09_0960 go back down to a reasonable speed, perhaps 10 a second. At this point I can find the place where it makes it click. Nice. Diesel motor. Anyway, there's a click and now I'm going to try to get rid of it. @09_0975 The way you're going to get rid of it is you're going to envelope, but it's not going to be easy to envelope this using the line~ because you don't have a source of messages that will tell line~ to do its thing. With some work you could do it @09_0990 and if you really wanted to you would use the "threshold~" object to try to get a message out when this phasor~ crossed a certain threshold, but you'd have to figure out where in the phasor you'd want to start doing the thing and so on. It would be a lot of work. So less work is just to @09_1005 do the smart signal based thing. ... Yeah? Student: How does the 0 in "pack 0 50" get used to turn the volume on and off? Miller: Oh, thank you. Yup. This turns it on and off. So this "pack 0 50" -- this 0 @09_1020 is getting overwritten by 1 or 0 depending on whether I turn this thing on or off. (That relies on the fact that the toggle switch or the toggle itself outputs numbers, which are 1 or 0 @09_1035 depending on whether it's on or off.) OK. ... Yeah? Student: Have you written comments for this patch as well? Miller: Well, I write the comments when I put them up on the website. @09_1050 So it happens afterward, except that last Tuesday never got commented. But if you go looking on the website now you should be finding stuff like this. But they're telegraphic comments. @09_1065 What I'll do is I'll make a copy of this and fix it so you can see the before and after. @09_1080 Oh, you know what? This is the first of the objects I'll introduce for the day:<> which is "Make a sub-window please." Actually, I've already shown you this, but I'm going to be using it again today so I'll re-introduce it. There we go. @09_1095 Put it here here, All right. Put it in a more decent place. And by the way, here we have a sample. OK? So now we have a sub-patch, which has the sample in it so, you don't have to look at it, right? @09_1110 Now, so what we're going to do is again, going to be to multiply the tabread4~ by something, which will make it not click. The only difference is that the multiplication @09_1125 won't be by a line~ output. It will have to be by something else. And what? Miller: Well, the answer is deceptively simple: So, phasor ... Phasor is going @09_1140 from 0 to 1 and you want it to be 0 at the beginning. And then you want to go up to some value like 1. And then you want to stay at 1 for a while, perhaps and then you want to go back down to 0. All right? Well you could do that algebraically in a variety of different ways. @09_1155 The simplest way to do it would be this: So recall that if you just ... Oh!-- Did I tell you about cos~? I think I threatened to tell you about this, or I didn't, did I? I should've. If I told you about cos~, @09_1170 it would have been first week. This is a thing which takes things from 0 to 1 and turns them into the cosine of 0 to 1. In fact, at this point, it would be a good thing to have another table to just look at the output. So what I'll do is put another table, @09_1185 an array. It's going to be... I don't know what, "scope"? And it needs to have ... I don't know ... some samples in it. I'll make it a tenth of a second. <<4410 samples>> @09_1200 Let's see. OK. Here we are. And now, for instance if I look at what the phasor's putting out... Miller: @09_1215 Let's see, OK. Put a button in it so we can see it. Phasor will be putting out 0 's until I give it a frequency. @09_1230 Let's give it a frequency of 20 and then we'll see: A sawtooth wave! -- And I made this thing be a tenth of a second long ... maybe that's a little bit not enough ... Since I made this thing be 20 Hertz -- 20 times per second -- there are two cycles @09_1245 within one-tenth of a second. It's all correct, right? So now, if I just take the cosine of that... [pause] Miller: I'll get that sort of thing. @09_1260 And that's all right, except... Oh, and its value is 1 at the beginning and end of the phasor. So when the phasor amplitude is 0 or 1, the cosine puts out 1. Right. ... Yeah? Student: It gives you the opposite of the phasor~? Miller: Yeah. So now what you need to do @09_1275 is get it to put 0 out instead of 1. So you need to put it upside down. So the way to do this is then to multiply it by -1/2 ... @09_1290 You can't actually see the fact that it got multiplied by minus a half because you don't see that these points are now the 0-points of phase. If I'd @09_1305 made it graph both the phasor~ and the cos~, you could see that. Now that we've got that we can adjust it so that it goes down to 0 instead of going down to -1/2. @09_1320 We can do that by just adding point .5 ... And then, tada! -- We've got a thing that @09_1335 starts at 0, ramps up to 1, and then ramps back down to 0. ... This takes a bit of thought to get figured out, so I should stop here and make sure everyone's with us. @09_1350 Should I try to graph the phasor, too? Why not? What we'll do is let's put another array, but I'll put it in @09_1365 the previous graph. I'll say this is going to be the same size. <> OK, now we have two @09_1380 things getting shown in the same graph. Now what I'm going to do is make two "tabwrite~" 's controlled by the same button so you can see both of them simultaneously. I'm going to show you the phasor~ and @09_1395 the result. OK. So the phasor is going from 0 to 1 like this and then jumping back down to 0 and the cosine wave that I'm making is going @09_1410 through 0 when the phasor is at either end of its trajectory. The original cosine was not suitable because it had two flaws. One is it @09_1425 didn't stop at 0, it went all the way negative, and the second thing is it wasn't at its least value at the transition point of the phasor where you want the thing to be off. This hits its maximum. @09_1440 So the first step is to invert it by multiplying it by minus a half. That gives you this. Now we've got the thing hitting its minimum when the phasor @09_1455 changes phase from 1 to 0, so this is a good thing, but it's not at 0 anymore. It's at -1/2 . So now we're going to add 1/2 and then instead of going from -1/2 to +1/2, it goes from 0 to 1. @09_1470 If you want to be fancier you could ask for the thing to have a different transition shape or have a different amount of time that it transitions from 0 to one instead of the entire half of the @09_1485 cycle that this one takes to transition from 0 to 1. But for right now I'm just going to do the simplest possible thing, which is just this. So this is multiplying by -1/2 -- And then adding 1/2 gives you this. @09_1500 This thing, the cosine ... This cosine is sometimes called a "raised cosine." It has a name: It's sometimes @09_1515 called the Hann Window and people use it also to multiply snippets of signal by before they take a Fourier transform of it in order to do either a frequency domain analysis of it or convolve it with something else or something like that. @09_1530 So you will see this trick of taking a cosine wave and raising it so that it's tangent to the horizontal axis and then multiplying it by a signal in order to control how it acts at both ends of it -- @09_1545 We'll see that again over the course of this and the next quarter. So one cycle of this is called a Hann Window sometimes. <> There's a cycle there. What this @09_1560 patch is doing is doing them end to end. So you can think of the patch not as just making continuous sound but also, if you like, as making a succession of Hann Windows -- a "pulse train" if you like -- which is pulsing every time the phasor cycles @09_1575 and the maximum pulse is in the middle of the cycle of the phasor. Yeah? Student: So if you used that signal as an index to the table, it would read out at varying pitch? Miller: @09_1590 If we use this to generate the index into the table that's exactly what would happen. And that would be interesting. Yeah. I don't want to hear it right now, but that would be a thing to try. The reason I'm doing this is @09_1605 so we can take the original sample output, the sound output, and multiply by this, in order to control its amplitude. So instead of going into the tabread4~ to control the location that @09_1620 it's reading at, I'll take this thing and multiply it by the output. Let's see. I should get these two to have the same values. This is 10. @09_1635 This is 14. This is 86. ... So here's the original one [sound] and here's the windowed one. [sound] Now, you could either @09_1650 like this more or less. This is not a thing that you have to do because this is right and the other thing's wrong. It's just that this has a spectrum that more correctly imitates the spectrum or sound of the original @09_1665 sound that we had. Whereas this [sound] has got more highs. And you can like that, but it also has more distortion in some sense because you hear @09_1680 something that wasn't really present in the original sample. Any questions about this? ... Yeah? Student: @09_1695 Isn't it possible to just filter out the high frequency noise? Miller: It is. Yeah, right. Right. So that's another whole thing you could do. Rather than take this thing and take the highs out by windowing it, @09_1710 you could also take the highs out by low-pass filtering it. But you would also take the highs of the original sample out. Whereas here, if the original sample has highs they'll still be there when you window it. (They'll be different in some way, but they'll still be there.) @09_1725 Yeah. Other questions? OK. So this, multiplication by this window -- @09_1740 I'm going to clean this up a little bit so you can see a little bit better what's happening; I'm going to make this not collide with itself -- @09_1755 This is the same as that; what I added was this multiplier and that corresponds to the multiplying by the line~ in the other realization of the sampler. It just had to be @09_1770 done differently because ...<> This line, which is the envelope generator which is controlling @09_1785 the other one... This was feasible because I had a sequence of messages here generated by a metronome. In the other one I didn't have the sequence of messages because it was generated by a phasor~, which is operating continuously -- it's an audio signal. So I had to do something different. This <> @09_1800 is perhaps more flexible, but at the same time it's more complicated and there are also some disadvantages to it. In particular, these messages happen between @09_1815 audio samples. In fact, they happen between blocks of audio samples. So what really happens downstairs in Pd is that Pd grinds out 64 samples at a time in order to be efficient and these messages actually happen on the 64-sample boundaries. @09_1830 Pd tries to hide this fact. But at the same time what that means is you don't have sample-accuracy in when the tabread4~ actually started reading the sample. So if you want that level of accuracy it's more appropriate, I think, @09_1845 to use the signal approach rather than this approach. On the other hand, if you've got MIDI coming in to start things out you don't have that accuracy anyway and this is the better approach. So they just both coexist and you have to get a sense of @09_1860 when to try one and when to try the other. It's clear what the distinction is between those two? ... So that's kind of done, this. @09_1875 Now what I'm going to do, not to belabor this anymore because now I can launch a whole diatribe about how to make different window shapes and that can be a lot of fun, but that's for a little bit later on in the quarter I think. @09_1890 But now I want to start working on polyphonic voice allocation so we can turn thiese thing into fun instruments that you can run and play chords. OK. So to do that the main tool is going to be the fact that you can @09_1905 put things in sub-patches with an interesting twist -- and this is all Pd lore as opposed to real computer knowledge ... The twist is that in Pd you can ask it to have a patch loaded from a different file into a @09_1920 sub-window and if you do that then you can have multiple copies of the sub-window and when you edit one of them they will all be edited in a way that stays coherent. This doesn't sound all that important yet because, obviously, you can make eight copies @09_1935 of something and if you want to change it you can just change it in all the eight copies, but it will become important as things become more complicated to be able to keep things coherent. The way to do that is very simple in principle and then in the details @09_1950 it gets complicated, so first I'll show you the simplicity in principle and then I'll make everything unbearably complicated, for the next half hour. What I'm going to do is save this. ... @09_1965 I think, for pedagogical reasons, it would be smarter to start with the other flavor of sampler, which I already closed. So this one: <<"2.01/0.sampling.envelope.pd">> -- Except that I'm @09_1980 going to rebuild it for the most part. But just for now ... It's called "0.sampling.envelope" -- What we're going to do is make a new patch and then we're going to put an object in. We're just going to say @09_1995 "0.sampling.envelope" . Then, if I open this, I get my own patch. Furthermore, if I ask for several of these, I have copies of "0.sampling.envelope". @09_2010 (Notice I'm getting all sorts of errors because I'm doing things that I shouldn't do.) ... Things that are named -- You shouldn't have copies of that have the same name because how do you distinguish it? So @09_2025 that's basically it -- I mean, that's how you cause a patch to load other patches. Now if I wanted a five- or eight-voice sampler I would load eight of these things and then I would do the hard part, which is figuring out how to get messages into them appropriately @09_2040 to do what it is I wanted to do. So if someone says "Play three notes" I don't want it to tell the same voice to play all three notes. I want to choose three of the voices and assign one note to each of those voices. Then I have to have them @09_2055 be able not to be mixed up about which one is doing what. That takes bookkeeping and attention to detail, which I will now show you how to deal with. Questions on what I've done so far? ... Yeah? Student: @09_2070 With the sub-patch, if you want to re-edit it after you make it is that a problem? Miller: It's OK, but here's the thing: I can edit this and it won't have been @09_2085 edited in the other one until I hit "save" in this one and then when I save it the others will all have the same edit. Then the others have the same change. @09_2100 Notice, by the way, this one didn't read the sound files because I told it to read it in a message by name and it didn't know which one of these tables I meant when I named it because they all have the same name, so we have to deal with that. Right now, my way of dealing with it @09_2115 is going to be brute force and stupid. I'm going to take this and get rid of it -- By the way I hit "save" so I get rid of it in all three of them. And then go back and do what I should have done before. <>. @09_2130 Put it here. By the way, I'll just whack @09_2145 the loadbang action so we'll get it. So now we have three things, all of which amount to sub-patch. Oh, I just made a bad mistake. I actually saved this patch. Well, it's all right, it's a copy @09_2160 from another day so the original patch is still there. So now we have two different kinds of sub-patches: This one <<0.sampling.envelope>> is called by a file name and this one <> is called by saying "pd" and this one <> will be saved as part of @09_2175 this patch. So anything that I put inside here is part of this document and if I change something in here the change is reflected by ... Let me save this thing so I don't get in trouble later. <<"3.poly-sampler.pd">> @09_2190 This is going to be three. I'm going to be optimistic and call it a polyphonic sampler. All right. @09_2205 Now what we need to do is get messages into sampling envelope <<0.sampling.envelope>> to cause it to do things. In fact, since it's a polyphonic sampler, let me do something that's going to be essential @09_2220 for our mental health: which is to have the array actually be this one <> Whoops, don't have it. All right, I wasn't going to tell you this, but rather than move that one in <> I'm just going to call it @09_2235 by its relative path name.<<"../1.17/oh.wav">> I'll fix this later. I'm going to have that be the loadbang action. That's because I want to be able to have different pitches of it and have you be able to hear it and if it's saying ... if we have another three whatever -- "@09_2250 ...soft and relaxing..." it's going to be harder to hear what's going on. So now if I want to hear one voice of it, for instance, I can go in here and say 60. There it is. [tone] So now I have a nice @09_2265 monophonic sample. Cool. Now how do I make it polyphonic? @09_2280 First off, we probably shouldn't have the metronome in here, but what we should have is an "inlet". Now, when I say inlet notice it puts an inlet @09_2295 in this box. In fact, when I save this box it's going to put an inlet on all three of them and that inlet corresponds to the fact that I said "inlet", which is an object whose purpose is to put an inlet on the patch @09_2310 if it ever gets called as a sub-patch -- as an "abstraction." OK. So this is one of two ways you can get the messages and signals into and out of sub-patches, which is you just make inlets and outlets @09_2325 in there and connect them. I should say at some point there is such a thing as inlet and also inlet~, like this -- which @09_2340 is the signal version of it which makes an inlet that expects audio signals. That's a different thing from making an inlet that expects messages. You'll see that later in gory detail. I'm going to try to keep things simple today. -- @09_2355 Just do "inlet". So now this is kind of cool. Save this and close it. Now I've got something where I can say, for instance, number ... @09_2370 [tones at different pitches]. That's ugly! Maybe I should go in and make the envelope be a little more assertive: Like this: @09_2385 [tone] So 50 milliseconds was too slow for having the voice start in that particular instance. OK. Now, for instance, if I want @09_2400 nice major chords I'll say OK why don't we add 4 to be up a musical third. Actually, let's make it simpler conceptually. Then add 7 which is a @09_2415 musical fifth. This is just to prove to you that this thing is actually polyphonic. Now if I say 60 I get the whole triad. [sequence of triads at different pitches] @09_2430 I forget who it was ... Conlon Nancarrow has a lot of music that sounds like this. OK. Anyway, you've all heard this kind of sound, right? @09_2445 Questions about this? ... Yeah? Student: Can you send the message to all the copies? Miller: @09_2460 Yeah, you have to connect it to the copies or somehow distribute the messages to the copies because this copy is actually going to be doing this pitch, and so on. Yeah? Student: Did you say how you're copying/pasting those groups of objects? Miller: @09_2475 Oh. Control-D for duplicate. Any time you have something that's selected you can hit control-D and it duplicates the whole thing. You can even do it to a whole thing like that. Oh, gee, now I've got two of them @09_2490 so I can do this: Well, actually, I can have as many of these now as my computer can run. You haven't had any trouble with your computer not being able to run things yet probably, @09_2505 but now you will be able to make yourself trouble having your computer actually run everything. Yeah? Student: Is the abstraction, with an inlet, like a regular pd object? Miller: If you like, it's a whole @09_2520 new kind of object that I made today, that's not part of Pd but it's part of my private library. Student: If you wanted to choose the order that they play, could you put one dac~ at the bottom? Miller: @09_2535 There are two things you can do along those lines. Student: If you put a patch for each note ...? Miller: Yeah, but it would be smarter to have just a single one and have a sequence of different pitches going to it, @09_2550 because you don't need them to overlap. In other words, it's easier to control something, if you have a monophonic synthesizer, to send it sequence of things than it is to have a polyphonic thing that follows each other. For instance, if you want to say "do, re, mi" @09_2565 and get a trumpeter to do it you don't get three trumpeters and tell each one to play a note. Student: Not polyphonically ... Miller: Yeah. On the other hand, you can, for instance, ask it to do these things @09_2580 arpeggiated: This is a slight aside .. but there is a wonderful object called "pipe" which remembers numbers and puts them out @09_2595 after a delay. So if you want to make rounds or canons do this...@09_2610 This is not exactly an answer to your question, but it's a related idea. Now if I hit 60 you get: [arpeggio major chord] And now what it'll do, it'll be a major cord. [tone] . Student: @09_2625 How is "pipe" different from "delay". Miller: Yup, how is "pipe" different from "delay"? "Pipe" will remember as many numbers as ... -- OK, first off -- "delay" gives you bangs and "pipe" will @09_2640 actually remember numbers. Pipe will remember as many numbers as you give it so that you can do this: [tone] . And you'll get -- oh that's not a good example because it's too fast. Let's make it be a second; @09_2655 then two seconds. Oh wait, there's too much going on, so let me just not have this third one. So now I'll say. [sequence of tone pairs] @09_2670 So what's happening? Oh I should do it this way. This thing remembers numbers, but it also can remember more than one number at a time so that it will remember a whole sequence of things that happens. So it's actually a @09_2685 memory object as opposed to "delay" which doesn't remember stuff. This is useful. It's not as useful as you think it's going to be, because it doesn't turn out to be a generally ... @09_2700 that frequent that you want to have exactly the same sequence of stuff come out after a delay of time. I mean occasionally you want it, but it's more likely that you @09_2715 want to do something that varies how things change in such a way that pipe no longer becomes the right solution. And there's no way to sort of build it out into something better -- It just is what it is. Also, when you send a whole bunch of stuff in @09_2730 then suddenly you might say, "Well actually, why don't you just forget the third and fifth things that I told you but remember all the others." But there's no way in pipe to do that. And so the designing pattern in the computer music ... it's actually not good to have, @09_2745 to schedule, a whole bunch of stuff under the feature and then have it happen. It's better to always schedule the very next thing that's going to happen in case you're going to change the tempo or change some other aspect of what you're going to do -- because then you might find out that all that stuff you scheduled you might @09_2760 have to re-compute anyway. So pipe does the wrong thing, which is just schedule a whole bunch of stuff into the future. So, that was just sort of an answer to the question as opposed to useful @09_2775 information. So here's now, back to the triad generator: Other questions about this? Let's see, @09_2790 why is this not useful? What's the next thing you would want to do? ... Hook it up to a keyboard maybe, but I don't have a keyboard so that's not a problem for me right now. How about changing the lengths of the notes or changing other qualities of them. @09_2805 Right now they're short and kind of brutal, and maybe we would want to do something that would allow you to say well "Make me a chord that lasts a half second or a second long," -- have that be another parameter. @09_2820 That's kind of a typical thing that you might wish to do. @09_2835 Would you want to have a whole bunch of different inlets to this thing? Maybe not because if I decided to have like 10 inlets to control 10 different aspects @09_2850 of how the sampler works -- This doesn't have 10 controls on it, it has maybe five or six things controlled right now. -- But by the time you have eight of these and maybe a half dozen inlets on this you have a lot of wires running around. You're going to really want to use @09_2865 just pack and unpack, which are things that will allow you to take numbers and combine them into messages that have more than one value in them so that you can not have wires flying all over the place, each one of which just carries one number. @09_2880 So let me just make the thing now: Why don't I save this one, or rather leave this one the way it is and work on a new one.<> Save as four. @09_2895 Sample duration. So now ".samping.envelope" -- If I go changing it it's going to change it @09_2910 for both of these patches, which could be a good thing, but for right now it's not going to be a good thing. So I'm going to save it as something else. Go in here and say save as. Now it's going to be@09_2925 "sampler-voice-with-duration.pd" That's a terrible idea because now we're going to have to type that whole thing out. @09_2940 And if I get one letter wrong it'll fail.... OK. Now my plan is going to be: I'm going to put lists of two numbers in and the numbers are going to be a pitch and @09_2955 a duration. The pitch will be just what it is and the duration will be in milliseconds. It's going to be easy, right? I'm going to want more of these later, but for right now let's just have one of them. So what we're going to do is @09_2970 here we're going to have to use the pack object to put messages together. To start with, let's just do it the most simple-minded way, which is to pack two numbers, one of which is going to supply the duration and one of which is going to supply the pitch. @09_2985 So now I'm going to say duration 1,000 and pitch 60 and it's going to last a second, right? No. Because? Why doesn't this work? Student: @09_3000 The duration doesn't get to the subpatch? Miller: Yeah, it's sort of that. I'm even being more simple minded. I didn't change the abstraction to do anything to the second number, so of course it can't do anything with it. I didn't fix it. OK. So go in here. @09_3015 (If a number box gets a message with two numbers it just takes the first number. You could do a variety of different things, but that's the way it does it.) So what we want to do is just unpack the other number. @09_3030 Move this here. So that's all we need is an unpack object, which by default expects two numbers. This one is now going to be a @09_3045 duration in milliseconds, which I think is just going to be the value of this delay. Tada! Oh, delay: The first inlet @09_3060 you send a bang to will schedule a bang to come out after the amount of delay and the second inlet changes the delay time so it <> receives numbers. As a shortcut, you can feed it a number into the first inlet @09_3075 and that will not only set the delay time but also arm the delay. In other words, also schedule the set-off. But this is the more readable way of doing it. I'm just going to set the number here and then all this stuff is going to happen which, by the way, is going to start the delay off. @09_3090 So I'm going to save that. Maybe it's already going to work. Dig! @09_3105 That was too easy! It's still true that when I tell it something new it has to steal the voice from the old one. Oh, "stealing voice" -- that's MIDI talk. "Voice stealing" is when you have a thing here which is a "voice." Voices, @09_3120 that's borrowed from chorale talk. A voice is a person standing up saying something... But in computer music talk it's a thing that's able to make one pitch at a time. The idea here is that @09_3135 each pitch is going to be made by one of several identical sub-patches. So that's what "voice" is. So "stealing the voice" means if I have the thing playing and suddenly give it another pitch @09_3150 before the first one is done, I want it to cleanly stop playing the previous one and start playing the new one. All the machinery is already in there to do that. What we have to do then is mute the thing @09_3165 by taking the line~ that drives the output and ramping it hurriedly to zero and then resetting the location of the array to the beginning and @09_3180 starting the whole thing over. Now we've got everything we need to do this polyphonically except for one other thing which is this: Now suppose I want to be able to give it a bunch of numbers and have it @09_3195 not steal the same one, but allocate a new voice each time so we can hear them all separately. Then what you need to do -- and this is going to be work -- then what we need to do is have a bank of these and have each time you give it a new one choose a different one of them to send @09_3210 a message to. It's like an automobile distributor, which will send a spark to the cylinder that's supposed to go off next. So we know how to generate those numbers just fine. That's @09_3225 this kind of patch, which you've already seen: You need a floating point number "float" and then a "+ 1" -- That makes a loop. Let me just make that loop first and you can see @09_3240 what that's good for. That's counting, but now what we're going to do is we're going to say we want some number of voices. I'll just make there be eight. That's a reasonable number. @09_3255 So what I really want to do is count to eight. Let's say "+ 1" all right, but then modulo eight "mod 8." @09_3270 Then we're counting 0 through 7. Let's see. I have to introduce a new object now -- I'll just do that. @09_3285 I won't do the simple one, I'll do the one that we're really going to need. There's an object sitting here called "route," which looks at messages and simply @09_3300 routes them according to what the first number in the message is. So, for instance, if I give it the number 0 through 7 to look for, if I give it a 7 it puts it out this outlet, but if I give it a 0 @09_3315 it puts it out that one. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... 7, 0, and so on. It has, by the way, eight outputs because there's a last one which is what it outputs if it @09_3330 doesn't match any of the numbers I gave it -- which is always a possibility. I didn't have to give it exactly these numbers. I could have said I only care about numbers five and six or something like that. But in this case I want all the possible numbers this can generate @09_3345 to make outputs. Now it's even worse than that because what I really want to do is have route ... I'm going to just demonstrate this ... I want to have @09_3360 route take this kind of message and somehow route that message according to this number. So what I need is a message with three objects in it. So we're going to have to have pack with @09_3375 three numbers in it. The first number's going to have to be the number we route according to. The second and third numbers are going to be these numbers here <> except that I want the thing to change @09_3390 whenever I wiggle this number <>, just to make it easy. So what I really want is whenever I get message out of here it's going to stuff these values in here and then make this thing go. So to do that @09_3405 I have to unpack it again. This looks ridiculous that we're doing pack followed by unpack, but actually that happens all the time that you have to do that. This is now the value of 1,000, so we'll put it there. This is the value @09_3420 58 and we'll put it here. Then we're going to bang that, but we care what order we do those two things in because we want to bang this after this number has gone in. So we @09_3435 need our old friend trigger. I'll use the abbreviation trigger bang float <<"t b f".>> Let's see. @09_3450 I'm going to bang this, but meanwhile we're going to throw this in here. And then let's just look at that to see how we're doing. Print. All right. Now @09_3465 each time I give it a new number, out comes a triple of numbers which consists of: the voice it chose and then the pitch I gave it and then the duration I gave it. @09_3480 This would be an excellent moment to stop and fish for questions ... Student: What is the "route" actually doing there? Miller: Ah, yeah. I'm not using that yet. What that's going to be good for is: @09_3495 This first number is going to be which of the eight sub-windows I want to send a message to and route is going to do that for us. ... Yeah? Student: Does route send the whole message it gets? Miller: @09_3510 No. It'll strip the number. So that's the next thing to do is just send this thing in here. So I'm going to call this "before" and "AFTER." @09_3525 Oh, sorry about the caps. Caps lock. OK. Now we start doing this. @09_3540 Actually, "AFTER" came before, but anyway -- whenever the message starts with 0, the "route 0" matched and it came out here. @09_3555 By the way, it gave me the other two numbers, which is what I want to feed the sub-patch with. Now we're done because. @09_3570 (I'm going to leave that there.) Now we just make eight of these and have them talk to this. All right. Are we going to get it all on one screen? @09_3585 I could have chosen a smaller number. But no. So I'm going to make eight of these. You can tell I've done this before. I know which way to organize them. @09_3600 Let's see. I didn't make the right number of them though yet. @09_3615 Computer scientists hate this because I'm actually manually iterating something and, of course, the program should be smart to do the work of doing these connections for me. [tone] Now I've got @09_3630 polyphonic sampling. Right? Or actually to really prove this is doing what I think it's doing let's give it a nice chord like this: @09_3645 60. Notice the commas. That means send both messages please. All right, this is horrifying. @09_3660 You can put it right there. [tone, laughter] Tada. So what's happening here is this is the same thing if I had managed somehow to simultaneously @09_3675 type all these numbers all into here. So each one of these things generates a message and, in fact, you see here what it did to them. [tone] I don't know, but whatever that was, six numbers... @09_3690 oh wait it starts here, each got assigned a voice number and then here are the six pitches that you see that I typed in there and here's the durations I asked for. OK. More on this @09_3705 next time. *** MUS171 #10 02 03 @10_0000 There's one sonic aspect of sampling that I didn't stop and explain as well as I wanted to explain last time. @10_0015 So, I want to go back and ... just do it harder. And that is the business about, if you have a looping sampler, there are two regimes in which you can hear the thing: One is where you have @10_0030 the sampler playing back, either looped or not looped but at least slowly enough that you hear individual starts and stops as events. ... And that would mean perhaps playing fewer than 30 different things a second. So, here the example would be. .. @10_0045 Whoops, that's not a good example. [audio tone] Miller: So, now you just hear one of the dude's phonemes six times a second. Right? This by the way, is a copy -- annotated and then partly de-annotated -- @10_0060 of one of the patches that I made last class. And this is up on the Web. And my purpose in making the patch was to show you how to add the "envelope generator shaping" to a phasor. @10_0075 But now what I want to do is -- continuing to look at the phasor-driven sampler, because it's the more appropriate way to look at this -- to compare again what happens at low and high frequencies of phasor. What happens at low frequencies is kind of @10_0090 exactly what you would expect, which is ... [audio tone] Miller: You hear stuff at a certain number of times per second, and furthermore ... OK, so what's happening here is this 34 @10_0105 is the beginning place. Oh, it's in 100s of samples, which means 441 of these make a second. ... @10_0120 [interruption] ... @10_0135 Back to normal. All right. So, what's happening is we're looking at this array, and we're looking, starting at whatever 34 corresponds to here. @10_0150 And then we are sliding forward 78 of them. ( ... Is that me shaking? How is that happening? Student: Maybe it's just an earthquake. Miller: I think we were having a nice little earthquake. @10_0165 We just invented a new kind of seismograph. Maybe I'm wrong; maybe it's something totally anodyne.) OK. So this 78 is now being multiplied by the phasor, so the phasor is going from 0 @10_0180 to one, and now we're making the phasor have a range, which, in 100s, anyway, starts at 34 and goes to 34 plus 78. So, this is the amount of sample you hear each time. So that ...[audio tone] Miller: Once you've got the units right, anyway. If this @10_0195 thing times this thing equals 1, you've got the straight-ahead transposition, that is to say, the original pitch. And what would that be? Actually, let me change the unit so that it's easier to think about. I'm going to make this be units of 441, so that these are hundredths of a second. @10_0210 And now this'll be something like nine, and this'll be something like 20. [audio tone] Miller: Yeah, there we go. So now what's happening @10_0225 is this is .17 seconds, because 441 samples is 0.01 seconds at our sample rate. And this .17, that times 6, if you multiply it out @10_0240 in your head, turns out to be very close to 1. Actually, one-sixth is, as you all know, 0.1666, so we'll do this: And now we'll get the original transposition. This number in hundredths, @10_0255 that is to say, 0.1666 repeating, times six is 1. And now if I choose some other pair of numbers which also multiplies out to 1, such as make that five and make that 20 hundredths ...[audio tone] Miller: Then I've changed @10_0270 the speed at which the thing's happening but I haven't changed pitch that you hear, or the transposition that you hear, of the sample. OK. Is it clear why this is working? So, the transposition that you're hearing @10_0285 is proportional both to this number. [audio tone] ... Miller: ... and also this number. OK. Next thing about that is this: This is @10_0300 what you hear these numbers are below about 30. That is to say, the number of things you can hear as happening as discrete events. So even if I push this to 20 and drop this to five. .. @10_0315 Whoops![audio tone] ... And find a good place ... You hear the event as a repeating thing but if I push this past about 30 you won't anymore. I don't know 30. It's iffy. But of course, this is a very particular @10_0330 spiky part of the sample. If I get somewhere else in the sample. .. [audio tone] Miller: It becomes very hard to hear that as a sequence of things and easy to hear as just a continuum. If I push this higher, then at some point your perception @10_0345 of this as having a pitch becomes more important than your perception of it as number of times per second. This is just acoustics, if you do anything repeatedly fast enough it becomes a pitch. @10_0360 For instance, if I want to use this Western-style musically we'd want a MIDI to frequency converter. ... @10_0375 make another number box ... Then I can say, "Well, play that for me at play it at middle C, please." Which is 261 Hertz and now we've got middle C. [audio tone] Miller: I could check it on the piano @10_0390 if I cared. Oh yeah, let's go down an octave. That's a little too harsh. Oh. Why does that sound so ugly? @10_0405 There's something going on here that I don't understand. That should be a smoother sound than that, but we'll go for it for now. If I ever find my mistake I'll tell you. So, at this point, we're playing five milliseconds @10_0420 of sample at a time. But we're transposing up a quite a bit because we're playing 130 of these per second. So really, this should last something under @10_0435 one millisecond. Should last about .7 milliseconds, I think. Oh, this will sound better now, maybe. Yeah, there we go. [audio tone] Miller: All right. Then, we have the sample as before: @10_0450 [audio tone] Miller: Those are timbres taken from the voice. In fact, I could even try to move this continuously, except I'm going to get in trouble. @10_0465 You'll see. [audio tone] Miller: It's a little ugly because you hear it click every time this thing changes discontinuously. [audio tone] Miller: So, let's go find "soft." OK. @10_0480 And now, when you heard it coursing over the sample, then you heard the timbres or the vowel and consonants @10_0495 of the original sample going by. So, right now, you can sort of believe that this thing. [audio tone] Miller: Is the "O, " the short O of soft. Right? That's of course, assuming I'm playing everything at the correct speed. In other words, I've made this and this @10_0510 multiply to approximately one. I didn't check that it was exactly. Oh, I could. I could! Nah, let's not ... I could take this and divide 1000 by it, and put that there. Actually, that would be a good thing to do because I'm going to have to do it later. @10_0525 So, to do that, we're going to divide something, but we're not going to divide it by 100. We want to divide 100 by it. And, that's the thing I haven't shown you how to do yet. But, it's not hard. So, what you want to do @10_0540 is you want to take 100. Control-alt-2. Sorry, 100. We're going to take 100 divided by this, right? Because it's in hundreds of samples. @10_0555 We're going to take this and put it here. But then, we're going to have to bang the 100. And so, we need our old friend trigger to make the thing get banged at the appropriate time. So now we say, "Trigger, bang, float." @10_0570 Let's make this be reasonable. OK. And now, I'll show you. Oh,, rather than show it to you, I'm just going to use it. And, you'll see. @10_0585 So now, I'll say, "48 again, please." And, dada. It computed the exact value, which was 100 divided by this, which is the number of 100ths of a second, which would be the period if this is the frequency. @10_0600 This would be a good place to stop for questions. Student: Can you explain the abbreviation? <<"t b f">> Miller: Oh. OK. So, this is abbreviation for @10_0615 "trigger bang float". And, what trigger does is two things. It formats messages for you -- So, there's a floating point message coming in. And, what we want coming out is a bang here to send this 100, @10_0630 and then actually, before that a floating point number, which is whatever we sent in. So, this divide needs to receive 100 here. And then, it needs to receive this 130.8 here. But, @10_0645 the divide divides when it receives this number <>. And so, it needs to receive this number <> after it has already gotten that one <> -- so that it will do the division correctly. Sorry, there are two questions. You first? Student: So what's the purpose of the bang? Miller: @10_0660 Well, the bang is simply to get this 100 to send out, because if this 100 doesn't get sent out, this thing will never divide. Student: So there's a bang and a float? Miller: It sends the float, and @10_0675 then it sends a bang, which sends this 100. Student: And that's going to be top down, or? Miller: Uh, let's see. This is going to be 100 over this floating point number. @10_0690 Let me see if I can make this into a more synthetic example. Let's make a copy of this. @10_0705 So a number comes in, number comes out. And whatever I put in, what comes out should be 100 divided by this number. OK, so how do I do that? The number goes in, and I ask it first to put the @10_0720 number in -- OK, this is the divider. So what I need to do with the divider is first put five in here <> and then put 100 in there <>, so the thing will do 100 divided by five. All right? Yeah ... lots of questions, let's see, I don't even know @10_0735 who to ask. OK. Student: So, the float, how do you know it goes in first? Miller: Oh, trigger is defined to put its outputs out in right-to-left order. In general, objects that have multiple outlets @10_0750 that spit out messages at the same time (another example would be unpack) always do it from right to left order, so that you know what order they're coming into a subsequent box in. @10_0765 This order doesn't mean that time is passing. All this happens in one instant of time, or to put it a different way, between two audio samples, but the same two. In other words, it happens in a moment that isn't @10_0780 allocated any time of its own. And yet it has an order, because you have to have this thing go in the correct order, otherwise you could never program. OK. ... Pd is not a programming language, and @10_0795 this is asking Pd to do a programming language-ish thing, which it can do. But obviously, if you just had BASIC or C or something like that, you could do this particular thing a lot easier. You just say, "100 divided by f, " or whatever it is. @10_0810 But since we're in a graphical programming language, it's great for doing things like bashing signals around like that. And it's a little clunky for doing things like saying, "100 over f." This is the easiest way I know how to do that. @10_0825 There are others. Other questions about that? .... Yeah? Student: So, for when you're changing the range for the plus value, so if you wanted to. ... Not put this object value back to this top half. Miller: @10_0840 This value, OK. Student: Yeah. You just have to unpack or on the line? Or if you wanted not to click? Miller: Wanted not to click. In other words. .. Oh, you mean, if I wanted these things to be their values when the patch shows up? Student: @10_0855 Yeah, like cycle through that 60 times or so. .. Miller: Oh, I see. Yeah. So right now I haven't done anything to automate that. I've just left it as a number box. But in fact, that could be messages coming in from some other place if I wanted to. @10_0870 And then I could use the number box to override it, or I could just have it be what it is. But it's easiest, just for the purposes of showing the patch, it's easiest to have everything just be controlled by hand. Yeah? Student: @10_0885 Now if you put more floats in there? And you put a metronome in there? Can you create a loop to sequence things? Miller: Sure. Well, OK, sure, there would be some work to do, because. .. @10_0900 If for instance, I had a bunch of numbers in a message, like that. ... If I sent those to this, for instance, @10_0915 this number would become 1. And then it would become 3 and then it would become 5 and then it would become 7. And 7 would win. If I wanted it to do those things and have it be 1, then 3 at a later moment in time, and then 5 and then 7, which would be more like a sequence. .. @10_0930 Then the easiest way to do that would be to store those numbers in a table or an array, and then read them out of the array using a metronome. ... Yeah? Student: So, outlets send from right to left, but inside a message box left to right? Miller: Ooh! @10_0945 Yeah; outlets are right to left. Things inside a message box are left to right or in order that they are as text. Student: Oh. OK. Miller: Yeah, that's confusing, isn't it? It never @10_0960 occurred to me to think about those two things in the same thought. ... Yeah? Student: Can we depend on everything other than the trigger having regular order from the outlets? Miller: @10_0975 Well, what you can't do, or what you can't depend on, is this: ... I might have shown you this already. @10_0990 I can't remember ... I'm going to take this number and just square by multiplying it by itself, and I'll do it that way. This doesn't work because @10_1005 this multiplier got these two values all right, but it got this value first and that value afterward, and as a result it did the wrong multiply. So, to make that guaranteed @10_1020 you would put a trigger in to make sure everything happened in the order that you wanted. In other words, you would say .... Oh, I'll keep the wrong one and the right one. You would say ... ... @10_1035 "trigger float float" . And now we know that @10_1050 this float will come first <> and this float will come second <>. And then it will do my squaring job right, whereas here it didn't. Student: So not objects other than trigger are right to left though, like unpack? Miller: @10_1065 Yes. If the outlets are all, what's the right word? Well, an example of something that doesn't do that is "route" because it doesn't ever put something out @10_1080 more than one outlet as a result of a single message. But things that do put out more than one thing as a result of a single message, such as "trigger" or "unpack" -- or "notein" if you're doing MIDI ... @10_1095 I don't have a lot of other examples here. ... those are all arranged from right to left. That's simply because right to left is appropriate for inlets because it's best to get things left last. ... Yeah? Student: @10_1110 Would it be one multiply by a parameter and then add, would you have to make that separation? Miller: Yeah. @10_1125 It gets ugly. What's a good example of that? Yeah. I have a good example, but it's too complicated and @10_1140 I'd have to explain it. If you want to do A + (B * C) for instance. OK, so you put B and C into the multiplier and then you have A and you want to put it into an adder. Then you have to decide OK, do I want that number to change every time I change any of A, B, or C or @10_1155 do I want it to change only when C changes or so on like that? You could want it either way. For instance, if you're playing a MIDI keyboard and you want to transpose, when you change the transposition you don't want it to replay the note. That just means you want @10_1170 the next note you play to have the new transposition. So, in that case it would be appropriate not to recalculate the pitches of all the notes because you changed the transposition. Maybe. But in other situations, you actually want the output to change when @10_1185 any of the inputs change so it's always correct according to the last inputs. Those are just two different situations. So, you can get Pd to do it one way or the other. The way to get it always to follow what you do is @10_1200 to use triggers everywhere that you need to in order to make sure that everybody's leftmost inlet gets whacked last and then everything will stay up to date. That was a little abstract, but we'll hit examples of that I think later on, @10_1215 I think, in the quarter -- especially if I go back and show you pitch to MIDI conversion in general. Any other questions? That was useful because @10_1230 I think there were a bunch of things I wasn't saying that I should have been saying which that helped clear up. OK. ... @10_1245 So, now what we have is I've got this number here and I'm computing 100 divided by it to put here. So now, I can do this kind of thing. [audio tone] Miller: It's not @10_1260 perfectly smooth, but it's now figuring out what I have to put here to put timbre. In order to get the sample to play back at the recorded speed, regardless of how many times per second I'm asking it to play back. @10_1275 So, the faster I ask it to play back, the less of it I can play back each time if I'm trying to constrain the speed. Now the other thing to mention about this is that ...[audio tone] Miller: @10_1290 Now we've got a nice pitch and now we could just go and change this segment size without changing the number of times per second and then we get this kind of thing. @10_1305 Notice there are clicks in the sound. That's because when I change this discontinuously or when I change this according to the mouse it changes the thing I'm multiplying the phasor by, so it causes the read into the table here to move discontinuously, which is a click. @10_1320 So if I want to do this correctly I'd have to use a line object to de-click this. Nonetheless, I now have my first nice timbre whammy-bar that you can use to make wonderful computer music. Right. In other words, this is the first example, @10_1335 (except for that attempt that I made to explain FM, which I shouldn't have ever done ...) This is the first example of a situation where you can change a control and it will actually make an audible change to the timbre of the sound. Which, of course, is what computer music was supposed to be about back in the day. @10_1350 There will be many more examples of this, because eventually you will be able to make filters and frequency modulation -- once I get that straightened out -- and other things like that. Right now, the reason this is happening, I can actually show you using this table. @10_1365 So, just for emphasis sake. .. [audio tone] Miller: If we go down to a frequency where you can actually hear the things then what @10_1380 I'm doing is actually changing the size of the sample we're playing, which is changing the transposition. But then if you make that happen at an audible rate then @10_1395 we're changing the transposition again, but it doesn't change the pitch that you hear. [audio tone] Miller: ... Because the pitch that you hear is now no longer the pitch of the original sample. But it is the new pitch from just being imposed on it by the fact that I'm reading it at a fast rate. @10_1410 And that is in fact a continuum. [audio tone] Miller: So for instance you can say ...[tones] @10_1425 And now I have a continuous way of moving back and forth between pitchy sounds and sampled sounds. [audio tone] Miller: And that a lot of people heard for the first time when @10_1440 Fatboy Slim did that song "The Rockafeller Skank" -- That was this. Miller: OK, questions about that? Student: Was he actually using Pd? Miller: No. [audience laughter] Miller: @10_1455 But he wasn't using Supercollider either -- He was using commercial stuff. All right. [audio tone] Miller: @10_1470 So now, this, which becomes a transposition when we do it slow, is a timbre-change when you do it fast. [audio tone] Miller: @10_1485 And another way of seeing that is to take this thing and graph it. Which is what I now propose to do by using these graphs over here. So I'm going to keep the phasor and instead of graphing the envelope, which is what this graph is here to do earlier ... I just want to graph the output of @10_1500 the tabread~ object. Oh yuck! --- Oh, I see. I've got this thing so high that the graphing doesn't look good. So let's change the properties here. @10_1515 I had 44 -- that's a tenth of a second. I'm going to need like a 50th of a second. So let's make this a thousand. <<"Size" in the Array Properties of Array "scope">> That's actually @10_1530 a 44.1th of a second. And let's see. Will this work? Still looks, oh whoops! I didn't do that quite right, I need to change this too <<"X range in the Canvas Properties>>. ... @10_1545 Oh, and this! <<"Size" in the Array Properties of Array "scope2">> Sorry -- I've got two arrays in there <<"scope""scope2">> which is why I got confused. So OK now what we see is there's a nice phasor and it's going at 48 times a second. @10_1560 And each time it goes you see the same waveform, which is in fact the waveform which is stolen from the original recording. And now if I ask it to graph again, you'll see that it's in a different place, because I don't know @10_1575 how to make the graph start right when the thing wraps around. ... That's for later ... But you can see that it's the same waveform. Now if I say, "OK, do that but make this number larger. In other words, make there be more of the sample." Actually, let's have there be less of the sample first. @10_1590 I'll drop it to one. Then when I graph it, you'll see that there was just less waveform stuffed into there. ... Is this clear? @10_1605 Now you can do wonderful things because, what would happen if you just stuck a sinusoid in here? Actually, that would be a useful thing to be able to do, so let's do it. So now what we're going to do is we're going to say, "tabwrite~" @10_1620 and I give the name of the thing, Table "t2.03a" ... Now I'm just going take a nice sinusoid, @10_1635 maybe 110 Hertz, so it won't be too different from the sound of the dude's voice. And I don't want it to be quite that loud because I don't have a good volume control, @10_1650 so I'm going to protect us by multiplying this by some smallish number. And now we need a button to make this thing happen. @10_1665 Wait two seconds ... And sinusoid! -- although you can't really see it as such. And now here: <> Sinusoid! Except, of course, the sinusoid has a discontinuity every time we restart the sample. @10_1680 And now the bigger a chunk I read hear of the sample, the more cycles of the sinusoid have to slap into the same amount of time. If you can imagine what that sounds like, @10_1695 it's got this period, so the pitch of it isn't changing, but you can tell by looking at it that it's got a lot of stuff at this frequency and maybe not a whole lot of stuff at fundamental. So now if we listen to it. .. [audio tone] Miller: @10_1710 We've made ourselves a nice little formant. ... Is that clear? Student:@10_1725 Are those pops because of that repeating ... ? Miller: Yeah, the pops happen whenever I change this. @10_1740 And what that does is that changes the amount I'm multiplying this phasor by. If I happened to do that right when the phasor was at 0, it wouldn't make a discontinuous change. Student: So you're re-ranging? Miller: As it is, it gets up to a half or something like that, @10_1755 and then suddenly it re-ranges, and that pushes it off to a different value. I'll show you things about that later ... after I've stuffed all these more fundamental ideas into your heads. @10_1770 The object you want is "sample and hold" because you want to sample this number only when the phasor changes value. @10_1785 But, of course, the thing that I had originally was not a sinusoid, it was the man's voice. Then you get @10_1800 this look and this sound: [audio tone] Miller: And, of course, different @10_1815 parts of the sound file different things, but they all have the same basic behavior. All right. ... So that is basically @10_1830 a thing about sampling that everyone can use. ... Questions about this before I go on to other things? What I want to do now is go back to polyphony and voice management, which I started talking about last time, but @10_1845 about which there is much more to say. Yeah. Everyone's tired of this topic anyway. ... Yeah? Student: Are you going to put these patches online? Miller: Oh Sure. Yeah, this one is going to be patch ... I have to change the order@10_1860 of these because I didn't plan very well .. But all the patches up until last time are up on the web. It takes me a day or two, but I eventually get around to putting good comments on that actually mean something, when I'm putting them up. @10_1875 Yeah -- this is a good trick. OK. So now I have several matters to go over. First off, @10_1890 here's the example of a multiple-voice sampler: [audio tone] That was the thing I showed you guys last time. Right? The basic deal was, the new objects you needed were ... @10_1905 First off, just the notion of having a so-called abstraction. That's to say, being able to put a Pd patch inside a box, which would, in fact, be a sub-window. And "route", @10_1920 which is this object, which takes a message in with any number of numbers and looks at the first numbers and, depending on what it is, puts it out one of the several outputs. Since there are eight arguments here there's nine outputs because there's one for @10_1935 if it didn't match anything. (That way you can gang several route objects together.) Although here I happen to know that this number will always be 0 to seven because I have this "mod 8" here. @10_1950 This is an example of polyphonic voice allocation and there are other examples of things that you can do with polyphonic voice allocation -- which I will actually show you by taking you through some pre-existing patches. @10_1965 -- a slight departure from the custom. So, this right now is just a copy of what there was last time. The first thing I want to mention before I go ripping through the pre-existing examples @10_1980 is a thing about abstractions I haven't told you about, which is this: Here's another abstraction. Get in edit mode ... You can do something like. .. @10_1995 Well, I have an abstraction, which I moved into this directory beforehand, called "output~". This is interesting because it's not just an abstraction that has a patch inside it, @10_2010 but it also has controls, which it printed on its "faceplate", if you like. So, this is a technique for being able to make things like modular synthesizers give you -- which are modules with audio inputs and outputs, but which also have controls like knobs. @10_2025 So, I'm just going to tell you now that this thing exists and how you can deal with it. First off, it's just an object like any other, so I can retype this and it would become some other kind of object. But this is a particular @10_2040 kind of abstraction, which does this for us. If you want to see inside it, it is not good enough to click on it because clicking on it means doing that kind of thing<>. @10_2055 Oh yeah, by the way, this is an output level in decibels and you would use this if you wanted to have a patch whose output level you could control on the fly, which is a good thing to be able to do. @10_2070 The other thing about this is, of course you might want to be able to see what's inside it, but clicking on it doesn't do that because clicking on it does that kind of stuff. So instead, you control click or right click depending on what kind of mouse you have @10_2085 and say "Open." Then you will see the contents of the thing as an abstraction. Then it's nothing much more than what you've seen already except there are some tricks here that I haven't told you about yet @10_2100 which I hope to tell you about today. Then closing it's the same as it always is. You just close it. All right. This has a name. It's called a "graph on parent" abstraction -- the reason being that @10_2115 it shows a certain portion of its GUI objects, its controls, on its own surface as an object. You can learn how to make these and so on. @10_2130 Well, OK ... You would say... "Properties" . <> Notice here it says "Graph-On-Parent"? You have to click that and then that turns your abstraction into one of these things, but then there are things you might want to set that I have to explain in detail later. @10_2145 I'm telling you that because I'm going to take you through some patches that are going to use this and I want you to know about this thing's existence. If you want to use this you have to get this thing and copy it into your own directory. I'll throw it up on the website, but it is also on all of your computers because it's @10_2160 actually in Pd, in the help patches. And that is in fact, where we're heading next. I've been studiously avoiding the help patches because I've been building everything from scratch, but by the time we're getting into voice-banking stuff, @10_2175 some of the examples maybe are better just looked at and described than they are built up from scratch, because ... ... you have to do several things at once and get them all working together. So, I'm just going to close this and open @10_2190 some other patches that do other things. ... So, in Pd, if you say, "Help, " one of the things you can get is this:"Browser". And the browser has @10_2205 far too much stuff in it, but if you go looking for "Pure Data" ... -- Oh, by the way, if you have Pd Extended this really has a lot of stuff. Right now it merely has a bunch of useless stuff. "Pure Data" .."audio examples/" -- Oh right, there's a manual. This has a bunch of @10_2220 HTML stuff, which is very telegraphic and, what's the right word? "Short". "control examples" -- later."audio examples" -- which are examples about @10_2235 how to do synthesis, processing, and analysis of sounds. -- These examples correspond to the textbook, which I haven't been referring to very religiously, but we're now somewhere in chapter four of the textbook, talking about voice allocation. @10_2250 The A's are all chapter one, the B's chapter 2 and so on like that. And so, all of this stuff, if you want to see more description of what it's about and how it works and why, look in the book in chapter four @10_2265 and the book actually talks about all of these patches in some detail. The things I wanted to show you were, for instance. ..."additive synthesis". <> @10_2280 Here's the reason I showed you output is because we're now going to be starting to use output to set the. ... [bell tone] Miller: Volumes of things. Notice these values are in decibels, which means 100 is full-blast and 75 is likely to be quiet. [bell tones] Miller: @10_2295 So typically I put these close to 100. [bell tones] Miller: This means nothing to people who weren't in the computer-music scene in the sixties and seventies, and then it means a lot because this is one of the classical @10_2310 computer-music designs done by Jean-Claude Risset at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill back in the day when people were first doing things with computers. And what it is. .. let's see if I can make it sound better. [bell tones] Miller: @10_2325 It's called a Risset Bell. And it's just Jean-Claude Risset having found some parameters somewhere that make a nice. .. [bell tones] Miller: ...bell sound, that can do that kind of stuff, or this kind of stuff, [bell tones] Miller: @10_2340 Or of course, this kind of stuff. [bell tones] Miller: Actually, better yet. .. [bell tones] Miller: Ta-da. It's not rocket science. @10_2355 What it is .. the old term for this was "additive synthesis." It's a synthesis technique that you all know because all you do is add up oscillators. And the oscillators in the examples @10_2370 I've shown you have all been tuned to multiples of a fundamental frequency so that they all fuse into a harmonic sound. In this case it's additive synthesis in the sense that it's a bunch of sinusoidal oscillators being added together, but the oscillators are imitating the modes of vibration @10_2385 of a bell. Although, I don't know if this corresponds to a real bell. ...[bell tones] Miller: ...or something fanciful. [bell tones] Miller: And, the controls that you get are going to correspond exactly @10_2400 to the controls you saw in the sampler example last time, which is, you get to control pitch and duration. Differences between this and the previous example -- There are going to be a couple of differences when you get into the voices, but @10_2415 there's a huge conceptual difference: Which is that this isn't a polyphonic instrument. It only plays one note. But there's still voices, adding up @10_2430 to that one note. And the voices are, instead of making different notes, making different partials which added up into a single note. It's polyphony in one way of thinking, because it's realized like a @10_2445 polyphonic instrument. But psychologically, it's monophonic. So it's showing the use of voicing and abstractions, in a non voice-allocating way. A key difference between this and the previous example is @10_2460 there's no route object. In the previous example, you decided every time you asked to play a note, which of the voices was going to play it. Here, all the voices play every single note. ... Yeah? Student: And those voices are the partial voices? Miller: Yes, right. So now I have to show you @10_2475 what's in there. Student: So do we'll look inside the patch? Miller: Yeah. Next thing is, notice that I'm feeding the thing arguments. I'll tell you what the arguments mean in a moment when I show you what's inside it. But @10_2490 when you have an abstraction -- which is to say an object which is a separate patch being written into a window -- Usually, not quite always, but in most situations -- You're going to want to throw in arguments to specialize it to do one thing @10_2505 or another. For instance in this case, each of these partials has to know which partial it is, so they don't all decide to play the first partial together. They each have to play different partials. So each one of them has to know which partial it is. @10_2520 And to do that, you have to pass each one arguments that disambiguate them. That tell them how they are going to be specialized. All right? Other huge difference @10_2535 and a small related difference to the huge difference: There aren't wires going into these things and inlets. So the mechanism for getting messages inside here is not inlets, it's "send" and "receive". ... For the simple reason that, @10_2550 and here's the small conceptual difference, frequency and duration and trigger are being sent separately in this design. I thought, at the time, this was actually a simplifying this, although I don't know now whether I think it's more simple or more complicated. @10_2565 So in this particular design you give it any pitch and any duration you want and then you say, "OK go ahead" and then it does it for you. You could now take a packed pair @10_2580 of "pitch and duration" and make it act like the previous one if you used an unpack and a trigger in order to send messages in the right order to duration and frequency and trigger. @10_2595 So, what's going to happen inside here is each one of these things is going to have a receive frequency and a receive duration, which will tell it the global frequency and duration of the tone, and then it's going to have another receive for trigger, which will set the thing off. @10_2610 Now, just to hearken back to Music 170 for a moment: This is imitating how a bell actually vibrates. @10_2625 One way, maybe the best way, of thinking how a metallic object would vibrate is you strike it and in striking it you activate the modes of vibration the thing has. Those are functions of the shape and construction of the object itself, @10_2640 not of how you whacked it. They don't move. But the modes each have a frequency and a time constant. The frequency is how fast the mode vibrates and the time constant is how fast it's damped: whether it vibrates forever, @10_2655 which it would do if it had no damping at all, or whether it dies out very, very quickly. So what's happening here is we're pretending there's a metal object that has 11 modes in it, each of which has a @10_2670 different frequency and a different damping. But then there are global frequency and duration (which is damping), controls that are multiplied by each one's individual frequency and damping factor. @10_2685 Now, to go look inside "partial", which I've been putting off: Here's how you do a partial. This is being done in gory detail in the most @10_2700 carefully explained, boring, pedagogical possible way. Let's see. I can do this. @10_2715 I haven't told you this and probably shouldn't tell you this now, but @10_2730 line~ generates line segments and if you want a line segment to feel like an exponential just raise it to the fourth power. Then instead of going down like this in time <> it goes down like this in time <>. @10_2745 Then it's not exactly an exponential, but it's pretty good. What that means exactly is explained in chapter 4 <> of the book, so you can look it up if you don't believe me. But the signal processing aspect of this is being done here. @10_2760 What you see is an oscillator and a line~. I'm raising the line~ to the fourth power so it will go down more @10_2775 exponentially than just a line segment would. Then I'm multiplying it by the oscillator then I'm introducing a new object, "throw~", which I'll not dwell on right now. @10_2790 I didn't even tell you about send~ ... This is a way of avoiding having an outlet by asking a Pd to set up a "summing bus." In other words, what's happening is somewhere there's a "catch~ sum", @10_2805 which is automatically going to get the sum of all these signals. It's a good thing, but it's not a thing that you absolutely need to know right now, so I'm going to not dwell on it but just sort of say that's what's happening. This is like dac~. @10_2820 In fact, it could be dac~ except that I wanted to be able to use the "output" thing I showed you earlier. So, instead of just putting the dac right here I put a "throw~" and it all collects in this "catch~" and then it goes to this output object @10_2835 where I'm controlling the amplitude for output. All right. Student: Can you play them all at the same time? Miller: Actually, it's so I can control the volumes of them all in parallel. ... @10_2850 this is controlling globally @10_2865 the amplitude of the thing by virtue of the fact that each one of these partials, using the "throw~" object, has added itself at full strength to this "catch~", which then is going to be sent @10_2880 to the "output~" which will control its amplitude. So that's controlling all the amplitudes in parallel. Yeah? Student: So it's like a send and receive for multiple things going to the send box? Miller: Right. So send and receive work for messages. There's a send~ and a receive~ for signals, but in audio signal land @10_2895 the situation's a little bit more complicated. Because it would not be clear what to do if you had a bunch of sends and a bunch of receives. In message land, you just send all the sends to all the receives. Student: So like a patch bay? Miller: Yeah. It is exactly like the patch bay. So here what's happening is @10_2910 all of the throws are throwing to the single catch. There's a fan-in thing, which is a summing bus, which is done by throw~ and catch~. And there's also a fan-out mechanism, which is accomplished by send~ and receive~, which I haven't shown you. ... Yeah. Student: So you can sequence them as well, going into the catch? Miller: @10_2925 No. It's like cables. So they're happening in parallel. Miller: Right. So sequence. .. yeah. Only messages can be sequenced. Signals can't really be sequenced; they're all happening all the time -- @10_2940 which is one of the good reasons to have messages around. OK. Now the partial, is showing off ... @10_2955 the arguments to this partial were these numbers:" 1, 1, 0.56, and 0". Those numbers are @10_2970 what showed up here. ... ... Oh, there. So these numbers 1, 1, 0.56, 0, @10_2985 which are customizing this particular partial, are displayed here. <> And they are expanded by $1. Where did $1 go? Here. .. No, sorry. That was wrong. @10_3000 I don't see $1 yet ... Here! In object boxes if you put a"$" sign, it is the argument you got called with as an abstraction. And here there @10_3015 is one of the half dozen truly hard to understand things about Pd. Because dollar signs are also available inside message boxes, except that they have a different function @10_3030 inside message boxes than they do inside objects. This is all for a good reason because conceptually it is all very simple, even though it looks completely arbitrary and stupid. @10_3045 So, what I want to do is show you ... Just to help confuse you now, I'm going to show you message boxes with dollar signs inside. So, "1 2 3" -- We all know what this will do. Let's see I'll put a number in. @10_3060 And I'll print it out. And then, no matter what I put in, the print out says, "Hi, I was 1, 2, and 3." All right. You can't even @10_3075 see that this was getting repeated. Oh, I'll hit alt again. Alt, alt, alt. OK. Now suppose I want these numbers to vary as a function of this <>. I can say, for instance $1. << 1 $1 3 >>. @10_3090 And $1 means, give me the value that was the number that came in this message box. I haven't shown you this because it was possible to do this already with pack. So, @10_3105 the easy way of getting this effect -- I had to do it once before when I had to do it in order to make triples of those numbers that went to the voices of the polyphonic sampler, two days ago. Right? So this is another @10_3120 function of dollar signs. You can put a dollar sign inside a message and it will insert the number that you put in, as part of the message. And the 1 here, the $1, is which of these numbers it is. If for instance, @10_3135 I gave it a packed message ... Let's see this example. Now $1 is 45. @10_3150 That and $2 is 78. Those of you who have programmed shell scripts in either Macintosh-land or Linux, this is @10_3165 exactly the same argument expansion that holds in Shell scripts. Also, I think perl may look this way, I'm not sure about that. The computer scientists have a name for this type of expansion, but I forget what it is. ... Yeah? Student: Can you add another inlet to the message box? Miller: @10_3180 No. You could in Max, but here you actually have to use a pack object. ... So for instance, here's another perfectly good way @10_3195 to make a message that has a bunch of variables in it. And now actually, at this point, I could now do this. And now I could set $2 @10_3210 this way, and $1 this way. OK. Since you have already seen pack this is not something that you need. You will need it later perhaps, because @10_3225 certain things like. .. Oh right -- tables: If you want to tell a table what size it is, you say "resize" and then you give it a number. If you want that number to be a variable, then you have to say "re-size $1" inside a message box. That's the only way to generate that kind of message. @10_3240 So this is a more general facility than pack. And as a result, it runs a little slower than pack too, so it's not necessarily the right way to do things in every case. Now I told you that because I'm trying to confuse so that you will later on be enlightened. @10_3255 The confusing thing is this. If you put $1 inside a message box, or"$anything" inside a message box, it means the incoming message that's making me now send the message, right? Because message boxes take messages in @10_3270 and then send messages out. Object boxes, what you put in an object box, is a message. It's a message whereby Pd makes the object and that message can have dollar-sign arguments in it, too, but those dollar sign arguments @10_3285 are the arguments to the patch because the patch is running the message to make the object. ... Yeah? Student: Can you send object names that are variables inside? Create? Miller: @10_3300 Yeah, if you really want to. For instance, "apply + 5", @10_3315 if you're a list person. Well, let's make a nice thing called "apply". -- You don't want to do this. -- Apply is now going to say, @10_3330 " $1, $2" ." Oh, come on, let me type in there. All right. Then I'll make an inlet and an outlet just for fun. @10_3345 Pd hates me for doing this. It has no idea what $1 means in an object box like this. But now if I retype this I now have a nice little "plus five" thing. @10_3360 OK, Go find a use for that ... Oh, does it actually work? I don't think I've done this in a decade, so. @10_3375 It works. Yeah, don't do it. It's stupid. ... Oh yeah, dollar signs can either be numbers or they can be symbols. "Symbols", which means strings, things that aren't numbers like file names @10_3390 or names of objects like "+". Those are different kinds of data. For the most part I've only been using numbers except in the very rare occasions where I've had to specify a file name, like voice.wav. @10_3405 I'm doing that on purpose. I'm trying not to get any deeper into the soup of language complexity than one absolutely has to, to do computer music. So this is message boxes @10_3420 and that apply example, was object boxes, but it was object boxes in such an abstruse example that I don't want to talk about anymore. Oh, almost saving there, which is bad. Don't want to put it there. @10_3435 Let's just not save this. This is better explained somewhere else probably. That was all to say this ... Next it's time to say, @10_3450 "What do these things mean?" This thing, this thing, that thing, and that thing. Well, this is a relative amplitude. This is a relative duration, @10_3465 this is a relative frequency, and this is a de-tune, which is to say a frequency offset, a frequency that's added to it. So we're talking about individual sinusoids, which are imitating individual modes at the sound of the bell. @10_3480 So each mode might have a different amplitude. That's actually not acoustically correct because the amplitude would depend on how you struck the thing, but we're just pretending now. So each one is given its own amplitude, its own @10_3495 time constant, its own damping, which, in this example, just because Risset did it this way, is realized simply by changing the overall duration of the amount of time it rings. The correct thing to do, acoustically, would be to have it be @10_3510 a dying exponential and to have it go on forever, but that's not practical, so we just give each partial a duration. So ... first argument is amplitude, second argument is duration, third argument is frequency. @10_3525 Now I have to tell you something else. All these things, well not all these things, but the duration and the frequency are also controlled globally by the controls in the outer patch, which was here. Miller: @10_3540 So there's a pitch and a duration. Those are things, which once they've gotten to the right units, will have to be multiplied by the relative frequencies @10_3555 in order to figure out the real frequency to give the partial. So this partial, which has a relative frequency of 0.56, what that really means is that it's 0.56 times the @10_3570 global frequency that I asked the bell to be. So that when I change this frequency the frequencies of all the partials change in parallel. [audio tone] Miller: @10_3585 So how do we do that? What that means is we're going to have to take this thing which is being sent and multiply it by this number and that will become the frequency that we send the oscillator. Except I didn't tell you another thing. @10_3600 You get a de-tune in here, which is after you multiply this factor by the global frequency then add an offset so that the partials can be paired @10_3615 in beating combinations. This is all just history. You can read this in books like the book by Charles Dodge. <> Here are 2 partials @10_3630 that have the same relative frequency, but one of them has an offset of nothing and the other has an offset of 1 Hertz. So, after they compute their base frequencies, this one adds 1 Hertz to itself so that it will beat with this one once per second, according to another principle @10_3645 you saw in Music 170. So how do you do that? What that means is that the oscillator that's inside here will get a frequency, in fact, which is 0.56 times @10_3660 this frequency plus this offset. So is that true? So, here we are: Every time we get a trigger we re-compute the frequency. Oh, by the way, the thing is designed @10_3675 so that you hit the trigger and then you can start mousing away at the frequency -- And it doesn't change the frequency of the bell while it's ringing. Which, you know, is one possible way you could design the instrument. It's the way the original instrument worked, so maybe it's a good way for us to do it. OK, so @10_3690 this is $1, this is $2, this is $3, and this is $4. Those are the arguments that we've got as a sub-object, as an abstraction. So $3 is a. .. @10_3705 $3 will come out. .. OK, this, we're just going to store $3, and then when this thing gives us a bang, we will read $3. Oh, this is one voice that I'm triggering now, not the whole bell. [audio tone] Miller: @10_3720 And $3 will come out here, it's 0.56, and it's going to get multiplied by a value, which is "receive frequency", <> which got sent from the main patch. And then we're going to add $4, which is 0, which is the de-tuning. @10_3735 And that is the frequency for the oscillator. And all that stuff got done as messages, you can see the thin traces, and then the oscillator then is the first thing in this chain that makes an audio signal. @10_3750 That's the easy part. Well, it's the easy part -- it does have two variables controlling it as opposed to one, but it's easy in the sense that now you just feed it as the frequency of the oscillator. The amplitude control, @10_3765 as you know, things have to get turned on and then turned off, and so the amplitude control has more pussy-footing around setting the amplitude. So I'll show you that next. That's this: ... So the amplitude is @10_3780 being controlled by line~. Now, the amplitude ... There are two things that are being told us that are relevant to the amplitude: One is the first argument of the abstraction, this one here, is the relative amplitude of this voice. @10_3795 And the other is the length of time, the relative duration of the voice, because to know how to do an envelope generator you're going to have to know how high to make it, which is the amplitude that you're going to reach, and then you have to know how long to make it. @10_3810 Here's the line~ that's going to do it, and by the way, I raised the line~ to the fourth power, I didn't say how -- But if you take a signal and square it, @10_3825 then you get the signal to the second power. And then if you take that thing and square it, then you get the signal to the fourth power. And why fourth power, not squared? Just so the thing will really hug 0 and go up like that, because that resembles more @10_3840 the exponential curve that this thing would really be doing in real life. It's just hand-waving. There is no deep psycho-acoustical truth to this that I know of. OK. So what we have to do is configure or confect @10_3855 two messages to line~. This is a little bit like what we had to do for the sampler, except in the opposite order. You have to turn it on and then we have to turn it off. In the sampler actually, we had to do three things. We had to mute and then turn it on, and then turn it off. So this is simpler than the sampler in terms of @10_3870 the sequence of the operations that has to take place. OK. So the attack portion over here is: Look up $1 which is our amplitude. -- The attack portion is just going to go up to the amplitude and do it in five milliseconds, come what may. @10_3885 Why five milliseconds? It's a fast attack but it's not quite a clipped attack. ... Yeah? Student: What is happening to the dollar sign going in there? Miller: The dollar sign? OK. So the dollar sign tells the float to substitute one of these arguments @10_3900 to the abstraction. Student: I mean it's in there trying to get a number? Miller: Yeah. So $1 gets this one, $2 gets that one, $3 gets that one and so on. Student: It's a "positional argument." Miller: It's a "positional argument." That's the correct word for it. Student: @10_3915 OK. A positional parameter? Miller: A "positional parameter" ? I'm not sure. OK. So this one, when it's built -- this is going to be float 1. And when it gets a bang, out is going to come the number 1. @10_3930 So this is just going to be 1. We're going to multiply by 0.1 to save our ears. Everything is going to get multiplied by 0.1 in parallel. And then because we are going to raise this to the fourth power ... ... We should probably take the fourth @10_3945 root of this, so when it gets raised by the fourth power, it's the right number. So to take a fourth root, you take a square root twice. And then here, I didn't have to do this; I should have done this. I think in the current context anyway @10_3960 "pack 0 5", which would then take this value and would replace 0 with it and then pack a 5 which would be the number of milliseconds the line would ramp to that value in. But instead, @10_3975 because I had just spent pages in the book describing this $1 madness, at this point it seemed appropriate to put dollar signs in messages. And so this is, "Make a message whose value is this number @10_3990 and then 5." And here it is again -- the distinction between objects and messages and dollar signs: Dollar sign inside an object means "in the context of when the patch is created, you have to build this thing." And so the dollar sign is evaluated @10_4005 when the patch is created. And it's created with these arguments. Dollar sign here <> is in the context of the message that it is sent, which is the thing which causes to send a message itself. @10_4020 So this is in the "run-time context" if you like, and this is in the "build-time context", or something like that. ... Yeah. Student: Why do you need @10_4035 the trigger there when one of the bang has gone through? Miller: You don't. The only reason that trigger's there is to make this thing a little prettier. Oh, it's psychological. It's to group these two things. @10_4050 But, in fact, it has no function because you're quite right, this delay would ensure this thing happens after this thing anyway. OK. If only this existed and not that then @10_4065 you would get this: [audio tone] Miller: The attack shape of the envelope and no decay shape. [audio tone] I'm going to do this to make it shut up. ... Miller: As it is, you do that and then you decay @10_4080 and decaying is actually easier than attacking. It is ... We wait five milliseconds because the attack took five milliseconds. We wait for the line~ to get up to its apex and then we start the decay portion of the envelope, @10_4095 which is: Look up the duration. -- OK, so the attack is five milliseconds regardless of the duration. -- The decay, now, we know what the target is, it's going to go down to 0 so it'll shut up. But what we don't @10_4110 know yet is how long it's going to take in order to get there. That, we have to now compute. So we're going to make a message again, but whereas the message in this case had a constant time but a variable amount that it went up. @10_4125 In this case it has a constant that it goes down to, which is 0, but a variable amount of time to do it in. How do you compute that? Well, after five milliseconds when it's time to start doing this, @10_4140 pick up the value $2, which is this value. (It's 1 here, but it will be different numbers for the different partials.) Multiply it by the global duration. That was sent to us @10_4155 there. Student: Was it 800? Miller: Yeah, it's 800. So this duration is 800. But this is now 1, so this is going to be 1 times 800, which is 800 again, so this will be the message 0 800. @10_4170 So that means this thing should last eight tenths of a second. [audio tone] Hard to tell because it dies out inaudibly. Now if I get another one out, @10_4185 this one, this one will be higher and lower. [audio tones] There's a longish one. Here's a short-ish one with a higher pitch and a shorter decay. [audio tone] That's because @10_4200 here, the arguments are ... we're louder. We're a relative loudness of 1.46, relative duration only a quarter as long. @10_4215 So this thing lasts 1 quarter as long as the other one did. Then the frequency is 2 as opposed to this frequency, which was 0.56, so it's almost two octaves up. .... Student: @10_4230 Decays can multiply by the total duration message, I'm still confused about that $1. I understand that $2, that's the parameter, but partials, the second one, what's coming out of that? Miller: @10_4245 So what goes in here is $2. $2 here is 0.25, so it's going to multiply 0.25 by 800, which is duration, so it will get @10_4260 200 here. So this will become the message 0 200. Student: And the other one is computed? Miller: The other one here. ... I don't know what the amplitude is, but it would be that number 5. So this @10_4275 is 0 200 and blah 5 -- something 5. All right. So if you hear all these things together. [audio tone] ... Miller: @10_4290 You get beautiful computer music. [audio tone] Miller: There's some psycho-acoustics there, too. @10_4305 You can pick this up; this was in the help browser, @10_4320 "D07.additive.pd" This is the first example in the Pd examples, I think, of something that does multiple voices and there are two others of note here that I want to show you, that I will get to next time. @10_4335 Oh, homework. The homework is just what you've heard done. Do I have the patch that does it? I can't remember. ...a @10_4350 @10_4365 Missed it ... Close that. This is wrong. [audio tone] @10_4380 Oh, there it is: [audio tone] Miller: Isn't that its own antithesis? [audio tone] Miller: So you all know how to do this because it's nothing but a looping sampler, @10_4395 you're just going to have to figure out how to get it the appropriate original pitch, but last a lot longer than it would have lasted. And envelope it so it doesn't sound buzzy. @10_4410 So, it's a straightforward application of what I've been showing you the past couple of days. *** MUS171 #11 02 08 Miller: @11_0000What I'm going to do right now, is just start with Pd lore and move into modulation stuff. But the Pd lore here, the multiple-voice thing ... @11_0015This corresponds roughly to Chapter 4 of the book. And then when we get into modulation that's going to be Chapter 5. Designer spectra are Chapter 6. And then delays is Chapter 7. Filters is Chapter 8. So it's all pretty much @11_0030according to the syllabus -- theoretically. The first thing about that is... I don't know if you guys looked at this or not, but are there questions about how this whole thing works now? So, @11_0045this what you are looking at is one of these.<> And in this particular situation, I've avoided having leads going into or lines, connections going into and of the sub-patches. @11_0060I'm using non-local connections everywhere, which are in the form of receive~ and throw~. So one thing that I want to do today is talk about local and non-local connections @11_0075and what they are good for and how you can make them. Local connections -- by that I mean just making lines between things in a single window. And non-local connections meaning things like ... throw~ and catch~ are some of these -- @11_0090I'm just going to proceed by example. So, just to remind you: the thing that is most likely to be confusing to you about this patch is an important thing to be confused about -- so that you can try to get unconfused about it over time -- which is @11_0105the dollar-sign mechanism and how its use spins out differently in object boxes versus message boxes. All right. So in object boxes like this one. "$3" @11_0120means 0.56 because that's what was thrown this thing as arguments when it was made. Whereas message boxes, this $1 is whatever comes down this line because that's what is thrown to it as arguments when that message is passed, @11_0135which is to say when the message box is sent a message -- as opposed to when the thing was made. The deeper truth is that objects really are messages. These are messages that go to a special factory object if you like, which just makes objects @11_0150for Pd itself. So there is actually one unified thing in Pd, by which messages get passed down lines and by which also these objects get built. And if you look a little deeper into it, you'll find out that you can use that fact to make patches that @11_0165change themselves like that -- if you care about that kind of thing. All right. Miller: That's the main bit of stuff about this that you might @11_0180not have known before. Yeah. Student: When you were making that abstraction, how would you make multiple inlets and outlets for them? Miller: I think the next example will make that clear, and there's some funny stuff about that I have to show you. Yeah. --- @11_0195Actually rather than wait for the next example to make that clear, let me just show you what the answer is and then when the example comes up, you will see it in that context. That might be better. Miller: OK. So, abstractions are a form of sub-patch. @11_0210So, this window is actually inside this box. And you can make this box have inlets and outlets and this window will be able to get the inlets and throw things to the outlets. But you don't have to @11_0225use the abstraction mechanism to make that be true. So there are two possible ways of having whole patches inside objects: One of which is this way, which is you just name a file. @11_0240The file's name is "partial.pd" . The other of them is simpler: Let's see, let's make a new patch. And the simpler thing is this -- @11_0255You can just say, "pd" and then give it a name. (A name without any spaces in it, as usual, because in Pd spaces are delimiters between arguments.) @11_0270And now this thing is inside this box -- in the same way as was true with the so-called "abstractions" that you saw in that other example. The word "abstraction" refers to the fact that you are in fact loading a patch into a sub-window as opposed to just editing it @11_0285yourself into the patch that called it. So here we can do things like this: Let's give ourselves an object and call it an inlet. And that, as soon as I made it, it made one of these things happen <>. @11_0300And furthermore, if I make more of them, they show up as I'm making them. And the same is true for outlets. @11_0315Oh, just to confuse matters further, you can have inlets and outlets, but they can come in control and signal varieties. @11_0330If you say inlet~ and outlet~, then you can put audio signals into and get audio signals out of the inlets and outlets. Otherwise you're doing messages. And you can't mix them, unfortunately. <> @11_0345That's a limitation. So the other thing about that is, well, all right, let's get a nice number box here. And we'll make a stupid patch, which is, it just takes whatever comes in and throws it out at the output. In fact, I can even do better than that. @11_0360I can say, oscillate at 440, and I'll make that talk to this. It won't go to this one <> because it's an inlet, not an inlet~. But this one it can connect to <> because that's a signal one. @11_0375And maybe, if I have the file here <> ... I can say "output~" ... yes! And now we've got a great little, pass-through of a sinusoid voltage. It doesn't work! Oh. @11_0390Why didn't it work? ... I didn't hear you, but ... yeah. That's it. It's like, duh, let's do this: <> And then we have a little pass-through thing. @11_0405OSimilarly here, we've got messages going in, and again, duh, but let's do it. Now we've got that going on. Now, how do @11_0420you know which is which? It's stupid, but, it's the only possible way you could do it: These things, however they appear from left to right is how these appear from left to right there. Yeah. @11_0435So I could do this. And now I've got sort of a little brain-melt device. And you can do that too. @11_0450That's the only way you could really do it. It'd still work ... in other words, moving things around shouldn't change how the thing functions. And the only way to not change how @11_0465it functions is to sort of fix it so it functions the same. So it actually switches the inlets and the outlets around in real time as you're moving the objects around. There's no other real way to do it. All right, so that's inlets and outlets, and @11_0480maybe answered your question about how you figure out which is which. They're proportionally spaced across here. There's one other little thing to know, which is this. If I said Pd and then had a bunch of inlets and outlets like this, (this will happen @11_0495to you eventually even if it hasn't happened yet) at some point you get to the point where it's just black with inlets and outlets. And then how do you know what you're connecting to? @11_0510And the answer is really stupid. The answer is, just give it a nice long argument like that, so that they get spaced out. And if the name you gave it wasn't long enough, just add some hyphens to it or something to make it long enough. @11_0525Some day there'll be a way of controlling the widths, but right now, the width of a box is just the width of the text that it fits into, so if you want to change it, you just change the width of the thing. Yeah. @11_0540That's enough of that. So that's inlets and outlets and sub-patches. And the other @11_0555things that I want you to be able to know is that the, sort of collection of new objects that we're dealing with that have to do with getting stuff into and out of sub-patches, one collection of things was indeed inlets and @11_0570outlets and, oh, I said tilde but, inlet~ and outlet~. And then there's also, I've already shown you throw~ and catch~, which are things that set up summing buses. The place that showed up was here, @11_0585inside the "partial" again: The last thing that happens is we do a throw~ to .. and then you give it a name, which is "sum." @11_0600This is like making a table or making a send. This defines a thing whose name is "sum". And then anyone who wants to can refer to it by saying catch~ and then @11_0615the word "sum" again. And that in this patch is done down here: "catch~ sum" and then output~. (All right, this can't be earthquakes, this is just vibrations of some other kind.) ... @11_0630And there's more, probably, which I explained last time. And you can now look it up on the DVD, so I won't repeat it. OK. So I want to move to another example that just shows you @11_0645how to arrange copies of the sub-patch, which are made using the abstraction mechanism in a couple of other different ways just to give you programming paradigms, if you like, or ways of putting things together. @11_0660None of these is the sort of "final answer" to how you should do this. These are all sort of alternatives that you will find a personal style that attracts to one or another and so on like that. This one is @11_0675D07. I think there are two others in the series. Here's a @11_0690cool trick: This is an additive synthesis patch @11_0705that allows you to draw a spectrum. Why isn't this letting me move it? ... Yeah, there we go. @11_0720 [...] @11_0735So this is not drawing a waveform; this is drawing a spectrum. So I can do this and get stuff that has plenty of high frequencies or I can do this and get the low frequencies @11_0750instead. Or, if you like, I can put in formants and I can pretend that I'm making vocal synthesis. @11_0765Vocal synthesis is more believable if it's moving around in pitch like that. So what's happening here is there must be an abstraction somewhere because we have a whole bunch of oscillators. @11_0780Each one is playing a partial of this. I think there might be 36 partials in this sound. OK, how do I make this shut up? Over here. Scroll. There! @11_0795There's an oscillator bank which, just to be on the sane side, I put in a sub-patch and @11_0810it consists of an abstraction called spectrum-partial of which there are 30 voices. What does the abstraction do? Well, what it has to be able to do is figure out what pitch it should have and then go @11_0825to this table and find the point which is at the pitch and figure out what its amplitude should be. So what's happening here is the pitches are all determined simply by find out what the fundamental pitch and I know what partial I am @11_0840I can compute my pitch, but I also want to know what my amplitude is and the amplitude is being set by this table, which I can then change. So this is a way of, @11_0855I don't know what, it's a sort of a super Hammond organ, if you'd like. So how would you do that? So, again, we're using the throw~ and catch~ mechanism for getting the audio signals in and out; and send and receive in order to get messages in and out. @11_0870Again, just as in the bell example, we have a problem disambiguating what we're doing so that each one of them can make its own partial and not have all @11_088530 of them make the same partial. So the one that gets the argument 25 should do the 25th partial and so on like that. So you have to be able to do that using the dollar-sign mechanism, that's to say the argument passing mechanism for abstractions, which is @11_0900that this $1 expands to the number 1, but in the window which is this next one it will expand to 2 and so on like that. So then what are we going to do? @11_0915One little thing that I should probably say first because it's a detail, but it's a fundamental detail, is this: there's no way in particular in Pd that you can get told when a table changes value. @11_0930It's something that ought to be there, but just isn't. So this thing does the incorrect thing -- according to computer science -- of polling. That's to say, what it does is -- some number times a second -- each of the oscillators looks at @11_0945the table in order to figure out what its amplitude should be. From somewhere, which I can show you later, there's a "send poll-table" that has just a metronome sending bangs that are going out (at some 30 times per second I think.) ... @11_0960Questions? Student: What is moses? Miller: Oh, I haven't told you moses. Yeah. OK, so moses. Here we go. We'll get the help on it. @11_0975 moses is this: you put a number in and if it's bigger than the argument it goes out one output and if it's less than the argument it goes out the other. It's a reference to the Red Sea thing. @11_0990You can change the value 10 by changing this argument, so if I want 30 to be this split-point then I do that and things 30 and more go this way and things up to 29 go out there. It's also floating point, so @11_100529 and a half goes out there, but as soon as we hit 30 we'll get it out here. So that's moses. moses is @11_1020similar to route. Route is another thing which takes messages in and puts it out in a different place depending on what the message is. The difference is that moses is restricted to only two outputs, because it's a different kind of a thing, @11_1035And it only takes numbers, it doesn't take entire messages. So there's moses, which, by the way -- now that I've done that -- I should put on the new objects list. @11_1050And this one we actually really saw today -- "random" I'm not sure we'll get to yet. Miller: @11_1065Something like that. OK. Good question. @11_1080Are there other objects here? No, not that I see. I think I told you about tabread4~, which is a signal object which reads tables interpolatingly. Well, you can do it with messages just @11_1095by not putting a tilde there. dbtorms, I think I told you about that. OK. So what happens here it this thing is getting banged 30 times a second and every time that happens we're going to make @11_1110a decision about what our amplitude is. Meanwhile, there is pitch to figure out. The pitch is simpler because the pitch is just what got set to by the number box. The pitch of this thing depends. The frequency of the oscillator which is one partial @11_1125can be computed by looking at the pitch which is sent from this message box out here. Pitch. OK. Now we were looking in the oscillator bank and then @11_1140we were looking at spectrum-partial 1. There's pitch coming back. Then we do mtof to figure out what is Hertz, but then this oscillator is not going to play at the fundamental frequency, it's going to play at some multiple of the fundamental given by @11_1155the partial number. So here is partial number 1, so we multiply by 1, but if it was partial 30 we'd multiply by 30 to figure out what the frequency really is that the oscillator is going to play. ... Is this clear? Student: @11_1170One more time. Miller: One more time? OK. So there are thirty of these things. What we're going to do is we're going to make a sound by adding up 30 sinusoids which will be two different partials of the fundamental frequencies @11_1185that we want. Here's the fundamental frequency. $1 is the number of the partial that we're now looking at, and this number goes from 1 to 30, depending on which of these boxes we're in, in the oscillator bank: @11_12001 through 30. And, I'll do this later but that's the frequency in Hertz which will go down, and all were going to see down there is an oscillator. @11_1215Oscillator "osc~", times "*~" -- and then there's a throw~ that you can't see but this is scrolled off the screen. ... Other questions? Yeah? Student: The moses after the tabread4 ... @11_1230What does that do? Miller: What does this do? Oh, yeah I'll have to get to that. But I'll be in two words and then I'll tell you later: "Basically silence." Zero should go to silence and not just zero dB. @11_1245So it splits zero off and makes it true zero as opposed to converting. Other questions? Or just general, global cloudy confusion? Student: @11_1260The "r"'s are abbreviations for "receive" Miller: "receives" -- yeah. ... So this is now going to an oscillator and multiplier which is getting multiplied by the @11_1275gain of this oscillator -- the amplitude of this oscillator. And then it's ... then there's a throw~ down here that you don't see. OK. The fun part is all this stuff where we compute what amplitude the oscillator should have. And that -- @11_1290Recall, I want to be able to draw that in the table. And so what that means is I should figure out where that oscillator should be in the table. And then do a read in the table to see how high the thing should be above @11_1305nothing. So how do you do that? OK. Oh ... Choice --This is a designer's choice. What should the horizontal units of the table be. Should they be Hertz or should they be MIDI or something else? @11_1320In this particular case it turned out to be more effective or more appropriate to put it in MIDI units. So that the table itself, when you look at it, is arranged by pitch and not by frequency. @11_1335Why? Because if it were frequency you'd be using half the table just to describe everything from 2K to 4K or something like that and then there would be a lot of detail in the lower parts that you wouldn't be able to see because it would be too squashed together. So pitch is better. @11_1350And I even labeled it here. These are MIDI numbers, which are MIDI pitches, so that 60 here corresponds to 260 hertz. This stuff here is all very low frequency. But up here these are frequencies which are reasonable for formants @11_1365of a vowel or something like that. In fact I did this so that I could just play with vocal synthesis. So if you want to do vocal synthesis with this you would figure out where you want the resonance of an imaginary vocal tract to be. @11_1380And then you would put bumps at the points at the frequencies of those resonances and then you would make those -- Oscillators that land at those frequencies would be louder. Alright; @11_1395is that decently clear? OK. So again if we want these to be addressed in MIDI units then what we need to do is after we found the frequency of the oscillator @11_1410that you want, OK. We're going to get the pitch back. So what's happening here is every time we get a bang in poll-table we're going to figure out an amplitude so we're going to have to then get the value of the frequency. We've seen this before in envelope generator controls where @11_1425you have a delay, but after the delay you want to set something off with a variable message. The only way to be able to do that is to be able to store the value of the variable that you're going to have to recall after the delay. This is a similar situation where someone gave us the pitch at one moment in time, but @11_1440someone's asking us to use it in another. So we use a float object which stores the frequency so we can get the frequency back when we need it in order to compute the amplitude. So frequency is changing only at the moment when we @11_1455change the values in the number box which controls the pitch of the sound, whereas the amplitude is changing on a different clock, which is whenever we go poll the table. Alright; @11_1470then we recall the pitch, which is in pitch units. We convert it back to pitch here. The frequency, which is in cycles per second or Hertz, that's appropriate for talking to the oscillator, but @11_1485for looking up the amplitude in the table we should be indexed by MIDI pitch because that was the more convenient way to have the table be arranged. So we just convert from frequency back to midi, so here we have this kind of odd sequence of steps, which you might @11_1500find in more than one place actually. Look at a pitch but change it to frequency but then multiply it by a partial number and then change it back to pitch. There are alternative ways of doing that, but that's maybe the conceptually simplest way of @11_1515finding the pitch of a partial of a note. Alright. Then I'll tell you about this a little later. If whammybar is 0 that means nothing happens here because we subtract 0, but @11_1530that's a way of taking the whole table and sliding it backward and forward it we want, but it's not necessary. We're going to get the pitch back out and we're going to read a proposed amplitude out of the spectrum table. It @11_1545turned out to be a good idea to have a 50 dB throw from the bottom of the table to the top. Why 50? Because 50 turns out to be just a good number between very loud and very soft. 100 is @11_1560too much. 100 is the difference between deafening and inaudible, whereas 50 is the difference between up and down in audio. Actually, if you want proof of that go look at a mixer and go look at @11_1575the dB scale and you'll see they like a throw of about 50 dB as opposed to 100. Sort of standard mixers, typically. There's the moses object: If we get a positive number out of here. Now, let me show you where @11_1590that's happening. It's here. So what's being said is if this number's 0 or even negative, if I'm being sloppy about it, we want to get true 0 out so we can really shut it up, at one frequency or another. But if it's positive we want to take that number and consider it @11_1605as decibels going from 50 to 100. Why 50 to 100? That's because Pd has this sort of informal standard of 100 dB is full blast. That's enforced or suggested @11_1620by the dbtorms object, where if you say 100 dB it will say 1. It's an arbitrary thing. 100 decibels can be any loudness that you want it to if you're just talking relative levels, but in Pd the convention is to have 100 decibels @11_1635mean 1, or full blast. So these values go from 0 to 50 on the table, so what we're going to do is add 50 to it to get from 50 to 100 and then we're going to convert that into a @11_1650linear amplitude and then we're ready to multiply the oscillator by that to make it the amplitude of the oscillator. That happens like this: Get back in the voice of the abstraction. @11_1665So if it's 0, that's to say if it's less than 1, we're just going to make the amplitude be 0. If it's one or more then we're going to add 50 to it and run dbtorms. So zero comes out true zero, @11_1680but 1 will get added 50 to it and then dbtorms will give us roughly 0.003, -50 dB, so there will be non-zero values ranging from 0.003 all the way up to 1. @11_1695In fact, it's not strictly limited to 1 because if I drew the table out of bounds, above the top, then it would be more than 1. ... Yeah? Student: If you have a negative number going into moses, is that still...? Miller: @11_1710It will still go out this side. It will still give us 0. OK. Then to make it sound good, pack 30 or some value to it. Who knows which value is best? What that does @11_1725is that will mean whatever amplitude we computed will become the first element of a two-element message with 30 and that will be appropriate to send line~ to multiply by. Alright; @11_1740questions about that? So now, just getting back to whammybar ... So what's happening here is we're going to look something up in the tabread4. If we want to, in some sense, @11_1755slide the table over conceptually all we have to do is slide the read point back the same amount we want to pretend the table is sliding. What we would like to be able to do is take the table and move it up and down in pitch, which is to say to transpose the entire spectrum -- Just a good thing to be able @11_1770to do. To do that, we simply transpose, in some sense, or we offset the value that we use as an x-value for reading into the table. So what's happening then is: @11_1785if the oscillator is playing at middle C, that's all right. If the whammy bar says 12, that means we look back here, or if the whammy bar says -12, that means we look forward here. Before we look it up in the table. And then, the result is... Miller: @11_1800That the whammy bar does this to the spectrum. [frequency shifting offset in tone] Miller: All right, @11_1815so that's another simple-ish... It's a demonstration of using the abstraction mechanism for making a powerful additive synthesis instrument. If you were doing this for real, like @11_1830making it stageworthy, you wouldn't want to make yourself edit the table by hand while you were playing. You would want to prepare a bunch of tables and be able to switch them or something like that. That would be a whole thing, to plan out how to you want to do and to @11_1845learn how to make it playable. So this is only a demonstration of the concept, it's not a real instrument yet. ... Questions about this before I close it and get on to the next thing? Miller: @11_1860No. All right. Closing in on the next thing. ... This was an aside, but should @11_1875I save this? Oh boy, wrong place. ... Miller: @11_1890[...] @11_1905OK. so that was the @11_1920table.spectrum.pd example. Now this is more entertainment than it is actual elucidation. But here's another example of using, @11_1935oh let's see... [sound of a continuous "falling" note] Miller: This is something you've probably heard in Music 170. Miller: I think it's correct to call this the famous @11_1950Shepard-Risset tone. It doesn't sound like much until you listen to it for a while and then it starts to sound impossible. This is of historic interest because computer @11_1965musicians were able to make this and analog synthesizer hackers were not able to make this because it requires accuracy and control, of a level that you can't get out of an analog synthesizer. @11_1980And this is not the world's best Shepard tone. This is just me working the studio one night... [tone fades] Miller: What it is, is a spin on what you saw last time, which is that the table... @11_1995(It is not even using a table, but it looks like a bell curve.) And then the sinusoidal frequencies are sliding from right to left if you like, and moving up, as you heard it sliding from high to low frequencies @11_2010and working their way up the bell curve. Then back down in such a way that you always hear the descent but you never hear people disappear at the bottom because they're inaudibly quiet at that point. And furthermore, the tones are arranged so that they are each an octave above the previous one. @11_2025So that no matter what you think the fundamental pitch is or whatever your ear tells you the fundamental pitch is, everybody else is a perfectly good harmonic of it. And so as a result, especially you don't listen to it too carefully and if it isn't too loud, you have this @11_2040perfectly fused sound that sounds like it has a single pitch, except that the pitch is paradoxical at some points. You have to change your mind about what octave you are hearing it at. So that's the Shepard-Risset tone. @11_2055How it's done is basically a spin on the other one, but there is more math in it, so I will spare you all the math because it's the same principle. Oh. I did one other thing here but I will show you this out of the next example, rather than this one -- which is: @11_2070rather than using throw and catch. -- I don't know which of these is better style. -- ... You can use throw~ inside an abstraction and catch~ outside of it to collect the results of an abstraction. Or, you could do @11_2085what I call "summing bus" or what I think is generally called a "summing bus" -- which is, each voice adds itself to to all the previous voices so that the output is the accumulation of all the voices, one after the other. @11_2100It's easier to see what is going on when we do this. By the way here's a reverberator: "rev2~" if you're tired of all those dry sounds in your headphones and want a reverberator -- Grab this guy. Miller: @11_2115I'll tell you about that more in a few weeks. OK. But I will show you how to actually do that in the next example, because it's simpler. The next example is... Oh. Should I do this? @11_2130No. I'm going to skip that. There's much to know about samplers. Here's a design of a somewhat more @11_2145general sampler than you've seen so far. The samplers that you've seen so far have been of two flavors. One of which was driven by a line~ object and started with a message that we start reading from a wavetable @11_2160or an array from a given point to another point over a period of time. The other flavor that you saw was driven by a phasor~ and that was better adapted to looping. This is the sampler that doesn't loop. And it's @11_2175an elaboration of the idea of the sampler so that you can control all sorts of parameters that can vary one sound from another. So it was even there in what you've seen before. Everything @11_2190except -- Oh, everything that you see there. It was implicit that you could change the amplitude of the voice of a sample, or its duration: I showed you how to make them turn on and off using an envelope generator, but of course @11_2205that means you could have parameters that would actually control that, as opposed to just sort of specify it in the patch. The start location, or perhaps you could call it the "onset" into the sample, would be... -- If it was "continuous soft and relaxing," is whether you want the word "soft" @11_2220or the word "relaxing" -- that's the start location. The "sample number" - I haven't told you about this, but you can direct tabread4~ to choose one of a collection of arrays by name, @11_2235by sending it messages. Duration you know, amplitude you know. So everything else is just what it was. @11_2250Now, how do I ... where are the messages that do things? ... I lost the example messages. @11_2265Well, we can just do it. OK, so you send to a thing called note... @11_2280In order not to introduce yet another object, I'm just going to say "send note" and send it something. The things you send it are over here: ... @11_2295So we make a message which is a pitch, an amplitude, a duration and so on like that. @11_2310So let's just say, pitch, amplitude, duration is going to be 60, amplitudes and dB 80, duration is in milliseconds. There's a sample number, there's a ... @11_2325There's sample numbers, start location, rise and decay time. So sample number; start time would be the beginning, @11_2340rise time and then stop time. And nothing happens - oh! Still nothing happens, let me see if I have turn this thing on. @11_2355Oh yeah, yeah. There it is! Let me give it a little more juice. @11_2370OK there's a nice sample. Here, just to show you what's going on, you can change now various things. @11_2385Here's a different pitch: [tone sounds]. I showed you changing the amplitude before. Here's changing the duration. @11_2400Here's changing the sample number. Alright. -- There are two samples in there. @11_2415This is more subtle because this is a bell sound, but I can ask it to play something in the middle of the bell sound instead of the beginning, two seconds later. That's the sound. @11_2430The rule about bells is that the higher partials tend to fade more quickly than the lower ones, statistically anyway, so if I go into the bell two seconds I'll get a sound more like that than like this. @11_2445Finally, if I want to change the attack time, say to a second, then I should make this be two seconds long so that you can hear it, then you get. @11_2460Same thing with the delay. I can make the delay 1000 milliseconds long, now make the note be short, like 100. @11_2475That's interesting. I guess it sounded different, but it didn't sound different enough. Let's make it 3000 long. [tone sound and fades slowly] @11_2490 While I'm at this, there is always the dollar-sign mechanism for doing things like this. Suppose I want to be able to change the pitch quickly, but just move the rest of the things constant. Do this @11_2505kind of thing. ... Nice keyboard. @11_2520Or if I have the voice in there then I can make a thing that played different parts of the voice depending on the number of options there are. This is, again, the message box: This $1 in the context of a message means @11_2535this value, which is 71, is getting a thing replaced with. Now, without telling you all the gory details, I'll tell you a few of the gory details about how this thing is done. @11_2550The first thing to note is -- Oh boy, this is more complicated than it needs to be. The first thing that's happening is, @11_2565we are making ourselves a bang before all the arguments of the message. So a note is coming in here, and we're unpacking it. Then we are going to pack something which consists of the note, but we're also going to choose a @11_2580voice number, which will choose which one of the 8 sample voices to play. You've seen this pack and route combination before, in the example from February 3rd, I think ... @11_2595where I was doing the first polyphonic thing with an abstraction already had this, I believe. OK. So what's happening here is that whatever these seven numbers are, we're going to add an eighth number in the beginning and then we're going to pack it into @11_2610a message with eight values. Then we're going to route according to the first one. That is going to be a message for the sample voice. Now, the sample voice, this is an abstraction, now, which is @11_2625made for just for this one patch, is working by adding itself to the previous one, so this is a summing bus again. Now I can show you what the summing bus looks like. There's a lot of stuff here to look at, but @11_2640I'll start with this. Here's how you make a summing bus. It's really stupid. You just take whatever came in inlet~, and add yourself to it. So whatever you had to do to compute the sample it's getting added to this inlet, and then it's going to become the outlet. @11_2655If you make an abstraction that's designed like that, then you can just stack them up and put them one to the next. Then they add themselves up into the sum of all the voices. All right. So I'm not going to try to tell you how @11_2670everything in here works because you'll all fall asleep. But the basic idea is the same as what you've seen before. which is that there's an inlet here which is corresponding to what comes in from the @11_2685route object. Except that's the second inlet. The first inlet is the inlet for the summing bus. So this thing has two inlets and one outlet. This is a signal inlet which corresponds to the inlet~ you saw, @11_2700which was the summing bus inlet~. And that gets added to whatever computes and that goes there. Meanwhile in here come messages, one message per note. And each message consists of, what was it: pitch, @11_2715amplitude, onset, duration, sample number, and then the location of the sample, rise and fall. And then using techniques that mostly you know, but using more mathematics than I've thrown at you @11_2730before, compute messages that you send to a line~. And I decided to make this a vline~ -- for reasons that I'll try to explain later. But the basic deal is you just work. You make a patch, and @11_2745eventually messages go to this vline~, which is generating indices into the tabread4~. This vline~ is making amplitudes, and this vline~ is getting multiplied @11_2760by it to control the overall amplitude. There are two amplitude controls here. OK. And I don't want to give you all the details, because it's just going to be too much. I'm just going to show you this as the overall design strategy for the instrument. And this is @11_2775explained step by step in the book if you want to see all this in gory detail -- gorier detail than I want to do right now. This is about the craft of making a decent, good, working sampler, which is harder than the basic @11_2790things that I've shown you so far. So that pretty much concludes the basic tools for making abstractions and how you use the basic mechanisms for doing abstractions, which are the dollar-sign @11_2805mechanism, inlets and outlets, and the route object, and then all those objects like send and receive, throw and catch -- and the one I haven't shown you yet is the signal version of send and receive, because we haven't needed it yet. @11_2820All right. Now, change of subject. So that's abstractions. Oh, before I change the subject ... How's the homework going @11_2835for Thursday? Or that's another change of subject. Should I show you the homework again and see if there are questions about it? I see one nod anyway. @11_2850Let me do that real quick. Student: Is there going to be an extra credit for this week? Miller: I haven't been able to think of one. The thing I thought was going to work as an extra credit just sounded cruddy. And then I could think of ways of fixing it, but they all were much too much work to ask you to do, so @11_2865I ended up not being able to think of one. Student: OK. Miller: OK, so here it is -- just so you can hear it and see it again. Do we want to save, no. So we're done with the help browser. @11_2880Oh dear, am I going to be able to find this now? ... There. All right. Does it work? Yeah. [audio clip plays "soft and relaxing" ultra-slow] @11_2895 [....] @11_2910 [...] @11_2925So that is -- I think; I'd have to go look -- but it's driven by a phasor, @11_2940if I remember correctly. No, no, no. -- I didn't do that. I made it driven by a line~, because it was easy to figure out how to do it that way. And basically all it is is a bunch of chunks of a sample that are gradually moving forward. [audio clip plays] @11_2955And frequency and size are how big the grain is - which, by the way changes the pitch -- is because if you read more of the thing in a fixed amount of time, you get more @11_2970transposition. The frequency is of course how many of them happen per second. And part of the trick here is, you've also got something that can make @11_2985actual pitches. So this is a fast way to have a lot of fun with samples. But see if you could just get it to do this thing:["soft and relaxing" ultra-slow] @11_3000because then you already will have made yourself able to do all the rest. That's clear? That is for @11_3015Thursday, and I couldn't think of a good extra credit to ask for. The extra credit I wanted to ask for was to make three of them and have it be in a major triad or something like that. But then when you listen to it, it's just hash. You can't actually tell what going on. It's too thick, sonically. You could fix that but it @11_3030requires things you don't know about yet. OK. The homework for next week - this is looking in the future - is just a simple exercise - @11_3045well, "simple" ... It's a first exercise about polyphonic voice allocation. [example music] Miller: I decided to make something as different as possible @11_3060from the "continuous soft and relaxing ..." . This is no more complicated than it sounds like. It turns out that if you play a siusoid and then make it decay, it has this sort of wet reverberant sound, @11_3075just because one's used to hearing the sounds of decaying things, and reverberant spaces, I guess. So it has this very sort of drippy sound. Although that's nothing but just plain old sinusoidal oscillators, exactly like the ones I've shown you. If you leave them running it sounds dry and ugly, but @11_3090then if you turn it on and then quickly fade it out, then it starts sounding like this. [example music] Miller: Except -- I should say that you can probably tell -- there's more than one sound happening at once. You wouldn't be able to do this with one oscillator because, in fact, at any given time there are @11_3105ten of these things sounding at once. This is a 12-voice machine that I've made for this. So what's happening now is there are notes being generated ... There's a speed, which is controlled by a metronome; @11_3120there's a duration -- exactly as in the Risset bell. So now you can make sort of classic computer-music sounds. And the other thing that I thought was useful @11_3135immediately was being able to change the bass frequency. This is actually quite easy to do. It's just conceptually fun. @11_3150It's easier than this last one, I guarantee you. Student: Why is the metronome set up so that larger numbers slow down? It seems kind of counter-intuitive ... Miller: OK, so the metro object @11_3165takes an argument which is the milliseconds between things, so really the question would be why is the metronome object designed that way. It's so that you can get exact values out of it. @11_3180Since the scheduler works in units of time instead of units of tempo ... If you say, for instance, 1,000 to it it really will come down once every second, but @11_3195if you're doing tempo then if you say 1,001, what's that a tempo of? It's 59.9 something, but then there would be a round-off error. So the @11_3210fundamental metro object does that simply so that you can do things that are exact and repeatable. Why didn't I make this thing do the right thing and be 120 be: "120 means two per second", and so on? It's because that would have been making me work harder. @11_3225You can do it. It's easy to compute what you should feed the metronome to get a specific tempo. You just take the thing and divide it into 60,000 and I could explain why, but what that means is 60 should go to @11_3240one second, which is 1,000 and 120 should go to 500 and so on. So you're dividing (60,000 by the metronomic value) to get the milliseconds you feed the metronome. But that's adding another step to the homework @11_3255that you have to do that wasn't really part of the homework or wasn't part of the idea anyway. So yeah, you can do it either way. OK. @11_3270The one object I haven't told you about that will make this possible ... Obviously there's a sequence of pitches there; I've shown you how to make repeating sequences. But this is even stupider than that. This is just random numbers. @11_3285They are random numbers with a particular range, which you probably can't hear, but it's two octaves. So how would you do that? This would be the moment @11_3300to just show you something. Here's a new patch ... font 16 point "OK" and we're going to save it, not here but back in the website since you'll see it. <>. And then every time you give it a bang in, which I'll just give myself a bang object to do now, out will @11_3360come a number which is between 0 and 24 inclusive, so that there are 25 possible values. Stupid. Usually @11_3375that's all you do. Every once in a while you have to actually explicitly give it a seed, because you have two of them, and you want them to have exactly the same random sequence as each other. Silly as that might sound, it does happen that you want to do that sometimes. So you can seed these things. @11_3390That's stuff that you can find out in the help window. But 99 times out of a 100, just the object itself is what you want. And now, for instance, just to make, first off, to @11_3405make random pitches, do that and add some base pitch. <<"+ 60" in this example>> Oh, right, what does that do? That gives us random numbers between 60 and 84, I think, @11_3420inclusive, right, 60, 85 -- but 84 really, because this only goes up to 24. And now that could be something that we feed to midi to frequency <>, and then @11_3435to an oscillator, and then to a output. And now we have Idiot's Delight: [sound of random notes with every click of the bang] Student: @11_3450Why are there 24 values and you specified "25" to "random"? Miller: Oh. These numbers coming out of here range from 0 to 24; there are 25 possible values when 0 is included. And why 25? @11_3465Because that's two octaves, including the two end points, if you're talking chromatic. Right, if you're talking all the keys, not just the white keys. If you want to work harder, figure out how to make this work only with the keys in a @11_3480given scale, that would be something that I don't want to tell you how to do right now. You can use modular arithmetic to do it, but you'd have to actually think about music theory to get there. And that would be a thing. @11_3495So there's randomness. -- Oh, and this is randomness the way it sounded in the 1960's: [sound plays] And while we're here, @11_3510it's a good point to mention the existence of micro-tonality. That's the difference between this -- Oh, let me just make this be a musical fifth wide. OK, so now we have: [sound plays]. @11_3525Stuff like that? -- Let me make a nice metronome so you can hear this systematically. @11_3540And that really wants a toggle to turn it on and off. ... I'm doing this so that I can compare it to another thing: [sound plays] @11_3555OK, now if you could do it fast enough, you could play those pitches on a piano. Because they are all integers. But if you didn't @11_3570want integers, if you really wanted to sound like an analog synthesizer, you could do this: Now, random number generators in general make random numbers that are integers, even if it looks like @11_3585it's making something other than integers, the pseudo-random number generator in the computer is really making integers. So true to that, random really does only make integers. But we can say, "Why don't we have a random thing that goes @11_3600from 0 to 700?"x And then we're going to divide by 100. Or should I make it 800? @11_3615Let's do 800 just to be ... simpler. OK. So "random 800" and divided by 100 @11_3630is the same thing as random 8, except that here a perfectly good value would be 50, and that would turn into 0.5, which won't come out of this one. So this now is [sound plays] , the chromatic version, and this is going to be @11_3645the micro-tonal version. [sound plays] Can you hear the difference? That's the genuine, almost the continuous collection of possible pitches, @11_3660as opposed to this, which is [sound plays] ... which is cycling back and forth between the same eight pitches over and over again. OK? So that's @11_3675randomness and a sort of a note about quantization that might inform how you would choose random numbers. Another thing to think about, another thing that you might want to do here, now that you've got nice @11_3690random numbers, is use a table to have random numbers that are chosen from a set of possibilities that you might have pre-arranged. And that table you would set up in the same way as you set up the sequencer table from many weeks earlier. And then you could choose randomly from a collection @11_3705of pitches that you chose, and could even change dynamically, if you want. So now you have easy way to make standard MIDI-art kinds of things. That's randomness, and that is only there so that you can know @11_3720how to do this, because the only thing that you don't know how to do about this yet is generating all these pitches. [sound plays] ... And all it was was something like this. Yeah? Student: My output box @11_3735comes out as a slider. How do I get it to come out as a number box? Miller: Oh, you've got Pd extended. Someone wrote another kind of output~ thing. You have to go get this one. ... You know what, which is inside. @11_3750It's on the website. If you look at the sample patches from any time in the last week or two, there will be one of these. And if you put that in the same directory as the patch you're working on that will be read first and it will give you one of these instead of the one you're getting. Student: @11_3765It's on the DVD, too. Miller: Oh, and it's on the DVD, too. There's probably nothing wrong with the other one. It's probably better. @11_3780Alright, done that. Now I'm going to shift gears entirely and start talking about modulation. The first thing to know about modulation is this: this is something I've mentioned before, but not really @11_3795made much out of. So we're going to make this "4.ring.modulation". Ring modulation is the following idea. @11_3810This is really, really simple, except you can do a lot with it. Take two oscillators and multiply them. @11_3825OK. So right now we're just re-creating something you've seen already once. So I'm going to make number boxes to set the frequencies. The first one will just be a reasonable frequency for listening to the pitch A; so it's going to be 440. @11_3840The second one is whatever I give it, which will be a medium frequency to change the amplitude -- this is like from day one -- and then higher values make the sound split.[variety of sounds with different frequency settings] @11_3855So there are several ways of thinking about this: One of them is that you know that if you have two different sinusoids at different frequencies that you hear they'll beat together, at least at the frequency they're close. So you can think of that @11_3870as a sinusoid multiplied by another sinusoid. In fact, it's a trigonometric identity. But you can apply it backward. You can take this thing and make it beat by multiplying it by an oscillator. What that is is it's mathematically equal to two other sinusoids, @11_3885one at 338 and one at 442. Then if you make this go faster they split further and further apart until you can hear them at two separate pitches. That's a good thing. @11_3900The good thing about it is not that you can make two oscillators out of one because, of course, you could've done that by adding them, but that you can take anything you want to and do that to it. For instance, @11_3915let's just do it live: So now instead of the oscillator I'm just going to use the microphone. @11_3930Risky choice. ... Microphone, microphone ... OK. @11_3945Does the microphone work? Oh boy does it work! Hello. I'm talking into the microphone. Why do we hear that? Because I haven't turned this on. Hello, hello? @11_3960This is not good because I'm not going to be able to do anything else than have myself be heard. OK, there's probably a button here. @11_3975There is a monitor switch; let's use it. Hello, hello? Good. It went away. Alright, so now let's turn this to zero. So nothing comes out because I'm sending sound to the computer, @11_3990but it's not sending out. (I had my audio interface on "monitor" before.) Now we turn this on. OK, so this is my voice being amplified through the patch. So now I can do anything that I want to to it. In particular @11_4005I can make it start beating. ... So now we have "tremolo" ... So if I make a nice long tone then you get that. OK. So now the fun part is: @11_4020So now we've got nice monster voices from a sixties TV show. OK. What happened there is @11_4035kind of cool. Whatever pitch I'm going at has not just itself but it has a bunch of harmonics in it. If it was just a sinusoid you would just hear two pitches split off, but, in fact, @11_4050a harmonic tone is a bunch of sinusoids and each one of them is going to get split off, but they're going to get split off by a fixed frequency deviation. Suppose I happen to be talking at 100 hertz, @11_4065which is a typical droning frequency for my voice right now. So this thing is going to turn that into 100 + 53 and 100 - 53. @11_4080Then the first overtone or the second harmonic at 200 Hertz goes to 253 and 200 - 53, which is 147. So if I put 100 hertz in, the @11_4095original overtones are 100, 200, 300, 400 and then what comes out is 47, then I get 147, @11_4110then 153, then 247, then 253, and so on like that. And I'm not sure if this is really 100 Hertz [voice changes in microphone] but it's, it's not going to be harmonic @11_4125it's going to be computer-music. [sings a tone] Oh, you know what, if I happen to hit twice 53 which is 106 then I get a nice harmonic sound again: [sings Aaaahhhh] ... which is an octave down from where I started. [stops singing] @11_4140Which is cool but if I want to do that in a robust way I would have to figure out what the pitch was and constantly adjust the 53. You can do that; I can show you how to do that later. Student: On the right output, is that stereo? Miller: @11_4155Yes. That's the other channel; I'm only running into the left channel on this mic so there is nothing coming out of it. O.K. But then if I do a different pitch [sings tone] You just don't have things that line up in @11_4170harmonic series so you have something that would be more typical of a bell tone, except I can't make a bell sound because I would have to make my voice envelope like that and I don't think it's physiologically possible. But it's a thing that's an inharmonic spectrum @11_4185as the spectrum of the bell might be. If I took that: [sings tone] and sampled it and then enveloped it I could make bellish sounds maybe. Or crude bellish sounds I should say. @11_4200This is actually a very general and powerful technique even though it looks stupid. You just take anything that you want and multiply it by an oscillator and it takes the frequencies and slides them both to the left and right. With very carefully designed @11_4215filters you can actually separate the part that slides to the left from the part that slides to the right. But that is stuff from Chapter 8; you don't get to see that just yet. As it is, it is already pretty powerful. ... Questions about this? @11_4230So another example would be; lets make a very simple computer music instrument: So now I want to make, in the simplest possible way, @11_4245a sound that has some interesting overtones that's just made out of an oscillator. So we're going to be doing all of this stuff again. Except I'm not going to do it to my voice; I'm going to do it to an instrument. So let's design @11_4260the instrument first.The instrument is going to be... We'll take an oscillator and then just act stupid with it. We're just going to clip it between some @11_4275decent negative value and some decent positive value. OK and now I'll just play this now so you can hear it: @11_4290Whoa, nothing. [pause] Whoa look at that, that's not going to work. <> [oscillator works] @11_4305Oh OK that's not so exciting is it? Let's drop this a little bit. There we go. Now what's happening, I showed you this before in a different context. All we're doing is were taking the oscillator @11_4320which is a sinusoid and clipping the bottom and top. That's a very simple waveshaping kind of way to make a different kind of waveform. And that by the way -- that's a big topic which I will @11_4335give you some mathematics about in the next couple of sessions. But right now I'm just going to do that and have it be a nice sound. Alright. and now this sound that we have I want to take and "ring modulate". @11_4350So now we have the same sound but now [with additional frequencies] sound that's being modulated. That's not a very good choice of frequencies. [noise]@11_4365So this is a very fast way of making inharmonic @11_4380spectra out of harmonic ones. And this you know, it doesn't look like much but if you listen to electronic or especially computer music of the last -- especially actually the period 60's through 90's -- @11_4395This is going to suffuse everything because people got very excited about being able to make inharmonic spectra having been imprisoned largely to harmonic spectra plus an occasional bell for most of the history of music. So people made music-theory @11_4410kinds of thoughts about how the inharmonic spectra could mix and whether there could be consonant or dissonant intervals between sounds that didn't have pitches but had just spectra like this:[sounds] And so that's a rich @11_4425source of musical inspiration that was brought on by the electronic and the computer music eras. So this is the sort of general direction that we'll go in now. Having seen the multiple voice thing, the abstraction mechanism. @11_4440The next thing is learning how to design sounds using the techniques of modulation and waveshaping. -- which are represented here by this multiplier and this clip~. *** MUS171 #12 02 10 Miller: @12_0000 So this is now Chapter 5 of the book. Oh, let's get the book out while we're at it. @12_0015 What happens now will correspond pretty closely to the material in Chapter 5, so that you theoretically can actually find out by looking in the book, what's going on. Which has not always been true up until now because I have been operating in a exploratory, @12_0030 make-patches-as-you-go mode. But, now that the basic notions of how to make patches and figure out what they're doing have been covered. I'm going to try to be a little bit more, whatever you call it ... a little bit closer @12_0045 to the written thing in the book, because that way it'll be much easier for you to make correlations between the book and what's going on in the class. So nothing in the book is actually wrong. Nothing in class has been terribly wrong, as far as I know, either. But there haven't @12_0060 been perfect correspondences. In fact, people who have been writing, have been making looping samplers for today's homework have been looking in the book to figure out how to do the enveloping. The book does it differently from how I did it in class, so that you now know two different ways of doing enveloping @12_0075 and you might not know how they're different -- which I'm not going to try to clear up right now because it's too weird. But what I do want to do is start referring to stuff in the book as I go through the next few patches, because it's just going to make the next thing @12_0090 a little easier than it would have been otherwise, I think. Book ... So the place we're at is this chapter on modulation, and @12_0105 I'll get to this in a second. But to talk about modulation, you have to talk, or be ready to talk, about spectra. So think about things as having spectra and I'll tell you more about the words that one uses to describe spectra in a moment. But first @12_0120 I will go back to the patch that I was working just in the last 15 minutes of the class on Tuesday, and go into somewhat more detail about what patch is actually doing and why the sounds that it makes sound the way they do -- in a very hand-waving kind of way, before I show you @12_0135 more quantitatively what's going on. So here's the patch up. This is the fourth patch from last class, and I just realized this morning I haven't put these patches up on the web. I'm sorry, I haven't done that comment-@12_0150 and-put-it-up-on-the-web thing. So you haven't seen these patches except in class so far. Basically, what happened in class was... The first thing was take a microphone and multiply the microphone signal @12_0165 by an oscillator to mess up its periodicity. And then it was time to go back and explain a little bit more carefully what was going on. And so, to do that, I had to make a thing that had some kind of waveform so that I could then multiply that by a sinusoid and mess it up and show you how you can think about that. @12_0180 There are many ways of thinking about it. So here's the patch again, cleaned up. Basically, the patch on the left is something that you saw in week one or two, which is about clipping @12_0195 and what it does to waveforms. So if I show you that, this is a nice, clipped sinusoid. Oh why don't I fix it so I can clip as I please, so that you can see how that's going. ... @12_0210 So, for instance, if I tell it the top of the clip is going to be 1, then we're, what we're doing is we're allowing the thing to go down to -0.2... Oh, that's just for, just to be clear, I'll put it in the -0.2. @12_0225 Now the value's going down to -.2, but all the way up to 1. And if I made this thing be -1, then you would see the original sinusoid that didn't get clipped. And this is an example of waveshaping. @12_0240 It's taking a perfectly good sinusoid, or in fact, some other thing, but the first thing to think about what happens to a sinusoid when you do this to it and putting it through some function or other. If the function were linear, @12_0255 or a Y=M*X + B kind of function, then you would just get a sinusoid out. It would have a different offset and a different amplitude. But if you give it some kind of nonlinear function -- in particular, the function that is represented by clip~ -- then out @12_0270 comes something that's quite different. The function that clip~ is giving us right now, if you graphed it ... OK, so clip~ ... right now it's clipping from 0 to 1. ... @12_0285 If you clip from 0 to 1, you can think of that as a function with a graph. The graph looks horizontal. For negative inputs, it's zero. @12_0300 From zero to one, it follows the input, so it looks like Y = X, and then, starting at 1 again, it's flat again, at 1. And so it looks like a sloppy step function. @12_0315 So it's not linear. And if you -- you'll see this in gory detail later, but the basic deal is that -- when you put a sinusoid through a nonlinear transfer function, as we call it, then what comes out not @12_0330 a sinusoid. And when it's not a sinusoid, then it has a spectrum, it doesn't have just one partial in it. I guess that's almost a tautology. @12_0345 What comes out of the oscillator here is repeating itself every 110th of a second. In other words, it's repeating 110 times a second. So, since this is just a function, it doesn't have any memory in it, what comes out is doomed to repeat at exactly @12_0360 the same period, if not even less. In other words, when the oscillator gives you the same value at two different moments in time, the function has to give out two similar values, too. So if you put a periodic function in to clip~, you're going to get a periodic function out, @12_0375 with the same period. So, what that means is that if you listen to the original sound, it has a pitch: [tone] Low A. Miller: And when you listen to @12_0390 the result of clipping, it's got the same pitch. [tone] Miller: But it's got partials. This is a special case, actually. ... @12_0405 I showed this because it's simple, but it's got a very strong octave just because of the way it, happened to be set up. And if I do something like that, then you'll hear... [tones] Miller: Just basically what you heard before, except it has a different timbre, @12_0420 which is to say it has different partials. [tones] Miller: And this is basic, this is how in electronic music, you make... Well, this is one, this is the most generally used thing in electronic music @12_0435 that I'm aware of, for making things that have partials that have strengths that you try to control in one way or another. But in order to control them, you have to do math. In order to do it, you just throw something into a nonlinear function at will and you get it out. @12_0450 The history of this is sort of that guitarists in the '40s and '50s started actually not over driving their amps, but messing up their speakers. I believe the first example of distortion guitar was some jazz guitarist @12_0465 who decided to take a knife or a pencil maybe, and just bash the cone of his amplifier speakers, so that it would sound fuzzy. [laughs] And it works! In a very loose way of speaking, what that's doing is making the amplifier @12_0480 no longer be a linear thing and start being a nonlinear thing. In other words, it's a thing where you put two signals in and what comes out is not the sum of what it would have been for the two signals separately. And anything that has that kind of property has the ability to infuse new frequencies @12_0495 into the sound that might not have been present there before. OK, now, it's time probably to start talking about spectra and more graph-y, graph-y/comprehensible way, @12_0510 so that I can now show you something about what's actually happening. -- Before I do that, I have to finish showing you, we've just finished reviewing, or bringing back out the patch from last time, @12_0525 because I didn't show you the other thing that you can do. So here's the... [tone starts, stops] Miller: ...thing that has partials. And here's a thing that has partials... [tone] Miller: ...that is also being ring modulated. [tone stops] Miller: And what I did was, what I played you before was, sounds like this: [tone] Miller: @12_0540 Well, not quite like that. More like that. [tones stop] Miller: Sounds where you would take some sound in and just destroy its periodicity by... [tones start, stop] Miller: Basically multiplying it by the wrong sinusoid. Well, "wrong" -- @12_0555 a sinusoid that has a different period from the sound of the original, from the original waveform that's getting graphed. But of course... So here's the waveforms that we're putting in. Here's this: [tone] Miller: @12_0570 What this is doing is taking this nice waveform and sometimes sending it through positively, sometimes sending it through negatively, and sometimes going through zero when it's doing its main work. And you just get @12_0585 a funky sound, a funky waveform like that. All right? It's artistic. OK? Now, of course, it would be true that if this sound happened to be periodic, with the same period @12_0600 that we started with: Miller: Now, it's still an interesting waveform, but now the waveform looks periodic. And in fact, it has the same period as the sound that we just modulated. Way different waveform, but the same period. @12_0615 Or to listen to them, here's what we just modulated: [tone] Miller: Sorry, that's the signal that was that sinusoid clipped. Miller: And here's the same thing, ring modulated: [tones alternating] Miller: @12_0630 So now you can imagine taking... Oh, I didn't tell you the rest... OK, so now let's try 660. [tones] Miller: Let's leave it on .. try different multiples of 110. [varying tones] Miller: @12_0645 Oops. Sorry. Can't type that well. So let's leave it here, and I'll show you that... turn it off for a second. Miller: @12_0660 OK, now we've got something that... Hmm, still got the same period. It can't help but have the same period because both of these things -- although this thing has six cycles within the same period of time, which is 1/110th of a second, @12_0675 it's still true that after a 110th of a second, it's come back to where it was. It just happens to be the sixth time it's done that. So, it's still true that every 110th of a second, which is about this length, both the clipped oscillator here and this oscillator, @12_0690 which I'm multiplying by -- that's the ring modulating oscillator -- both of those have, have come back to where they were before. And so we still have no choice but to have a signal which is periodic... Well, a signal which repeats every 110th of a second -- which, @12_0705 except for in special cases, will have... [tones start, stop] Miller: Will have the same pitch as the original that we started with. [tones] Miller: So there's the sinusoid. Here's the clipped sinusoid. Oops [tones start, stop] Miller: And here's @12_0720 the clipped sinusoid times ring modulation:[tones start, stop] Miller: OK? When you learn how to do this, or when you learn how to think about this, you can make literally almost anything that you want. There are all sorts of @12_0735 tricks to, well, mental tricks to try and figure out what you do, in terms of what kinds of functions and what kinds of things to multiply to get specific kinds of effects. And so, first off, I want to show you more theoretical aspects of just, what's @12_0750 happened to the sound from the point of view of the spectrum. And then I'll go through and start working on actually building spectra, according to desiderata out of this tool box. 44] Those are the subjects of Chapters 5 and 6 of the book. @12_0765 Probably, this will take a couple weeks. So, the first thing that we need in order to be able to discuss this intelligently, is to be able to look at spectra of signals. @12_0780 I'm going to just ask you to take a certain thing for granted, which is that you can measure the spectrum of a signal and graph it. What I can do is make a sort of definition of what the spectrum of a signal is. Let's see where is my ... @12_0795 I'm going to ride roughshod over some of the details here. This patch is in @12_0810 "Audio Examples." This is the first patch in Chapter 5. This is a patch that says, "Sorry, but we have to do these spectra." When it's time to actually measure the spectra of things using a patch and understand how that thing @12_0825 is being done, that's in Chapter 9 of the book. So, what we're doing is we're borrowing results from the future, in order just to be able to see spectra. And, what do spectra look like? OK, so, signals have waveforms and signals have spectra. What I've done here is just made a very simple @12_0840 additive synthesis instrument that does this: [tones] Miller: ... There's a @12_0855 frequency coming in here -- it's just a standard receive. And we're multiplying this frequency by the numbers 0 through 5. Why 0 ? -- For @12_0870 completeness sake, and in order to explain a very strange thing about the spectra of sinusoids that I can't hide from you. I just have to explain it. So, I'm going to come out with it, right at the beginning. And, so, the ones that you can hear are @12_0885 fundamental, octave and so on, like that, right?[tones] Miller: Now what we can do, in this patch anyway, is we can start graphing the spectra and the waveforms of these things. So, here's the fundamental. It has a waveform, which is just a sinusoid of the appropriate frequency, @12_0900 and it has a spectrum which, one graphs. There are various ways that you can do this, but one can graph it in terms of the partial numbers, that's to say, the multiple of whatever the fundamental frequency is that we're playing at.[tones] Miller: @12_0915 Yeah, I don't know what order to tell you this in ... So, let me just make another spectrum @12_0930 and play it for you, or, show it to you. [tones] Miller: Here, now, I've turned the first, second, and third and fourth harmonics on, and so on like that. Now here's the funny part. I can turn this partial on that doesn't have any sound, because it's just constant, because it has a frequency of zero. @12_0945 It adds something to the spectrum, too. (By the way, my computer's gagging right now; but just let it gag.) Now, there's a weird thing that will basically @12_0960 just kind of bite you once in a while when you're trying to do something and something comes out wrong: A sinusoid that happens to have a frequency of zero, you can assign it a strength in the spectrum, but @12_0975 the most correct way to assign it strength is to give it a strength of 1 as opposed to 1/2 for the other sinusoids, that's to say sinusoids of nonzero frequency. @12_0990 Chapter 8 will explain why, for the first time. I'll tell you what it is for those of you who like mathematics or know about mathematics: Sinusoids actually have two frequencies in them; one positive and one negative. @12_1005 They don't act like quantum theory, where all the frequencies are positive. They can be real-valued and the only way you can have a real-valued sinusoid is to have positive and negative frequencies of equal strengths and negative ... equal strengths -- @12_1020 talk about the phases later -- and negative frequencies. So, really, although I don't show it on this table, this oscillator has a peak at frequency 1, relative frequency 1, and a peak at relative frequency -1. @12_1035 You can't perceive it but it's there. And, the reason this is double is because here, those two peaks coincide. @12_1050 All right? For those of you who've gone as far as, maybe, second-semester calculus, sin(omega t) = [( e^(i omega t) + e^(-i omega t) ) @12_1065 / 2] -- In other words, a sinusoid has two complex exponentials and each of them has an amplitude of one-half. <> So, if you don't want to know the equation, here's what it looks like. @12_1080 This is the truth. And there's no possible way that ... well, you can sort of pretend it's not true by saying, "Oh, it's just frequency zero and we'll just make it the same height." But, all of the stuff that we try to do later will be wrong if we do that, because @12_1095 DC does come crawling into signals and if you don't account for it correctly you will get wrong answers. That's the thing about the spectra of sinusoids. Oh, yeah and while we're here, this is worth looking at: @12_1110 When you turn all the partials on, you get a wonderful thing which is called a "pulse train". Or I believe this is the Dirichlet kernel. It's a collection of sinusoids, all of which have @12_1125 equal strengths -- except that this one is double because of funny stuff. But, anyway, this is just DC, which I was just talking about, the height of the thing, the DC amount of the thing, which we could make arguments about. The more partials we put in, @12_1140 the more closely this will become to a perfect pulse train. Engineers will actually talk about infinitely thin pulses, which consist of all the possible harmonics. You wouldn't do that in @12_1155 computer music, because some of them would have higher frequencies than the Nyquist frequency, and they would fold over and you would have trouble. So, you don't make pure pulse trains in computer music. You try to make band-limited pulse trains, that's to say, pulse trains that only go out to @12_1170 a certain number of partials, in order to have your computer be able to deal with it. And this is what those pulse trains look like. I'LL turn a couple off so that you could see the progression. @12_1185 Here's a pulse train with three partials, actually, 0, 1 and 2. And then the more partials that you throw on of equal strength, the skinnier and taller the peak gets, and the more wiggles -- @12_1200 "ripples" the engineers would call that -- you will see between pulses. So, that's a pulse train. That's just a qualitative thing to know about, because you will see pulse trains again in the future. Now, the reason I'm telling you this is to be able to tell you @12_1215 what happens when you do things like apply a non-linear function to a sinusoid or multiply some complicated spectrum by a sinusoid. Now, the next thing I'm going to do is... @12_1230 I'll stick to these, and then I'll start telling you more of the whole truth later. (I'm going to save this, you probably can't do this, but, if you're actually writing the thing, you can save your own help files. @12_1245 Let's see. Help. Browse. ...) Now we're going to look at "E02.ring.modulation" ... Ring modulation; @12_1260 now what I'm going to do is make a nice "spectrum-knowledgeable" -- is that the right word -- pep speech about ring modulation. @12_1275 So here, now, what's happening is the following: We're going to go back, and we're going to look at our nice bunch of sinusoids that has a nice spectrum,like this. Oh, yeah. I can actually ask this one to graph repeatedly on @12_1290 a metronome so that I can change things live. OK. This is idiot's delight now. I can make funny spectra and look at their waveforms in spectrum. Now, what we're going to do, gee whiz, we're going to multiply this thing by an oscillator. @12_1305 The oscillator is going to have a frequency, and - I'm cheating a little bit about the frequencies here. Because, to make it very easy to analyze, I'm choosing a frequency that's a simple multiple of the sample rate. So, I'm not going to talk about exactly @12_1320 what the frequency's values are, just relatively. So, if I say in "f/16" -- if this is the frequency f, if I say (- Oh, can we hear this? Let's listen to it. Yeah.)[tones] Miller: @12_1335 OK, now we're hearing it, and now, if I say, "Well, let's make this thing be eight." OK. Oh no wait, let me get this: @12_1350 Now we have a sinusoid, and now we're going to start multiplying it by an oscillator. And, as you know, what that does is that splits the sound up into two frequencies,because that's what @12_1365 ring modulation does to sinusoids, as described last time. One way of thinking of that is, beating is the same thing as having two neighboring sinusoids. It's a mathematical formula. But, it also means that, if someone gives you @12_1380 this: [changes a tone] , and says, "Give me two of those, and make them be split in frequency," -- you just multiply by a sinusoid that has non-zero frequency and you get that: [new tone playing] Oh, and by the way, @12_1395 now you see why it starts to make sense to talk about negative and positive frequencies. Because, in fact, this thing has negative and positive frequencies in it and that is why this peak that you saw split into two peaks. @12_1410 It's because the negative-frequency one, by multiplying with it, drops the frequency, and the positive one added to the frequency. And, furthermore, when I set that frequency to zero, The two collide and then I get that.[original tone but louder] @12_1425 Now, I'm playing tricks with phase here. If I do something like make these two beat against each other. I just asked this thing to do one-hundredth, one one hundredth. Now, we have @12_1440 the two things beating very slowly. And, what you have is, from one point of view, two sidebands that are separated, but, from another point of view, you have an amplitude that's changing. In fact, now, I can say, "@12_1455 Multiply it by an oscillator frequency zero." But, I no longer have the good situation where these two add up. They add up wrong. Why did that happen? @12_1470 Actually, there are two reasons why that happened. This is sometimes called "interference." This is an interference effect, from one point of view. These two things @12_1485 have phases, such that, when we combine them, depending on when you do it, depending on exactly when you combine them @12_1500 they might have different relative phases. And then, when they add up, they won't add up to twice the amplitude. They'll add up just to some amplitude or other, which might be anywhere from zero to twice, depending on whether they interfere constructively or destructively. Student: @12_1515 You said the multiplying oscillator will have frequency f/16? Miller: That's just my pedagogical choice of decent step to use. Student: How do you set it? Miller: @12_1530 The patch is computing this thing called "frequency step," and it's actually setting that to a fundamental over 16,and that's hidden in some sub-patch. Probably in here. And the only reason @12_1545 I did that was just so that when you go into the patch and start mousing on it, you get decent range. There's nothing special about 16. -- Now how could I actually make this thing behave itself? @12_1560 Maybe I just can't now. [tones] Miller: OK. Good. So I just tried again and got a better match. So we can now pretend that the thing's in phase again. @12_1575 So then, it follows that if you had a few other sinusoids, [tone changes].. (Here's why I used 16 so that you can see the original spectrum and you could also see the splitting and they would appear on the same picture @12_1590 and with reasonable spacings.) Now I'll say, let's make the frequency step be 1/16 again ... or rather 2/16. And now what we've done is we've taken each one of those three peaks and split them separately into side bands. @12_1605 Let me shut this up for a second and talk about that. This process, if you think of this as a function of what goes in -- so a signal goes in @12_1620 and a signal goes out, and so what's happening is it's some kind of function. That's in a loose way of speaking. It's a linear function. In fact, it's nothing but times tilde. But it's times tilde times a signal not times @12_1635 a scalar; times a thing that's changing in time. That's a linear operation. What that implies -- It implies many things, but for right now what that implies is that @12_1650 if you took two signals in or here three signals in and added them up...(oh, yeah. I didn't tell you this did I? If you hook a bunch of signals into a single inlet, they are added automatically. I think I mentioned that at one point, @12_1665 but maybe it's a good moment to say it again.) So this is now multiplying the sum of these things by this original oscillator. OK. Now I'm talking about linearity. One good thing about linearity is that, in this case, @12_1680 given to us by the distributive principle. If you call this thing, I don't know what, call these things A, B, C, and F here, then F x (A + B + C) is the same thing as (F x A) + @12_1695 (F x B) + (F x C); and that's the distributive rule. And what that is saying here is that if you take two or three signals and you superpose them, that's to say add them, and then multiply them by this modulating oscillator, you get as a result @12_1710 the sum of what you would have got putting them in individually. This was not to be taken for granted. So here what you saw was that we had (-- oh, I turned it off) [tones] @12_1725 We had originally this signal going in and if you multiply by an oscillator of frequency zero we see at least a multiple of that coming out. And it turns out that although I didn't have to be true, the result of ring modulating this is the sum of the result of ring modulating @12_1740 the individual ones. [tones] OK. All right. Is that clear? @12_1755 Examples of things that are linear in this way, obviously, multiplication although here we're multiplying by something that's not constant in time. @12_1770 And the other example that you'll see later is filters. Well, I introduced a filter quickly but I haven't told you about filters in detail. But filters also are, at least in their usual form, are things @12_1785 that are linear in the sense that you put two signals in and you will get out the sum of what you put in individually. @12_1800 As a detail also, any kind of linear function like this, you can multiply the input by some constant. For instance, double the input or multiply the input by i or anything else that you want and what comes out will be that many times @12_1815 stronger or weaker than the signal went in too. In other words, linear things respect changes in amplitude and will give you the same relative changes in amplitudes on output. @12_1830 In general, that's not true of nonlinear things. What's a nonlinear thing you've seen very recently? Student: Wave shaping is it? Miller: fYeah, the wave shaping example. This clip @12_1845 (oh, where did I put it?) This clip tilde operation was not linear -- and as a result, let's see...well @12_1860 one thing that happened about that was the oscillator that you put in (I haven't said enough to explain this well yet)... The oscillator that you put in, if you change it's amplitude you will not just change the amplitude of the output and give you the same thing @12_1875 louder. It will give you a different signal altogether. OK. So I'll go back and belabor that point with you in a few minutes. @12_1890 So, this is ring modulation and oh, right, special case again: What happens if we pull the zero frequency signal in? [tones] So now we have the same thing as we had before except I threw in @12_1905 frequency zero which has double amplitude. And now when I start modulating that, it does the correct thing which is again, it gives me two side bands [tones] each of which has half the strength but, of course, the original was twice as high. @12_1920 And also, this one we only see one of because the other one is negative frequency. All right. And it's even worse than that because, @12_1935 and this is hard to see very well, but as I start pushing the frequency of modulation up ... [tone changes] oops, oh yes. A funny thing happens when you hit a half -- so 8: @12_1950 Now what's happening is the original signal had peaks here, here, here and here. So, (oops, @12_1965 I pulled the table over but I didn't pull the labels over. They might be useful later. Like that, OK.[tones] Miller: So, if I modulate it, that is to say, multiply by an oscillator of half the frequency, this thing @12_1980 gets a side band up here and this one gets a side band that is halfway down and those two will collide. And when they do, they will superpose. And furthermore, depending on the phase, @12_1995 they will sometimes superpose into something stronger and sometimes superpose into something weaker. And now @12_2010 the next funny thing is... let me turn the DC off. Actually, let me just have one of them again. OK, so here's the nice original signal. ...[tones] Miller: @12_2025 OK, so now we'll start pushing the frequency up. Then we'll split it into two partials again. And as we keep going up, @12_2040 what's going to happen when we hit zero? Well, we're going to keep going, but we have a doppelganger who is going to come back the other way. @12_2055 So what you saw, if you just sort of think of things in terms of characters, is this peak just bounced off of the vertical axis. What happened @12_2070 mathematically might better be described as you don't see the negative frequencies, but there is also a peak here and a peak there. And this peak kept on charging towards the negative as they were getting split further and further. But the one that was already negative charged back the other way and turned to positive. @12_2085 And there is a special case right when I ask the thing to modulate it so that it goes to zero frequency. ... Oh, I didn't do it right. Oh yes, that is 32: @12_2100 Then we get a different strength again because now we have two peaks. Again, the negative and the positive frequency peaks coincide. And now we get another situation where the phase is controlling how the two act. @12_2115 So here again, depending on the phase, we'll get one or another strength. Oh dig! I almost got it turned off. And that's just what that is. @12_2130 If you want to control that exactly, you have to control exactly the relative phases of the two things that you're multiplying. ... Questions about that? @12_2145 So in general, ring modulation, sometimes people use to mean multiplication by any old thing. But ring modulation in the simplest sense is "multiplying by an @12_2160 oscillator that's putting out a sinusoid." What it does: if you give it a spectrum that just can be described as a bunch of peaks, is it takes each peak and splits them. And furthermore, as the peaks go further and further away from the original, sometimes they bounce off of @12_2175 the zero frequency. And meanwhile, when any two peaks coincide, they coincide but they don't necessarily add amplitudes. They do something -- bound only by the triangle inequality. @12_2190 So, to make you the nice full picture ... [tones] there's kind of a typical @12_2205 ring modulation output spectrum. And if you wanted to really go into it, this is several, this is two and change times the fundamental frequency. And so the DC peak got thrown all the way out here and meanwhile all the other peaks @12_2220 got sort of scattered around in that particular way. OK. ... Yes? Student: Can you say something more about negative frequencies? Miller: @12_2235 Well yes, negative frequencies... In general, what ends up happening -- Everything, for technical reasons, ends up being symmetrical about the frequency zero. @12_2250 So that anytime you make a negative frequency you hear it as a positive frequency. So the general rule is that the frequencies you hear here are the frequencies that went in plus this frequency and minus this frequency. Except that when @12_2265 you compute the frequency minus that frequency, if that is a negative result, flip it around to positive, take the absolute value of it, take what you would get. OK? Now I want to talk taxonomically about spectra a little bit more so that I can @12_2280 have more terms to tell you more qualitatively what sorts of things you can get out of this. Now this is all still just what happens when you multiply a signal by a sinusoid. So one thing that your ears @12_2295 told you was that here, when we multiplied by this sinusoid ... (oh, I think I have to just turn this all off. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to get @12_2310 rid of this all together. Let's see...) OK, so what happened here was when I told it to multiply by a decently low frequency sinusoid, and by the way, I chose the same frequency as @12_2325 the frequency of the thing I'm modulating by, then I get something like that in the waveform and I get something that ... I can't show you the spectrum of this in this patch right now, but it sounds not @12_2340 terribly different from the original sound, which is something like this.[tones] Miller: But as the frequency goes up, the sidebands are being pushed further and further out. Furthermore the sidebands @12_2355 that are negative are getting pushed further and further out, furthermore, the sidebands that are negative are getting pushed further and further out because they're wrapping around. And that becomes more and more true as you go up, so that you get sort of a knot of frequencies that gets higher and higher. @12_2370 Unfortunately, you can't just use this in its current state to make a nice sweeping filter kind of effect. Because if I slide this from 660 down to 550, @12_2385 it was harmonic at the outset and it's harmonic at the end, but it goes through a whole bunch of inharmonic results intermediate. You have to do something smarter if you want then to be able to make continuous changes between these. @12_2400 Now, to show you something about how you can predict that. You have to go make more pictures. But now, it's better to show pictures, that are just dead pictures in the photo, as opposed to this live demonstration. @12_2415 So, here, first off, talking about spectra. I've been using some terms without defining them, and other terms I want to define right now. In general, a spectrum ... a spectrum, @12_2430 at least for our purposes, is going to be a description of how strong the frequency content, or how strong a sound is at all the possible frequencies. This is what a ... this is something that you could @12_2445 talk about it, for a sound or for light. This is a representation that ignores time. So, right now, we're just going to sort of pussyfoot over the fact that time is changing and this spectrum could be changing in time, which is @12_2460 not a mathematically correct thing to talk about, but which is in fact the thing that you have to talk about when you're talking about sounds, because they do change in time. So, we're just going to forget about that, for now, and we'll deal with that a little bit later. Or maybe we'll let Tom Erbe deal with that in Music 172, I'm not sure. @12_2475 So, the basic deal is that spectra consist of a description of how loud the various frequencies are that make up a sound, but there's a more fundamental distinction, which is, is the sound to be regarded @12_2490 as being made up of a discrete set of frequencies, or in fact is it a continuous frequency thing like white light, or like noise. So, in sound land, @12_2505 you can make ... you can -- by either playing a string instrument or whacking a bell -- you can make things that have, perhaps an infinite but at least a countable collection of frequencies @12_2520 in them, and if you restrict yourself to the Nyquist frequency, there will be a finite set of them. Or, you can have something like noise, which I haven't told you much about yet, but noise could be better described as consisting of a solid mass of @12_2535 sound at all frequencies. And, the distinction there, is between a discrete spectrum, like these two, and a continuous spectrum, like this. This looks like @12_2550 a dense discrete one, but I'm trying to describe a continuous one there. I haven't even shown you how to make noise yet, but just type noise~ into an object and you'll get noise, but you won't be able to do much with it yet. So, noise is available. Noisy sounds -- which are also sounds that you @12_2565 would get just by regular operations like this -- are sounds that you can't describe as being objects that have a fixed set of vibrational modes that sit there and vibrate and you can listen to them. For @12_2580 some deep reason, your ear loves things that vibrate in modes, and is built to be able to separate sounds that are distinguished by the fact that they have different modes of vibration in them. You can argue about why that @12_2595 would be, but it might have something to do with being able to hear people speak. Because there are modes of vibration that you set up in your throat, and your throat makes noise, and you can use that modality to hear someone speaking over background noise. Your ear has been very well-developed to do that, @12_2610 and that hearing facility, but I think was probably originally for listening to voices, turns out to be what makes music possible as well. Music in the sense of things that have pitches. So, continuous noisy spectra are @12_2625 things that aren't described that way -- aren't described as things that just have modes that vibrate, but rather things that generate sound because of heat or whatever, some kind of random motion, as opposed to a vibrational motion. @12_2640 I'm waving my hands pretty much -- both metaphorically and physically here. So, that's the difference between a discrete spectrum and a continuous spectrum. And those two terms are not exactly accurate uses of mathematical terms. @12_2655 If you happen to have a discrete spectrum like this, oh, whether you have a discrete or a continuous spectrum, you always have ... you can always pretend that you have a thing which is called a spectral envelope. Which is an imaginary @12_2670 curve that you draw over the spectrum to describe what the spectrum looks like as a shape, as opposed to ... as opposed to what? ... Well, OK, so the spectral envelope is this line here, or this ... what do we say, this curve here that I drew. @12_2685 Which actually is the same curve for all three of these examples. The envelope is in some sense, an idealized description of what the spectrum looks like shape-ishly, as opposed to in @12_2700 the details of where the frequencies are. So, to speak very loosely, the spectral envelope is in some ways related to the timbre of the sound in a way that's independent of the positioning of the frequency @12_2715 components which make the sound up, which could be discrete or continuous. So, this would sound noisy, and this would sound pitched. And this would sound -- oh, yeah, right. Next thing: If you have a discrete spectrum - that's to say a spectrum @12_2730 that can be said to be consisting of a bunch of different frequencies that you can just write out, so that they'd be finite, up to a finite frequency - then you can say, "Is it a harmonic or an inharmonic spectrum?" What that is saying is, "@12_2745 Are the frequencies that we see multiples of a fundamental frequency?" OK. These terms are loose because we're talking psychoacoustics here, in some ways. But, for something to be harmonic, it's frequencies should @12_2760 be multiples of a thing that you can hear as a pitch, which means maybe above 50-ish Hertz and below 4000-ish Hertz. That's hand-wavey, too, because you can hear pitches down to 25 or 30 Hertz, @12_2775 but it gets harder . If it is true that all the frequencies that you see are multiples of some fundamental that looks somewhere between 50-ish and 4000-ish Hertz, then, multiples, then you can say this is a harmonic spectrum. @12_2790 And, if you took such a sound and looked at it as a signal in time, you would see a repeating waveform. So, there's this great fact about repeating waveforms, which is if you look at their spectrum, you will see @12_2805 a harmonic spectrum. And the frequencies present in the spectrum will all be multiples of a frequency which is the fundamental frequency, which is [1 /(period of the repeating waveform)]. OK? And that's acoustics. @12_2820 Oh, and for interesting reasons, both a cylindrical air column and a string stuck between two things, turns out to make harmonic spectra, because @12_2835 miraculously enough, the various modes of vibration of either an air column or a string are all multiples of the fundamental frequency. Student: It's integer multiples, right? Miller: Oh, thank you. Integer multiples, not just multiples. -- @12_2850 Yeah. I probably have been saying "multiples," meaning "integer multiples" all day. [laughs] This is why you need two mathematicians in a room. The mathematician's worst enemy is unstated assumptions. ... @12_2865 Inharmonic spectra are spectra whose component frequencies are not describable as integer multiples of a good fundamental. And that would be typical of, say, a metal object that you whack and vibrate it. A metal @12_2880 bar, or a bell, or that sort of thing. Solid, vibrating objects that aren't strings I guess tend to have this effect. OK. So, we saw a patch that imitates a bell, @12_2895 the Risset bell patch. And, if you look at those frequencies, the .56 and the 1.4, I think, those are not all integer multiples for one good candidate for a pitch, and so, as a result, you hear an inharmonic sound. You can ascribe @12_2910 a pitch to it, but it's a different thing from a harmonic sound. And, if you look at it in time, you wouldn't see a repeating waveform. OK. So, the spectral envelope @12_2925 is a handy way to determine, or just describe the shape of the thing. Then in the shape, you can color it in with either a harmonic or inharmonic discrete spectrum or with a continuous spectrum. And, that's not a complete description of sound, by any means, but that's a working description of @12_2940 sort of a first layer of distinctions that you could make between different large classes of sound for making brutal distinctions. ... Questions about this? Yeah. Student: You know ...we aren't not talking about enharmonic, right? @12_2955 Because last week we talked about inharmonic. "Inharmonic" means it's not harmonic, right? Miller: Yeah, and anharmonic, I don't know what it means. I ought to. I mean, etymologically, it means ... Student: @12_2970 It's like techno transposition in notes. It's like C-sharp to D-flat. Miller: Those are enharmonics? Student: "En." Enharomonic's, E-N. Miller: Oh, E-N. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah. OK, I'm from Tennessee, where we don't make differences in pronunciation between @12_2985 E-N and I-N. [laughter] Miller: Yeah, sorry. So, yeah, I don't know about that term at all. That's a music term, and I don't have a license for talking about that kind of stuff. Student: So inharmonic just means it's not harmonic right? It's a different term. Miller: Yeah, yeah, it just means "not harmonic." @12_3000 And then there's "anharmonic," which means, "doesn't know about harmonicity," but I'm not sure how you're supposed to use that term, so I stay away from it. Yeah. OK. So there's that. @12_3015 Now to go... actually, let me stay here. Now, using that language, I think I have to go to the next thing ... I'm going to skip the equations, and reach for the picture. ... @12_3030 This is stuff that I just described to you being shown in a good text-y way as opposed to a demonstrate-y way. This is non-moving pictures that just show peak-splitting because of multiplication @12_3045 by sinusoids, in all of the cases. But, what I really want to do is get down to this picture, yeah. Here, now, is a way of thinking about what happens to both the frequency @12_3060 content and the spectral envelope of a sound when you ring-modulate it. OK. So, we're taking a sound here, and for the sake of argument, I'm starting with a harmonic sound, and I'm not @12_3075 assuming that the sound doesn't have a zero frequency component, because that might be a useful thing to have in the sound. And, anyways, some things will get it, regardless of whether we wanted it there or not, for reasons that will show up later. OK? @12_3090 Now, we will take that and multiply it by a nice sinusoid with a low frequency -- a frequency that's small compared to the fundamental frequency of this harmonic sound. And, this is now showing the spectrum of an imaginary harmonic sound, right? @12_3105 So, then what's going to happen is, oh, let's see. So, all right. @12_3120 This peak turned into that peak. This peak turned into these two peaks here. There and there. This one turned into these two peaks here and here. @12_3135 This one turned into these two peaks here and here, this one turned into these two peaks and this one turned into these two peaks. And then, either to clarify or to obfuscate the matter, I'm not sure which, I tried to draw a spectral envelope through all the peaks that wraps @12_3150 around through zero frequency. In other words, the peaks that were going down, I drew one part of the curve through, and the peaks that are moving up, I drew the other part of the curve through. In order to describe really, in order to try to represent really the fact that what we're @12_3165 looking at is just the positive frequency portion of a thing, which has negative frequencies as well, but happens to have symmetry about the zero frequency axis. But we can see that, although we lost amplitude here, @12_3180 well, we lost amplitude, but we also got extra peaks. And you could talk about the power, and blah-blah -- That will come. But by and large, the spectral envelope of this is something like @12_3195 a constant times the spectral envelope of that, and we could argue about whether this spectral envelope should be regarded as a half of this one, or just equal to it, because there are more peaks here. And nobody will ever tell you whether throwing a whole bunch more peaks into something should mean that you should make the @12_3210 spectral envelope look higher or not. No one knows how to talk about that. Spectral envelope is a completely imaginary concept, only useful for trying to make descriptions like this. And @12_3225 the good thing about this way of representing it is that it works when you start talking about modulating by, or making the modulating frequency be very high. So, the thought experiment here is that we're taking this signal and multiplying it by a sinusoid, @12_3240 exactly as in the working patch that I showed you, and now we'll make the sinusoid we were multiplying by be so high that it's actually higher than most of the peaks in the original signal. So here is the modulating frequency here. @12_3255 This is the thing that DC turned into. And this first partial turned into these two. Now, that was these two, but as we pushed this thing further up, this one got pulled into zero and bounced off it, and now @12_3270 became two positive frequencies. And furthermore, this thing pulled most of the spectrum with it, except for this very last peak, which is still ... this peak here still hasn't "wrapped around through zero," as some people say, but it's still positive. @12_3285 So now what we have is a radical change in the spectral envelope. We took the spectral envelope, but thinking of the spectral envelope as being a ... as extending into negative frequencies as well as positive frequencies, we're taking the entire spectrum envelope and @12_3300 hauling it out into some different place. Furthermore, if this modulating frequency happened to be chosen to be a multiple of this fundamental, then all of these peaks @12_3315 would land on multiples of the fundamental too. And again, we would get something that had this as a fundamental. It just would have a radically different spectral envelope. Which would be the spectral envelope @12_3330 unfolded and then pulled out. All right? And that is why that thing sounded the way it sounded ... that thing being over on the separate page. That's what's happening @12_3345 when we're doing this.[tone] Miller: Oops. That's this: [tone] Miller: What we're doing now, is we're taking this signal, which has whatever spectrum it has, and we're @12_3360 multiplying it by something whose fundamental frequency is seven times the original fundamental, that's pulling it way out into high frequency land, and meanwhile, now we're hearing it and its mirror image. @12_3375 All right. And you can do this with anything. ... Questions? --- Oh, right. The other thing about that is, here is the waveform, if you want to see that. @12_3390 This waveform also does the right thing as you multiply by ... here's a low one, and here's a very high one: As you multiply by a faster and faster sinusoid, our original thing which looked @12_3405 like this, turns into a more and more wiggly waveform, which is also consonant, or in agreement with, the fact that we're hearing progressively higher and higher frequency content, even though we're not really hearing this pitch @12_3420 as such, the pitch of this frequency. Student: If you're supposedly clipping at negative 0.2 then how come you can see frequencies below? Isn't it clipping everything below negative 0.2? Miller: That's not a frequency. That's ... Student: @12_3435 Amplitude. Miller: Yeah. That's an amplitude. So, oh right. So here, why do you see things below there? It's because we're multiplying by this oscillator, that ranges in value from +1 to -1. And so, these large negative @12_3450 values are when the original waveform was up high, but then got multiplied by -1. So this is minus 0.2, which is getting multiplied by this sinusoid, so it's ranging from minus two to positive two, because this @12_3465 is ranging from 1 to -1. ... This is stiff medicine, I know. @12_3480 OK, but if you get your head around this stuff then you can make all kinds of cool sounds, so it's good to be able to do. ... As a, not quite a "slight aside" ... OK, here's @12_3495 a sound.[tone] Miller: If I happen to choose not... Oh, let me go back to, let me go back to 110. [change tone] Miller: All right, here's this sound. What would happen if I said not 110 and not 220, but halfway between them, @12_3510 which would be 165? [change tone] Miller: It goes down an octave which, let me graph it for you. What now is going to happen is that every other waveform @12_3525 of this is going to catch this, being negative what it was before. And as a result, it'll be whatever it is followed by itself upside down, followed by itself right side up, and so on. And one way to think of that is that it then has twice the period, @12_3540 because you have to wait for the right side up one to repeat, which takes twice as long. So that would explain why the pitch went down by an octave. [tone] Miller: See, here's the original: [change tone] Miller: And here's that: [alternating tones] Miller: @12_3555 And furthermore, over here, one can explain that by... [tones] Miller: Come on, that was kind of cool. So, let's make this 8. [tone] Miller: So here's @12_3570 the original sound. [tone] Miller: And here's the sound being ring-modulated by something an octave below, - that's to say half the frequency. [tone] Miller: And now we've got... Not only did we get the thing down an octave. But we've got a thing that only @12_3585 has odd harmonics. We have 1/2 and 3/2 and 5/2 and so on -- times the original frequency. Because each peak, the peak that was 1 times the original frequency -- became @12_3600 0.5 and 1.5. The next one became 1.5 and 2.5, and so on. And all the side bands crashed into each other to give you, again, the same number... Well, the same number +1 of partials as we had originally. Roughly the same spectral envelope, @12_3615 because we're ring modulating by a relatively low frequency and so, because of this picture, we didn't change the spectral envelope very much. But we changed the placement of the partials. And in particular, @12_3630 as a special case, we replaced the partials with ones that are placed at an octave below but odd harmonics. Miller: All right? So that's a thing that you can do with ring modulation. If you only knew what @12_3645 the pitch of someone's voice was, or the frequency of someone's voice was -- the fundamental frequency -- then you could divide that by 2 and multiply it by their voice and you would drop their voice down an octave, and you would roughly be respecting the spectral @12_3660 envelope of the original voice. ... So, since that's a good thing to be able to do, let's do it. That actually shows up in another one of these examples. Miller: ... @12_3675 Yeah, this is the example right here. So, with apologies, here is our favorite radio announcer:[tone] Miller: Oops. Let me get rid of this. Shut up. Let's get rid of this now. [tone stops] Miller: @12_3690 OK. [...] @12_3705 All right, now "Continuous soft and relaxing..." can come back. OK, I haven't told you about this ... but there are objects in Pd that will try to determine the pitch of sounds. Miller: One is called fiddle. @12_3720 Oh, "looper", yeah. This is just a sample looper, just like you know about. There's the sample, we've got a phasor. Not even doing anything special, I'm just multiplying the phasor by 44,100 and then reading the table. @12_3735 Very sloppy. And then we're hearing this: Recording: "continuous soft ... continuous soft ..." Miller: And then if we take that and figure out what its pitch is, using the wonderful fiddle object... And by the way, maybe we should... This is pitch and amplitude pair, @12_3750 there's stuff to do here that I would have to describe fiddle to tell you how to do in detail, but you get the help window for fiddle and see it. But anyway, it's pitch and amplitude pairs that we'll unpack to just get the pitch. Then we use moses to get rid of pitch estimates that are 0, because that meant it just failed @12_3765 to find the pitch altogether. And then we have a nice number, which we can convert from MIDI to frequency and then we can multiply it by a half. So that's... So you take the fundamental frequency of something and multiply it by a half, you're an octave down. @12_3780 And then, that can be the frequency of an oscillator that we will multiply by the radio announcer. And then I, just to make it louder, I multiply by two, and then you get this. Recording: "continuous soft ... continuous soft" Miller: See, here's the original. [recording starts, stops] Miller: And here is @12_3795 the octave down, but only odd harmonics: [recording] Miller: And then if you want the whole thing, you add them together. [recording] Miller: This is, the funny thing about this example was... [recording] Miller: The fellow's voice @12_3810 actually goes all the way out 50 Hertz anyway. So first off, we're giving fiddle a real workout. But second, the frequencies that you hear coming out, could be going down to 25-ish Hertz, which are just monstrously low, even @12_3825 for this guy. [recording] Miller: The other thing to know... OK, so the general rule is "Multiply by oscillators with relatively low frequencies, you maintain roughly the spectral envelope, but change the @12_3840 the component frequencies." And as a result, you heard... [recording] Miller: ...the same vowels coming out as the original. You can... [recording] Miller: It's intelligible speech still ... @12_3855 I don't know how you, I'd have to give you some real speech so that you'd, so you could decide whether it's intelligible or not, because we've heard that so much that, who knows what it is now in your ears? But at any rate, it would be intelligible speech if you put intelligible speech in, because the spectral envelope is @12_3870 roughly speaking preserved by multiplying, or ring modulating, by a relatively low frequency sinusoid. It didn't move things around very much in distance, but it changes the component frequencies. The other thing, or an other thing that you can do @12_3885 is say, "OK, let's just multiply him by an oscillator that is 15 times the fundamental frequency." Now, what that'll do is that'll take whatever he's got and throw it up into, well... So, if he's going, he's ranging from 50 to 80 Hertz, so that @12_3900 times 15 is... Something like a kilohertz to 1500 Hertz. That's taking all the nice, those nice low frequencies in his voice and turning into things that aren't low frequencies, right? And then you get this. @12_3915 Let me turn the original off.[recording] Miller: So now you can get, not exactly chipmunking but aliasing ... And still, you can sort of persuade yourself you hear the same pitches. And actually, this is also good @12_3930 to add to the original. Then you get... [recording] Miller: This is sort of monstrous. [recording] Miller: Something that, I don't know, the sound of someone talking through a paper plate, or something like that. OK, so that's... Yeah? Student: @12_3945 So is this how the octave dividers from the '60s, the pedals they had back then worked? Or is it different altogether? Miller: I'm not dead sure about this, but I think what they did was something@12_3960 simpler, which was, they assumed the incoming sound was a sinusoid and they put it through a triggered flip-flop, a D flip-flop. Student: OK. Miller: And that would be electronics. It doesn't work as well when you do that. @12_3975 But on the other hand, if the guitarist is very careful, he can get it to behave, OK? And there's a wonderful solo in Led Zeppelin to prove it. This is much easier to get to work @12_3990 than that ... and if you've tried any of those old pedals, you'll know what I'm talking about. Miller: Oh, and another thing about it is that this only works with a monophonic signal. If I gave this a signal that had two different pitches in it, as if, for instance, if you played two strings @12_4005 on an instrument together, this wouldn't be good for dropping that by an octave. For this to work, we're assuming that the signal coming in is periodic, or almost periodic. Otherwise, it'll do something else. @12_4020 Put another way, it's a perfectly linear process, so to two strings it will do exactly @12_4035 what it does to the individual strings, added up. Except that -- you've got to choose one pitch to modulate it by: Which of the two pitches of the strings you're going to choose? So you can get one of the strings to go down an octave, and the other string turns into something else. @12_4050 So that's just a sort of a cheap thrill with ring modulation. OK. ... @12_4065 So are there any questions about this before I go back to the original example? ... Yeah? Student: Can you explain how the modulation makes the frequencies co-incide? Miller: ... OK. So that's, yeah. I can show you that @12_4080 happening here, I hope. [tones] Miller: Oh, wait, let me turn this off now. So now what's happening is, as I increase the frequency of the oscillator that modulates by, each of these things... @12_4095 each of these things turns into two side bands. If I want this side band to crash into this side band to superpose with it as one frequency, I would make this thing be exactly half of the fundamental, so that @12_4110 each one of them would come halfway over and then they would meet. And that, we do this way: Oh, there: Student: So if you put in 24, would that all sound similar? Miller: @12_4125 Yeah, you're right. Except, again, now, OK, so 24, let's see. We're doing half integers times 16, right? So 8, 24, 40, @12_4140 56. I can't do, oh, 72? Yeah, there we go. Now 88, right? As opposed to the multiples of 16... @12_4155 Turn it off. [tones stop] Miller: @12_4170 OK, so again... Oh, actually, changing this by a multiple of the fundamental even, of the fundamental frequency will give you another spectrum that, which lies down on the same @12_4185 frequencies in some sense as the other. In other words, if I start adding or subtracting multiples of the fundamentals of this, I'll make other spectra which will line up with the spectrum I just got. And that could be @12_4200 the original frequency if these are actually integers, or it could be half the original frequency if those are half-integers or something else inharmonic, if they were something else, like three.[tone] Miller: Now I can @12_4215 make more spectra with these frequencies by adding 16 again, which is... [tone] Miller: Which is being normalized to one. So one to 35... [tone] Miller: 35 plus 16, anyone? 41? ... @12_4230 Oh, 51. Thanks. Ooh, sounds better. 41 was wrong, right? 51's good. And so on, like that.[tones stop] Miller: Are there questions about that? ... @12_4245 OK, next matter. This will go on until we're done, I guess. This is going to go on for, @12_4260 probably about four lectures' worth. I should say, there aren't very many things to do; there's just lots of ramifications of a very small number of things. So really, all we're doing for @12_4275 the nonce is taking oscillators, running them through non-linear functions, and then multiplying things together, sometimes adding things together. It's now perhaps time to go back to this original clip example.[tones] Miller: @12_4290 [...] @12_4305 This is a clipped sinusoid, and, by the way, you know this already, you can now get timbres by changing what you clip by. That's these waveforms here. @12_4320 If you were smart, you could harness that to give yourself a collection of timbres, all of which are harmonic. If you do it right, you can start talking about things like, "What's the @12_4335 relative concentration of energy in low versus high harmonics in a sound like that?" That might give you ways of making qualitative changes that you'd want in spectra. What happens when you do this? The only way @12_4350 of describing what happens when you do this that is easy to understand-- well, there are two things that are easy to understand; one is that clipping is distortion. That people understood perfectly well in the 50's and 60's. The other thing is that you @12_4365 can also think mathematically about what happens when you apply non-linear functions to oscillators. The simplest non-linear function that you might want to apply would be simply squaring. Where we're going now is @12_4380 we're going to work ourselves up into functions by just talking about polynomials-- that's to say, the original signal, which is itself, it squared, it cubed, it to the fourth power, and so on. It turns out that it's very easy to analyze what that does to @12_4395 the frequency content of things. Then, if you get a more complicated function-- if you can approximate it with a polynomial-- then you can come up with a description of what the non-linear function does. Furthermore, if you're smart, @12_4410 if you want to do something, you can dream up a polynomial that might do that for you -- or make a function that it approximates -- Apply that function, and get a desired effect. We'll start out inductively @12_4425 by saying, "Here's an oscillator..." ... Miller: "Save-as" now <> @12_4440 So, now we're just going to try the simplest possible thing, which is to take the original signal and square it. @12_4455 Let's see if we can get rid of this, so I can show you this and the clipped one, and give you these for comparison. @12_4470 To square something, all you have to do is multiply it by itself. @12_4485 Now, squaring things does funny things to their amplitudes. If I took this thing and doubled it in amplitude, @12_4500 then, after I squared it, it would quadruple in the amplitude. This is a thing which does not respect changes in amplitude. Well, it respects it in the sense of getting louder when it gets louder in some sense, but other than that, it doesn't do the thing @12_4515 that you might wish. It does something better. Here's the original oscillator, which I want to graph for you: Here's that oscillator squared. @12_4530 Here the period is about a half of the table, and here, if I show the thing squared, it changed. @12_4545 It's still a sinusoid-- I can prove that it's still a sinusoid - I can play it for you. Here's the original: [tones] And here's that signal squared [tones] . Isn't that interesting? @12_4560 Furthermore, that agrees with what we see. Here's the sin of omega t, where omega is the angular frequency, and here is @12_4575 the [sin of omega t]^2 Actually, let's say [cos(omega t)]^2 There's a relation which says that the cosine squared of theta @12_4590 is half of the quantity (one plus the cosine of two theta.) That was Algebra II, I think, right? So, everyone's forgotten it. It's a special case of the master @12_4605 trigonometric identity for computer music, which is cos(A) times cos(B) is a 1/2 [cos(A + B) + cos(A-B)] That's the thing that describes ring modulation, and it also describes what's happening here. You see that the half @12_4620 is the fact that it now ranges in value from zero to one. It's now one-half plus a sinusoid of amplitude of one-half, and that sinusoid has twice the frequency of the original sinusoid. @12_4635 The reason it sounds just as strong is psychoacoustics; it's because your ears are much more sensitive to this frequency than to that one. At some other frequency range, it might sound a little quieter. *** MUS171 #13 02 15 Miller: @13_0000 Here's a sequencer [musical tones] of which I've made a simple example. I'm sorry, this is a little boring because it's another 16 tone sequencer. But this one, if you @13_0015 listen to it carefully [musical tones] acts (not quite ...) like an analogue synth. You can't really get an analogue synth to do this exact thing but you can get kind of close to it. I'll slow it down. [musical tones] @13_0030 The basic deal is the timbre of the sound is changing during the life of the sound. So it doesn't just go beep, beep, beep like a Hammond organ; the sound is brighter at the beginning than at the end. It actually... @13_0045 I can slow it down some more: There. So you can hear how the sound is brighter at the beginning than it is at the end. @13_0060 Now, there are two fundamental ways in electronic music that one does this -- of which you know one. The one that people reach for, if they are used to working in studios, is a filter. But I haven't told you @13_0075 about filters yet and I might not even be able to tell you about filters in this quarter depending on how things go. The other way is by waveshaping -just the technique that you've seen so far. Those of you who've played electric guitars probably noticed that if you @13_0090 put your amplifier in overdrive then the volume control on your guitar is actually a tone control because the more you saturate the amplifier the more brilliant the tone becomes in some sense. @13_0105 That's the same technique as what computer musicians call "waveshaping." And that's what's happening in this patch here:[musical tones] So this is just nothing but a sinusoid @13_0120 going through a skillfully chosen transfer function -- not that skillfully actually. And the thing that changes the timbre of the output is -- just changing the amplitude of the input. @13_0135 So if you... Well, I'll show you this in the patch. But the basic trick to making timbres with music using computers, the simplest way of doing it is called "waveshaping" where you take anything that you want @13_0150 which you presume is some kind of periodic function (but the sinusoid is perfectly good), control its amplitude, and then pass it through a non linear transfer function. And then probably control its amplitude again so you can turn the thing on and off. Then the first amplitude control @13_0165 actually changes the timbre of the sound. And I can prove it my example. Oh, actually, before I prove it by example, what I'll do is start this back up and show you what the controls are that I put on it. [musical tones] @13_0180 There is of course the speed control. The duration ... You all know how to make envelope generators. Envelope generators are just line~ objects with messages that turn them on and off, which you saw in the @13_0195 polyphonic example. Actually, the homework that is due this coming Thursday has an envelope generator in it, which you need in order to be able to turn sinusoids on and turn them off in the way that ramps in time. @13_0210 So this is that same thing almost: [music] Miller: It's actually a monophonic instrument. There's no polyphony in here at all, which is therefore more what like what an analog synthesizer would have done. The sequencer is nothing but looking up a nice table using a metronome, @13_0225 and modular arithmetic to go through the table, exactly like in the previous example, I think. And the timbre variation is happening just using an envelope generator. And I'm not even bothering to control the amplitude except right at the output here. [music] Miller: @13_0240 And this is just change in the timing on the wave generator. [music] Miller: And it's useful to be able to change this. And that's it. That is the whole thing. And you know you can turn this thing on and run the tape @13_0255 and sound like Morton Subotnick sort of -- not quite exactly. The extra credit example is similar. (Actually, I'm sorry this is not as @13_0270 imaginative as I was hoping.) It is the same extra credit as during homework three. But homework three was almost impossible to do. Did anyone actually do the extra credit for homework three? That was the eight-note sequencer where every third note @13_0285 had to have a different timbre? Which was just hard, right? I hope it was. It was hard for me, so I hope that it was hard for you. If you do that but drive it with a metronome, everything becomes a great deal easier. You just didn't have that @13_0300 way of doing things before.[music] Miller: So now it is very easy to do this kind of stuff. [music] Miller: @13_0315 And all this changing now, I am not having to do any weirdness about turning oscillators on and off; that is just changing the parameters that go to the envelope generator that is controlling the thing, which I am going to define later as the "index of modulation." @13_0330 That is, the amplitude of the sinusoid that you are putting into the waveshaping function. So that is homework number seven, which is due on the 24th, a week from Thursday. You of course are @13_0345 all still working on homework six, and that's cool. But I want to show you that, so that you will have some context or some sense of direction as I show you again painfully or what do you say, @13_0360 didactically through the ABC's of waveshaping. This is the the most popular. If you look at waveshaping in it's most general form, it's probably the most @13_0375 popular way there is making timbres with computers. And so there is a fair amount to know about it. Although, there is a great deal more not to know about it because, it turns out that in most situations, what waveshaping does is mathematically very difficult or intractable @13_0390 to analyze. So, you can use simple examples, to sort of guide your way through designing instruments. And then when you're designing real instruments, the simple examples will give you intuition but they won't give you exact answers that apply to complicated situations. @13_0405 So the example that you've already seen is this one: take a sound, clip it from any two numbers, I think I was using -0.2 and 1, @13_0420 and then listen to it. And out comes a sound that's clearly not a sinusoid. One @13_0435 observation -- Oh, let me show you the other function that you've seen first and then make an observation, actually, two observations. First observation is the very simplest one which is, @13_0450 how would you make a time varying timbre using this technique? And the answer is just what I said, take this thing and multiply it by something that varies in time, so multiply it by the output of a line~. ... @13_0465 So we're going to multiply this by the output of a line~ and then clip it. @13_0480 And the line~'s going to be control. Let's see, in this case just a plain old linear control is going to be good so I'm just going to take whatever I have and pack it with a decent interval of time and just make there be a number box. @13_0495 Let's have it in hundredths though. All right. And now we have, this is not going to be great or anything like that, this is just going to be sort of basic. @13_0510 So the oscillator itself, of course, when I multiply by nothing, nothing comes out. So if I multiply by say 0.1, here's the oscillator. Oops, it's very quiet. @13_0525 Oh, I'm going to cheat and make it louder at the amp. I'm not sure that's a good idea or not. We'll see. OK. Oh, sorry. I don't want to do that. @13_0540 I'm doing something stupid. This is how to teach yourself how powerful your amplifier is, but I don't want to know how powerful this amplifier is. OK. I'm dividing by a hundred! I did not want to put zero point one, I meant 10. So now I'm going to go back, turn this down and do this right. @13_0555 OK. So 10. There we go. Sinusoid, right? Now you all know this, but as I turn this up if I put 100 here this is multiplying by one and therefore I would get that sound: @13_0570 And, of course, sounds in between. Here are sounds in between. So now I have the very simplest possible whammybar that would control timbre. Right, oh yeah and it of course if it's negative, negative amplitudes @13_0585 are the sum of its positive. So if I was doing this in a way that, if I were doing this for someone to use I would make this thing have a range. Like I don't know zero to 500 so that it won't go negative and then I can have this. @13_0600 This does not work. All right. Computer music instrument. This is a little dull but it's only dull because well the main reason its dull is because there's only one function @13_0615 so far. Right, so what can you do with this? OK. First off let's try other functions besides clipping. So I'm going to just copy this clip functions so I can get it back later. And meanwhile I'm going to do stupider things @13_0630 like for instance take the signal and square it by applying it by itself. And now I get nothing and as I turn it on I get and as I showed you last time it goes up an octave. @13_0645 Because when you square something well there are two ways of thinking about this, why that happens. The way I told you last time is oh it's just a trigonometric identity. The square of the cos(omega t) @13_0660 is nothing but [cos(2 omega t) + 1] / 2 -- Which means if you square a pure sinusoid you will get something at double the frequency. If you take the sound of your @13_0675 guitar and square it you will not get a thing that is an octave up. That only works for pure sinusoids. A guitar signal or any other kind of real signal which you record will have overtones and those overtones will @13_0690 when you square them will not just get squared individually they will look at something else. Meanwhile I should tell you something else about this which is this is good but in general @13_0705 with non linear transfer functions. (Oh let's get the actually while I'm here let's get the clip thing back. I can leave this here and have the clip too.) So I'm going to put this over to the clip thing @13_0720 and I''m going to make another output obviously so you can listen to that too. Minus something plus something I don't know. @13_0735 Now let's hear it Oh yeah turn this up so were clipping now. Now here's the thing about that: If you take two oscillators and give them @13_0750 two different frequencies and add them. ... (By the way I mentioned this once in passing and I should have mentioned it again: If you connect two signals to an inlet they @13_0765 will be added.) Now if I want to give this thing say something else a fifth up so let's get this at 325 oh, no, Oh right, it's, yeah. This is it. Sorry that's not a fifth up that's some other interval or whatever that is. @13_0780 OK so that's a thing you enter two sinusoids so now when I start pushing it to a point that they clip I get some of this stuff:[musical tone] right? @13_0795 Well, OK, clip~ is a non linear function and when you send signals to non linear functions not only do sinusoids turn into things that are not pure sinusoids anymore -- that's called "harmonic distortion" in Stereo Review. @13_0810 The other thing that happens is when you take the two different sinusoids or give a signal that has more than one sinusoid component in it, they will, as it's called, "intermodulate." What that means mathematically, well hand-wavily @13_0825 mathematically, is that there will be distortion products which are not just functions of the one and the other but cross products of the two. So to go back to the simple example ... So if this was the complicated example would be [musical tone] . @13_0840 Oh yeah, with the clipping function. [musical tone] ... The simple example is going back to just squaring the thing. ... Why don't we hear anything now? @13_0855 Oh yeah, I've turned this thing off. OK, so I'll push it all the way up. So now we're going to hear [musical note] . Oh yeah, good. So now, with the clip~ function, @13_0870 by putting a low amplitude in I was able was able to use just the linear portion of the clip function. So the clip function, if you graph it as a function, is flat and then linear and then flat. Because clip just lets the value @13_0885 through until it clips. So if you don't let it clip, you give it a value that's less than the value at which it clips, then everything that goes in will go out. And in particular, here the sum of two sinusoids [musical tone] @13_0900 is just two sinusoids again. Oops, sorry. I didn't turn the volume up for that to be true. OK? And then as I push it up again that "distortion" products, "intermodulation" products as the stereo people would call it. So for in the (squared) sinusoid case, @13_0915 the thing is not linear anywhere. In fact, if you like the sinusoid is...sorry. If you square a sinusoid that means your lookup function is a parabola. And the place where a parabola is least like a line, if you like, is right @13_0930 at the origin where it doesn't have any slope. So here, 250 and 325, those are these pitches. [musical notes] But here they are [musical tone] --- not there at all. @13_0945 What there is, is this sound [musical tone] . That's an octave above this. Furthermore, you get an octave above this [musical tone] . OK, so now you've got [musical tone] ... @13_0960 And then if I put them together you'll get another pitch which is about [musical tones], and another one which is [musical tone] something like that. I can't get down that low, right? [musical tones] -- @13_0975 Two other pitches that were not there in the original. Actually, none of the four pitches that you hear. What pitches do you hear. I hope you hear, oh let's make it this is better than a real example because @13_0990 its harmonic to the point that you can actually find so like that and then [piano] you hear those four pitches sorry, duh. @13_1005 OK. What happened? Well this oscillator by itself made one pitch and it also make DC by the way. @13_1020 This one also made a pitch and it made DC. But as you all know (A + B)^2 is [ A^2 + B^2 + 2 AB ]. That means you get the square of the first one and the square of the second one. But even more you get @13_1035 a product of the two. So yeah, one component of the output of this squaring function is this times this. @13_1050 The crossterm. And that crossterm is what's called "intermodulation." And these two pitches [piano] -- those two pitches were just double the original pitches and these two pitches [piano] @13_1065 were the sum of the two frequencies and the difference of the two frequencies. All right, oh, you've already even seen this because if you multiply two oscillators that's ring modulation. So what you get @13_1080 is the sum and the product of the frequency. So here you get the sum of these two frequencies which is whatever that is 575, you get the difference which is 75 and then you get double this and double that. All right. @13_1095 Of course if we gave it a harmonic sound, like gave 500 here. then we're going to get just a nice harmonic sound. @13_1110 And there, the component frequencies are going to be double 250 which is 500 double 500 which is 1000. But also, 500 minus 250 which is 250@13_1125 again and 500 plus 250 which is 750. So you actually get 250, 500, 750 and 1000. ... Questions about this? Yeah? Student: @13_1140 I don't get how these cosine's give you sums and difference frequencies. Miller: Yeah, so it's two times the cos ... What I really should have a blackboard or should use a blackboard but it's going to be a mess if I do. @13_1155 So this is the, what's coming out of here is the cosine(250 2 pi t). What's coming out of here is the cos(500 2 pi t). And when you multiply those two it's the @13_1170 cosine of one thing, times the cosine of another -- which is half the (cosine of the sum) + (cosine of the difference). That's the trig function you need. @13_1185 Where do I have that written down? Let's see. That's in the book somewhere, but I'm not going to be able to remember where, right now. So that's why you get the sum and difference frequency. Yeah, I'll go try to figure that out. It should be at the very beginning @13_1200 of chapter five. Actually, you know what? ... It's such an important formula. This is the fundamental formula of computer music, so it's... let's see. I'll go here, maybe I can actually go back to modulation @13_1215 and go to multiplying audio signals, and there it is. This is more than you need. @13_1230 This is showing you a cosine including the phase, and another cosine including the phase term and then it's this mess. But in fact, it is cosine of the sum of the two frequencies with another phase, and it is cosine of the differences of the two frequencies @13_1245 with another phase. OK. All right. And did I find my way back to where I wanted to be? Yeah. OK, here. This is a picture of squaring the signal, and what it looks like, @13_1260 when you square a signal. See it becomes positive. And this is the transfer function. This is clipping transfer function that I was just talking about here: Here, and this is what the waveform should have looked like earlier, except I drew a symmetric one and in the patch @13_1275 I did a non-symmetrical. Important detail about that... Yeah, I can demonstrate this, I think. I mentioned that it's a very @13_1290 special case that the oscillator went up by an octave, when I squared it, but in fact if I did any even function that I wanted here... What's another good even function? Let's see... @13_1305 absolute value? I hope that there is one of these... Good. Yeah, this is not going to sound nice. This is what happens in analog electronics when you take your nice sinusoidal oscillator, @13_1320 and put it through a full wave rectifier. The absolute value is, if it's positive it lets it through, and if it's negative it negates it so that it's positive again. OK. And when we do that...Let's see I did not do this real well. @13_1335 OK. We'll do it like this. Sorry, so this thing is not working right now because it does not have an input. So now, once more. Oh, let's get rid of this, and let's also be able to hear the original so that you can get that original pitch @13_1350 in your ear again. Here's the original pitch. [musical tones] And here's the original pitch with taking the absolute value of it. [musical tones] It goes up an octave. OK, @13_1365 this sounds mysterious until you think about it, and then it sounds stupid. So, why is it stupid? The oscillator itself --I'll graph the oscillator's output. OK, there's an oscillator @13_1380 for you, amplitude 1. It spends half of its time being positive and half of its time being negative. Now we're going to take this and put it through an even function. That is to say, a function whose output for negative values is the same as its output for positive values. @13_1395 An example of an even function is the second of these two examples:. Y = X squared. That is an even function. @13_1410 It's the simplest even function. No, the second simplest even function ... How about the function f(X)=1 ? [laughter] Miller: @13_1425 The voltage you get when you hook your electrocardiogram to a dead patient. All right. [laughter] Miller: That is an even function. OK, this is the next even function up, if you're thinking in terms of polynomials, which is one possible series of functions that we could look up. In fact, @13_1440 that is the one that we're going to talk about later. OK. So it's even. That means if you put a positive number in or a negative number in, the same thing happens. And lo and behold, the positive part of the sinusoid that goes in, gives you whatever it is. And the negative part gives you @13_1455 whatever it is all over again, because it's the same. So, the result is the same for the first half period as for the second half period. As a result of that, it had to go up an octave, @13_1470 because it's period suddenly dropped by a factor of two. All right. So that's a more general statement about why squaring a sinusoid, sent the sound up an octave. And in general, that would @13_1485 happen if you had a sinusoidal input -- or if you had any other kind of input, half of whose cycle was the opposite of its other half. That's... yeah. If you studied acoustics really well, you probably didn't hear this. But those are things that only have odd harmonics @13_1500 in them. If you do that, if you send one of those things into an even function, you will get something that is an octave up. Because what happens on the left hand side is exactly the same as what happens on the right hand side. @13_1515 All right. Now, if it were true that the function for the negative value was in fact, the negative of what it was for the positive values, then you would get the rest of possibilities. The rest is the odd harmonics. @13_1530 Those are the things you didn't hear for even functions and so, hand-wavily you might think, that odd harmonics would be a thing that you might get by sending a sinusoid into an odd function. In fact, it turns out to be true. An example @13_1545 of an odd function that you just saw was this one. So now for negative values, you get negative of what you have got for positive values. And as a result, @13_1560 when you send a sinusoid in, the result has the same period as you had before. And furthermore, the result still has the property that the second half of the waveform is the additive inverse of the first half of the waveform. @13_1575 So it's something and then it's minus it and then something and then it's minus it. And if you think about what harmonics would have that symmetry. The first harmonic does, it's positive and then it's negative. The second harmonic @13_1590 loses, because it does the thing, and then it does it again. So it's the same for the second half of the cycle as the first. The third harmonic goes up down up, and then it goes down up down. And so if you @13_1605 squeeze the third harmonic into the cycle, it will again have the property that the first half is the negative of the second half. That will be true for harmonics one, three, five, seven, nine, and so on. All of the odd ones. As a result of which, if you make @13_1620 a waveform like this, which is -- It doesn't have to be positive followed by negative, it just has to be whatever-it-is followed by minus whatever-it-is, so that if it's a negative in the first half, it's positive in the second half. Then you will have something with only odd harmonics and the typical sound @13_1635 that that makes, let's see: OK, so this clip was, I made it un-symmetrical deliberately in order to avoid having this happen, because I didn't want to be confusing or something. But I'll now be confusing. @13_1650 I'll clip between -0.2 and +0.2 two. And now we want to graph this so I can prove that it's doing what I'm telling you it's doing. Now we can listen to it. @13_1665 So here's the original: [tone] Miller: And here is the waveshaped one: [musical tones] Miller: And it has that, you know, clarinet-y, @13_1680 held-nose kind of a sound that one associates with sounds that have odd harmonics. By the way, don't let anyone tell you that clarinet sounds are typified by having strong, odd harmonics. That's true for the first @13_1695 18 half-tones of the clarinet, if I'm not mistaken, after which it's not true anymore. As soon as the little hole goes open, that quits being how it acts anymore. But it is @13_1710 true for the low notes, that you get these kind of notes for clarinet. And for the first 30 years of electronic music, whenever anyone made a timbre like this, that just happened to have, for symmetry reasons, mostly odd harmonics, they said, "Oh, it sounds like a clarinet." And so now you can find clarinet voices @13_1725 on your organs or synthesizers or so on. And it's just things that happen to have that symmetry, regardless of whether it sounds like a clarinet or not. To any reasonable pair of ears this doesn't sound like a clarinet at all, it sounds like a very cheap computer music instrument. @13_1740 Oh, and what does it look like? Ta-da. What I showed you before. And it does have the correct symmetry for having odd harmonics. Now, why am I belaboring this point? Because now, I've shown you how you can make odd harmonics... [musical tones] Miller: ...@13_1755 and even harmonics. [musical tones] Miller: Oh, yeah, I should show you that as a waveform. That was the one where I took the absolute value of the sinusoid. And now the thing @13_1770 can't go through 0 because we're taking the absolute value. So the second half of it is flipped upside down so it's positive again. All right. And that of course had to go up an octave. And now -- and this @13_1785 is an idea that I think that might be originally due to Don Buchla. At any rate the oldest synth I know that knows about this is Buchla's old modulator synth -- Now we have something where we can control the relative strength of @13_1800 the even and odd partials. ... Questions about this, yeah. Student: @13_1815 Could you set the relative amplitudes so you add the harmonics and get back the original sinusoid? Miller: @13_1830 The original sinusoid. No, no. Yeah, so one way of thinking of that is one of these only has odd harmonics and the other only even. So adding them is simply introducing different frequencies @13_1845 which won't in fact ever cancel each other out. However you could make a waveshaping function ... You could make two waveshaping functions each of which is horribly nonlinear but @13_1860 whose sum happened to just be the identity function. -- In which case you actually would have two funky timbres whose sum is the original sinusoid. I don't know if that would be useful but you could do it. ... @13_1875 So this is sort of, so this is just sort of "phenomenological" if that's the word. "Experimental," "intuitive." This is just very general @13_1890 observations about what kinds of wave forms might come out when you do things. So far what we've got is that putting two things in will cause distortion products which are sums and differences of the incoming frequencies. Or maybe sums and differences @13_1905 of multiples of the incoming frequencies. That was what we got when we took these two things in and where we added these two together and started waveshaping. And then we're getting stuff like this. [musical noise] Oh right, I was going to make this @13_1920 325 again .. so now we have complicated sound and more complicated sound right here [musical noise] Oh interesting. They're probably no common frequencies although I can't swear to it. @13_1935 So that, oh, let's look at it: Isn't that cool. This is the absolute value. This is the sum of two sinusoids full wave rectified. @13_1950 That's old fashioned talk. So you can imagine every other one of these lobes being negative in sign before it got waveshaped. And then every other one, this one @13_1965 [musical noise] is the same thing clipped so it looks like this: All right, another observation @13_1980 that is just right there on the surface: Different kinds of waveshaping functions have different behaviors when you change amplitudes, in terms of the overall amplitude that comes out. So, if you @13_1995 take the absolute value of something, the louder the signal goes in, the louder you will get out. All right. Pretty much, if you double the signal, in fact there aren't very many oh, real @13_2010 valued functions like this. Something where if you double the input, it doubles the output. The only ones that I know of are the identity function and the absolute value and combinations of those. Although if you think in the complex plane you got a whole bunch more. [laughter] @13_2025 And that's a very rich source of ideas. If you clip, clipping things means that no matter what you put in, the result can't get louder than between -0.2 and +0.2 in this case. Which means @13_2040 we have a very... what's the right word? ... We have a very "predictable" instrument in terms of what kind of amplitude will come out. All right, that's good, or that could be good. In particular if you got the ... @13_2055 well this is the thing that you get if you put an electric guitar in an amplifier and overdrive it. The cool thing is the amplifier can't push the tubes harder than full on and full off. As a result there's this sort of basic loudest thing that you will get out of the thing no matter what you do @13_2070 on the incoming side -- including feedback. You can do feedback ... if you put it through a linear system, could eventually grow without bounds. ... If you put it through something that's being clipped, you know it will stop somewhere, and then you will get something @13_2085 that hopefully is at the level that you want. It's still true, it's true of all these things that -- particularly true of this one -- @13_2100 that we still have this nice timbre control which is:[musical tones] louder and gives you a sharper timbre and furthermore, gives you interestingly enough, a louder sound. @13_2115 So, even though the difference in power between this [musical tones] and this is tiny. [musical tones] This is actually louder than that. Not a lot, but substantially, and the reason @13_2130 for that is psychoacoustic mumbo-jumbo. Specifically, the loudness at which you hear something is in some sense, the sum of the loudness of the signal in all of the different critical bands that it has energy in. @13_2145 And so even without substantially changing the energy of the signal, it can just spread the energy out over more critical bands. The result will sound a great deal louder -- because putting a quarter as much energy in four different bands is much, much louder than putting the entire thing in one band. @13_2160 So bandwidth makes loudness in psychoacoustics. And here what we're doing is we actually have an instrument which changes loudness. [musical tones] -- More by changing band width than changing the acoustical power of the signal @13_2175 that you are listening to. So if you have ... if your bassist isn't loud enough, you don't get very far by just pushing the bass up, because you just hit the limit of your cabinet. But if you @13_2190 add some overtones, then the bass can be a great deal louder. And if you're mixing music and you want the bass to be audible, even if you're playing it on a boom box, don't just push the fundamental, because it won't come out that speaker. [laughter] Add some harmonics, @13_2205 that will make it loud. And people will think, "oh, that deep bass" even though the actual low frequencies which are the actual fundamental and the low harmonics of the bass aren't even present. Same thing is true, even more so with ear buds. All right. @13_2220 Learning how to do that is an art, not a science. OK. [musical tones] So there's that. ... Questions about this? OK. Now, I'm going to get a little more mathematical. @13_2235 So this was all experimental stuff, with stuff like absolute value and clip, which by the way are functions which are not pleasant to approximate with polynomials that are not analytic functions. @13_2250 But now we are going to take the opposite approach altogether and start talking about polynomials because they are the things that we can analyze the most easily when we're talking about waveshaping. So the first example of a polynomial that I showed you was just squaring, @13_2265 the first nontrivial example. And this was the example, or this was the thing that allowed you to just... @13_2280 It takes the thing and bashes it up an octave. OK, so this is an even function, so it had to get bashed up an octave. An odd function would be ... take this thing and cube it. So we'll take the square and then multiply it by @13_2295 the original signal again, and then it's cubed. In fact, while we're at it, let's make a few of these. @13_2310 All right. So now the results, the outputs of these multipliers are going to be the squares, the third power, fourth power, fifth power, and sixth power @13_2325 of the original signal. Now raising this signal to the sixth power could give you a huge amplitude, except for the fact that this oscillator gives you values between -1 and 1. And no matter @13_2340 what power you raise that to, it's still going to be minus one and one (positive power, anyway). And so, let's see. Let's turn this on and turn up the bass and [musical tones] so here we go. @13_2355 So here's the first power of the signal which is just itself:[tone] Here's the square: [tone] quieter by the way. Here's the cube. [tone] They are getting quieter. Why are they getting quieter now? @13_2370 I'll show you. There's the fourth power, fifth power. You know what? They are getting quieter at the point where I want to get. ... Oh, duh! -- I'm not doing what I said I was doing. I just want to make this full blast so they have all the same amplitudes. I'm sorry. @13_2385 So that was 24 ... That was a _quarter_ going into there and so a quarter to the fourth power was going to be a tiny little signal. Now I am going to try this again, but I'm going to turn it way down. OK. So the original signal: [tone] @13_2400 Square: [tone] Cube: [tone] OK. Fourth power: [tone] Fifth power:[tone] Sixth power: [tone] @13_2415 Seventh power: [tone] OK. So, seventh power compared to third power is this:[tone] All right? So if you just had something that could freely move @13_2430 between the different powers of the function you could have a nice timbre whammybar. All right. However... Oh and let me quickly graph what happens when you take ...Let's take a look at the seventh power of the thing: [tone] @13_2445 So that is this thing. Now if we look at it we will see, huh? Student: You've got an extra connection ... over to tabwrite~ Miller: Oh. Thank you. @13_2460 I don't want that trace there. There we go. I was getting worried because math tells me that this thing should still be between plus and minus one, it was reaching outside there. And when that happens usually you're doing something wrong. OK. So, @13_2475 here's the seventh power of a sinusoid, and it is sort of looking like a pulse train, where every other pulse is negated. And in fact if I take an even power of it, it looks like a pulse train again so, accept that, @13_2490 now every other pulse is going the same way. Going in the positive direction -- every pulse is going in the positive direction. That is the even/odd thing again. @13_2505 Furthermore let's do this. ... Actually ... I'm going to listen to this for a second: [tone] As I mentioned, or as I showed with the clipping operation, clip. @13_2520 OK. So, here: [tone] ... As I change the value, or as I change the volume or the amplitude of the sound that I am clipping that changes the timbre. [tone] That is going to be true in general of ... Non-linear functions. So here too, and I'm really scared of this one. @13_2535 But here too... [tone] Whoops sorry. [tone] Still hearing this one. Hmm. Turn off. There we go. [tone] @13_2550 Well, really it is not so clear. [tone] But in fact the higher harmonics are somehow growing at a steeper rate than the lower harmonics. I can show you that to you better @13_2565 a little bit later when I show you some more math. So this thing does have a varying timbre but the problem is that the amplitude is changing in such a way that you don't hear the timbral change because the amplitude is dominating it. @13_2580 There might be ways you could deal with that. You might be able to predict what amplitude you should get and divide by it and I'll let you think about that. So now to go back to the equations and pictures for a second. @13_2595 So this is the waveshaping chapter and then ... A little bit further down here is an analysis of what happens @13_2610 when you actually take powers of the signal. Oh yeah here's me figuring out what happens when you take two different sinusoids and square the sum and show @13_2625 the intermodulation products. But, I already talked about that. Here now is, is it? ... Yeah, here now is what happens when you just take a nice sinusoid, cos(omega n) omega) --@13_2640 where n is the number samples that have gone by -- and start raising it to powers. And this is just algebraic idiot's delight. The first one is cosine times cosine is (a half plus a half cosine double) right. @13_2655 And in general the cosine of A times the cosine of B is half (the cosine of the sum plus the cosine of the difference). And so here what happens when you cube it you can think of multiplying the square by the original one. @13_2670 And so you have to multiply this term by this term and this term by this term separately and then add them. So this one just gives you a half of cosine omega n again. Which @13_2685 to confuse the matter I wrote as a quarter of the cosine of the minus omega 'n' plus a quarter of the cosine of the plus omega'n'. That's because that's the way to write it down so that the pattern will come clear later. And here the cosine @13_2700 of omega 'n' times the cosine of two omega 'n' that's the cosine of omega 'n' plus the cosine of three omega 'n' and that generated the other half of this one. The other quarter of cosine of omega 'n' and one quarter times cosine two omega'n'. We've all seen Pascal's @13_2715 triangle right? We're doing Pascal's triangle in harmonics. OK. So the next one is, all right so the lowest frequency is minus two omega 'n' and the highest frequency is plus four omega 'n'. It's centered around omega 'n' and not around zero. All right. @13_2730 And now we have 1331 all divided by 8. Those are the probabilities of getting zero one two or three heads in three tosses. OK. And meanwhile the signals that have those amplitudes -- @13_2745 instead of probabilities -- are -2, 0, 2 and 4 times the original frequency. This is the fourth power so it's an even function. So we're seeing, in mathematics, what I told you before by handwaving. Which is: That you only see even frequencies @13_2760 when you take the even function. And now the next one, not to belabor the point -- that's as far as we are going to go. Divided by 16 now and it's -3, -1, +1, +4, and +5. @13_2775 So one interesting thing about this is if you look at the highest frequency, which occurs all the way to the right. The frequency of the highest harmonic is going up one step each time you raise the thing to a higher power. @13_2790 Now someone I'm not sure who but it might have been Marc Lebrun in like the early 70's, thought about this and realized that, if you were smart, you could @13_2805 just isolate these individual frequencies by picking up the correct polynomials. In fact the correct polynomials were easy to think of because they had been known for I don't know how many hundred of years. @13_2820 They're called "Chebyshev polynomials." And Chebyshev polynomials are what you get if you say, "I just want the cosine of five omega 'n' and I don't want this other stuff." So how am I going to get rid of it. @13_2835 Well it's easy. I'll get rid of this one by subtracting out twice this whole thing. So instead of taking x to the fifth, I'll take x to the fifth minus twice x to the fourth. And that won't have any of this. -- @13_2850 Oh wait, I'm telling you the wrong thing. There is no cosine four omega 'n' here. There's only three. OK. So there's five, three which comes in twice and then one which comes in twice. So we can get rid of the three. Cosine three omega term by subtracting @13_2865 some suitable multiple of this (which I can't do in my head.) And then we can even get rid of the cosine omega 'n' after that by subtracting a suitable multiple of the first one. So there is a polynomial out there which is something times x to the fifth plus something times x cubed @13_2880 plus something times x. Which has a property that you put a cosine in to get exactly the cosine of five times it out. All right, and since seeing is believing I made @13_2895 a patch to do that. Here's a picture of I believe the fifth one. This is a polynomial that I stuck inside a wavetable. How would do you do that? Its work but you can look inside the patch to see how I did it. @13_2910 And I'm just using tabread4~ -- your old friend -- to read values of this polynomial. And then here is nothing but a nice oscillator going in times an @13_2925 amplitude control which I'm going to call the "index." And if the index is one that is to say if I just put this thing at amplitude one -- ooh, there's stuff here going on, that I'll explain when I have the actual patch out. ... Then out will come the fifth harmonic. @13_2940 I'll get the patch out and show you what happens. If I can figure out how to get the patch out. ... Here. So the patch is in the tedious but essential help browser: @13_2955 We're in Chapter 5 so they start with E and it's going to be the Chebyshev.pd . By the way this is all stuff I think that you've seen. @13_2970 Here it is and here is the sound of, let's turn it all the way up, here is the sound of whatever this is. @13_2985 So what we're doing is we're computing different polynomials to put in the table and I am realizing now that it's too bad I didn't also have a linear polynomial. Let's just draw one. @13_3000 There's the original pitch. If I had actually made the patch that would be a cleaner sound. There's the oscillator going through just the function y = x. Here is the thing going through a suitably designed parabola ... @13_3015 So before you saw more sort of just thoughtlessly square this thing in order to give you the octave. Here this is the polynomial (x^2 - 1)/2 -- which has @13_3030 the wonderful property that it goes between +1 to -1 to +1. And you can compute it if you want but if you apply that to a sinusoid you will get the second harmonic term and you won't get the DC term that you got when you just squared the thing. @13_3045 If you just square the sinusoid you get double frequency and then you get DC term. If you just subtract the appropriate thing from the thing then you get just the second harmonic term and nothing else. @13_3060 So now I have polynomials that will take an oscillator, just take a pure sinusoid, and make pure harmonics out of it. Furthermore (Let's go get this one.) ... @13_3075 Depending on the amplitude of the sinusoid that you put in you get different timbres. So what I told you is only true in fact for a @13_3090 unit-amplitude sinusoid. Of course if I put in a zero amplitude sinusoid I have to get out nothing. I get probably some DC I'm not surem, but no sound. And in between I get a range of timbres which [tone] sounds like that. @13_3105 OK. So we're starting to make computer music here. And similarly for all of the others this is an even one which therefore will sound an octave up, ... @13_3120 and so on like that. So this is what in the early 70's people thought would revolutionize computer music. Because no one would ever need to do anything besides this for building timbres -- @13_3135 Until people realized that actually static timbres aren't interesting. It's variable timbres that are interesting. And furthermore, although you get to control exactly what you want this thing to be when you take it all the way to the end like that <>, you don't really @13_3150 get to specify in addition what it does on the way up there. It just does whatever that polynomial does and there's no choice about the polynomials: There's exactly one polynomial that will give you that thing at the end. All right. So in fact you have to be smarter than this if you want to make timbres @13_3165 that actually vary the way you want them to. And how smart do you have to be? You have to proceed by special case. Everything is a special case from here on out. Particular kinds of functions, and particular ways of using them, and combining different ones of these @13_3180 will be useful for making different things. And that will be something that I can't really even give you a summary of. It's just a whole field of inquiry. .... Questions about this? Yeah. Student: So would we @13_3195 be able to see physical modeling in these terms? Are there polynomials or functions that would be able to... Miller: Oh boy ... Student: I was thinking of one synthesizer that I used to have where you could change the modulation and have a waveform definition pattern. @13_3210 Really, it would sound actually like an paranormal entity. It was just an oddity. Let me you what, a really breathy sound? Miller: Hmm. Student: Sounded like it was breathing. It's got this similar thing to... Miller: Mm-hm. That might have been. Was it a Yamaha DL-1? Student: @13_3225 No it was a... Miller: No, you're not old enough to have one of those. [laughter] Student: I know the DL1 but it was a Korg Platinum synthesizer. Miller: Oh that one, I don't know. Since Yamaha @13_3240 licensed something from Stanford, I don't thing Korg was actually using so-called physical modeling. Although, it really wasn't physical modeling in the first place. Student: OK. Miller: So I fact I don't know what is was. Yeah. @13_3255 But to be honest that Yamaha thing, that's the original synthesizer that described itself, as physical modeling, didn't work at all. It was a completely different principle of operation. Student: Mm-hm. Miller: And so this is the @13_3270 easiest way into making varieties of timbres. There are other interesting but more complicated ones too, and you can spend decades learning them all if you want. Miller: OK. So, there is that. @13_3285 What I want to do is make another observation. OK. So, just continuing to look at special cases, right? So what are some good functions that you could think of trying that aren't polynomials? ... Oh! So the problem with polynomials is this: @13_3300 You don't see it because I've only shown you the part of the polynomial that happens to be the good part of the Chebyshev polynomial. Of course, this is a fifth degree polynomial. It's leading term is x^5 and so it's going to shoot @13_3315 out of the screen just as soon as I get a few tenths of a point to either side of the part that you are looking at. All right. It's coiled up tight right in that little rectangle, but that's the only place where it is well behaved. @13_3330 OK. So polynomials, even though they are simple to think about, are actually very ill behaved in terms of the amplitude that you get out when you start putting freely varying amplitudes in. That is almost the @13_3345 opposite situation from the clipping functions. I don't know if they even have names, but functions like clip~, where no matter how hard you punch the input, the output is limited to a specific kind of value. And there the only thing is, that is not @13_3360 really an analytic function. That is to say, it's not describable very well as a power series, so I can't really tell you by using this kind of mathematical analysis what it's going to do to the signal. In fact, I don't have anything beside hand-waving sort of descriptive analyses of what clipping does @13_3375 to signals. There are analytic, that is to say easy-to-approximate-by-polynomial functions, which do reach asymptotes -- like arctangent. @13_3390 But take the arctangent function and take the first ten elements of the Taylor series, and then plot them, and the result will not look like arctangent. It will look like arctangent @13_3405 in the neighborhood of zero and then of course, since it is a tenth degree polynomial, it will shoot off to plus and minus infinity. Oh, sorry. The terms are all odd so it would be nineteenth degree polynomials. So...[laughter] Miller: So as soon as you get out @13_3420 a very little bit past the well-behaved portion, it's going to blow up horribly, right? OK. So how do you get something? -- Actually let's do the simplest analytic function, which just blows up horribly anyway, which is the @13_3435 exponential function: Miller: It turns out that the simplest -- well the simplest analytic functions are polynomials -- but the exponential function is a good one to think about because its turn out you can analyze what happens when you @13_3450 send signals through exponentials; and decent well-behaved things happen. So let me show you that. Let's see. Actually, I'm going to cheat and show you @13_3465 this off of the prepared patch rather than build this for you. Because I don't want to build, well. @13_3480 There is an exp~ object so you can just exponentiate anything you want. But there is stuff to do in order to exponentiate things well, as just opposed to just exponentiating them. So, how do you exponentiate something well? @13_3495 So, here's a picture of an exponential table. Since we're doing computer music, we're going to run the thing through a digital analog converter. So we would like things to be bounded, and the way to make exponentials be bounded is just look at the part of where the exponent is negative. @13_3510 And then it's all going to vary between 0 and 1. So this is the function e^(-x) graphed from 0 to 10. So, down here if you could see it this would be e^(-10), which is tiny. And @13_3525 now what we're going to do is use this as a waveshaping function, but we're going to be smart about it. And the smartness is this: Rather than to look in the middle of the function, where the thing is about e^(-5) -- @13_3540 I mean we could do that. We could have a waveshaping function, and the thing would be e^(-5) which is, I forget ... it's maybe a hundredth or so ... so we'd multiply the result by a hundred so we could hear it. And then you would increase the "index", @13_3555 that is to say increase the the amplitude of the sinusoid we look up. ... And then we would start going up this thing on one side and then we would start clipping madly or do something bad ... Anyway it wouldn't be correct. @13_3570 Or at least it wouldn't be the exponential. Also the amplitude would grow in some very unruly way. So, rather than do that, the smart thing to do here is to take the sinusoid but actually don't just center it around zero -- because then it'll @13_3585 go negative and that will either be clipped or be growing quickly, depending on how you realize it. But do the following real simple thing: Have the sinusoid be arranged so that it reaches from zero to whatever point you wish. @13_3600 So now what's going to happen is rather than look .... Let me show you this in a picture: OK. So going back to, where did it go? Here, going back to here. @13_3615 So these functions are all being read around the middle of the function. The simpler example was just squaring. Oh, wait, that was the other window. @13_3630 Here in this wave shaping example, we're putting a sinusoid in and a sinusoid is variously positive and negative. But the result is centered around zero. And were just leaving it centered around zero. Not moving that center as we change @13_3645 the amplitude. When we change and when instead we use ... @13_3660 When we use a function like this its smarter to have the thing grow from the left-hand margin of function out -- so whatever the amplitude the sinusoid is we will adjust the center of it so that it reaches from zero @13_3675 to somewhere, instead of just reaching between plus and minus something. So instead of reading around the center we'll read starting here, around whatever point we need to read around to get it started here. How do you do that? You just take @13_3690 the oscillator and add 1 to it. So then instead of ranging from -1 to +1 like the oscillator does, it will now range from 0 to 2. And now it would be @13_3705 correct at that point to divide by 2, so it will range from zero to one but I'm throwing care to the wind at this point. And now the index is again a number -- it's in tenths now -- which controls the amplitude of that result before we go @13_3720 reading it in the table. At some point I want to remember to tell you why I'm doing this... But this times 100 because this is in fact 1000 points @13_3735 representing ten. In other words I have ten points in the table for every unit of input for the exponential function (so that when I do the look up it will be decently accurate.) So this is correcting for the units at the table. And then we will read it @13_3750 out of the table and then we will start graphing it. So let's graph it: Here's the spectrum. Oh, you saw spectra ... This is the spectrum of what you get when you have a zero amplitude reading into this, which is therefore putting @13_3765 out solid value of one. So the index is zero; so this oscillator is multiplied by zero; so zero is going in here. So the result is 1 -- whose waveform looks like @13_3780 that, which you don't see, and whose spectrum looks like a peak at DC, zero frequency. And then as we increase the index now what happens is: @13_3795 When the original sinusoid is at its negative peak, (so that when adding 1 you get 0) then you get 1 . But meanwhile as it @13_3810 reaches out to wherever it goes it goes down to some which will get closer and closer to 0. Furthermore the hotter you make the signal going in, @13_3825 the less time it spends in the neighborhood of the peak here and the more time it spends out here in this neighborhood where everything is almost zero. And hence the skinnier @13_3840 this pulse gets. So I think this is the good way to make a pulse train in computer music. But there are other ways of making pulse trains. This is a pulse train; you can in fact compute these @13_3855 amplitudes and they turn out to be Bessel functions of the second kind, if I'm giving you the right nonsense. But basically you can look at them @13_3870 intuitively and see that what's happening is there's a peak here and the energy is moving out so there's an increasing band width. Furthermore, as you tweak this peak, the peak itself lasts @13_3885 less and less time. And so in a very non-rigorous way of thinking. the frequencies present in that should be growing linearly as the peak gets squeezed which is to say linearly as this number goes up ... @13_3900 if I'm not doing that wrong. So as this number goes up the energy gets spread over progressively more and more hormonics. And so to listen to it you get nothing if you @13_3915 send the index to zero because it's all DC you can't hear it. And then you add index you get this: [sound changing. Computer musicians hear that @13_3930 and they say oh that's a brass tone. And actually if you look at how brass spectra change as you put more and more pressure into the brass instrument they do actually spread out @13_3945 in this sort of way. See if we can see any more harmonics ... Well, you probably can't see the harmonics, while I'm changing it very well. ... @13_3960 So the basic idea is the harmonics will spread out fatter and fatter and to a certain point you will not @13_3975 hear the thing get quieter even though the power of the signal is dropping because it's spending less of its time away from zero, because of the psychacoustic affect I told you before -- the energy is spreading out into more frequencies. So up to a certain index @13_3990 you actually hear a decently nearly constant amount of sound. That will quit being true when I get up past two or three hundred here. In fact, @13_4005 I decided to protect users from this. But now I'm going to unprotect us. Saying let's just go all the way up to whatever value we want. And now we get that: [wider range of tambres] . @13_4020 And then, eventually ... All right, let's just change the scale. [even wider range of tones] @13_4035 Ta da. That's something that people used to do with low-pass filters. @13_4050 They'd take a standard analog synthesizer kind of waveform and send it into a low pass filter, and you can get that kind of effect. Here in computer music land it's easier to get it this way. Although, people still reach for the analog way of doing it b@13_4065 anyhow because it has a particular quality of sound that makes people nostalgic for the 50s and 60s, 60s in particular. OK. But this is now [tone plays] a very simple but very effective way of making one collection of timbres @13_4080 using waveshaping. ... Questions about this? ... Yeah? Student: Is there a mathematical description of what's happening as you increase the index? Miller: Yeah. It's even better than that. There's a couple pages of mathematical analysis of what this should do. @13_4095 And what I can tell you about that is this: The Taylor series for the exponential has this wonderful property that for very small... OK, so everyone knows Taylor series for e^x ... right? Student: @13_4110 No. [laughs] Miller: OK, I was kidding. I know. 1 + x + x^2/2 + x^3/6 (6=3!) + x^4/4! + x^5/5! @13_4125 and so on. So the denominators are going up crazily so that by the time you get to... . Anyway, the coefficients of the terms @13_4140 go off very very rapidly. Now one interesting thing about that function is that if you say, "What's the loudest monomial in that series?" @13_4155 So if you put in zero you get 1 plus a bunch of 0's, so the loudest thing is the 1. "If you put in values between 1 and 2 -- If you think about it, between 1 and 2, x is bigger than 1 < but x is bigger than x^2/2 >>. @13_4170 So between 1 and 2, x is the dominant term." Between 2 and 3 x^2/2 is the dominant term. Between 3 and 4 x^3/6 is the dominant term ... and so on. @13_4185 So you can think of the Taylor series of the exponential, as a sort of polynomial whose degree goes up as you push the input up -- in the sense that the dominating term going further and further out the series as the value of the input is going up. @13_4200 This is a good way of thinking about it -- for positive numbers going up. (Negative? ... stranger situation -- because they're canceling each other out.) So in one way of thinking then, the bigger a number you put in, @13_4215 the higher harmonics you're going to get. ... Because as I showed you before as as you start raising the cosine or start raising a sinusoid to higher and higher powers you get @13_4230 those collections of terms that were spreading out in frequency. That was this picture here: Whoa, come back. Oh, where did I put it? @13_4245 I think I put it here, yeah. No, wrong, it was just here. This stuff: So see how the bandwidth @13_4260 of this thing is going up as you raise it to higher and higher exponentials. Well that suggests that the exponential, if you expedentiate something the you'll get a mixture of these things and whichever one of these is @13_4275 dominant will be the loudest thing in the mix. So you should expect to see something whose band width increases linearly in fact with the strength of the signal that you're putting in. @13_4290 Hmm ... that's not quite right. But I won't tell you why it's not quite right. (The bandwidth of Pascal's triangle does not go out linearly, it goes like the square root of n, because it's the standard deviation of a collection of coin tosses.) @13_4305 But at any rate, you see these things: Each weighted according to how important this term is in the Taylor series. That would be true for any Taylor series -- you can think of it that way. And for the exponential in particular -- since it @13_4320 has this very simple behavior of which term is the most important -- you just get a widening and a flattening of the thing as the signal gets louder. And that's exactly what you saw here: @13_4335 Pushing this coefficient up made the thing get wider. Now, I'm pulling a fast one here because of course that analysis assumed that I was centered around zero. @13_4350 In fact, what I'm doing is pushing the thing over so that it only reaches zero at the loudest point. But in fact, the exponential function, if you slide an input over, you're simply rescaling the output. That is the quality ... that's what @13_4365 exponentials are. They are the same as themselves rescaled when you move to the left and right. And so, in fact that I am sliding the thing over in order to control the amplitude is simply rescaling in the perfectly appropriate way to get the thing. @13_4380 Not only to have the bandwidth property that I told you about, but also to have a well behaved amplitude as the index of modulation is going up and down. So at this point, the exponential should your all time favorite @13_4395 waveshaping function to try out. Except for this one kind of inconvenient thing, which is that... [tone] Miller: The overall power of the signal can be rather small @13_4410 if you average over the entire length of the period. That is not going to be a problem if you have good audio equipment. But if you don't have such good audio equipment, you won't necessarily @13_4425 be able to reproduce these functions as well as you would be able to reproduce something whose power was distributed nicely in time over the entire wave form. So things that are pulse-y, are great until you put them through a boom box, and then -- They are not quite @13_4440 so great anymore. So this is good thing for the studio but you might want to mess with phasors or something before you actually put this on a record. Do people use the word record anymore? [laughter] ... I don't know. Never mind. OK. [laughter] Miller: @13_4455 This is closely related ... So what were the other Taylor series you all were made to learn in Calculus besides exponential? ... All right? Student: Maclaurin. Miller: Oh, well, the Maclaurin series. They are a different series altogether. @13_4470 Didn't you have to memorize sine and cosine as Taylor series? Student: No. Miller: No. No one took you over those coals, did they? OK. [laughter] Miller: @13_4485 All right. Yeah, and then there's De Moivre's theorem ... if I've got the right neme... which tells you that ... Sines and cosines are nothing but exponentials except that they're exponentials of complex numbers in linear combinations. And in fact, @13_4500 the same kind of reasoning I show you here should suggest also instead of using an exponential as a look up function, you might be able to use sine or cosine and get something like similar results. And in fact you do you @13_4515 and it's even better than that because you're going to get results that you have heard before. Because... Am I going to explain this? ... Yeah. Because you can reduce mathematically phase modulations @13_4530 to waveshaping by functions that are sine and cosine. So let me just demonstrate that: OK. You've seen basically three classes of functions @13_4545 I think. You've seen things that consist of linear segments -- that's the clipping function and the absolute value. Those are hard to analyze in terms of frequency content but are easy to describe in terms of waveform. So they're good pedagogical things. Also @13_4560 the clipping thing sounds familiar because you've all heard overdrive. -- Polynomials. And then finally transcendental functions which have Taylor series which therefore can be approximated or thought of in terms of polynomials. So @13_4575 the two transcendental functions that we're going to mess with is first this exponential and second, let's go back to the one that I'm building here: @13_4590 What we just saw was E5 and E6 here. Now I'm going to quit using the examples and start just exampling myself. OK. So here I'm going to save this and do a save as and this one is now going to be three sinusoid. <> @13_4605 OK. So here what we're going to do is throw out this nice polynomial machine and do something much simpler which is @13_4620 say "cos~" And now we have, yeah -- you heard DC that's the sound of DC right there. @13_4635 All right. And now if I turn the index on [tone] you get this kind of sound. And that sound should be strictly like frequency modulation. Because basically it's essentially the same thing as frequency modulation. All right, @13_4650 now cosine is an even function which implies that what comes out will be an octave up because yeah, so there's the original [tone] @13_4665 and here's the cosine [tone]. It's an octave higher because it has only even harmonics. If you want to change that you just do this: Why don't we add some number to that? And since we have about one minute @13_4680 I'm not going to. Oh, since we have one minute I'm going to really be fast and loose and just duplicate this one. Now we're going to add. @13_4695 I'll have time to explain this better next time but if I give you a quarter cycle through then it's the... @13_4710 actually it's -sine instead of cosine. And now I'm using an odd function so I'll get the odd harmonics. And in general for values between here and there we'll get mixtures of the two. So now we have @13_4725 something like this: [tone] -- which is more FM-ee actually than it was before. OK. That's something you know ... You've all heard that sound probably That's the old FM sound that we heard @13_4740 over and over again in the seventies. I'll go back to this example next time because I haven't really described this in enough detail to make it clear what's going on. ... *** MUS171 #14 02 17 Miller: @14_0000 Here's the final projects thing with the web page: There's a month to go, and this should be like a two week kind of a final project. The idea is not to @14_0015 have you working all quarter for it, which is part of why I've been stalling. So the way the rest of the course goes is there'll be one more assignment after... This is assignment seven. Oh, I'm sorry, assignment seven is due a week from Thursday, @14_0030 right. And then there'll be one more assignment after that. Assignment seven is up on the web, and assignment eight will... well, let's see, I have to think some about that. And then the final project, I came up with some possibilities, but basically @14_0045 the idea is come up with a patch and be prepared to come show your patch to the class. The patch could be one of a bunch of a different things. Ideas that I had were... @14_0060 I'm not sure this first one is a real good idea, but... make a thing that actually is a patch where you hit start and it plays a piece of music using synthesis techniques that you've learned. I have to teach you one technique in order to make that possible, which is how to sequence. @14_0075 I've shown you how to do looping sequencers, but I haven't shown you the more general sequencing techniques we need. So that will be one thing that I shoe-horn in at some point maybe in the next week. I'm not sure. The next one is kind of the obvious one. @14_0090 Make a nice 4/4 drum machine slash sequencer. I went and dug one up just to entertain you with. This is good; this isn't real syllabus stuff anyway so I can be doing this now. @14_0105 Here's me making a drum sequencer: [music] Miller: This uses all sorts of synthesis techniques you don't know. So yours won't sound like this. @14_0120 Notice that it doesn't do the same thing every time through. The interesting thing, the thing that's fun about making these things is figuring out when to @14_0135 throw what with what probability in order to make something happen. Because you can make these very -- You can make these lame very easily. [laughs] In fact you might think this is lame. So. No comment. [music] Miller: @14_0150 That was actually me trying to design a synthesis technique, and the synthesis technique didn't go very far, but the drum machine sounded cool so that's ... [laughs] @14_0165 I haven't listened to this in about five years. But, drum machines. OK. Even people like me make drum machines sometimes. So there's that. @14_0180 Another example of something is do the "Switched On Bach," by which I mean go find some nice two-part invention on the web somewhere. Figure out how to get Pd to play it. That might be the hard part. What I did, I had to do this @14_0195 once because someone put me up to learning a piece of classical music. And I don't read music, so I went and found it on the web so that I could learn it by ear. [laughs] So, you can do this... Here. @14_0210 You'll see this in more detail when I start showing you how to sequence again. Here's a nice sequence. This is a text file that contains times, pitches, and cumulative times. @14_0225 You can make these files. You can get them on the web from various sites, and they're in various formats. And then you can teach Pd how to read them. So I made a little @14_0240 sequence out of that. I made a little polyphonic synth that could play that sequence. This really sounds horrible; this'll make you feel good because yours is going to sound better than this almost no matter what you do. @14_0255 Especially since it doesn't do anything! Let's get a pre-set... Ah, here it is.[music] Miller: @14_0270 That's an old lute piece from the 1500s that I just had to know for some really weird, stupid reason that I can't explain to you. Weird things happen when you work in music departments. [laughter] Miller: @14_0285 All right, so this is the "Switched On Bach" style project example where you just, you know, go make something that sounds like Walter Carlos. Except of course it doesn't sound like Walter Carlos, because no matter how hard you try you will not be able to sound like Walter Carlos. @14_0300 And you can indeed -- the very best things to grab are those two-part inventions, because they're easy to make sound good. Those two-part inventions meaning the ones by Bach. There's that. @14_0315 So those were just examples that I happened to have of times that I had to do these things. Just to show you that these are real projects that you might actually profit from being able to do. At least if you're in my line of work. So that was the: @14_0330 "make a patch that plays the, blah blah blah..." Here's a cool one that will make you impress your friends. Make a nice little laptop instrument that you can take to a bar and get people to dance to. Laptop instruments @14_0345 I think, are things where... the things that you see when you go to entertainment venues where someone is staring into a laptop. And they see the screen and you don't, or if you do you see a whole bunch of nonsense that's their screen, that means nothing. @14_0360 The basic deal is you have something where you can mouse and keyboard away, and that changes something that typically is based on a loop that's modified by parameters that you set -- by moving sliders up and down or whatever it might be. That's a good thing to do. @14_0375 And that could be based on sampling or whatever. ... I didn't put up the following idea, because I haven't thought it through well enough to know whether it's a good project or not: Make a mash-up. Find two pieces that are in compatible tempos and keys, @14_0390 and make a looping patch that allows you to superimpose them and change them around. That would be a good thing. But I don't know how to make that sound good and I'm not sure if you do it it will sound good, so I'm not sure @14_0405 that's a really good suggestion. You don't know how to do this because I'm not going to tell you. Tom might: Think of something you weren't able to do in Pd, whatever it might be, and write a C object @14_0420 to do it and make that a new Pd object. I won't go into that except to say that there are thousands of these running around. They're not hard to do and if you want to see some of them they're all over the Pd source code and also there are hundreds of examples @14_0435 plus websites that tell you how to do this on the web. But don't do this unless you know how to code C pretty well because otherwise you will have to learn how to code C, which you cannot really do in four weeks. @14_0450 Make a melodyne. This is fun. It is not easy to do because, well, the hardness is not because it's inherently hard to do. It's actually stupidly easy, @14_0465 but you have to have a pitch shifter handy and I haven't told you how to make a pitch shifter, and you also have to figure out what the pitch is of the thing that's going in so that you can figure out how much you have to correct it. Then you have to make an algorithm that, given any pitch, figures out what @14_0480 the nearest pitch is that it could have been supposed to be. So what you do is you say "the allowable pitches are the C major scale." Alright. And the current pitch that I'm getting is, @14_0495 who knows, 110 Hertz. Well, that's not a real pitch, sorry -- 120 Hertz. OK. What's the nearest white key to that? Figure that out and then make a pitch shifter to change the pitch by that amount then you can talk into it and it will sing, @14_0510 well sort of sing, it'll talk back at you in the C major scale. Then you'll have a melodyne and you can sell it. ... Actually, probably not because I think there are probably hundreds of them on the web now. "Melodyne" by the way, is a @14_0525 trade name, but people use it generically just to mean something that whacks your pitch into something it's not. Then you can go from there. You can go wild from there because you can add a keyboard and make it allow you to play @14_0540 ornaments on things .... or what-not. All sorts of good stuff you can do once you have this. But the two things I haven't told you is how to find what the pitch of the sound is and then how to change the pitch of the sound. Both of those are techniques that @14_0555 I will try to squeeze into the rest of the quarter, but I don't know if I will be able to. Think of something else. Oh, you know what? Something else: Go buy one of those Arduino hoo-ha's and make a little physical device @14_0570 that has buttons or knobs that allows you to give yourself a physical synthesizer and control interface. Student 2: Arduino? Miller: Oh, the usual one is called Arduino. What I do is I go to sparkfun.com and you can buy processors for like, @14_0585 it depends, but $20-ish and you can build little circuits out of them that are anything that you want. You can make robots or sensor arrays or what-not. And that @14_0600 really should be the subject of a different course. And, also, you shouldn't do that unless you're able to deal with voltages and solder and things like that. So don't do that unless you think you know what it entails. ... @14_0615 Anyway, that would be another thing that would be perfectly cool, but I predict that most of you are going to want to make a drum machine or an interactive, playable laptop instrument or something like that and that's just cool because, actually, 30 different drum machines are going to have 30 different personalities. @14_0630 It'll be fun. ... Questions about this? This is all up on the web now. Well, what this is so far is up on the web and if you have questions about it ask me and probably that means I should put something else up @14_0645 that says something more about what's going on. Alright. So that's the final project -- It's a presentation. We are now still doing modulation, continued waveshaping. Waveshaping and not wave packets yet -- although @14_0660 I might get into that today depending on timing. Because what I want to do is make sure everyone is on the same page just about the waveshaping thing first and then we'll proceed from there time permitting. The other sort of organizational thing @14_0675 that I'm succeeding in not forgetting to say is the following. I have two trips coming up and there will be a substitute teacher @14_0690 the next two Tuesdays: Cooper Baker who is a graduate student who is also an expert Pd programmer and computer musician and circuit builder and many other things, who has a lot of good things to say and show will talk, @14_0705 I believe, next Tuesday about frequency modulation, assuming the syllabus works. Then depending how it all works we'll be talking about delays the Tuesday after that and I will try to make it dovetail with the syllabus as closely as I can. I'm still not sure @14_0720 how that's going to work with the taping scheme. Also, taping: All of these classes are taped thanks to Joe and you can get them, so don't forget if you need to review that's @14_0735 one possible way of doing it, which might be useful. ... Questions about all that before I just jump in and patch away? Or things I forgot to say? OK. @14_0750 So now what I'm going to do is ... I showed you a sort of mathematical way of thinking of all this stuff last time, but this time I propose simply to go straight in and deal with it at the level of patch @14_0765 because -- just on the theory that if you change your teaching style every week it either makes everything totally coherent or else it makes everything totally incoherent...depending on your point of view. So this is @14_0780 where we got at the end of the last class where, let's see, I'm going to give us 110 Hertz which is a low A. And then we were taking that signal and @14_0795 messing with its amplitude and then reading the cosine of it and that was giving us this kind of signal. Let's see. ... I'm going to do is give us both channels. I don't know why. Turn this on then turn this on. @14_0810 Yes. OK. So in goes sinusoid, out comes signal like that and the good thing about this signals is it changes timbre when you change the amplitude. @14_0825 There are two things happening here that I mentioned last time: One is, yeah, non-linear things like cosine don't react to doubling the input by doubling the output. They react to doubling the input by changing the output. @14_0840 And that's maybe most easily described as a change in waveform. The other thing I wanted to do was graph this so that you can see some sort of representation @14_0855 of what this is. Woah! Oh yeah ... I'm listening to that and I'm graphing that. OK. Here it is. This might remind you of what happened when I used the exponential @14_0870 look-up function last time which is if you give it an index of nothing you don't hear anything because we're multiplying it by 0, this adder's adding 0 too -- I haven't got there yet-- and now we're taking the cosine of 0, which is 1 -- @14_0885 so the thing is just sitting at the top of the table being constant 1. And then as we push this up we start getting sound and the thing starts acting @14_0900 like a pulse train except it's not because instead of reading an exponential we're reading at cosine. So that after a certain point, well, so this is the most pulse-trainy it looks -- @14_0915 But notice that it doesn't just sit at zero it does the next thing, which is rising again. So now the waveform that we've got is: we're making a sinusoid and we're reading the cosine wave, @14_0930 but we're reading not only the first lobe of it, if you'd like, which is to say it goes from minus one up to one, that's at zero, and back down to minus one, but we're making it go past that amplitude a half thing and therefore @14_0945 it's giving us the next wiggle, if you like. Oh, I should put this in a metronome so you can see it. Well, maybe I shouldn't. I will. @14_0960 Let's not do it too crazily fast. And now I need a nice toggle. @14_0975 So, by the way, the reason this is changing, of course, is because the cosine is at a different phase each time the metronome goes off. Meanwhile, as I change the amplitude of the cosine @14_0990 the waveform changes because it's reading more and more cycles of the cosine wave it's looking up in. Actually, I should turn the frequency down so you can see it more clearly. @14_1005 So now we have ... nothing ... turning into something looking kind of sinusoidal but not, and then turning into progressively higher and higher frequencies. @14_1020 And you can almost tell just by looking at this that this should have high frequencies in it, although I don't know a simple theorem that says that the more a thing wiggles up @14_1035 and down the more high frequencies it has. Even so, it's clearly true that if you make something like this it's going to have some high frequencies that it didn't have when it looked more like this. Whoops. @14_1050 What did I do wrong? I didn't hit the return. Like that. All right. So that's the amplitude-to-timbre change. The good thing about the cosine as a waveshaping thing is that @14_1065 no matter what you do to this index, it gives you out roughly the same power. So even if you ask it to make some ridiculous index -- @14_1080 All right, how about 10,000? All right. Well, OK. But we can tell that it was basically, I mean, it ranges @14_1095 from -1 to 1 and, you know, the power of that thing is going to be roughly the same as the power of the original cosine wave. That's a good thing for building computer music instruments because it means that @14_1110 you can put it into your amplifier and expect decent results to come out. The previous example, which was the exponential, sort of did that except that, actually, let me get it out and show it to you. @14_1125 Let's see. I'm going to save this and close it because I haven't changed the name of the table. I changed the name of the table. Let's see. This is 17. @14_1140 Alright. Do that. Now we can actually open the other one and they won't fight. @14_1155 2.15 ... There it was. OK. This one now, oh, wrong. -- Oh, I'm sorry. I'm looking in the wrong place. Where I wanted to look @14_1170 was in the help. We were doing this and then we were looking at "E" -- exponential. Sorry. This is @14_1185 the real one. Now we have this situation where we can listen to the sound ... Oh yeah -- give it an index. Now it makes waveforms like this, but the trick is @14_1200 here if you start giving it extreme values here, which I didn't allow you to type because I didn't want to reveal this right away. ...2,000. At some point you're going to notice that @14_1215 this thing doesn't have a whole lot of power and it's going to start fading out. So 20,000. Now it's getting quieter. @14_1230 OK. So this is not terribly well behaved from the point of view of the power of the signal, although it's not too bad psychoacoustically, for the usual reasons. Using the cosine is much more gentle to your audio hardware @14_1245 because it pretty much gives you the same signal power no matter what you do to it except in extreme situations like almost zero. OK. So the next thing about this is this: Let's see. @14_1260 Let's go back down to something reasonable and let's listen to it. So we can also ask for the cosine or for sine by moving @14_1275 by 25 percent down the waveform and then we have this change and then we have this stuff in-between, which is changing the even and odd harmonics. @14_1290 That could even be a useful thing to listen to. OK. So that's exploiting the fact that the cosine is even, the sine is odd and if you just graph the cosine and changing the place @14_1305 that you look at, just moving the origin, you can move continuously between being an even and odd function. That's a good thing. That's a property that the exponential wouldn't have. @14_1320 As a sort of sneak preview, OK. So sneak preview -- @14_1335 This will last about five minutes: How to think about frequency modulation in these same terms. Alright. Let me just do a save here, or save as because I don't have to ruin my patch. @14_1350 So what I'll do is I'll make two exactly equivalent frequency modulation patches: one the correct way to do it and the other the way that allows you to actually think about what it is and what it does. @14_1365 So frequency modulation is this. First I'll do the classical one. Give yourself an oscillator. Oh, actually, let's do the whole thing. @14_1380 Let's see. I'm going to get rid of this. This is now an amplitude controlled oscillator here. So I'm going to make myself a copy of that. @14_1395 Let's see. Does this work? I'll give it a frequency then an amplitude and amplitude -- Sound! Now, next idea is what if we took this and @14_1410 took another one and used this one to control or to mess with the phase of the other one? How would you do that? So we need another oscillator whose phase we can mess with, so we can't actually do that by just doing @14_1425 the simplest form oscillator with osc~ -- we have to split that into cosine and phase. So we'll do that. So now this one's going to be an oscillator alright, but it's going to ... oh dear. @14_1440 I don't know where to put this. ... I really need to put it on the other side. OK. This one I can leave alone and this one I'm going to make the phasor and the cosine separate. So there's a cosine @14_1455 and then we're going to say phasor. Alright. And this now is just another oscillator. @14_1470 It looks like we can't hear it. Alright. Except we can't hear it. Why not? Am I doing something wrong? OK. Alright. @14_1485 Now what we're going to do is take this oscillator and use it to mess up the phase of this oscillator by adding it to the phase. I should put a plus~ to be explicit about it, but I'm going to be lazy and not do that. @14_1500 Then I'm going to move this up here so you can see what's going on. Alright. That's as well as @14_1515 I'm going to be able to make it. So now we'll listen to this one. This one, to start with, @14_1530 I'm just going to make it run at six Hertz then I'm going to do that to it. Oh, let's make this higher. So now what we're doing, this is not what I showed you in the first @14_1545 couple of weeks of class when I showed you, "Oh here's an oscillator and here's another oscillator changing the frequency of that one." Here, instead, I've taken this oscillator and split it up into a phasor and cosine so I can add this other oscillator not to the frequency, but the phase. @14_1560 Why? Because that's the way that people do it. ... You know, there are two reasons to do this. Well, three. ... Yeah? Student 2: @14_1575 Couldn't you accomplish the same thing by adding it into the second inlet of the oscillator? Miller: No ... Because the second inlet of the oscillator takes messages to set the phase, but then the phase starts taking off from there, @14_1590 so the signal itself doesn't add in. It won't take a signal to offset the phase. So you have to explicitly do it this way. OK. So why don't you just have an oscillator here instead of separating it and then just changing the frequency? @14_1605 The original reason, I think, was because this was once implemented in fixed point hardware and it turns out that if you put the thing up here you have to put it in units of frequency, so @14_1620 you have to have the values in hundreds or thousands and that wasn't a good kind of an amplitude to give this oscillator if you were working with hardware whose maximum amplitude might be one. @14_1635 So people figured out that by changing the phase directly instead of changing the frequency you got to give this thing a much, much smaller amplitude for the same amount of modulation. So this is almost equivalent to @14_1650 putting this thing in here, except you have to give it much smaller amplitudes. -- Here I have an amplitude of 10 and it's already giving me plenty of modulation, @14_1665 much more so than if I had taken that and put it here. I won't do that now -- in a minute. And, again, the more you give it the deeper it gets. @14_1680 And then if I change this oscillator to an audible frequency then we get this kind of stuff. This is what people sell you when they sell you a frequency modulation instrument, although @14_1695 to be completely pedantic about it, this is a phase-modulation instrument. Another reason for doing phase-modulation instead of frequency modulation is it's better behaved if you're not using sinusoids @14_1710 but other waveforms or if you are using more than one modulator or more than one carrier. In other words, if you're making more than two oscillators, if you're making a more complicated network with five or six oscillators talking to each other, for various technical reasons it's better @14_1725 to operate on phase than on frequency as well. Alright. So this is the incorrectly called frequency modulator, which is a phase-modulation instrument. @14_1740 I think this is mostly what Cooper will talk to you about next Tuesday, but by smartly choosing these two frequencies and this so-called "index of modulation" you can make all these wonderful sounds. @14_1755 And you're not limited to only two of these. You can make bunches more and then you can be smart about how you design the sound. There's a book about that that came out in the '70s or '80s @14_1770 so you can find out lots of stuff about just frequency modulation. <> Well, not to go too far down that route... Why am I talking about this now? Because this is equivalent to one of these, @14_1785 so you can think about that by thinking about waveshaping -- if you're careful. So the careful way of thinking about this as waveshaping is the following: this is the cosine of the sum of two signals, @14_1800 one is a phasor and the other is a sinusoid, OK, but the cosine of the sum of two things is equal to the usual formula: cos(A + B) = cos(A)*cos(B) - sin(A)*sin(B). @14_1815 So we could rewrite this network -- And I'll only do the cosine half, I won't do the sine half just to save sanity. (OK. I need a new window anyway. So make new window. Oh wait. You know what? This is a new window. I can just erase this. @14_1830 Another way of thinking about this is we'll take the cosine of this and we'll take the cosine of that and we'll multiply them. Let's get rid of this because we don't need it anymore... @14_1845 So here's taking the cosine of the oscillator. That's taking the cosine of this side. Now we'll take the cosine of the phasor. That's one of these. Then we'll multiply. @14_1860 So I'll cut these off and then I'll just say times~. And here, of course, there's another simplification we can make: Phasor and cosine, we're not sticking anything extra here, so this actually could @14_1875 just be an oscillator -- So this is equivalent to just saying osc~. And now look what we've got: We've got @14_1890 exactly that waveshaping instrument that I told you about before, which is: Take an oscillator and change its amplitude and take the cosine of it and then multiply that by this oscillator. And you've seen that before -- That's ring modulation. @14_1905 So frequency modulation is equivalent to two networks like this because the other one would have to use sine instead of cosine, but basically it's an oscillator, take the cosine, @14_1920 that does this, and then multiply it by some other cosine and then you get these sounds. Those sounds are pretty much the same kind of sounds as these sounds, @14_1935 although I'm pulling a fast one on your because I'm not really checking that they're exactly the same. But, morally speaking, that's about the same deal. @14_1950 So frequency modulation you can understand by understanding waveshaping and ring modulation and, again, the word modulation just means change and computer musicians use it to mean all sorts of things. So don't consider @14_1965 ring modulation and frequency modulation as being in any way related except for the fact that they both use the word modulation for artificial reasons. Ring modulation is this multiplication thing. Ring modulation is linear, but it @14_1980 is not time invariant, so it is able to make new frequencies out of old frequencies. That will get explained in more detail later, I think. Then this is running @14_1995 this oscillator with an amplitude control through a non-linear function and this amplitude control corresponds exactly to this thing, which is called the "index of modulation" over in this thing, which is where we're doing phase modulation. So now modulation means @14_2010 ring, frequency, phase, and then something else. Questions about this? ... Student 2: @14_2025 I have a question. Does a DX7 use this phase modulation? Miller: Yeah. Except they have six so-called "operators" @14_2040 instead of two. I don't know why they call them operators. They're just oscillators. Yeah. Then you get to make various networks of the six. There's some circuitry that allows you to re-route signals. But, yes, basically this is what's happening inside a DX7 @14_2055 for those of you who know what a DX7 is. They came out in '84 maybe ... Yeah. Now it's called a cell phone. @14_2070 So this is the relationship between waveshaping and frequency modulation, however, it is a special case of waveshaping because it's this cosine function here. If you threw any other function in besides cosine @14_2085 you would no longer have this identity that the sum of it means multiplying two of them. In other words, this trigonometric identity would work out differently if it were not cosine, but some other function -- @14_2100 Then this wouldn't work. So this kind of waveshaping followed by modulation is a much more general way of doing things, in some respects, than frequency modulation is. In fact, @14_2115 I guess this is the moment to say this: What would happen if you @14_2130 just made this thing be exponential instead? So what hat means is we go back to our patch. (I threw it out. OK so I'm going to save this. ) What I'm going to do is go back and get help @14_2145 and get that exponential patch again, the exponential waveshaping patch, and do the same thing to it to see what we get. Whoops, sorry. Go back here. @14_2160 I don't want to build it because I don't want to go through the hassle of making this function. I'm just being stupid because I could just use exp~ couldn't I? OK. Let me be smart now. I'm going to get rid of this. @14_2175 Oh, wait, I want all this graphing stuff. I'm going to keep this because I want to graph this for you. So we're going to save this as then we're going to go back over. @14_2190 So this'll be three. <> So now what I'm going to do, OK, so reminder: What this patch @14_2205 does is this kind of sound and this kind of waveform. So there's the waveform up there. It hates me because I've got too much stuff on the screen. @14_2220 There's the waveform for you and here's the spectrum. And to make it clear what's going to happen next I'm going to try to move this over so that you can see the whole spectrum pretty much. @14_2235 Alright. Now what I propose to do is to take this. -- Oh, by the way, the reason you hear these skips in the sound is because it's using CPU time to graph these tables, which is making my little machine hate itself. If you want to have @14_2250 tables that are changing while you're computing stuff put the tables in a sub-window and close it so your machine doesn't have to graph it so you won't get these skips. But I'm being pedagogical, so I'm leaving everything out here on the main page where everyone can see it. @14_2265 OK. So now I did the table lookup. Now I'm going to operate exactly as before, which is to say I'm going to multiply this by a nice sinusoid. So what that means is @14_2280 we'll say times <<*~>> Oh, I made one. Well, get this one. Here's an oscillator, here's an amplitude thing. Oh, but I don't need this. I just need @14_2295 a number and this is no longer index. This is now a ring modulator. Oscillator times ... Now we look at it and listen to it: So nothing's different yet, but if @14_2310 I start changing this now I get classic ring modulation. Well, it's just going to be what it is. @14_2325 So each one of these peaks is split into two peaks because that's what ring modulation does to a spectrum. This is the spectrum and this is the waveform and we're multiplying rather slowly. This thing is not really showing the waveform @14_2340 as it's changing because it's really going up and down 15 times a second, but if I make this higher then eventually you'll start seeing... Oh, drat -- @14_2355 I want that thing to be limited. There we go. OK. Let me see if I can get it exact. @14_2370 Alright. So now what we have is a sinusoid which I tuned just by ear to be the second harmonic of the pulse train, and now @14_2385 if I start pushing the index up I get a hat shaped function, which is centered around this frequency and, in fact, I can make that @14_2400 whatever I want. I can slide this thing anywhere I want and have this sort of hat shaped spectrum move to whatever location I want it. So now this is controlling bandwidth @14_2415 and this is controlling center frequency of the spectrum. "Bandwidth" is a term you will hear @14_2430 a lot in computer music. It just means the width of the band, but bands in this case are ranges of frequencies. That, I think, is radio terminology originally like the "FM band." So in this case what we're talking about is @14_2445 a band of frequencies like that. Why would that be a "band"? ... Never mind. The center of the band is being controlled by this ring modulating oscillator. This is what happened to DC. @14_2460 So if I send the oscillator to frequency zero the biggest peak is at DC, right? This peak then got aliased out somewhere here and then these peaks got aliased out to DC plus and minus @14_2475 those frequencies. Or, to put it another way, there are negative frequencies in this thing that I'm not graphing and when we multiply it by a sinusoid which then moves it over, it actually moves it over like that, then we see the negative frequencies, as well as the positive ones showing up, @14_2490 which is this. Oh, we don't see any negative frequencies until this one bounces off. @14_2505 Then there's the sound. OK. Now, these are perfectly nice, harmonic sounds as long I choose these things just right, like that number I found. @14_2520 So this is going to put out a pitch, which is controlled by this fundamental. I don't know when this fundamental's being computed, so I can't use it. @14_2535 This fundamental must be something about half this, like 170 something, but I think it was computed using load bang, so I don't think if I use it now it's going to give me a new value. @14_2550 What else can I say about this? What does it look like in the time domain? I guess what I should do is ... Let me stop modulating it. OK. So there's our nice @14_2565 pulse train and I'll skinny it up so that the pulse is decently small like that. Then when I start multiplying it by an oscillator, just to see what happens I'll give it a very high frequency here -- 5,000. @14_2580 Now, what we see is that there is a pulse train. Every time this thing makes a pulse, which it does every cycle, you get a pulse times @14_2595 this oscillator and I asked this oscillator to go very, very fast so that you can see it, but what's happening here is just a bunch of pulses, one after the other. Now the center frequency's way off the screen here so you can't see the spectrum anymore. @14_2610 But you can sort of guess what this thing should sound like. Its period should be from here to here. (That's the smallest interval at which you can see repetition). So that period's being controlled by @14_2625 this fundamental frequency, as long as this one's a multiple of it, which it's not so I'm pulling a slight fast one here. Meanwhile, if you think about what frequencies are present in this as a signal, they're mostly high. They're mostly these frequencies here and that @14_2640 agrees with the general observation about ring modulation, which is if you ring modulate by a very high frequency it takes whatever you've got and slides it to where you can sort of see it as a clump of frequencies around the modulating frequency. @14_2655 So another observation about this is that... Questions about this? Is everybody completely confused now? @14_2670 There's nothing complicated about this patch, but the complexity is all in how you analyze what it does and that is typical, unfortunately, of electronic music, which is putting three or for modules @14_2685 together quickly leads to a situation where it takes hours or days to explain what the thing is actually doing. That's just what it is. And unfortunately you have to go through the explanation because I don't know any other way to be able to design things with a some notion of what they're going to do. All right. Student 2: @14_2700 Can we hear what it sounds like? Miller: Oh gosh! If you really want to. Sounds like something out of Poème électronique. <> @14_2715 Most of these are inharmonic, but every once in a while I'll hit a multiple of this and get a harmonic sound, but you can't even really tell the difference. @14_2730 Well, there are theories of perception that say -- I don't know if they're true -- that basically the first ten harmonics are the things that your ears will use to try to determine the pitch of the thing and then after that your ear hears that there's energy there, but you won't use @14_2745 the pitches of the harmonics to tell you what the pitch of the original sound is. So here, don't do this, but I could take this thing and add it to @14_2760 the modulated sound and now you hear a nice sound with a fundamental and some nice high harmonics. And those high harmonics they don't have anything to do with that sound -- They're just whatever frequencies they are, but your ear @14_2775 can't tell that so it just accepts it. All right. Don't tell anyone I told you that. Oh, actually, it's not as useful a fact to know as all that because, @14_2790 in fact, what you'd really like to do is make things that can change _controllably_ between stuff that has low frequencies in it and not. And, of course, as soon as I change this thing so that some low frequencies come in you're going to hear the fact that they're mis-tuned and then you're not going to @14_2805 believe that that's a harmonic tone any more. So you would have to work harder if you want to make a general instrument that would allows you to do this kind of thing. And I want to show you how to do that, but maybe not right now because ... @14_2820 Why? Because there are two ways of doing it and they're equally important and I don't know how to fit both of them into one half of a class. So what I want to do is show you things that will be useful for doing final projects. @14_2835 So there's stuff that doesn't fit in the syllabus that's just lore about how to use Pd, so what I want to do now for the rest of this class is show you Pd lore that is of use for just building stuff. The most important thing @14_2850 that I haven't told you how to do yet is sequencing. Well, I've told you how to do two kinds of sequences -- both of which are table based. The thing that you do is make a counter and you make the counter @14_2865 count through the table. It can either be a phasor reading a table as a signal or it can be a metronome driving something that increments. That's a way of making a 1960's kind of sequencer and it's appropriate for driving monophonic synthesizers and @14_2880 then for polyphonic stuff, OK, there's a certain place you can go with it, but it's not going to like do general polyphonic sequencing for you. So how would you make something that's actually capable of polyphonic sequencing? There are many @14_2895 ways, but I'll show you one that is just the second most general -- the third most general. Something that's about the right level of complexity to get most people's needs, @14_2910 but without having to spend hours and days learning how to do it. OK. So here it is: What I'm going to do is make a new window and give it a name. It's going to be 4 ...sequencer. <> @14_2925 So the object that does sequencing, in the most general @14_2940 form that I want to deal with right now is called "qlist". This is probably a misuse of the word "qlist." (Let's make it have a decent font...) @14_2955 But we can call it that anyway. What a qlist is is a bunch of messages in Pd language that can have ... I have to tell you some things I haven't told you: First off, message boxes. @14_2970 Message boxes and receives: I've shown you how to do this so far: I've shown you how to do "send name1", "send name2". @14_2985 Then we'll have "receive" s. Oh, "s" and "r" are short for "send" and "receive". And now I'm just going to put numbers here so that you can see that this is a way of making a non-local connection. @14_3000 All right. So my reason for showing you this is so that I can now show you the following very strange thing: Let's get a message. First off, let's make it just have a number in it @14_3015 and do this. Oh wait, that's the same number. OK. That's all good. In fact, I showed you another thing which is that you can have commas. @14_3030 And here, if you do that, you will send those three messages and you'll just see the last value, even though the number box actually attained all three of those values, all in a zero period of time. OK. @14_3045 You've seen one other syntactic element of message boxes, which is the dollar-sign. That's the thing that allows you to have an incoming number that changes the message. @14_3060 There's one other syntactic thing available for message boxes and that is that you can have messages separated semicolons -- and by convention I put a carriage return in here. @14_3075 So now if we do this, what we're doing is we're saying the message is 56 and then there's another message which is 67, but that message is going to be sent to the object named "name2" or @14_3090 the objects named "name2" -- all of them, if there are more than one. So comma means begin a new message. Semicolon means begin a new message and, by the way, this message is not going to go to @14_3105 this outlet at all; it's going to go this other object. Yeah? Student 3: So if we didn't have name2 there would it go to name1? Miller: No. It would try to find an object named 67 and that's not a legal name for an object @14_3120 because it's a number and so then I should see an error message. I hope I get an error message. It just says "float no such object." Oh, that's horrible. Anyway, yeah. So there's no such object as 67. @14_3135 It's not letting me do that. So you have to give it the name of a destination. OK. Next thing. We don't really even have to use this first one. We can just say "no message at all, thanks, but @14_3150 name1 gets a message 67 and name2 gets a message 34" and then when we whack that those two messages go out. Now, this is starting to look useful @14_3165 I hope. Now we can do this kind of stuff. So it's almost a preset mechanism. Not quite. .... Yeah? Student 4: Do you need to have a semicolon in front of it like that? Can you put @14_3180 name1 123 semicolon then name2 221 semicolon and would that work? Miller: Yeah. You have to have the semicolon otherwise there will be a message "name1 123" and that will come out this outlet, so the first semicolon means @14_3195 the name of a receiver follows and the receiver is this. So this is really a strange, ugly syntax. But it's what it is. It's consistent. It's logical even though it looks weird. @14_3210 Now I showed you that so I could show you this: This is cool and this will allow you to have any number of parameters in a patch. Right. So I could now make an FM instrument and give the carrier frequency, well, I'm using @14_3225 names I haven't described. You know, the frequency of the two oscillators, those could have names, and then the index of modulation could have a name, the amplitude could have a name. I could make it six operator and I could have, I don't know, 12 names and that would all be cool. @14_3240 And then I can put them all in this one message box and just whack the message box once and all those values would go off to all the right things. I probably should have told you this before. You know, this becomes almost inescapably important as soon as your patch @14_3255 reaches a certain level of complexity. While we're here, it's always good when you have a patch more than a certain amount of complexity @14_3270 to have a button which is just "reset." So you probably have already had the experience of starting a patch up and not have it doing the thing it was doing when you last closed it. @14_3285 This is your friend for being able to get things to go back to startes that you know about and it's often worthwhile having one of these things hooked up to a load bang so that every time your patch opens up the values are @14_3300 as you wish them to be when the patch loads up. All right. So this is not computer music knowledge. This is just Pd lore and when you change to some other programming language this will be different. Now, about qlist: @14_3315 So this allows you to do everything you could possibly want except for sequencing And now if you wanted to do sequencing with this I could tell you how to do it using delays. Well, you already know. You just make a whole bunch of message boxes separated by delays. @14_3330 Yeah. And, in fact, let me show you the first ever Max patch, which I've imported into Pd, which does exactly that. I'm just doing this to horrify you. @14_3345 So we're going to go back to here. "Repertory" because this is going to be public. We're going to go look at Pluton. This is on the web, by the way. If you download the "Pd repertory project" you can look at all these @14_3360 scary patches. This is going to be "manoury-pluton" and then we're going to have a patch called "pluton.pd" This is a 45 minute long piece of music. Maybe 48. @14_3375 And here's -- I'll get one at random -- here's section 31. It has a queue, which is a number, and then it has sub-patches and this sub-patch has events numbe 1, 2, 3 and 4 in it. @14_3390 So we'll get an inlet and we'll select 1, 2, 3, and 4 and each one of them is going to have message boxes sending parameters to values. You can make message boxes like this. You will tear your hair out after a certain amount of time @14_3405 keeping track of when you changed what because obviously this could lead to horrible messes. If you go looking in the right place, this is not a good example, but if I find a good example you'll find @14_3420 delays in here. Nope. Nope. OK. 21. Here we go. Oh, bad, bad, bad -- Wrong section. Two. Yeah. Here we go. So @14_3435 why don't we, on event 5, do all of this good stuff, but after a delay of 5 seconds we'll start at the other sequencer, whatever that is. OK. So now we have the ability to wait until event number 5 comes in, @14_3450 never mind who's figuring out what queue we're on, but you can think there might be a queue number 5, so there's an incrementer in there somewhere. And event number 5 means do this, I shouldn't do that, and then after 5 seconds do this. But what if @14_3465 someone did event number 6 before those 5 seconds had elapsed? Then you would have event 5 then part of event 6 then part of event 5 happening. What if this thing started something that this thing was supposed to stop? @14_3480 Then instead of starting and stopping it would stop and start and then you would have the thing playing for the rest of the piece, which you didn't want, right? So you'd better stop this delay when the next puppy comes in or else it's going to go off. @14_3495 And then it gets worse. OK. So this is making sequencers using message boxes. You can do it, but -- not pleasant. Also, @14_3510 you will not be able to download a text file from the Internet and have it be that, right? OK. So that was Pluton. I'm not going to show you more about that just now. So there's a better way, which is to make a qlist. @14_3525 A qlist is read from a text file, I should say, and the text file has a bunch of messages in it that are separated by numbers that are event numbers -- or actually that are times I should say. @14_3540 So qlist acts like this. First off, you have to be able to read files in. So I'm going to make a message box that says "read sequence1.txt" and I'm going to give it an extent ".txt" @14_3555 because on some kinds of machines if your file isn't named something.txt it doesn't know it's a text file. Now I'm going to make a text file named sequence1. You all have Macintoshes and you will get out @14_3570 the text editor and it will not make a text file by default. It'll make a "rich text file." You've got to make a real text file and there's something in the text editor on the mac that lets you do this, but @14_3585 I've forgotten what it is and it takes some finding. OK. I don't need this anymore. ,,, This thing is just an orphan, so let's get rid of it. Now what I'm going to do is make a nice file. Are we in the right directory? Yes. @14_3600 I'll "nedit." OK. Text editor: Now I'm going to say message one. OK. So "name1 45;" "name2 67;" @14_3615 and then let's wait a second and then let's do name1 back to 0 just to make it look like it's turning off. OK? Oops, I don't want that space there. And notice I'm putting semicolons @14_3630 after every line because semicolon is the delimiter here -- just like in message boxes and if you forget then it will not do the right thing for you. Did I say sequence or sequence1? @14_3645 I thought I said sequence1 ... Then let's go back and get the patch. I've got all this junk open that I don't want. Yeah, of course I want to save. Yeah. @14_3660 Now we say "read" and meanwhile let's just check, make sure we didn't get any errors. We didn't get any errors, good. Oh, and of course if I had said the wrong thing here then I would get some horrible ... @14_3675 Then it would say "message file." Yeah, right. OK. So this is good. We believe that this is working right. Now what can we do? We can @14_3690 just say bang.. And then it says boing, right, and there's the sequence. So do it again? Idiot's delight now. OK so name1 and name2 @14_3705 are the "receive"s and now we hit the qlist and there's the first message and there's the second and those are the two messages or the two pairs of messages I've put in this file. ,,, Where's the file now? @14_3720 I think I must have closed it. There. So that is @14_3735 the easiest way to sequence stuff in Pd. And you can combine this with ... oh, these can be any kind of messages you want, so you can combine this with line~ objects to do things that @14_3750 ramp or what-not. I mean, anything you can do with messages. You can cofect things that have messages with bunches of arguments and then use unpack to get them out. @14_3765 Which one would do a lot of, actually ,when you really are doing this. What else should I say about this? @14_3780 Other messages qlist takes: I don't know if, well ... "print" is a good message. @14_3795 When you tell the thing to print itself, out on the Pd window comes everything the things has -- sorry about the back slashes. That's a good way of checking whether the thing is what you wanted to do. And finally, and @14_3810 now we are going to be living dangerously. ... If you want to make a nice loop out of this you could do something like this. Let's go back... where's the text file again? Here. @14_3825 Let's say we want to do this and then we want it to loop. So I'm going to say after another second -- By the way I could either have the semicolon or not here for technical reasons, but I'm going to put it just to be simple. @14_3840 And then I'm going to say "restart bang." Semicolon just to be complete. Oh, this is not a really good idea is it? How am I going to ever @14_3855 be able to stop this? ... Student 2: Is there a "stop" message? There is, actually. That will work. We'll do this: "stop" ... Let's just check; so I should be able to say @14_3870 "bing" ...and the third thing is going to be an error message, because there's nobody named "restart." Oh, I ditn's get an error. Oh I didn't save ... This is the sort of thing that happens -- you've got to save this, then you've got to @14_3885 tell it to read the sequence, and then you can tell it to do this stuff ... "bing" .. "bing" and then the error there" "restart: no such object" And now I can say "receive restart" @14_3900 and that's just going to bang the qlist -- I'll make if flash by hooking it through the button. I hope this works: Yeah! @14_3915 So now, you have another way of making the step sequencer, if you wanted to. There's one little thing about this, one more mesage that you might like, which is that you can set the tempo. @14_3930 Let's do it this way: $1, recall is, in a message box, in the message box context, $1 is just @14_3945 "take the value and stick it in the message." So here if I say 1 it's going to be "tempo 1, which should be the original tempo, and if I double it it does that for me: ... @14_3960 And then "stop" doesn't stop it! -- because it doesn't have a method for stop... OK. I think it's called "rewind", actually. @14_3975 Good. Why is it called "rewind"? Because there's more that you can do that I'm not telling you about. You can, if you want to, single-step through the messages instead of having it sequence through them. So to do that you send it "rewind" @14_3990 and then "next" and then you can control your own timing instead of using qlists' own timing and that would be useful if you wanted to make something that had random variations in the timing or some algorithmic way @14_4005 of controlling timing besides just the numbers in the qlist itself. Given the fact that there's this "tempo" message here we could set the tempo to 1/1000 and then just have this thing be in beats like one beat instead of 1,000 milliseconds @14_4020 and that would work fine. -- Although when I'm starting out I just always do it in milliseconds because it's easier to think about that, I think. You don't have to agree with that. @14_4035 Oh, since everything else in Pd is in milliseconds it might just be easier to have them be coherent as opposed to having them be different in the qlist from everywhere else. So that's the @14_4050 qlist object, which is key to making sequences. ... Yeah? Student 2: Can you explain the $1 in the "tempo" message? Miller: Oh yeah. This is a very confusing thing. So what I'll do @14_4065 is I'll print these out and give it a couple of tempi like that: ... and then it makes messages and the messages are what you put in there except that $1 has substituted for it the value @14_4080 of the first argument that went in. So this is the way that you can make messages that vary inside a single message box. And furthermore, if you have a packed message with several numbers in it they can be addressed as $1, @14_4095 $2, $3 and so on so you can have multi-dimensional variability. You haven't had to do this much because you haven't seen very many objects which are complicated enough where they take a bunch of different messages like this. @14_4110 For the most part, messages are always just numbers because usually simple objects only do one kind of thing, or at least one kind of thing per inlet, so numbers suffice as a message passing language, but an object like qlist it has a bunch of state, @14_4125 there are a bunch of things you might wish to ask it to do like rewind and go to the next thing and change its tempo and so on. And then you need a bunch of different kinds of messages like this and then you need message boxes that can put together messages that have both words and numbers in them, @14_4140 symbols and numbers, and have them still be variable. So I've been avoiding doing this for reasons of sanity, but that's there and ready to get used. ... @14_4155 Other questions about this? ... Yeah? Student 3: What are the outlets of qlist? Miller: The outlets are useful if you want to make your own sequencer. @14_4170 This one gets a bang whenever qlist finishes, if you want to know that. Actually, I could have made this loop in a different way by just doing that. This one doesn't get anything when qlist is being used @14_4185 as sequencer by itself, but if you single step it, if you say 'next,' it goes up to the next number and then outputs the number here. So, instead of having it interpret that number at time, you grab the number or numbers and interpret them to be whatever you want them to be. That's how you would make your own sequencer @14_4200 out of qlist, that might do something more manual. And there'a much too much information in the help window for qlist that will tell you all this. The easy way to @14_4215 get confused with qlist is to change the sequence in this text file and then forget to tell it to reread the new sequence. Also, if you read in a new sequence, I believe it will insist on rewinding itself, @14_4230 so it won't be able to continue playing the sequence if you change the sequence while it's playing. With one exception, this is able to do @14_4245 all of your sequencing needs. The one exception is that all these names are global, name1 and name2 and so on. If you wanted to have a bunch of instances of a patch, each of which was using a qlist to control @14_4260 different variables that were "local," or dependent on the patch, then the qlist wouldn't suffice to do this. You would have to reach for a lower-level tool that allowed you to get those things and play with them yourself. @14_4275 There are ways of doing that. In fact, if you get the qlist help window, it will send you on to the thing called "text file", which gives you less automation and lets you build more general things than what the qlist can do for you. @14_4290 So, just to review where we're at, because we only have 5 minutes - that's not enough time to go start doing @14_4305 wave packets or whatever it's going to be next. Next time is going to be frequency modulation from more of a 'how to do it' standpoint. How to make sounds out of it as opposed to simply with the theory is. @14_4320 I've tried to fit that into this tale about waveshaping, which is what the last couple of things have been about, and ring modulation. Where we are in the book is now @14_4335 Chapter 5-ish/Chapter 6. Chapter 6, I think, is what I'm going to squeeze down to a day or two, and that will be Thursday of next week if it's only one day. The topic there is going to be how to @14_4350 go back and use that combination of waveshaping and ring modulation in a way that would allow you to be able to move the energy around @14_4365 from peak to peak without having this problem not having things be harmonic when they're between two multiples of the same frequency. That's an important thing to be able to do, and there are several techniques for doing it. I think what I want to do is show you two of them @14_4380 although I have to think very carefully about whether I can fit it in a reasonable amount of time. So, that would be next Thursday. Meanwhile, you see, I think, what you need to be able to see in order to do things that have sequences. That's sort of where we are. And in @14_4395 book land, I've taken you pretty much all the way through modulation because this thing about frequency and phase modulation is that rampage @14_4410 I went on about FM earlier. Then I'm going to give short shrift to this next one, as I call it, "designer spectra" -- That's just my own fanciful title. But that's going to be about how to @14_4425 make peaks in the energy spectrum independently of whether the sound that you're making is harmonic or inharmonic. That's what's coming up next. @14_4440 I've been looking in there, trying to make a plan as to how to do it but I haven't succeeded. Then, starting the week after next is going to be time shifts and delays. That's going to be how you make the standard delay effects, but also how you design reverberators and also @14_4455 how you do delay tricks like pitch shifting, phasing, and chorus effects and what not. That will probably take a week. Then, by week 10, it will be time to look at GEM and that will probably be the rest of the quarter. *** MUS171 #15 02 22 @15_0000 Miller: Last time we ended up doing sequencing. But before we showed the sequencer, there was talk @15_0015 about waveshaping and frequency modulation and, in particular, there was a patch that tried to show the equivalence of waveshaping and frequency modulation synthesis. Actually, what I'll do is I'll get that patch out just to remind you that it was there. @15_0030 That would have been 2.17 FM. <> Here is the fixed-up patch with a smaller font size, but @15_0045 you can see that this is making the point that over here there is waveshaping and ring modulation which was making sounds. Do we have sound? I didn't check the sound yet. That was really smart of me. @15_0060 Sound. Carrier frequency. And that, hopefully, you're willing to believe sounds something like what happens when I do frequency modulation, which is this thing where you take @15_0075 an oscillator like this, and start changing its frequency, but then start changing its frequency fast enough to get this sort of thing: @15_0090 So that is the well-known sound of frequency modulation, and this patch was a description of why you could think about frequency modulation as waveshaping. And if you want to know what the spectrum @15_0105 of a frequency-modulated sound is, that's to say if you want to know the strengths of all the partials are that it can make and what their frequencies are, then you can analyze it by thinking about what this patch would do. That leads you into engineering mathematics -- You have to know Bessel functions, which @15_0120 I don't want to tell you right now. So Bessel functions aside, and in fact all of this aside, what I'll do this time is just go back to the basic frequency-modulation patch, build it from scratch, and show you what it's good for, just in terms of sound making. @15_0135 The punch line is going to be that it's a thing which combines two oscillators. But, of course, you can combine 50 oscillators and all sorts of frequency-modulating networks where each one modulates the frequency of some other one, and then finally you listen to some oscillator at the bottom. @15_0150 So frequency modulation is this very extensible, very complicatable thing. So I'm going to get rid of this and start from scratch. Just to be nice and pedagogical again. @15_0165 So let's see. We have an output device. I'm just going to start with oscillator ... So the oscillator is ... let's get a frequency going, which is just a number. And then we're going to say @15_0180 that's going to be the frequency. Just to be pedantic, what I'm going to do is make the oscillator out of a phasor. Phasor is the actual oscillator; @15_0195 it's the thing that remembers what the phase was previously and gives you the next phase every time that time moves forward. Whereas, cosine is the thing which is the wave form. It is actually done internally with a table lookup, so you can think of this as being @15_0210 generalizable by table lookup kinds of objects. Anyway, here is an oscillator divided up into the oscillator part and the wavetable part. And it sounds like it always used to sound, and this is a good check to make sure our computer is still working. @15_0225 440, OK. Now, we're going to take this and we're going to start messing with its frequency. And, again, just to be as pedagogical and as @15_0240 didactic as I possibly can, I'm going to do this in two different ways and make a claim about how they can be thought of as equivalent, -- if you ignore a couple of minor problems. So the first thing is, we're going to take @15_0255 this in order to take us ... oh you know what? Before I do that, even before I duplicate it. Of course anytime you have an oscillator, you're likely to want to control its amplitude, and I'm going to want to control the amplitudes of all these oscillators. @15_0270 So we're going to get a multiplier and a line~. Line~ because I want to make everything to sound nice and the line~ is going to get messages (I'm thinking back up the tree now ... ) so the messages are going to be packed. @15_0285 Some amount of time that I'm going to make the line~ ramp at, and that's going to now be a control which I control with a number box. @15_0300 Let me get this number box over here. So now what we have... sorry, this is all very repetitious... so now what we have is the 440 Hertz tone. I can listen to it at my favorite listening level but I can also turn it on @15_0315 and off _that_ way. OK. Now, we have an amplitude controlled oscillator. And now I'm going to make frequency modulation out of it in two different ways. So the first way is going to be by doing the real frequency-modulation thing: @15_0330 Which is to say I'll take this oscillator, but the input of the oscillator is going to be another oscillator. So it's going to be something plus 440. So I need to now have an adder. @15_0345 And what I'm going to add to it is going to be a whole other oscillator. So I'm going to take this oscillator and make it nice and @15_0360 compact because we're going to have several of these up on the screen very soon, unfortunately. OK. So let's get another one of these puppies, put it up here. I didn't mean to do @15_0375 that scrolling thing. ... And now this one is going to be added to the frequency of the other oscillator, right? Sorry; this is boring ... So now we're going to say this one is going to talk to us, and we'll control its amplitude ... Oh and we need this 440, @15_0390 it's not in the plus yet. And now, this oscillator and I forgot, of course to make a nice number box to set its frequency. This is the modulating oscillator, @15_0405 which now can get a frequency and an amplitude. And now I don't know if it's audible but that's now making vibrato, or with different parameters, it's making frequency modulation. @15_0420 So that's a thing. And now you can think of this as being two different oscillators. In fact I'm going to put this close to this oscillator, so that you can see them as being @15_0435 essentially the same thing, this could have been plus 120, but I'm just not going to be that didactic. So this oscillator now, if you think of it as an oscillator, it has a constant and a variable part to its frequency. And it has a thing for controlling @15_0450 its amplitude, and then it multiplies and that's it, right? Oh yes, before I forget, I have to tell you one other bit of Pd lore that I probably haven't said before, @15_0465 which is: It would be natural if we tried to do this: We'll take this thing and disconnect it and just run the signal and the message into the phasor, expecting Pd to add these things automatically. @15_0480 This will badly confuse Pd because Pd is seeing messages here and seeing a signal here. The phasor has to decide whether this inlet is a signal inlet or a message inlet. And what it will do, in this case, is it @15_0495 will actually decide, "Gee, I'm a signal inlet because there's a signal connected to me, and these messages are superfluous." If these messages were not superfluous -- that's to say if it just remembered these messages -- @15_0510 then you could get in some awfully bad problems because someone could send a number five into this phasor and you could forget it and have this phasor around with a number five and hook stuff into it, and wonder why everything is five or Hertz off. So instead of allowing that to happen, when you have a signal @15_0525 and a message connection to the same thing, the message connections are simply ignored. So, now we have this rather embarrassing fact that this thing is now playing at 576 Hertz if I do this: But if I @15_0540 connect this to it, it forgets the 576 Hertz because that got overridden by the incoming signal. So signals override messages. And that is why if you want these two things to add, @15_0555 it's not OK -- or it won't work -- just to put them in the same inlet as if they were both signals. If they're both signals, they'll be added for you automatically. But if one of them is a signal and the other is control, Pd will not know what to do, and so you have to add explicitly, @15_0570 like that, which is how I had it before. So, that's a detail about Pd that can very easily be confusing so I wanted to be very overcautious about that. @15_0585 Now, the whole point to this exercise is to take this and to show you how to do it another way. And the reason for this is because the other way is the way it's actually done in practice. Which is: You take this oscillator all right; but instead of @15_0600 having it be an oscillator with extra input for frequency, you make it an oscillator with an extra input for phase. What that means is you have your phasor first, @15_0615 which is making phase, but meanwhile you can add your own phase to it. Actually, it's going to be better to work it this way: So now what we have is ... @15_0630 how do I make this ... It seems unavoidable to add an extra object to make the oscillator uglier but I guess that's just what it is. Now what we have is an oscillator with two inputs once again. Well one of them is just a @15_0645 number box, but this is now controlling the amplitude, and this is controlling the frequency, all right? And in fact, if I just tell this 440 and this something reasonable, I should hear the sound again: Good. But, @15_0660 now the addition is not being added to the frequency, but it is being added to the phase, which is the stuff that's between the phasor and the cosine. And this is the point of splitting oscillator up into a phasor and a cosine 10 minutes ago, which was that I wanted to be able to get in there and add @15_0675 something in between the phasor and the cosine in which the osc~ doesn't have an inlet to do. And therefore, I have to rewrite it in this more elementary form, or in terms of these more elementary objects. OK? Now, so this is an oscillator with @15_0690 a frequency control signal input. This is an oscillator with a phase control frequency input. And again, I can just do all the same stuff. This up here is an oscillator without any controls at all. It's just being an oscillator. And now I can do this: @15_0705 Let's see, just to try and get equivalent results, let's turn this on. Let's see.... So now we hear that one. You know what? @15_0720 I need to be a little louder. OK? Oscillator. -- And now I'll make this do the same thing. 0.3, oscillator. @15_0735 Oops, sorry. Left this on. Let's turn that off. And we have the same thing. Now, we can make vibrato out of either of these two oscillators. This one, it's obvious how to do it. We'll take this thing and make it go six times per second -- five times per second. @15_0750 Oh, sorry. Five times per second is the right one. And then there's a depth here. And for instance, just so that we can... all right, let's just do it by ear. So we'll do 10 Hertz, @15_0765 which is a... No, five Hertz, vibrato. Not totally unreasonable setting. Let's do that over here. OK. Can you make vibrato by adding a sinusoid to the phase of the thing, @15_0780 instead of adding a sinusoid to the frequency? The answer is, unless the answer changes, the answer is you can do exactly the same thing. Because what a phasor @15_0795 really does is integrate the input over time. What that means is that I'm putting signals in here. And if I put for instance, a constant signal here like 440, what the phasor does is it fixes it so that its slope is proportional to 440 Hertz. @15_0810 Or to put it in another way, what the phasor does really is: at every point it simply adds to its previous output, which is its phase, an increment -- a phase-increment which is proportional to the frequency. @15_0825 So what it's doing is adding in values of frequency sample by sample, accumulating them. And of course, there's a little detail that when it hits 1, it wraps back around at 0 and that's really for numerical accuracy more than any other thing. If we had infinite numerical accuracy, the phasor could simply be a straight line going off to infinity. @15_0840 So, if a phasor's an integrator, integration is linear. So we're integrating 440 and that gives us a nice ramp but we also can integrate a sinusoid @15_0855 and integral of a sinusoid as you all learned in calculus is another sinusoid. So that the indefinite integral of the cosine function is sine and indefinite integral of sine is -cosine. So either way integration @15_0870 just changes the phase and actually the amplitude. But why? Because depending on the frequency, there will be a different constant in there when you do the integration or differentiation. That's calculus; I'm not supposed to use calculus here. Why don't you forget I just said that? @15_0885 OK, so at any rate ... What that is saying is that if I am adding, if I want to simulate adding a cosine to the frequency of the oscillator, I could do it by adding a cosine of a different phase @15_0900 and amplitude to the phase of the oscillator. In other words, I could add the thing here or I could add its incremental sum here. And in fact @15_0915 if you don't believe it, I'll play it for you and then you'll have to believe it. So now I'll make this thing be five Hertz. It will be in the same frequency, but I'll have to give it a different value here. I don't know what it's going to be, yet, but it's going to be much smaller. Like that. @15_0930 So now I claim this signal is - what's the right word -- is "similar" to this signal. Oops. Give me that signal. OK. In fact, we can even make them be @15_0945 the same by ear. Now this one had to have an amplitude of five because we're going to range from 440 @15_0960 +5 Hertz down to 440 -5 Hertz. This one had to have a much smaller amplitude because all we had to change this phase by was how much that 5 Hertz could get you @15_0975 in the one-fifth of a second it takes this oscillator to cycle. That's hand waving, but in fact this has to be in the order of a fifth as big as this because this frequency is five. @15_0990 This number is actually going to be 5/(2*pi). And now is it really true that one / 2Ï€ is about 0.13. Now we have to find @15_1005 this out because otherwise, we won't ever know. Free open-source mathematics package. @15_1020 0.159, 0.16 roughly. So this number I claim, this number here is this number @15_1035 divided by five because the faster this thing goes, the less it accumulates; so, the faster this is going, the more you have to divide by. I'm arguing by proportion and not by actual equations, right? So what @15_1050 we have over here is going to be inversely proportional to the frequency. Proportional to this number because we're trying to get the same sound and I'm just going to tell you that the factor that you have to throw in is 2*pi -- which you will get out of calculus class if you go there. All right? @15_1065 So to try to see if this still holds, I'll try some other number here: I'm sorry. Yes, this is a frequency. Now 30, and now I'll @15_1080 choose some horrendous value here. Now, I'll see if I can get that same sound over here and see if it's still true. OK. So we're going to thirty, and that... oh my! That was too easy. @15_1095 Is that the same sound? No, it has to go up higher. @15_1110 All right? Does that sound similar? Maybe. So let's take this thing and divide it by 30 and divide it by 2 pi and see if we get that, right? 70 @15_1125 divided by 30 divided by my 2 pi... 0.37 -- 0.38. Ears are wonderful things. Your ears can do better mathematics @15_1140 than your eyes. Oh, yeah. That's actually true. I don't know how accurate your eyes are for seeing things spatially, or seeing colors, or seeing frequencies, but your ear can hear three cents difference in frequency which, let's see, three cents is a 30th of an @15_1155 octave and you have roughly ten octave range of hearing. So that's a part of 3,000. That's the most accurate sense that you have in your body. That's not bad. OK. @15_1170 It's fast, too. It's faster than vision. << Note -- the quick estimates here should be refined as follows: There are 100 cents in a half-step, and 12 half steps in an octave. So there are 1200 cents in an octave. If human hearing is 10 octaves then there are 12,000 cents total in the range of human hearing. So being able to distinguish a difference of 3 cents is 3/12,000 or 1 part in 4,000. >> So anyway, let's go back to where we are here. So, what I'm claiming, although I'm just giving this to your ears, I'm doing the mathematics out, is that we can change the frequency or we can change the phase; and as long as it is true @15_1185 that the thing that we're modulating by happens to be a sinusoid... Why does it have to be a sinusoid for this to be true? Because I made this hand-waving argument about you have to put the integral of this thing in here @15_1200 to get the same effect. In other words, whatever you have here, you have to accumulate it here. And it turns out that if you accumulate a sinusoid by adding up values cumulatively, you get another sinusoid and that's a wonderful property of sinusoids that, in this case, @15_1215 makes it possible for us to rearrange this thing from this form to this form. But that only works for sinusoids. It does not work for other waveforms. For other waveforms it turns out that this is a better @15_1230 thing to compute than this. And I don't know how to explain why very well. But this is more likely to give you what you want than this. @15_1245 I'm not going to try to explain that. Too complicated to get into. All right. Anyway, here's another good thing about this form. I've probably already let the cat out of the bag. This is @15_1260 the way it's always done in hardware. Why? For the unobvious reason and the very interesting reason that good values of @15_1275 amplitude of oscillators that you use to modulate are in the same range as good values for listening to this stuff. In other words, @15_1290 if you take these numbers that you have to choose in order to make this thing sound right are much larger than these numbers that you have to choose to make this thing sound right, the amplitudes have to be down here, but the widths @15_1305 of frequency deviation have to be on the order of the frequency itself to have a reasonable effect, which is again saying why you have to divide this thing by this thing to get how strong an effect it is. Here, the proportionality to the frequency is @15_1320 already built-in. So, for instance here, what I could say is, this is the same thing as deviating this thing not by 0.38 Hertz. This is deviating this frequency by 70 Hertz. @15_1335 This is going from 440 plus 70 down to 440 -70. This one is going from 440 to what? Well, we heard the same thing. So in fact, it's going approximately from 440 plus 70 to 440 -70. @15_1350 But -- this is a better way of saying it. It's going 440 plus or -0.38 -- 38 percent of itself divided by 2 pi. @15_1365 So forgetting the 2 pi -- because 2 pi is close to one -- this is the proportional depth of frequency modulation, whereas this is the absolute depth. And the proportion depth is a better unit to be talking about frequency modulation in. Miller: @15_1380 [laughs] Stony dead silence. Exactly @15_1395 what we want. Every professor wants stony dead silence when they talk. ... Now, with that as an excuse, now I can actually take the entire left-hand side of the patch and erase it and @15_1410 do something else instead, which is to take the right hand side of the patch and populate it with other stuff. Before I do that, I'm going to do something else, which is this: I'm going to show you the spectrum of this again. This is @15_1425 going to be another proof that these things are sort of similar. In fact, this is going to be a test of whether our ears or our eyes are better at finding the similarity. So what I'm going to do is do a little @15_1440 deus ex machina again. We have to go back ... (Ignore the fact that you saw the future in that open dialogue ... ) live-spectrum.pd, <> @15_1455 Here we are. OK, this is a nice patch which I developed for totally different reasons and which I do not want to explain. This patch, which you can get if you download the patches for the day, let's you do the good stuff @15_1470 like "Hi I'm a spectrum and..." Here we go -- ADC: OK I will not dwell on this because I will end up talking for hours about the wonderful properties of spectra of voices, but @15_1485 what you see here... Anyhow, I'm not going to not be able to stop myself from doing this: [voice in microphone] There is a spectrum. This is the like the spectral analyzer I had out for talking about @15_1500 waveshaping a couple of sessions ago, but this is a real one which doesn't care that I use exactly frequencies which are aligned to the filter bank that I used to measure the spectrum. Never mind what all that was. ... This is a general @15_1515 spectrum estimator in which peaks just look like peaks that can move up and down continuously without getting messed up. Good enough. All right, And I stopped it now. @15_1530 What's really happening is that every twentieth of a second, this thing is making a new nice picture and showing us a new spectrum. Now the reason I'm hauled this out is not to show off @15_1545 the spectrum of my voice so much as it is to show off the spectrum of frequency modulations. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this patch and use a wonderful feature of Pd -- which is that @15_1560 you can send and receive signals from one patch to another -- to make it listen to this patch. "send~ spectraph" @15_1575 And I'm doing this so that we can look at the spectrum. @15_1590 So now here's the wonderful frequency modulating sound that I just made, and here is its spectrum, if I can @15_1605 find that window again. ... Ta-da. OK. The choice of frequencies I made was good for our ears to be able to find the same @15_1620 bunch of junk, but it's not so great for looking at. So I'll go change the parameters later to show you how this is all affected. What I'm going to do now is check that this spectrum that we're looking at right now is actually kind of @15_1635 the same thing in these two techniques of doing frequency modulation. So there's the one and here's the other. So, remember what this @15_1650 graph looks like, and now we do this one, and we get -- approximately the same thing. So that's another non-proof, another sort of demonstration without proof, that in fact @15_1665 what we're doing here is in some sense equivalent to what we're doing here. You heard it -- Now you see it, in some sense. Now I'm going to get rid of this and we're just going to be looking at spectra @15_1680 of frequency modulation networks. And I'm making room because this is going to grow as always. Stuff never shrinks. ... Save. @15_1695 So now we listen to this and we're looking at the spectrum. And so now, as we remember, and if we turn this down to say zero, we're looking at a sinusoid which looks like a @15_1710 peak in frequency-land. And now as we turn this back on ... so one thing you see is that the thing is getting fatter @15_1725 and fatter and fatter, the bigger I push the deviations in the frequency. Now, the other thing @15_1740 that we sort of already know is - let's get a bigger frequency, like a hundred, so we can see it. The spacing of the peaks that we have here is set by the modulating @15_1755 frequency. So, terminology: I've been sloppy about not defining my terms as I use them, which is unfortunately normal for me. So this is an oscillator. This, in common speech is called the @15_1770 "carrier oscillator." And this oscillator is called the "modulating oscillator." And I think, although I can't swear to this, that this goes back to the days of radio where FM was a way that you got signals from a radio station to a radio receiver, and @15_1785 this signal, the carrier signal -- would be whatever it will be... 92.5, right? Whatever radio station you listen to, you dial in the carrier frequency and this modulating frequency would be the frequency or @15_1800 frequencies that would be present and the signal which you're listening to on the radio. So that's why this is called a "modulating frequency." And so this, your FM radio, @15_1815 doesn't sound like this when the announcer is silent, only because this frequency is 92 megaHertz say -- it's too high to hear. These frequencies would be audio. In this case they're both audio, they're both in the audio range, @15_1830 20 to 20k. And again. As we change the strength of the modulating oscillator, what we see is that the spectrum that we started with grows ... @15_1845 grows limbs. And, furthermore, what we see is that those limbs don't move around; that is to say, they don't shift left or right. They stay in the same place, but they change amplitude. @15_1860 Oh yeah, negative does something similar to positive, as usual. And where are these things? Well, everyone knows -- but I'll tell you anyway. So this frequency here is 440, and these are 440 @15_1875 plus and minus a hundred, plus and -200, and so or to put it on the way: All of these peaks are separated by 100 Hertz from each other. And the other thing about that is if one of these things lands negative, an oscillator @15_1890 oscillating in a negative frequency is the same thing as an oscillator possibly with a different phase oscillating in a positive frequency because we can only hear the real part of these things. And so, if I push @15_1905 this amplitude so that peaks further and further out from the center get energy, at a certain point I'll start to see funny stuff in the low frequencies because the peaks will start... @15_1920 New peaks will start appearing. You can't see it with these choices of frequencies. Sorry, I'm going to now increase all these frequencies. @15_1935 Let's go up to E <<660 Hz>> and this will be 200 Hertz. Try it again. Yes. So now you see there's the carrier frequency. Here are side bands which @15_1950 are -- I don't know why they're called "side bands." But these are peaks which describe frequencies that are present in the signal that are 660 plus and -200 Hertz. So this is 460 (660 - 200). @15_1965 This is 260, this is 60, and furthermore, there is going to be one that is -140, which is 60 -200. And -140 is the same thing as positive 140, if it's the frequency of an oscillator. @15_1980 So you see, there's a peak trying to grow here and that peak is 140 Hertz. Furthermore, I can put more and more energy into it, and it's not just that we're going to get energy at 140, but we'll get energy at @15_1995 340 and 540. Those are actually minus, well, morally speaking; these are -140, -340, and -540 Hertz. But we see them as positive. So the amplitudes depend on @15_2010 this amplitude here. And the frequencies are all fixed forever, immutable. All right. Now, one other piece of terminology before I forget to say it, which is @15_2025 that these things all have names: This is the "carrier oscillator" so this is the "carrier frequency." This is the "modulating oscillator," so this is the "modulation frequency." This is the @15_2040 amplitude of the "modulating oscillator," which is also known as the "index of modulation." People who were talking about waveshaping back in the 70's stole the word "index," I think, from FM and started using it to @15_2055 describe waveshaping. So in a waveshaping setup, where you have oscillator, multiplier, and non-linear table lookup, that multiplier there could also be called the "index" of waveshaping. So @15_2070 "index" sort of means either the amplitude of an oscillator before you do something non-linear to it, like this or like waveshaping; or it could mean how much you're messing the sound up by doing something non-linear to it, which is the same thing @15_2085 by what amplitude you throw it through this non-linear thing ... sort of -- I'm coasting over details there. So what does it sound like? @15_2100 The original tone and then you get this kind of stuff. You can get all the partials you want. Notice that the @15_2115 sort of characteristic pattern of frequency modulation: Which is that after a certain point the partials start appearing in pairs because negative frequency and positive frequencies ones are both going in an arithmetic sequence @15_2130 with the same separation. So you should get this sort of one-two one-two one-two kind of pattern. The other thing about it is the amplitudes of these things... (OK, let me @15_2145 drop the frequency again.) So I made the modulation frequency large then to show you all the reflection about zero, which happens in frequency. But the other thing to wonder about is how do the amplitudes act? @15_2160 OK they're Bessel functions, you've all heard that ... but how do they act empirically? The answer is: first off, the thing gets fatter and fatter as you push up the @15_2175 index of modulation, which is the amplitude of the modulation oscillator. The energy starts at the center frequency, and it goes out so the signal picks up bandwidth. The FCC gets very excited about that because, @15_2190 of course, if you have two radio stations, the sum of their bandwidths ought not to be more than the distance between the two frequencies, or else they'll be cross-talking. So, now talking about amplitudes, then, ... @15_2205 The amplitudes arrange themselves so that more and more energy appears further and further out from the center frequency. But without these frequencies changing, it's just that the amplitudes are changing in such a way to make the frequency appear to be spreading. @15_2220 And the other thing is that: OK, to start with, you get nice, normal reasonable stuff like this. And it even sounds reasonable, I'm not sure but ... @15_2235 Now, that sounds horrible, but that's because I chose bad frequencies for the nice picture, right? So the other odd thing that starts happening is that as you push the frequency harder, the @15_2250 carrier frequency, the center peak, which is the peak at the carrier frequency, loses energy, but it looks like it's actually giving energy off to its side bands, which you could sort of pretend is happening. -- These are side bands. But it actually ends up @15_2265 giving all of its energy off into the side bands. So as we push the index further, we actually lose the center frequency altogether. It happens at an index of about 0.38. I don't actually know what that number is. I've tried to figure it out once but I think it's @15_2280 just a number. OK? There's a number of which you just don't you don't have any carrier frequency left at all. But you have nothing but side bands. Furthermore, if you push it further, @15_2295 that amplitude which was going down keeps going down and goes negative. But, of course, negative amplitudes are the same thing as positive amplitudes. So we're going back to zero. So the evolution of the @15_2310 amplitude of the first one is that it goes from large to zero to negative to zero to up to zero, to down and so on like that. Meanwhile, watch this partial. Actually, these two will have the same amplitudes so watch either one of them. And they start from zero, @15_2325 and they start going up. That's all right, but at a certain point, they hit their maximum and start dropping, too. And, furthermore, they will eventually go through zero, as well. Furthermore, the @15_2340 next ones will go through zero, as well, and so on like that so that you'll actually even have this sort of a wave or even a sequence of waves of energy going out from the frequency of the original carrier. So this is the original carrier frequency. @15_2355 Now we have one lump here and another lump there. And if we start pushing the modulation index - index of modulation - up higher, you'll see more and more of these waves and you'll hear these partials appearing and disappearing in amplitude. @15_2370 And that gives you a characteristic sound that you can sort of describe as a rolling sound. -- Which, you know, @15_2385 you can think that sounds cool or you could just sort of think that sounds like the bad side of FM, depending what kinds of sounds you like. @15_2400 But I will say that if you listen to John Chowning's music, which is worth doing, John Chowning being the person who invented frequency modulation as a synthesis technique for music, you'll find that his indices ... @15_2415 I can't tell you a lot... You'll find that the beginning of his first piece, the indices of modulation all very nice and small but then he sort of starts feeling his oats and the indices start going up. -- So, never mind I said that. @15_2430 Anyhow, these are the nice sort of classical sounds that have nice, smooth spectra that just sort of have a peak. And then you can get the funny sounds that are just complicated; @15_2445 fraught full of energy all over the place, which sound like this: OK. So @15_2460 the easy way of describing it, describing what's going on, is this sets the center of the energy -- this is the carrier frequency, which says where the energy is going to be centered. And this talks about the @15_2475 bandwidth, and not the extent to which the energy is spread out over other partials besides the carrier frequency. And this is the spacing of the partials. And, of course, now good things happen when you @15_2490 ask for the carrier frequency -- (220 say)-- and the modulating frequency to be @15_2505 multiples of each other. Now we've set up a situation where the carrier frequency and the modulating frequency are the same. And so to start with, we have this and now as we push the index up, the first sideband over here is going to be @15_2520 DC -- zero frequency -- and we won't hear it. The next one will be twice the fundamental, which will be up here, and, in fact, no matter how often you add and subtract integer multiples of 220 to 220, you get another @15_2535 integer multiple of 220. And so what we have here, no matter what, is going to be periodic. And its period @15_2550 is going to be consistent with the frequency of 220, that is to say this period will be 1/220th of a second. And this is the sound that a 1973 @15_2565 sounded to those computer musicians like a trumpet. So if you say "Make a computer music trumpet," that's the sound. Now, how do you make the computer music clarinet? We'll just make this one be 440 like I did start with, @15_2580 and now the first peak is 220. But then you get 220 plus 440, which is 660, (220 - 440) is -220. So the reflection of this peak lands right where it @15_2595 was and furthermore every multiple, that is (220 plus or minus any integer times 440) is 220, or 660 or -- whatever that number is -- five times 220, which is 1100, @15_2610 and so on like that. And so now we have a sound that has only odd harmonics. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the computer music clarinet from 1973. @15_2625 So you've got your trumpet, 220. -- A trumpet is "modulating frequency equals carrier frequency," and the clarinet is "modulating frequency is twice the carrier frequency." @15_2640 Here's another thing about that: I set the carrier frequency to be 220, and then we saw that all the possible @15_2655 peaks that could arise in the side band would be odd number multiples of 220. But that could also be true if that number were 660, or 1100. @15_2670 All I'm doing is I'm taking the carrier frequency and I'm placing it either here or here or here or here. And the result is always the same collection of possible harmonics. @15_2685 The timbre changes. What's the next one? ... Got to add 440 ... 1540. @15_2700 So what I'm doing is I'm moving the carrier frequency to occupy different peaks in the spectrum, but the spacing is always given as 440 and so the spectrum itself stays the same. @15_2715 In general, this is true: No matter what these two numbers are, you could then add this number into that one or subtract it from it, and you would get different amplitudes, but you would get the same frequencies of the partials present. @15_2730 So now for instance and maybe this is kind of obvious -- you can play additive synthesis games with frequency modulation by choosing carrier frequencies which are @15_2745 chosen to be lying on a desired spectrum. The spectrum, though, of course, has to be a spectrum that you can get from FM in the first place. Then you can through if voices of FM along any of these possible center frequencies and add them and you will get more @15_2760 complicated FM instruments, that still obey that same spacing of frequency. And there are two simple ones that work well. This is the odd harmonic one and then there is the normal one -- @15_2775 the "trumpet" one, as I called it. So now, the carrier and modulator frequencies are the same. But again, now I can take the frequency of the modulating oscillator and @15_2790 add it to the carrier oscillator any number of times, and I get these kinds of sounds. Notice, the fundamental @15_2805 is the same, it's 220. But there are twice as many peaks in the spectrum; the other spectrum only had the odd peaks, and this one now has all the integer multiples of 220. And also enjoy how -- since I @15_2820 chose a reasonable index of modulation that's below that wonderful number 0.37 something -- the peak is always going to lie where I put the carrier oscillator. Not really, but sort of. @15_2835 The peak is sort of here. Let's try another one. ... Maybe we'll drop this back a little further, for that really to be true. Oh, right -- Sorry: 0.37 is where the peak actually disappeared -- but there's also some point at which this peak @15_2850 quits being the tallest. And I don't know where that is; that's some smaller number. So now we have 220, 440, 660, and now you can see that you can make spectra that variously have their energies @15_2865 centered in different places and you can superpose them. What about the phases? The story about phases is ugly and you should look in the book if you want to find out how the phases operate. But the short answer is if you @15_2880 work it out so that the phases below the carrier frequency are all in phase, are all like cosine, then the ones up on the other side are like cosine, too, except that they are alternating in sign. @15_2895 I don't know a good, simpler explanation for why such a thing would happen, so phase is a mess. Just try not to think about phase. Pretend it's on your side, or something. And if you do care about phase, don't do frequency modulation, but do @15_2910 something that has a simpler spectrum than this. So the complexity of the spectrum here comes from two things: One is that you get that rolling effect as the index of @15_2925 modulation goes up -- that sort of chaotic in-and-out of various frequencies. And the other thing that is odd about it is -- you don't see it -- but the phases of these things are not terribly well-behaved. The good thing is that the amplitude of what comes out is @15_2940 really, really well-behaved. No matter what you do to the frequency or phase of this oscillator, you can modulate this oscillator until kingdom come, it's never going to get outside of the range from -0.3 to +0.3. And so it's going to be good to your Fender @15_2955 Dual Showman amp -- in a way that some other algorithms that were chosen to have phase coherence here might not do for you. And there, the example would be the phase-aligned formant synthesis technique which is described in Chapter 6 -- @15_2970 which shows you how to make these spectra with very nicely controllable amplitudes and phases of partials but which has another Achilles' heel, which is that it gets very spiky and very bad for amplifiers. @15_2985 I don't know any way of getting both good amplitude and phase behavior and getting a signal whose behavior -- just in terms of what it ranges from and what percentage of the time it's actually giving you good energy -- @15_3000 are both controllable simultaneously. I don't know how you do that. Now, next thing about this ... Picturing yourself at Stanford University back in '73 ... @15_3015 This only cost us two oscillators, that's to say it only took Chowning an hour of computation to hear about five seconds of two-operator FM back in the day on his Foonly F4 computer -- if I remember it correctly. << Chowning may have used an earlier model of Foonly ...>> @15_3030 So why don't we make the thing take an hour and a half to get our five seconds of sound ... and add another oscillator! Where are we going to add it? Well, let's add it ... OK, well @15_3045 we know what would happen if we add one down here. We could figure out what would happen pretty quickly if we add another one down here. OK, so we'll need an adder now. So we put these puppies down here. And then I'm going to just @15_3060 add them because I might be adding other stuff in, too. So here's a thing. I'm going to look at it, too. Good. So if I had another one of these things with @15_3075 other parameters -- but I'll reuse the modulating oscillator and just give myself two carrier oscillators and add them, what then would happen? @15_3090 Well, we know what spectrum this thing is going to make. Well, at least we know how to talk about what kind of spectrum this thing makes. And this one is just @15_3105 another of the same thing so it does the same thing, too, right? And so now, we just superpose @15_3120 the two spectra, and now we have more control over the timbre of the sound. @15_3135 (The light -- the wonderful motion-controlled (room) light -- either concluding that we're not moving enough or that we're moving too much. We will never know. ...) So what happened there was -- @15_3150 maybe this is just too obvious for words but -- I'm reusing the signal but in fact I would have gotten the same thing that had two of these oscillators with the same parameters, more or less. What's happening here is I'm just adding, I'm just using two @15_3165 carrier oscillators and what's coming out is just the sound of what would have happened if I'd done the two carrier oscillators separately and that's kind of obvious now that you look at it, right? Except that if I were one of those crazy people @15_3180 who likes to do frequency modulation with waveforms that weren't pure sinusoids, one way that I could think about what that would be doing is I could think of the non-sinusoidal waveform as being @15_3195 a sum of sinusoids of different frequencies. And then you could think of the oscillator itself as being an additive synthesis, an equivalent additive synthesis patch that might have an infinitude of oscillators being added into it but anyway you could simulate @15_3210 any waveform you want with additive synthesis. I'm not going to prove that right now. And so this would be a good description of what happens when you have a non-sinusoidal waveform as a carrier oscillator, which, @15_3225 by the way, the FCC cannot be happy about. That's OK, we're not radiating too much here other than acoustically. So that is adding @15_3240 another carrier oscillator. Now, what we can think about is... Oh, terminology: By the time you do this, @15_3255 then you're starting to get the idea that these oscillators and these controllable phases are building blocks, in a sense. And for some reason, the Yamaha Corporation got to calling these things "operators." So this is @15_3270 three-operator FM. And of course, three-operator FM, you could invent other technologies. And, in fact, I'll show you another couple that could also be three-operator FM. The famous DX-7 synthesizer @15_3285 that was FM for the masses for the first time was six-operator FM. So imagine all the good cool things you could do with six of these piling up together in different ways. And the thing that made that all possible was @15_3300 the fact that it was phase modulation, as opposed to frequency modulation, so that the units that you describe the amplitudes in were all compatible. In other words, you didn't have to go choosing crazy different ranges of numbers for different oscillators. @15_3315 So you could manage them very easily, even in old fashioned 1980's architectures -- 70's even. ... OK, so go back. So that was putting the oscillator there - the extra oscillator. I could take this @15_3330 "operator" if you want. I could take the extra operator and put it up here and you still have three-operator FM. But now what we have is the two other oscillators. (Let's see how we get it so we can see all this. @15_3345 There's not much hope anymore. So I can make this thing take less vertical space. We're just not @15_3360 going to be able to do very well.) So let me turn all of these things off and let's see what we get. @15_3375 The carrier frequency is 440 and I'm going to choose two modulating frequencies: 220, and here I'm going to choose a different one. What's a good choice? @15_3390 550. So now, both of these oscillators are turned off in the sense that their amplitudes are zero. So now we just hear the @15_3405 carrier frequency, and now we know what this oscillator will do to it -- Sorry! -- I forgot the shift key. There. That's two-operator FM. Here's what the other one @15_3420 does: The other one is 550, so I'm going to make it 550. -- And then it does this. Isn't that sweet? Maybe it's sweet, maybe not, @15_3435 depending on how you feel about it. So just to be painfully slow about this: There's 440. There's 440 - 550 which is plus 110; @15_3450 and then this is 440 + 550 which is 990. This is this one plus 550, so it's 660. So we got 110, 440, 660, 990, and so on. @15_3465 It's 1, 4, 6, 9, 11 and so on times the fundamental frequency of 110. That's kind of cool. And it sounds like this. And now, @15_3480 how do you think about what happens when you do both of these together? It turns out to be strikingly easy. Let's do it this way. Let's start with the 550: @15_3495 [...] @15_3510 So if someone gave you a two-operator FM network that was a sinusoid modulating but was a carrier that had a complex waveform, you could think of that as a sum of simpler two-operator FM @15_3525 modules, where modulator was always a sinusoid and the carrier is always a sinusoid because those imaginary carriers would just arrange them to add up to a complex waveform. This thing you can think of and analyze in exactly the same way, because @15_3540 you can combine these two. These are the ones we're listening to right now. You can think of this thing, whatever it is, it's periodic with 110 Hertz period. And so it itself is a @15_3555 thing that at least in your mind you could describe as a sum of sinusoidal oscillators and here are the frequencies that they're at. And we could even, if you wanted to, write down a bad formula for what their amplitudes were. @15_3570 And now when we start taking this complex waveform and modulating it with this sinusoid, what will happen is that it will act like each of these peaks was independently getting modulated. And then we wouldl get this extraordinary complicated thing, @15_3585 which is each of these peaks sprouting its own side bands. And of course, the sidebands are all mixed up in each other because the first two sidebands of this peak are here and here, @15_3600 but the first two sidebands of this peak are here -- and I'm not sure where to say the other one is, probably here again. I'm not sure. And so now, we get @15_3615 all of the frequencies, which are... OK, so to go back. Now what we have is: This is two-operator FM. If I turn this one off, so now it's just these two, right? So it's 440 plus or minus an integer multiple of 550. Now each one @15_3630 of those you can think of is being the carrier frequencies for a new two-operator FM setup and whatever these frequencies are, like this 440 again will sprout 440 plus or minus integer multiples of this. @15_3645 So in sum, what you get out of the whole thing is 440 plus or minus any integer times this plus or minus any integer times that, which is potentially a very nice thick spectrum. @15_3660 So we have that sound, and now we add this sound and we get this kind of stuff. And now, it's idiot's delight. @15_3675 We have basically all the spectra that we can possibly wish for and the only thing that we can wish for that we don't have is some way of actually getting from one desired spectrum to another in a continuous and @15_3690 ergonomic way -- or thinkable way, understandable way, comprehensible way. ... All right? So you throw numbers in here and you get spectra. You can say where the frequencies are, and that's all right. But @15_3705 if someone tells you, "I got this spectrum. Can you make FM do it for me?" And then you just say, "Hmm." [laughs] There are papers out about that because people in the early '70's got really excited about that, "Oh @15_3720 FM, that's this very powerful synthesis technique. Let's take the sound of this real trumpet, analyze it and then figure out how we're going to stuff parameters into these FM networks to sound like a real trumpet that was analyzed." And the answer is you can get @15_3735 this waveform when you get that well, not even but you can imitate. You can get a bad imitation or a vague imitation of one set of partial strengths and of another. And then you can try to get to @15_3750 continuously from the one to the other, but then you will find that the parameters that you had to do for this aren't actually in the neighborhood of the parameter that you had to get for that. They're somewhere else, in some mountain range of horrible parameter choices. And as a result, you can't actually make continuous paths and get between spectra in @15_3765 any desirable way that you could wish -- as a general rule. So FM turns out to not be nirvana in terms of synthesizing sounds -- for the simple reason that if someone gives you a sound and asked you synthesize it with FM, it is usually just not possible. So what would you do? @15_3780 Well, you can go back and do additive synthesis, probably the easiest way to do that. OK, so this now is three-operator FM, with two of the operators... (Sorry these are oscillators but we call them @15_3795 operators now because that's what they call them), operating on the third one. And now, of course, you can also say, "Oh cool. ..." Let me explain quickly again the asymmetry of this design or of this picture. This oscillator is like these others, @15_3810 except that I haven't thrown this adder in. I'm just saving real estate because I'm going to... It's going to be a tree structure, it's going to be a tree structure today. And so, somebody's going to be on top, someone's going to be out on the leaf because you can't have @15_3825 a tree without leaves, as far as I know. And so this is going to be leaf. So now what we're going to do is we're going to say, "No. I don't want this thing to modulate this oscillator down here. I want it to modulate this oscillator over here." And then what do you get? Well, you get @15_3840 yet another spectrum. ... And even less of any reasonable way of describing what that spectrum is, @15_3855 except to say this. ... No, you can't even think about this. ... Don't even try to put this in your brains. This is another thing and you can do it because it's easy to do. But trying to analyze @15_3870 what this does and I think it's just going to be hopeless. So, just don't try it. Al right, let me tell you how hopeless it is: Analyze these two and you'll get an infinite number of frequencies here, which are this frequency @15_3885 plus or minus multiples of this frequency. Now, this thing, then you could regard as an equivalent to an additive synthesis network with an infinite number of oscillators in it. Each of those is modulating this thing. @15_3900 And I told you how to think about two oscillators modulating this thing, which gave you a doubly infinite set of peaks. Well this thing gives you, then, an infinitely infinite set of peaks because each of these infinite number of peaks is independently @15_3915 separately modulating this one. And their indices of modulation, furthermore, are given by the amplitudes of the components of this pair, which themselves are moving in this horribly complicated way. So the whole thing is just completely beyond @15_3930 sort of any rational analysis at this point. But you can dial right up on your DX-7 and say you can enjoy all day and people have gotten good intuitively at making sounds out of this thing, even though it's impossible @15_3945 to understand what's going on So there is FM operators and all that stuff. Now, just to go back quickly to @15_3960 the question of... (Maybe I don't need this one anymore.) OK. Going back now to this thing, I said rather a simple thing about this which is that the @15_3975 frequencies present are this thing plus or minus integer multiples of this plus or minus whole number multiples of this, I can even say. Now, it turned out that all of those things were @15_3990 multiples of one number, which is 110, and you can tell from by looking at that this plus N times that always ends with integers that are all going to be multiples of 110. That's cool, right? If I gave you any two numbers here, @15_4005 and said "What is the number of that this plus or minus N times this is always an integer multiple of?" The answer is going to be, I think the answer is always going to be, @15_4020 and the best thing that you can get is going to be the greatest common factor of these two numbers. Greatest common divisor of these two, the GCD of them -- which is in this case, @15_4035 110. But in this case, the greatest common factor of these two numbers is one. And so even though it looks nice now, @15_4050 this thing, if you want to wait until this thing repeats, you have to wait an entire second because after a second this thing will have moved, @15_4065 this thing will have done 551 cycles and this thing will have done 440 cycles and you'll be back to where we were. But there's no other point at which these two phases both will be equal to what they were before. And just pushing this index a little bit, @15_4080 now we can do the usual cheap thrill FM thing which is walk through all of the wonderful frequencies. @15_4095 Should I make this a little louder? So if you've ever @15_4110 heard sounds like these, they're not atypical of frequency modulation synthesis. And of course there's a special case where this one and this one happen to be close to integer multiples of @15_4125 something else. So in this case, we have positive and negative things that we didn't quite line up and so they're beating but this number, I believe, is about 3/2 of this number, is that true? 290 ... so half of that @15_4140 is a hundred forty five. So three halves of this is ... I think -- 435 Miller: Yeah, so @15_4155 now what we have is 150 Hertz coming out. Actually we've got odd harmonics again, oddly enough. @15_4170 So every once in a while, if we sweep either of these two, you will hit a situation, a sort of syzygy where these peaks whack into each other and do something nice -- well, sparse in terms of spectrum, and then you get those sounds. And between those sounds you get all @15_4185 the very juicy, creamy sounds in between. @15_4200 So as you're looking at the spectrum, you can imagine these peaks actually just moving through each other like ghosts through a wall. @15_4215 That, in a nutshell, is the story of frequency modulation. Let's see what do I have to tell you other than what I've just said that's important? @15_4230 That's what it is. So things to take home about this are: First off, this is real easy to do and it's a cheap thrill, @15_4245 it's in your cell phone, that's how cheap a thrill it is. What do I mean by that? It's so cheap that you can do it in silicon using very few watts or microwatts, even. So it becomes a very easy thing @15_4260 to build circuits to do, which is why you hear a whole lot of it. It's very well behaved in terms of the amplitudes that you get out because of the fact that finally what you're looking at always ends in this cosine function. @15_4275 So the behavior is good. You control the amplitude because in the end it's really just an oscillator with a changing frequency. The gotcha is you don't know how to do anything with it, other than the very simplest things, with any sort of @15_4290 actual predictability. The only way of finding things out about FM is to develop an intuition on how to get cool things out of FM, which people of course have spent many years doing because there are lots of people who spend all @15_4305 their time programming. ... Yeah, literally there are people who spend all their time programming, like cell phone sounds that sound like trumpets and pianos and bells and all that good stuff. And you can enjoy their work @15_4320 and millions of people can enjoy their work, too. But if you want to do it, you can count on spending many years messing around with these things yourself. Maybe that would be good, maybe it wouldn't. Depending on what you think do you want to do with your lives ... @15_4335 That's it. That is the entire story of frequency modulation, unless I've forgotten something important. I don't think I have. We're done. *** MUS171 #16 02 24 Miller: @16_0000 This is a... -- I will come back and present this later. OK. You had to do this with sinusoids before, as way of learning abstractions. @16_0015 So, this is the same, essentially the same thing except that, the synthesis technique is one that uses delay lines and in fact, some of you already know this: If you want to make tones like this, @16_0030 you just play a little white noise or something into a recirculating delay line. For those of you who don't know it, you will see it today. So, if you don't know how to make this timbre, you will know soon how to make it. @16_0045 This idea is attributed to two people working at Stanford, Karplus and Strong. <> It is called Karplus-Strong synthesis and it turns out that it is great for making harpsichordy kinds of sounds like that. And you can @16_0060 push in a couple of ways but then, pretty much, it will give you that very recognizable timbre. And if you ever hear that, you just say; "Oh, that is Karplus-Strong." And that is kind of it. Although this is a good thing as a source for filtering. What I did was I just fixed it so that @16_0075 it has a controllable duration and has a controllable base pitch just as before. And this is a random melody but you can elaborate on that all you want. So, that is... @16_0090 now with that in your heads ... That is a thing that you do with delay lines. But, what I am going to do is show you more in general what delay lines are, like what is the range of experience that you can create @16_0105 using a delay line. A delay line simply takes something in and it puts it out at some amount of time later. Or, at the present time, it is putting out what it got at some previous moment. And to do it, @16_0120 the simplest possible example might be ... Let's just use the microphone to start with just because it will be upsetting. OK. So, what you do to make a delay is two things: First off, you make a delay line. @16_0135 And to do that, the thing is "delwrite~" . And you have to give it a name because delays, like arrays and like send and receive pairs, are things that other things refer to and they have to be able to find them by name. So, @16_0150 I will say delwrite~ and then give it a name and you also have to tell it ... Since it has to make space you have to tell it how much space to make. Unlike arrays -- delays really are just arrays. But, unlike arrays, delays are @16_0165 things that have signal running continuously through them so that they actually have a notion of sample rate. And, as a result, in a delay line, you specify not in the number of samples but in the number of milliseconds, which is the usual time unit. So, I am going to ask for a five-second long delay @16_0180 just because I cannot imagine to running more than that. And then, you just say "delay read" (delread~). Give it a delay name that matches the writing delay line and then give it any amount of delay that you wish to @16_0195 have the thing delay by. And furthermore, that is a thing that you can control using numbers. I should make a number box. ... So, here is the whole patch. I will just take the delay read and throw it to the output. @16_0210 (It is complaining to me. Why? That is me. That is this window generating problems.) OK. @16_0225 And now maybe ... If my mic is on, "Hello," yep. OK. So now, what you hear is me a second previously.@16_0240 This is a good way to really reduce the intelligibility of speech by the way. So, if you want to change that, you don't even have to specify the initial value. There is no storage associated with @16_0255 reading a delay line; it is just getting storage that was made by the delay write. And so, almost as in the signal versions of send and receive, the delay write defines the delay line and then you may have as many as delay reads as you want reading from it. So, for instance here, @16_0270 I can dial up the amount of delay that I want in milliseconds. So, here is 132 millisecond delay: And so on like that. Zero just means ..well, actually, if you say negative, it makes it zero; it cannot get less than that. And I will make that a little bit better @16_0285 by actually giving it a range. So, zero is the shortest delay you can make which isn't ... Well, which is basically the delay of getting through the audio system the computer has, @16_0300 plus Pd. And, then you get various things: So, certain delay times are just enough to make you queasy but not enough that you can actually hear the delay and then along right here, you get problems @16_0315 with speech intelligibility because there are a lot of phonemes of speech particularly the consonants that typically are over in less than 50 milliseconds and so, if you present a delayed copy of speech, @16_0330 you are squashing those phonemes out and mixing them with their neighbors which ruins the intelligibility of the speech. And, that becomes near total when you push it up to 100 milliseconds @16_0345 in which case you get a nice echo. Well, for thinking about it, 100 milliseconds ... Sound goes about a foot in millisecond. So, 100 milliseconds is 100 feet; so, that is the echo from a @16_0360 wall that is 50 feet away from you. OK? I am just going to save this as it is right now. It is very simple, but this is the basic deal about delay. Yes. I am going to save this except I am going to @16_0375 save a slightly modified form of it which is going to be this: -- Just to emphasize how "delay read" 's can reuse the same delay line. Now, we have the two @16_0390 speakers. Each of which can have a different delay and then you have this. [Clicking sound] Miller: Alright. And now, you play an instrument into that ...@16_0405 I can't hear anything ... Don't worry about that. @16_0420 Of course, delays are great effects and of course you are going to want to turn it up so that you can really hear it and that's when you'll get feedback. So delay networks are very feedback prone; that would be @16_0435 a good thing to worry about. So, this is a very simple delay patch, which I will just save. And then move on to the next ... Yeah? Audience: What is the 5000 in the "delwrite~ delay1 5000" ? Miller: Thank you. Yes. So, the 5000 -- that is @16_0450 the amount of delay line that delay write created in milliseconds. So, in order to make a delay line, delwrite~ has to allocate memory because it has to continually be remembering the last five seconds of whatever @16_0465 came in to it and so, you tell it how much memory you want to grab and you can ask it for hours, all right? But, I don't know any situation which you will need to. ... Yeah? Audience: So, would that be a "tail" then? Miller: It isn't really a tail. ... @16_0480 What is a tail? ... I don't know how to answer that. So, tails are things that happen after a sound. @16_0495 So, yes because it is creating space for making something come back after it is gone. But, you could make tails in other ways as far as you could make a purely... you could make an oscillator-based synthesizer that had a tail and then you wouldn't need a delay line to do it. @16_0510 So, really what the delay line is ... you can think of it as a circular buffer or as a loop of tape. So, what you are doing is you are writing. The memory is arranged in a circle and not in a segment and you're just writing @16_0525 around on the circle continuously so that five seconds later, you rewrite the same thing that you had written before and so on like that. But, in a given moment in time, you can look back up to five seconds in the past and it will still be there. ... @16_0540 Now, next thing about that is this: People immediately think @16_0555 of the idea of making recirculating delays and what I will do for pedagogical reasons is I will just make a very stupid design for a recirculating delay first and then I will @16_0570 start making it a little bit smarter. So, the stupid thing that I could do is this: Let's make this be a thousand and let's test the delay line ... Is it they are working? OK. Then we will turn it up a little bit. @16_0585 Now, what I am going to do is connect the delread~ back to the delwrite~ so then I will say something like, "You will never forget this." [sound repeats continuously through the delay loop] [laughter] Miller: @16_0600 OK. Let's get that out of there. OK. So, it is still there, right? @16_0615 I just turned... [laughter] Miller: ...OK. Actually, this is making a perfect digital copy of the thing so that it really literally will be the same thing tomorrow or next year until I of course destroy the patch which I will want to do pretty soon. @16_0630 Notice that I disconnected the ADC object from it. That is because, in this design, I have a little bit of a disadvantage because, well, there is... [turns on repeating sound] Miller: There is another thing that is going to happen which is that @16_0645 I can add other stuff into it: Miller: "This either." [repeating sound with added material] Miller: And furthermore, if I keep letting that happen, then eventually, I will just get salad, right? And then, @16_0660 it will just be too much. And so, what you would really want to patch and be able to do isn't just... [playback] Miller: ...not just that, but maybe first off, it might be interesting to be able to have subsequent echoes to be @16_0675 quieter than the original ones. And/or it might be a very good idea to be able to have your patch actually arranged in such a way that you could control whether you are sending a signal to it or not, alright? That would be the send delay loop. Alright. So, now...[loop plays] @16_0690 So, you got this... Miller: So, let's do this. OK. Now, a couple of things: One thing, this is programming style and this is little personal -- @16_0705 I have a tendency to try to put delwrite~'s higher on the screen than delread~ 's, so that the delay reads downward and then this line that went from the output of delread~ back up to the delwrite~ is then feedback. And it looks like feedback when you connect the output of something lower @16_0720 in a patch to the input of something higher in the patch. You don't have to do it that way because of course you could jumble around with it anyway you want. But, if you do it that way, it is easier to remember what you are doing -- which you could think is a good thing. OK. Now that I've done that, @16_0735 what I really wanted to do is make this controllable in the sort of obvious ways. I will go as far as to do that and then, I will save that and go on to make another one with gain. So, the important thing here is that, we want to be able @16_0750 to turn the input on and off so let's multiply it by...I could be brutal and multiply it by a toggle switch. By the way, just to be pedagogical again, I am going to explicitly @16_0765 add these two signals. Oh, I can't without destroying my beautiful delay loop. ... (Oh, I can. Watch this ...) We're going to turn DSP off. Now the delay line is just sitting there @16_0780 and now, I can disconnect this. If you can't follow this, this is just, it is silly. Don't worry about it. [laughter] Miller: Now, I am going to put a little plus in there. The patch is turned off while I am doing all of this editing, right? @16_0795 And now, I am going to hook this up. -- Oh, except I want to be able to control the feedback path to. So, let's do another one of these. @16_0810 I am going to be sloppy with this one. OK. So, the delread~ will go to a multiplier. The ADC will also go to a multiplier. Alright; @16_0825 I am going just to be sloppy and I am not going to use line~ 's. I am just going to use toggles. If we were doing this for serious, we would use line~ 's So, now there is a delay time which we've set the two toggles. And @16_0840 right now, with this one, I want to be recirculating this one not. And I will turn it back on: [recirculating audio] Miller: And now, I got something where I can just say whatever I want. [Whistling] @16_0855 [Recirculating audio] Miller: And finally, I can do this and get the thing shut up so, I can start over. "This is another one." [recirculating audio] Miller: Alright? @16_0870 OK. I should have done this with line~ 's instead of the toggles -- So, I will leave you to think about all these little details . Why? Because these are just amplitude controls like any other. Is it clear what this patch is doing? OK. @16_0885 It does need a couple of comments. This control should have names and they should be on the patch. So, this is going to be "recirculation." @16_0900 And, this one is going to be, I think the right thing to call this is just "send." In other words, this is a control. @16_0915 This is a send to the delay line. -- Which isn't to be confused with the "return." This is a sound engineering language: You call a "send" the gain by which you send some incoming signal to some kind of effect @16_0930 and then you would call a "return," the gain by which you would take the output of the effect and put it in whatever speakers you have. So, I don't have any return control. Well, maybe this is a return control -- it's semantics. But here is a send control @16_0945 for sure and here is the recirculation ... So, this is the basic recirculating delay line. All right. Now, I am going to save this. Sorry. Know what? @16_0960 Can I add one more thing to this patch? This has an ADC. If you are using laptops and the built-in microphones, you have a disadvantage because your @16_0975 mic is real close to your speaker. So, I am going to introduce a new object just to be able to ply this thing with a nice test signal. And it's going to be noise~ . @16_0990 I am going to be a little careful about this one and I am going to multiply it by some small number. OK. So, what is noise~? @16_1005 Noise is this: Well, you all know: [noise sound] All right. This is a @16_1020 very 1960s pseudorandom white noise, all right? It isn't truly randomness, but it is essentially what could be if you had true randomness for normal purposes. And the strict definition of it is a stream of samples, @16_1035 each sample of which is a new random number completely regardless of every sample that has proceeded it. So, it is a memoryless, noise-generator. And if I am not lying to you, @16_1050 the range is from -1 to 1 . It does not have any DC in the long term. Now, that is the good thing to be using with this for a very @16_1065 pedagogically sound reason -- which is that I want to talk a little bit about frequency responses of these things and you will be able to hear frequency responses if I use noise as the input signal. @16_1080 So, what I am going to do is ... In fact, why don't I simplify the patch; I'll just make it so you can hear the noise if you want. This is another "send." @16_1095 This is the "noise send" I guess you could call it. OK, we have noise. [noise] Miller: Now, what I am going to do is compare that noise to this noise that we have here. @16_1110 Now, both the noise and the delayed noise are being heard in the same speaker. And now, I am going to turn the delay time down to something like 10. And then you get something cool. [noise containing varying tone] Miller: @16_1125 All right. So, in went noise and out came something that had an audible pitch. @16_1140 This is the first example that you have seen at how you would make a filter. I have actually hauled out filters before because I've needed a high pass filter @16_1155 for a couple of reasons in various spots in the past, but this is actually a filter with how the filter works. And, what the filter does ... Well OK, I will say what the filter does @16_1170 in two different ways. One thing that the filter does is it takes the incoming sound and lets you hear it but also lets you hear it with a delay. So, you hear two copies of signal with seven-ish milliseconds between them. Another thing that you hear @16_1185 is that certain frequencies are accentuated in the output and certain other frequencies are not. And that is the aspect of filtering that makes us call it "filters" -- the idea that different frequencies that come in are passed through more @16_1200 willingly than other frequencies. ... Yeah? Audience: For the noise~, what does the inlet do? Miller: Nothing. I was too lazy to...I just forgot when I was @16_1215 writing it to tell Pd to suppress drawing the inlet, so it just has the inlet. ADC also has an inlet that does nothing.[laughter] Miller: There might be one or two others and every once in a while that question comes up Pd-list. So, the moral is, doing nothing is @16_1230 often not quite nothing enough. ... So, Just to analyze what this thing does... So, let's make it for ease of thinking about it, @16_1245 let's make this thing 10 milliseconds: So, now we hear a pitch and, what would that pitch be? Well, OK. To think about that;@16_1260 What would happen when you put certain sinusoids...? -- "Oh, rats." I am skipping some theoretical stuff. So, I am not explaining that you can think of incoming sound as consisting of sinusoidal components. @16_1275 When and in what sense you can do that is something that the audio engineers just sort of assume and which I will not tell you more about than just to assume it, all right? Because the mathematics is hairy. So, @16_1290 assuming that you think that some very complicated signal like noise~ might actually consist or be describable as a sum of different sinusoids of different frequencies. And, of course, it's folk knowledge that white noise really is @16_1305 every single frequency with equal amplitude just like white light could be every single optical frequency at the same amplitude although it isn't because it depends what temperature is. But, that is another thing that we don't have to worry about. White noise in @16_1320 audio land really is a signal which contains every frequency that the digital signal can represent and it contains them all with equal amplitudes and we will just sort of forget about DC and the Nyquist for now because these might be special cases. All right. @16_1335 If you think of that that way, then what about some possible component frequency of the noise signal? For instance, what if there were a 100 Hertz sinusoid @16_1350 sitting in there? Well, you would hear the 100-Hertz sinusoid here and you would hear the 100-Hertz sinusoid one period later because the period of 100-Hertz sinusoid is 10 milliseconds. @16_1365 All right? And so you will get the same signal coming out of here for 100-Hertz sinusoid as you get coming out of here and so it would be doubled in amplitude @16_1380 and sound somewhat louder. If I put in 50 Hertz, then something different happens because 10 milliseconds in a 50 Hertz signal ... the 50-Hertz signal has a period of 20 @16_1395 milliseconds. So, 10 milliseconds is long enough to wait for the sinusoid to change sign -- No matter what phase it had at the outset, it is going to be minus what it was by a half-period later. @16_1410 What that means is that, at 50 Hertz, this signal has the amplitude which is exactly the negative of the amplitude of this signal -- and they cancel each other out. @16_1425 And since we're adding -- since we're putting it out both here and here at the same amplitude -- we're not putting anything out at 50 Hertz. Now, if you want me to really prove that ... @16_1440 prove it? -- prove it as in a laboratory. Let's make nice oscillator and let's ask it to play 50 Hertz for us. And then I will turn it up here although maybe not all the way to 92. @16_1455 50 Hertz is kind of low, all right. And then I will turn it up here too. Dig -- It went away. I hope this is maybe on the tape. @16_1470 Oh, you know what ... let's do the same experiment, but let's do it at a lower delay and a higher frequency. So, now, what I am going to do is make the delay be a mere 2 milliseconds. Now, we got it back ... but I am going to make the oscillator @16_1485 to be 250 Hertz. So, now you can hear the oscillator just fine if I just play at... [tone at 250 Hz] Miller: ...but if I add the delayed copy, then it goes away. @16_1500 Alright? If on the other hand I had the oscillator going at 500 Hertz, then, if I add the delayed copy, it just makes it louder, @16_1515 6dB louder to be explicit, and so on. [500 Hz tone] Miller: So, just proving this thing with oscillators -- which is a perfectly respectful way to find out what a filter does, by the way. @16_1530 What happened is, oh, at DC -- I didn't tell what happens at DC. But of course, if you put a constant signal on delay line, we will get the same thing out after any delay that you want. And so they will add: the delayed copy will be the same as the original. @16_1545 So, very low frequencies will come out.[rising tones] Miller: But, by the time I hit 250, it will be gone. And then, by the time I go to 500...[tones changing pitch and amplitude] Miller: ...It comes back @16_1560 at double strength. And then at 750, it goes away again. Now, that is worth stopping and worrying about for a second. Why did that happen for 750? @16_1575 So, what is the easiest way to do the math here ... So, 250 Hertz, this one: the period of this is four @16_1590 milliseconds and the delay line is two milliseconds which is one-half of a period; all right? If I make this 750, then the period of that is ... 750, @16_1605 right if it were 1000 it would be 1 millisecond, so it is 750, @16_1620 so it is 4/3 of a millisecond; a millisecond and a third. And then, if you make a delayed copy two milliseconds later, ... @16_1635 A period is a millisecond and a third. So, how many periods then fit in two milliseconds? I was trying to make this @16_1650 easy to do in one's head, but it isn't. I'm sorry. It's one-and-a-half period: We have one and a third millisecond, that is four-thirds, and then a half of that again is two-thirds. And four-thirds plus two-thirds is six-thirds or 2. @16_1665 This is one-and-a-half of these periods. So, what that means is that we're hearing here and we're and hearing it there, not a half period later but one-and-a-half period later which for practical purposes is the same thing. @16_1680 Similarly, if I go to a thousand, now the period is 1 millisecond, and 2 (milliseconds) is then two periods. @16_1695 So, 2 -- that number is fixed for now -- is a 1/2 period of this one. It is 1 period of this one. It is 1.5 periods of this one. It is 2 periods of this one. It is 2.5 periods of this one ... and so on. @16_1710 Oops! What happened --Why do I hear that? -- The reason I hear it is truncation error. @16_1725 This is 2 milliseconds, but we're running at a rate of 44K1, so the delay isn't exactly 2 milliseconds -- and so, I didn't succeed in notching it out exactly. @16_1740 And so you hear a very quiet little tone; it might be 40 DB down. But you are hearing the error in the allowable length of the delay line. So, there is a thing about delay lines that I have to tell you about: Miller: -- @16_1755 A thing about delread~ that I have to tell you about, which is this: It will read an old sample of the signal that is going down the delwrite~. But, it is limited to integer numbers @16_1770 of samples of delay. It won't interpolate for you, try to guess what thing would be at say "5-1/2 samples ago." It will either do 5 samples ago or 6 samples ago. So, going back to this example: Truncation @16_1785 error is sort to give me the lie ... Well, I will continue the experiment anyway. So: -- 250? No. -- 500? Got it. -- 750? No. -- 1000? Yes. -- 1250? Almost no. -- @16_1800 1500? Yes. -- 1750? Almost no (still there). -- 2000? Yes. ... OK. So, the things that got through were 500, 1000, @16_1815 1500 and 2000 -- And seeing the pattern, it's going to be all the multiples of 500. And all of the numbers half-way in between those multiples, integer multiples of 500 -- -- @16_1830 All the half integer multiples of 500 -- like 250, 750, 1250 and so on -- are getting "notched out" as an audio engineer would say. They are getting canceled out by the delayed copy. @16_1845 Now, going back to the example of noise ... (Should I add that? ... I should add it. ) This is the oscillator send. And then I will just make a separate one @16_1860 for the noise, so that it's all nice and clear. So, I'll put an adder here @16_1875 and I will make yet another one which is a noise~. Ah ... it is going to fit? (Duplicate ... @16_1890 all right. It's getting messy. We're going have to stop real soon.) Of course, it's "noise" not "oise" ... Now, we're going to add that; and then @16_1905 we're going to throw that in here. ... (By the way, I am being a little sloppy there. I am using this inlet of add to be another add. So, this is a stylistic thing for me: You just put a plus~, then you throw as much stuff into it as you want, it's making it clear that it is all getting added anyway. @16_1920 Better than just throwing it all in the inlet here, for some reason.) So, now, we're sending the oscillator ... we're listening to ... want to hear it here ... And now, we're going to hear the oscillator: [tone] We're going to check this.... @16_1935 The amplitudes by the way need to be exactly the same for this to work perfectly. All right, so that was the oscillator example. And here is the noise example: [filtered noise sound] [noise] Miller: @16_1950 And then, you get a thing which is roughly 500 Hertz which, you know, it isn't too far from the C above middle C here: [piano] Miller: @16_1965 OK. So, that is the 500 Hertz tone, sort of. -- You could compare it to what happens when I make the oscillator to be 500 Hertz. OK. Observations about this? @16_1980 (I am going to save this and now really, it's time for me to start a new patch because it is getting too crowded. This is the end of this patch.) So, observation about this: This is a linear process. The @16_1995 "linear process" meaning: Taking a signal and making a delayed copy of it and adding the two or even not. So ... adding any number of delayed copies of the signal @16_2010 to the original signal is a linear process in the sense that: If you add two signals in, you will get the result of what happens if you put the two signals in separately. It is furthermore time-invariant which on means: @16_2025 If you put something into the network now or if you put it in a minute later or a second later, you will get the same thing out as if you just put the original thing and just done the whole thing a second later. @16_2040 You could have things that are not time-invariant. A very good example of something that isn't time-invariant is multiplying by a sinusoid, that's to say ring modulation. Because at one moment it is putting the thing through positive, and one moment it's putting the thing through negative. So, if you put an impulse into it @16_2055 at some point, it would be positive or negative or nothing depending on when you put the impulse in. So, that isn't time-invariant. This is time-invariant. If you put an impulse in here at any time or any other time, you will get the same thing out, simply at that time. @16_2070 It is a property of linear time-invariant systems that you can fully describe them by finding out what they do to sinusoids. @16_2085 The way in the past that we have generated frequencies that weren't present in an incoming signal ... ... So, there have been lots of examples where you have an oscillator and then you make @16_2100 different frequencies come out either by multiplying it by another oscillator, which isn't time-invariant -- or by running it through a nonlinear so called "transfer function" which is waveshaping. Each of those things is capable of generating frequencies that aren't present in the original signal. But it is in general @16_2115 true about a linear time-invariant transformation that if you put a sinusoid in, you will get a @16_2130 sinusoid out of that same frequency. ... Yeah? Audience: Would you explain time-invariance again? Miller: OK. So, time-invariant is this: @16_2145 It's a process and it has an input and output. And so ... Make an input, run the process and get the output. And now, I will make the input delayed by any amount of time you want and apply the same process, @16_2160 you will get the output delayed by the same amount. So, the laws of physics are believed ... are probably ... time-invariant. Because if you drop an apple today or drop an apple tomorrow, the same thing happens -- although it happens a day later. Audience: And then explain why @16_2175 multiplying by an oscillator isn't time-invariant. Because it depends on what phase that oscillator's at? Miller: Yeah, right. Audience: Got it. OK. Miller: OK. So, I am not going to try to explain why a linear time-invariant @16_2190 system has this wonderful property. But, good things about these .... Well, it would be good if your amplifier was linear and time-invariant ... @16_2205 It would also be good if your speaker system was, right? Because if you heard frequencies coming out of your speaker that weren't in the recording or thing that you are generating, then you would think that there is something wrong with the speaker. Like you would call it "harmonic distortion" @16_2220 or something like that. Linear time-invariance doesn't make up frequencies for you. It does however, or can however, change the amplitude of sounds at different frequencies. In other words, it can change amplitude in a @16_2235 frequency-dependent way. And this is a very simple example of that, where I am throwing in sinusoids and the happy ones that are multiples of 500 are getting doubled in amplitude and the ones that are happening between them are getting zeroed in amplitude. @16_2250 So, that is a thing which we would call a "filter" -- or I don't know what, historically. But everyone I think has this folk knowledge of what a filter @16_2265 should be and do. And this is basically how you make filters. You make them out of delays. So, delays now ... I don't want to change the patch, but I will... @16_2280 Let's go back to doing the "send" thing ... We're sending and oh yes ... so, I why don't I make the patch even more readable than it was by doing the same thing to all @16_2295 the three sources, which is to say adding them up like that: That didn't make the patch very much more readable ... Then I can lower these ... there. ... @16_2310 So now, here is the original patch maybe, let's see: I have to make it a little louder before this is good for anything. So, now this is my voice being filtered in the same way @16_2325 and you, might be able to tell that there is some kind of timbral variation. Actually, you will hear it clearly if I turn the filtering off. So here's original voice. (You hear some proximity effect because the mic is too close to my voice and the gain is too low.) But, it is basically what is going in. @16_2340 And here is now the filtered result: Which is, you know, 500, <> 1500 and 2500 accentuated everything else, other frequencies not. @16_2355 Or, yeah ... You could now say, "Let me have this as a continuously variable process... So, "Aaaahhhh," --- I don't if you can tell anything's going on there. @16_2370 But, what you are hearing is a varying filter. I am doing this in a rather sloppy way. In fact, I can do it in a more easy to understand way by using noise again with less amplitude. [noise] Miller: @16_2385 And now, we can do that sort of stuff [frequencies in the noise change] ...OK. And, that is changing the @16_2400 frequency response of the filter. What is a "frequency response?" Frequency response is a name for, at any given frequency, what is the gain of a filter? @16_2415 So, the frequency response is a curve or it is a function of frequency -- which in this case has a shape like that: Has peaks at multiples of a fixed frequency. And you can change that fixed frequency, which is therefore @16_2430 changing the frequency response of the filter in thiw very audible way. Now, that is what the filter is doing for you when you have very @16_2445 short delays. Let's go back to voice now. This is a thing which either can give you this kind of effect, "Hello." ... "Hello." @16_2460 So, now, we're doing something that you hear in the time domain. So, that now, the delay time now is more than the magic 30 milliseconds which is something like the threshold of what you will hear as a time interval. So, @16_2475 if it is more than 30 milliseconds, you get this: And if it is less than 30-ish milliseconds, you will start getting things that are describable as filters. And, by the way, notice, I've been sloppy about this @16_2490 without explaining to you that this is a problem. But, of course, if you test this thing carefully, you will hear that it does that: [jitters] when you change the delay time, all right? @16_2505 That's exactly the same effect as if you were using an array as a sample, as a recorded sound, and suddenly jumped from one spot in the recorded sound to another without controlling it by enveloping it somehow. @16_2520 And, it is that for the same reason almost -- which is that if you change the delay, you are stopping playing the thing at one delay, you are starting playing it discontinuously another delay. It is almost exactly the same thing if you picked the needle up on a recording and dropped it @16_2535 somewhere else instantaneously; it would cause a discontinuity in the signal. And, that wasn't a problem before because I was changing it @16_2550 by small enough amounts. I was doing this with the shift-key. You can still hear that it's a problem but I was able to sort of talk over it hide the zipper-noise effect. But, now that I have sensitized it you should hear it. @16_2565 Well, that is this patch in gory detail. I haven't turned the recirculation back on @16_2580 since I have been doing this for a good reason -- which is that the recirculation made sense when I had the delay time up to some large value ... So, the recirculation example was, I had 1000 here. And then I could do something like: Turn on the recirculation @16_2595 and then give it a couple puffs of, say an oscillator. OK. So, now I can just say [injects the oscillator sound] @16_2610 This is now back to what I did at the very beginning of the class which is just a recirculating delay network. ... Where @16_2625 you don't want to be putting things through in a continuous way -- which is what I have been doing, when I've been describing the way this thing acts as a filter. You can actually think of this is a filter, @16_2640 but it wouldn't be a really good filter because its frequency response would be infinite at any frequency except one that was very carefully chosen to be notched out. @16_2655 To put that another way: For instance, if I just put DC into it, if I just put a signal that had a constant value of 1: It would just add on to itself then it would continue doing that forever and eventually, we will have an arbitrarily large @16_2670 number coming out. So, this is out of the range of operation where you really will think of it as a filter. This is using it as something else -- @16_2685 I am not sure what. So, delay lines are usable as filters but there are delay effects which would be unstable if you left them in place for any amount of time and so you can't regard them as a thing which you can do in a continuous way in time. @16_2700 And therefore, you probably should not use them as filters but as other things. ... Questions about this? Audience: How would you remove the zipper-noise from the changing delays ... ? Miller: How would you @16_2715 remove the zipper noise? I've been saving that for a little later because there are couple of ways you can do it any way that you want. ... Yeah? Audience: @16_2730 Can you find the delay you need to get a particular pitch? Miller: You can do it. In fact, you have to do it to be able to do the homework. [laughter] Miller: @16_2745 So, what's the formula. Yeah. So, for instance, if I wanted to do middle C... Audience: Calculate a formula? Miller: @16_2760 Well, yeah ... And I've been resisting hauling out the expr~ object which allows you to just type out formulas -- which is of course a great thing to be able to do but there's syntax. I haven't yet found a thing that's really been unavoidable. @16_2775 But, how would you compute? ...OK, so 1 Hertz should correspond to a thousand. ... 2 Hertz should correspond to 500, and so on like that. So, the general formula is: this thing should be 1000 divided by the frequency in Hertz; @16_2790 and to divide a thousand by something, so it is...This is worth knowing how to do: So, here is a number. We're going to convert it to @16_2805 frequency, MIDI-to-frequency <>. And then, that's going to give us a nice number again which I will look at. But, now what I want to do is take 1000 divided by that. So, to do that, OK. So, I need 1000 down here, @16_2820 which is a message because I don't want that value to change; and then I want to divide that by this number: @16_2835 I will take 1000 divided by this, but we have to then bang the 1000 after we put this number in and so, we need a ..? Trigger! Yup, trigger, bang, float @16_2850 and I usually space this like this when I am doing this. I think that is decently readable. And now, we do this! -- Destroy the coherence of our patch. @16_2865 And now, I say, "middle C, please" and it says, "Yeah you want 3.822 milliseconds." And theoretically, now, if we play noise to this ... get these two gains the same. Yeah. @16_2880 That should be this pitch. Middle C. [piano sound] Miller: All right. One other thing I should warn you bad about this. This is @16_2895 abstruse and weird: There is a minimum amount of delay that you can get into a recirculating network for a technical reason which is that Pd does everything in blocks of 64 audio samples just to save computation. As a @16_2910 result of which -- since the delwrite~ needs the delread~ 's output to be able to write into it -- that output is a block and so, the minimum amount of delay which you could have in this loop is one block worth. @16_2925 And, without trying to explain that any better than I have already, what I am going to do is to show you that ... everything is hunky-dory until you get up to a certain delay here: [noise with changing components] Miller: @16_2940 And then, it stops. Stops right at ... I think, it stops right at 1.45. @16_2955 And that 1.45 is the number of milliseconds in 64 samples at 44,100 sample rate, if you compute that. -- (You don't have to compute that now. @16_2970 I hit that number a lot because, well, it is the length of a block of 64 samples of time.) That also is the numerical accuracy of the line object if you ask it to do something in a specific time. @16_2985 The time actually will be the nearest one of these -- which can be a limitation. And if that is a limitation, go look up the vline object, which corrects for that. OK. So, I did @16_3000 promise you I was not going to add stuff to this patch. So what I'm going to do... I am going to save this. What can I do? OK. I kind of ought to leave this in; @16_3015 I am going to use a send here. I don't know how I am going to deal with making @16_3030 this be a readable patch when I try to put it up on the web. [laughter] For now, we'll just do this. ...@16_3045 "r" is short for "receive" ... so I should use "s" here to be clear. So, there's that. Miller: Now, the next topic is @16_3060 what if you want to have a recirculating delay and not have it last forever the way I had it last in this example? And of course, it is easy -- You just take it and multiply it by some gain that is less than 1 each time around. But, even though that is easy, I want @16_3075 to show it you because it has interesting ramifications and there are actually things that you can think about it. So, now I am going to "Save As" .. that was 3.delay-recirculate. So, this is going to be @16_3090 4.delay.gain.recirculate. <> Sorry, long name. Here, what I am going to do...see, I am not sure what incoming signals we need.... @16_3105 So, now, what I am going to do is I am going to make one where the assumption is that we're always recirculating. So, instead of having the recirculating be on and off, I will make it be a nice number box. @16_3120 And in fact, I think what I want to do is have the number to be in one-hundredths for sanity's sake. And now @16_3135 that I have done that, so, I am going to increase the...well, actually, let's be middle C still. And now, I am going to say "noise please." It is going in there. So, we can listen to it. [noise] Miller: OK, now all you @16_3150 hear there is unfiltered white noise because the noise is going in... (You know what? I am going to make an improvement to the patch. I'm going to listen to the output of this adder. @16_3165 OK. And, now, we still hear it. Yeah. [noise] Miller: @16_3180 Now, we're putting noise in. We're not putting the oscillator in or the, ADC -- just noise. And the noise is getting multiplied by 0 as it gets read and then recirculated, so we hear nothing but the original noise. As I turn this value up, @16_3195 I get more and more recirculation which gives me a more and more nearly pure tone. [filtered noise changes] .. @16_3210 I am going to stay away from a hundred for now. OK. So, now, to go back to, not 1000 this time ... how about @16_3225 150? OK. Now, I am going to go back to talking into it. So, now, I am talking into thing and you hear just my voice with no delay. And now, I turn up the recirculation. [sound] Miller: And now, everything that you hear has several copies. @16_3240 OK. And now, this is the thing that you heard probably in piano country ... push my input gain up .. [sound] Miller: [piano sound] @16_3255 At least from where I'm hearing, I don't here the effect at all. Miller: @16_3270 But, I am afraid to turn it up, so that's no longer true because at some point, we're going to get feedback and then it's going to be bad because I will be over there. ... @16_3285 Actually, I have a switch, but I am not sure I would think in time for that ... So, here are these these delays. And now, what is happening right now is that each delay is 63 percent as loud as the previous one. Oh, this is it: @16_3300 "Hey, you guys! don't listen to that." [laughter] Miller: Yeah. OK, so the bigger I make this, the longer the sound stays around until I foolishly push this past a hundred: [sound increasing in volume] @16_3315 And then it actually grows. Miller: And, you don't want to leave it like that. That is an unstable filter; right? Filters can be unstable and what happens when you have an unstable filter? Pretty soon everything is just, "waakrraak," @16_3330 So, you can do it. It's mathematically possible. But it might not be what you want really. All right. So, this now is making a recirculating delay. @16_3345 So things about it: It's is very feedback prone. Use with caution. It also it is a bit of a special effect and it is way overused. The other thing about it is -- This is close to @16_3360 what you do it from an artificial reverberation. So, if you wanted to make me sound like I was speaking in a church or a music hall, or something like that, you would do something like this except that you would want the echoes @16_3375 to be a lot closer to each other in time like this. "Hello." [sound] Miller: And then, you have to turn the recirculation up. And then we get something a little bit unexpected, some feedback here. @16_3390 Re-direct the audio ... yeah "cardio" mic. If you do this, theoretically, you are not getting any direct signal out of the speaker. Doesn't really work, you can at least hope it does. So, now, @16_3405 it isn't a nice continual reverb sound at all. It's got a pitch. The reason I dropped the delay time into something short ... right now, it's 13 milliseconds. The reason I dropped that was so that @16_3420 the echoes would be close to each other. Because when this was a larger value in milliseconds. (I am going to drop this a little bit now.) Then, you just heard... [echo] then you heard a bunch of echoes ... So, this isn't a nice reverberator @16_3435 because you know ... You play a trumpet through that ...? OK. Sounds like "Come Together" ... But, if I decide to try to make that echo denser, then I can get...[sound] Miller: @16_3450 I'm down below the magic value of 30 and I start getting pitches again. [sound] Miller: In fact, at this point, I can just dial this thing up like this: "Hello, this is your professor on drugs ..." [laughter] Miller: @16_3465 Now, all I am doing is filtering ... So, there is some things I haven't told you about this: @16_3480 It was perfectly filtering before I put the recirculation in. But, you noticed that when I put the recirculation in, then the filtering got a lot stronger. That is the loose way of saying it. What really happened was I replaced the @16_3495 non-recirculating filter with a different filter which is recirculating which has the property that can have a very, very sharp resonances which you will perceive as pitches. And this is the Karplus-Strong @16_3510 technique that I referenced in the homework at the beginning of the class. This is a thing which -- no matter what you put into it -- out comes ... [sound] Miller: A thing that is happening at the pitch that you dialed up here. @16_3525 And furthermore, what you do is reflected in a timbre of what comes out. So different kinds of impulses going in give you different timbres coming out. [sound] Miller: It's a little bit like what happens on a stringed instrument @16_3540 when you pluck it: Those of you who play guitar, when you pluck the string, the sound of the tone is pretty much the sound of the pluck dying out. Of course, the higher frequencies die a little faster than the lower -- so that isn't quite true. @16_3555 But, the moment that you get to really control the timbre of a guitar or piano string is just when it gets hit -- because after that it's just ringing -- It's doing it's own thing after that. And, this is ... Well; it's a fairly close imitation of that process. @16_3570 It is at least a conceptual imitation of it, where you put the signal on the string. It runs down the string and comes back up and you get it again and every time it goes by, you get it again, right? So, a guitar or a stringed instrument,, in some sense, you could think of as being @16_3585 a recirculating delay line. And that turns out only to be an approximation. But, it's a good enough approximation to capture certain aspects of it. Here, try as you might, it is going to be hard to make this actually sound like a guitar... [sound] Miller: @16_3600 It sounds like...It sounds like a computer trying to be a guitar. If you give it something that has more high frequencies...Then, you can @16_3615 almost get, make yourself believe that you are hearing a struck string of some sort like a string being hit without mallet of some sort. And, furthermore, if you could -- @16_3630 I am not going to build a patch to do this right now -- but, if you could turn this noise on and off very, very rapidly so that you made a burst of noise, then you would get a very sharp signal that would sound -- in @16_3645 the same way that that FM tones sounds like a clarinet -- That would sound like a harpsichord. And in fact, that is exactly what I did in my patch here which is the homework demonstration patch ... which I might still have up. @16_3660 Let's see ... looks like I got rid of it. So let's go get it again. So, this thing: [harpsichord music] Miller: @16_3675 All right. So, the homework is simply to take this principle and build it into nice polyphonic instrument @16_3690 so that it can do something reminiscent of homework 6, two weeks ago. And of course, you will be tired of that stupid random melody, so you can make something more fun. Yeah? Audience: With this process, is this kind of like a basis for vocoder? Miller: @16_3705 It sounds a lot like a vocoder. In particular ... Well, the thing it makes a sound like a vocoder is when you put your voice into it. You can almost think of it as an alternative to vocooder. All right. @16_3720 It will not do it anymore. Sure enough. So, why don't I hear anything now? That is weird. OK. Let's turn DSP off. @16_3735 "Hello." Audience: Is there a preview switch on your port? Miller: There might be. I'm not going to look for it now. I think there is probably a monitor switch down there that's turned on, all right. @16_3750 Sorry about that. So let's ignore that for now and what I will do is just start sending the ADC to this and now we get: "Hello." Yeah. So now this: So the question is, "Is this a vocoder?" And the answer for me is -- @16_3765 First off: A vocoder usually lets you put the sound in that this thing is forcing you just to be -- pitch of 60. So, a vocoder's a more powerful thing than this in some ways -- in a lot of important ways. @16_3780 Another thing is that if you compare this to the standard vocoder sound, the vocoder sound is a great deal more local in time. So, this does not respond real fast. In particular, it does not @16_3795 shut up real fast when you stop talking. So everything gets squashed out over a certain period of time, which a good vocoder wouldn't do to you. So, you could, you know ... This is almost, this is a "cheap wannabe vocoder." ... @16_3810 Any questions about that? ... Yeah. Audience: Right now, you have only the recirculated sound. How would you combine that with the @16_3825 original audio? Miller: Oh, that would be easy. You would just... Audience: It is just like ADC? Miller: You'ld get another level control, yeah and then you get the ADC and just send it straight out like that and then, this would be the @16_3840 so called "dry signal" in audio parlance and this would be the "wet signal." Audience: Can you put them together? Miller: You could; so you could add the ADC into this and then ... Yeah. Miller: @16_3855 Yeah. You could do that. So, it's more a question of just how you wanted to define that, or how you want the interface to be, all right. Because basically, it boils down to two different levels, one or another. @16_3870 All right. So, the thing that I want to tell you about the -- @16_3885 I am realizing, 15 minutes left ... Do I really want to explain why the frequency responses is what it is, or do I want to not touch that with a pole? @16_3900 I am going to tell you how you would find out and I am going to avoid going into the gory details -- for the simple reason that it might be useful to come back to this in @16_3915 two weeks' time and so it will have been nice to have gotten started and then ... Anyway, if I never manage to follow up on it, then you've at least seen where you can find more about it. So, this is now a tour through theory. @16_3930 So, let's go over here: Book. So, we're now on Chapter 7 of the book which is time-shifts and delays. Chapter 8 of the book @16_3945 is Filters. And filters are really, as I've explained, they really just a psychological...they're point of view on @16_3960 time shifts. In other words, filters are made out of combining signals with time delayed copies of themselves, including the possibility of recirculation -- which as you've seen simply has the effect adding more and more copies in it. @16_3975 Basically, it just adds a train of copies, instead of a single copy, if you make the thing recirculate. So, if you learn all about time delays, time shifting (which is time delaying @16_3990 if you make it a real time process)... If you know all about that then one of the things you can ask is, "What is the frequency response of the network?" And a good definition of a filter I think is: It is a delay network that was designed in order to @16_4005 give us particular frequency or phase response, usually frequency response. So, one thing that you want to know about in delays is how did you predict the frequency @16_4020 response and then when you are doing filtering, it's not just how do you predict the frequency response but, "I want a frequency response that acts like this. How would I set about designing a filter that had that?" So, filter design in some sense turns the @16_4035 question around: Whereas, in a delay, if you are just making delay networks, you might just sort of ask, "What would the response be?" In the filter thing, you posit the response and work backwards to get a delay network that does it for you. At least, that is the way @16_4050 I think of it. Delay networks have other things that you can talk about, about them, besides the frequency response but I just want to talk about that for now in order to prepare for whatever little bits of filtering we're able to get into in the last week pf class, @16_4065 before we do GEM -- which is of course what everyone really wants to see. And, what I want to do is just talk about -- I'm going to take this slightly out of order because I am going to motivate the jive about complex numbers by showing you @16_4080 first how you think about time shifts and how they change the phase of a thing. So, just to do the hand-waving thing: Of course, shifting a signal in time such as delaying it, changes the phases @16_4095 of all the component sinusoids. (And of course, I shouldn't say "of course" there because that is presupposing the deep thing that you think that you can think about a signal as being the sum of sinusoids in the first place.) But, if you could, and if you have something linear and @16_4110 time-invariant, which we do, so that we're not making up frequencies that we didn't have before and so on like that ... Then you can say "Yes. I will just describe what this thing would do to a sinusoid and that will describe what it does to anything." So, then we say. "All right, we're just going to send sinusoids down our delay @16_4125 network and ask what happens then." And the answer is: you put it down a delay and you get out a sinusoid of the same amplitude and a different phase. And, then if you, for instance, add that to a non-delayed copy of the signal, then you will get phase @16_4140 cancellation or not depending on the relationship between the two phases you got. So, if you can predict the phase, then you can go do the math and work out what that response is going to be. So, how do you predict the phase? Well, @16_4155 it is easy: The frequency of a sinusoid is just how much the phase changes from one sample to the next. So --and if you do it in appropriate units --the @16_4170 phase change associated with the delay of say, D samples which is going to be D times the frequency, actually, -D times the frequency of the sinusoid that you put in. Why minus? Because @16_4185 if you delay it, then you listen to what it was earlier in time, so it is actually phased backwards. But, if you think too hard about that, @16_4200 then you will get mixed up. So, it is best to just sort of remember it's minus D times the frequency -- If you express the frequency as degrees or radians per sample - which is the good way to describe frequencies in @16_4215 filter design land. So, time shifts and phase changes: What is a time shift? A time shift is just, "I give you a signal X and you give me a signal Y which is X, @16_4230 D samples ago." And N is just now. N is the number 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. And then, what happens when you time shift a? -- Oh! Now, I have to go back. OK ... @16_4245 So, I am motivating complex numbers. If you have a real-valued sinusoid, it is ugly, it is cosine of omega N plus pi ... So, call it cosine of omega N ... @16_4260 It's the cosine of something, maybe there's an amplitude ... If I gave you a sinusoid that contained only a positive frequency, it would be complex valued sinusoid with @16_4275 a simpler formula. Which is that: The nth sample, so "X sub N" -- that's the Nth sample of my sinusoid -- is some constant amplitude times a complex number raised to the nth power. @16_4290 That's all it is. So, a sinusoid is an exponential exponential sequence. And then, it's really easy to say what happens when you delay it. Because if you take an exponential sequence and delay it -- You've all had to do this, @16_4305 because you had to add exponential sequences in high school -- "geometric sequences" they're called. So, adding geometric series: What you do is consider what happens when you just delay it and then subtract it off from the original and you just get a multiple of the original and so you know how to deal with it. @16_4320 And so, this thing ... clearly, if you substituted -- if you said "Y of N is X of (N - D)" -- in other words, you delayed it D times, all you would be doing is you would just be dividing by Z^D. @16_4335 Now, a possible misconception that you would have here is that Z isn't going to be an ordinary number like 1/2. Because of course, (1/2)^N is not a good sinusoid -- that's a dying exponential. @16_4350 A good number to raise to the Nth, to do that, would be a complex number which lives on the unit circle. So, now, I have to go back and show you complex numbers -- so that this can apply to sinusoids. So, now, we can go back. ... @16_4365 So, what I did is I sneak previewed time shifts and and phase changes to show you that I wanted to have a nice exponential sequence so that I would know what time shifts would do to it. 51] And, I was trying to compare that with what happens if you just looked at real numbers @16_4380 and then you had to say cos(omega N) and then when you say cos(omega (N-D)) -- then you have to use the cosine sum-angle formula and your formulas grow much faster. So, you will be much happier with what it is @16_4395 in complex-land. ... Now, what I want to do is show you, without going into the how and the why and everything else of it: Here is what Z is, alright. So, this @16_4410 is the complex plane. The complex plane is the thing which you forgot after you got out of pre-calc. right? This is the real axis. This is the imaginary axis. Complex numbers @16_4425 in general have a real part and imaginary part which puts them somewhere on the plane because you can think of them as coordinates. And so, instead of a "number line" in real land, we have a "number plane" for the complex numbers. @16_4440 And everything that is good about the real numbers (almost) is still true about the complex numbers: You can multiply and add and all the usual good rules hold. 1 of course has a real part of 1 @16_4455 and an imaginary part of 0. And in general, if you make a number which lives on the unit circle -- That is to say: The real part and imaginary part, if you add their squares up give you 1. -- So, that is the circle @16_4470 which is maybe: " A^2 + B^2 = 1 ". This is called a unit complex number and it turns out that if you take one of these unit complex numbers and square it, all you do is you get that angle further on the circle. @16_4485 So, numbers on the real line, here, if you start multiplying them, they start going in and out. Numbers that are on the unit circle in the complex plane -- if you start multiplying them, they stay on the unit circle and all you do is you change their angle. @16_4500 So, complex numbers know all about trigonometry. They just do trig for you. That's why we use them in fact -- so we don't have to do trig. So, in particular, if I for instance, consider the sequence @16_4515 1. Z, Z^2, Z^3 etc. ... -- I didn't tell you this, but actually, this angle is the same as this angle -- or this arc is the same as that arc is the same as this arc and so on. So, if I gave you the sequence of numbers 1, Z, Z^2 and so on, @16_4530 you would be going at a constant rate around the unit circle. And then, if you only looked at how that projected on the real axis, you would see a nice sinusoid. It would look like cos(omega N), @16_4545 if omega was this angle from here up to Z. That's called the "argument" of Z if you like. But, you could just call it the angle of Z. -- And that would @16_4560 be the frequency, in radians per sample, of your complex sinusoid. So, this picture says that 1, Z, Z^2, blah-blah-blah is a sinusoid which happens to have zero @16_4575 phase at the beginning of time which is here ... And, it also happens to have unit amplitude. And now, if you take that and multiply it by some arbitrary complex number, capital A, which is an amplitude -- @16_4590 It's a complex amplitude; it has not just a size but also a direction. Then you would get a sequence of numbers, A, A Z, A Z^2, ... They would be advancing at the same angle but they would have a different amplitude and @16_4605 different phase. So, these numbers here, A, A Z, A Z^2 and so on ... That is the most general form for a sinusoid. That's the output of a oscillator in general -- a sinusoidal oscillator. @16_4620 And furthermore, it has this very simple mathematical form which you can do stuff with. In particular, you can delay it -- Because delays just mean you rotate it, by some multiple times the angle omega. @16_4635 Furthermore, you can add two of them: If the frequency of the two is the same, if one of their amplitudes is A out this way and the other is an amplitude B out that way, you just add A and B as complex numbers, which is a vector sum. @16_4650 And get, and you see graphically what the amplitude and phase will be of the sum of those two sinusoids. So, that's all delay networks do. They delay things and they superpose them, which is to say they add them up. @16_4665 And you know what delays do now -- they just rotate. And you know what adding does -- it just adds, but it adds as vectors. And now now you have the tools that you need to predict the frequency response and phase response, for that matter, of any kind of delay network that @16_4680 I can throw at you. So that's the pep talk, which is enough for now. If there is some time, especially when we get into filters as such, I'll @16_4695 want to try to show you how you would translate that into like a nice bandpass filter for your synth. But it is all here basically. This is what the engineers all do when they're designing those filters, Moog, Buchla ... -- all this stuff. ... @16_4710 Yeah? Audience: So, with like a low pass filter. ... I don't fully understand this description, but filters that you showed us before was kind of like a notch filter, where you @16_4725 notch one frequency and strengthen the other one. How would a low pass filter delay be chosen ...? Miller: OK. So first off, @16_4740 it's a comb filter. So whatever you see, it repeats itself every so often depending on the period. Audience: Yeah, got it. Miller: The smaller the period of the delay line, @16_4755 the smaller the length of the delay line, the more separated those things get. Until if you make a delay line one sample, you would only get one hump and it reaches all the way from 0 to Nyquist. Audience: OK. Miller: And so, that is how you get its notch widths to peak. @16_4770 But then, how do you get to move around? And that is a little bit harder; but you just need to be able to shift and correct back the frequency. Audience: And how do you get like a low pass and a high pass? Miller: A low pass? Well, it's a comb filter. The comb filter had a response @16_4785 of 2 at DC and had a response of 0 at the first notch. So, you put that first notch at the Nyquist and it goes from 2 at 0 -- at DC -- to 0 at the Nyquist. Then we change @16_4800 the recirculation to get it sharper, to push it more towards DC. Miller: A little hand-wavey, but that's basically what happens. And then, when you want to move the peak off of 0 -- @16_4815 then you have to work harder. ** MUS171 #17 03 01 Miller: @16_0000 This is where we got last time, with the exception that I added some nice comments to try to make it clear what was going on. @16_0015 We got as far as to make a recirculating delay network. And, I demonstrated that you could consider this either as a thing that does things in time or a thing that does filtering -- @16_0030 which is to say changing the frequency content of a sound; in other words, making some frequencies loud and others less loud. So, to be overly pedantic, I'll just go ahead and re-demonstrate that quickly. So, here's noise: [noise] Miller: @16_0045 And, here is noise recirculating. It's a recirculating delay; I'm going to recirculate the delay. Oh, the delay will be 10 milliseconds long, and I'll recirculate it, @16_0060 multiplying by some number that's less than 1. Miller: So, we're going to multiply now by 88 percent. And, now what we're going to hear is a tone. [noise tone emphasizing 100Hz] Miller: And, @16_0075 that tone, if I checked it on a piano -- which I don't have one of right here -- it would be at 100 Hertz. Because a 10 millisecond period corresponds to 100 cycles per second. Or, to put it another way, @16_0090 anything that comes in to this thing is going to come out, and then come out again at 10 milliseconds later, and almost as loud. And then, again, 10 milliseconds yet later. So, everything that comes in, it's going to come out, almost repeating itself, every 10 milliseconds, @16_0105 which will therefore sound like a thing that's at 100 Hertz. And, that would be true for delay times that go up to some 30 milliseconds, or tones that go down to @16_0120 33 Hertz. [filtered noise varying] Miller: You can almost say [hums] down an octave there. Then, below that you can't really hear a pitch any more. [changing noise] Miller: You just hear some kind of @16_0135 thing in time. So, now, getting rid of the noise and turning on the famous microphone. ... Is this going to work now? I didn't test this. Hello. [recirculating sound from microphone] Miller: Oh, yeah! So, now @16_0150 this is a nice recirculating delay with voice coming in. And what you hear is echoes every 84 milliseconds, which is what? -- 12 times a second or something like that, which you hear as @16_0165 an amount of time [snaps fingers] and not as a frequency. If I make those echoes be close to each other in time, like 20 milliseconds away from each other, then you no longer hear that as [snaps] as a series in time, but instead you hear it as @16_0180 a nice pitch. And now we get...[tones generated by voice in microphone] "Sort of a poor-man's vocoder ..." Miller: ... which is just me talking through a comb filter. A "comb" filter is just another word for @16_0195 a delay network that likes frequencies that are multiples of a certain fundamental frequency. In this case, this comb filter likes frequencies that are multiples of 50 because 50 Hertz corresponds to @16_0210 20 milliseconds here. It's called a "comb filter" because if you look at the frequency response of this thing, considered as a filter, there's a peak every 50 Hertz, regularly. That looks like a comb of some sort. @16_0225 Looking forward ... elaborating this idea in the future, we'll be able to design arbitrary filters with desired frequency responses. But, right now all I'm doing is reinforcing the @16_0240 notion that this thing can be considered as a filter -- which is a thing which will take any sinusoid and then give you a sinusoid out at the same frequency, but perhaps at a different amplitude. That's a filter. Or, you can consider it as just a delay network, @16_0255 which is a thing which makes echoes. Those two things are really the same thing, except that they're psychologically different and the parameters that you put into it might make it act more like the one thing or like the other -- or seem like more like the one thing or the other. So, @16_0270 there's that. (Let's not even worry about that any more.) Now what I want to do... Oh, yes, I do want to say one thing before I leave here, which is that this is a "linear time invariant" network, as the @16_0285 engineers will call it. And, what that implies is that if I put a nice sinusoid in, at any given frequency, like 50 Hertz -- nah, 100 Hertz -- out will come @16_0300 a nice sinusoid of the same frequency that went in. [100Hz tone plays] Miller: There's no way that a recirculating delay network -- or any kind of delay network that doesn't have time varying stuff in it -- can take a sinusoid of any given frequency and put out a sinusoid of @16_0315 some other frequency. (If you put a color of light into a filter, or into a prism, or any other optics like that, you get the same color light out, if it's monochromatic.) That's a @16_0330 thing which we count on because it makes it possible for... Well, your ears seem to like to segregate sounds that come in by frequency, and so, if something sort of leaves frequency to where they are, it doesn't make different frequencies @16_0345 out of incoming frequencies, then you can say that your ear might hear a very clear relationship between what goes in and what goes out. Maybe. I'm hopeful that that's true anyway. Now, what I want to do is get into @16_0360 some practical stuff that you can do with delay networks. The first thing that I want to comment on is this: (Let's see. What I'm going to do is do a @16_0375 "Save as," and start all over again, because for this next example, I actually want to make a non-recirculating delay.) Instead, what I want it to do is have it @16_0390 be something where I can change the delay time. So, we'll call it "delay-time-change.pd" <>. There it is, and now we're going to make in non-recirculating which means I don't care about the gain any more... ... as it @16_0405 turns out. I don't care about listening to the original sound. I just want to take the original sound and throw it into the delay line. Let's rename the delay line, just so you can have both patches open at once if you want. @16_0420 We don't need this pitch calculation anymore. Go away... Whatever that is down there get rid of it... OK, And then we're going to read with the delay time given. @16_0435 And then we're just going to listen to it. Like that. So am I doing anything stupid? Find out soon. And so I'll do the brutal thing of putting a sinusoid in. @16_0450 In fact I'll give it a nice 440 Hertz sinusoid. And now we hear: [tone starts] A 440. Very good. Actually... [tone fades out] make that a little bit louder at the @16_0465 mixer so that I don't have to do anything funny. [tone starts] OK, and now we're going to change the delay time. OK, so a 440 Hertz sinusoid comes in and you hear it @16_0480 20 milliseconds late. You don't hear the fact that you heard it 20 milliseconds late. It's coming out as a perfectly clean 440 Hertz sinusoid except that the phase is different. And that's just what that is. Now we start changing the delay time though and we get something else. [tone begins to stutter] -- @16_0495 Which is ugliness. And the reason for that ugliness is very simple: It's just that if you change the delay time, it's the same thing as if @16_0510 you were reading from a wavetable and you suddenly changed the location of the wavetable that you were reading from. That would make discontinuous change in the amplitude or in the signal. And you will hear that discontinuous change as a == ["zippered" tone starts] click. @16_0525 Just to throw out a warning, of course if I was listening to noise ... [white noise starts] I could change this delay time @16_0540 and you can't hear the click. Because there's no correlation between one sample of white noise and the next sample anyway. So the fact that you changed the place that you listen to it from doesn't @16_0555 sound like anything different from how the noise sounds to start with. I'm telling you this because you're going to make networks. And they're going to sound great because you're going to make them with some noisy signal like an overdriven electric guitar or something like that. And you're not going to know @16_0570 that you're actually doing this to your signal: ["zippered" tone starts] ... until [tone stops] someone with better ears or more experienced ears than you points it out to you or something horrible like that. So test your stuff with @16_0585 sinusoids, which are the most punishing signal that you could possibly put through a thing. Even though it's the simplest signal too. So that you can tell whether your patch is clean or dirty. (Oh yeah let me get rid of this comment which is superfluous and this one too.) @16_0600 Now. So let's make an application: What I'm going to do is take my nice incoming sound and I'm going @16_0615 to listen to it... oh, great I'll do it here for clarity's sake. I'll do this with a microphone now just to annoy you all. ... What we're going to do is take the incoming @16_0630 sound which is the microphone. I'm going to talk into the microphone and see if it's [voice begins being amplified] amplifying my voice correctly. OK great. Slight delay but that's all right. And now I'm going to give you a delayed copy of it: [amplified voice begins to be delayed] "Hello." @16_0645 And now it's obviously far too late. So here's my voice and here's my voice ... and here's my voice delayed. But now I'm going to say, "Can I change this @16_0660 delay time with the mouse and get away with it?" So now I'm on a different delay. And well ... Never mind I thought it was going to be more forgiving than that. But my voice is already low enough and dull enough that @16_0675 changing the delay time is very, very bad and nasty. So I didn't succeed in demonstrating something where you can change the delay time and think it was clean -- and in fact wasn't. -- I can do that and you don't hear @16_0690 the problem. If you want to have a delay line where you can change the time, then you have to work. And the work that you have to do is really better described as Pd lore than described as anything theoretical. @16_0705 So now we're going to enter into Pd lore. Actually this is computer music lore, because if we were using some other software from Pd this would also be necessary and you would do almost exactly the same thing. And the same thing is this: @16_0720 Before I do it right let me do it wrong another way. It's always fun to do things wrong. Let's make it change smoothly. I'm afraid I'm being repetitious here because I think I already showed you this for samples. But I'm going to take @16_0735 this thing and just line it. So we'll say pack the thing with 100 milliseconds of packing. And then I'll make a nice line. And then I'll put the delread~ on. @16_0750 Right. Sorry I'm really belaboring points here today but this is... [voice amplification starts] "Belaboring point." There's a delay and now I'm going to say 'ahh' and change the delay. So 'ahhhhhh'. -- Did NOT help. @16_0765 OK the reason that didn't help is because the line is not an audio signal -- it's only updating every 20 milliseconds. And so you're just hearing 50 problems a second instead of however many @16_0780 problems a second I was generating with the mouse. No better. Watch Pd do something wrong just while I'm thinking of it. Really at this point, I got a nice error here. There's a @16_0795 signal coming out of this line, but delread~ doesn't want a signal, and so I got an error message here which you don't see very often. "Signal outlet connected to non-signal inlet (ignored.)" What that means is @16_0810 this thing was line (without a tilde) which is a control object. And I was able to connect it, and then I changed it to something else that it wasn't able to connect, but it didn't have the heart to disconnect it because I might want to change it back.. @16_0825 But, nonetheless, it's not working right now. This thing really should turn red and blink or something like that. Also, by the way, you don't see this all the time because usually the order in which you do this is you get the object built, and then you try to connect it, and @16_0840 then Pd just won't let you connect it. That's probably the correct thing to do in that kind of situation. Anyway, you saw that happen. This is not going to work either. Is there a version of delread~ @16_0855 that I could plunk a signal into? The answer is "yes." There's one called "variable delay." <> (This started out in a different language where this wasn't such an ugly acronym.) @16_0870 Variable delay is a delay object whose input expects a signal instead of a control message. And, @16_0885 as a consequence of that, it does two things that delread~ does not do. The first thing is it's @16_0900 willing to change its delay time every single sample. Then there's another thing that immediately comes up which is that if you're going to be changing delay times from one to another in a continuous way, actually one sample of accuracy isn't enough to make the result clean. @16_0915 So variable delay has to interpolate the incoming samples to possibly simulate delays that are not an integer number of samples. So delread~, the non-interpolating @16_0930 control-message delay, will always give you a delay that's actually an integer number of samples. And you can get pretty close to whatever delay time @16_0945 you want, like within 20-ish microseconds, better than that maybe. But variable delay, vd~, will actually make a four point interpolation of @16_0960 the stuff that's in the delay line. The delay line's actually a storage area. It will go and find four points and make a four point interpolation among those points to try to guess what the sample ought to have been that is @16_0975 in between the samples and the delay line that corresponds to exactly the delay that you asked for. The advantage, of course, is that the delay time is exact or as exact @16_0990 as floating point allows you to be. The disadvantage is that it costs more -- there's more computation involved. Also, if you do that, @16_1005 that interpolation has its own frequency response which is not perfectly flat. So you will not get a signal whose spectrum is exactly the same. This thing, @16_1020 because of the interpolation, will drop off in high frequencies somewhat. And that's a bad thing which you can control by raising your sample rate, but which is always going to be there whenever you interpolate. However, going back to the good stuff, now what happens @16_1035 when I change the delay time is it does the right stuff. We have a delay going, and now we're going to start to change the delay. In fact, I'm going to say "ahh" and change the delay. "Ahh." [inflected] Ahhh. Good. @16_1050 Now we have a wonderful patch that let's you generate other pitches than the pitch that you put in. That contradicts what I said before -- except @16_1065 what I said before was you couldn't go changing anything in the network if you want sinusoids that come in to always come out of the same frequency. Now, I'm changing something -- it's no longer time invariant -- and as a result, that nice property of "stuff that doesn't change in time" @16_1080 is no longer there, and now we're making other frequencies. Well, what about that? @16_1095 Now that I've done that, I'm going to stop irritating everyone and go back to the sinusoid. Let's turn this down; turn on the sinusoid. Here's the sinusoid. [tone sounds] It's 440 Hertz for you, again. Then if I listen to the delayed copy of it, [tone] @16_1110 same pitch, but of course if I change the delay time, [tone] I'm changing the pitch. Well, that's cool. @16_1125 That should make you immediately think, "I can do all kinds of things with this. I can take someone who sings in a monotone and make them sing a melody or vice versa. I could take something that came out of melody and turn it into a monotone, things like that." Well, @16_1140 you sort of can. In fact, I'm going to work toward that. However, first off, it might be nice to have an idea about what that frequency is. In other words, how would you predict what that frequency should be? @16_1155 Why would you want to do that? So that you can get whatever frequency you want... Oh, frequency: What comes out is a transposition of what goes in, so as in a sampler, it's probably appropriate to talk about what kind of transposition you're getting. @16_1170 That's to say what kind of change in the frequency or relative change in the frequency. -- What is the frequency multiplied by? That's a transposition. To make that painfully obvious, I'm going to throw in a @16_1185 pair of oscillators, and you'll hear a nice interval which will be a fifth because I'm going to tune this one up to 660. Let's see. Do we hear a fifth? Yeah. And now @16_1200 when I start playing it with a delay when I start messing the pitches up you will still hear that the pitches are related to each other. It's always a fifth moving up and down in parallel. That's the same thing as saying, @16_1215 "Yeah, the frequencies all got multiplied by some constant or multiplied by some number rather than maybe added to some number like a ring modulation might have done to it or something like that. "Multiplied by what number?" is the next question. @16_1230 To answer that I have to do something a little bit more... What's the right word? ...a little bit more "controlled" than this. Right now I'm just sort of mousing willy nilly at this number box. @16_1245 But in fact what I should consider doing. ... Oh, you know what? Let's save this. Oh no. It's OK. We'll set delay time. And now we have a way of making delay @16_1260 times up here. You know what? I'll call the delay time down here. And then I'm going to make some message boxes so I can do stuff. So I'm going to say, for instance ... let's jump to 100 and go up to... @16_1275 We'll go to delay time of 0. Well, I can't really get down to 0 really. Am I going to tell you all this? I'm going to... All right. I'm just going to @16_1290 cheat. I'm just going to ignore the problem. I'm going to go down the delay time to zero and I'm going to gradually go up to a delay of 1 second. How long am I going to do it? ... Take a second to do it. Oops sorry. That needs to be a pair. @16_1305 All right. And now I will put in the nice sinusoid. So this is an alternative to that. So now I'm going to... This is the sinusoid. Oops sorry. @16_1320 Let's get rid of this one again. And now I'm going to start the delay line changing and you all know what you're going to hear, right? Uh, bad! -- A beautiful bad example. @16_1335 [laughs] That was not my plan. What did I just do? I just made the delay line shrink at exactly the same length that time was passing @16_1350 in such a way as I slowed the thing down to stop it entirely. OK. This is wonderful but this is not what I really want to do. Let's go up to one half second and take one second to do it. @16_1365 All right. And now we say: Now what you hear is for the period of one second it drops by an octave. @16_1380 And what if I wanted to... OK So now you've seen two examples. One is I was able to stop it altogether and the other is I was able to slow it down by a factor of two. Why did it slow down? Well, @16_1395 there are two moments in time here that might be appropriate to think of: One is the moment where the thing starts and one is the moment where where it ends. I'm thinking about time in... I'm thinking about so-called @16_1410 "real time" that is the time at which the sound is coming out of the delay line. That's real time for us. A second real time passes while the delay time starts at nothing and goes @16_1425 up to 500. But this line is being asked to jump to zero and then to ramp to 500. In that second of time how much of that sinusoid do we hear? @16_1440 Well, ... At the outset you hear the sinusoid that is coming in at the same moment as you're @16_1455 listening to it. A second later you're listening to the sinusoid as it had been one half second earlier than that, which is to say only one half second @16_1470 after you started listening to it. So you succeeded in slowing the sinusoid down by a factor of two because you only heard the one @16_1485 half second of it that went into the delay line between the original time -0 and the time a second later, -500. @16_1500 Rather than trying to explain that better, I'll make another example which is this: Let's go to 100. Wait. What's a good number? @16_1515 Let's go to 333 milliseconds--one third of a second. The delay starts at zero and then it ends up at one-third of a second. So how @16_1530 much of the sinusoid do you hear? You hear the other two-thirds of the second of the sinusoid, which is to say: there's one @16_1545 third of a second we haven't heard yet because at the end of the process the delay line is a third of a second long so we didn't hear the last third of a second of the sinusoid. You've only got the other two-thirds. So we all know what that is as an interval. It means going down to fifth. So now @16_1560 when I whack this it goes down to fifth. So now if keep on whacking this I could get it down to a fifth and I could get it to stay there, right? Sort of.... @16_1575 While we're at it. Now we have a nice tool for changing pitches. So now we can listen. Let's see. I'll shut this up and I'll be me. Hello I'm talking. You'll hear me talking in fifth below @16_1590 the frequency that I'm speaking now. So I just made a nice wonderful object that transposes my voice down a musical fifth. Oh, yeah, I @16_1605 played you already what it sounded like when I ring-modulated my voice, which made it an inharmonic sound, usually, because there might be some weird interval between the voice I was speaking in and the frequency of the ring modulator, back when I was ring-modulating my voice. We saw similar @16_1620 things when we were doing frequency modulation two lectures ago. And now what you're getting is a thing which is different from that. Because it takes the voice and maintains the @16_1635 relationshipss between the partials that were in the voice, but moves them all down proportionally by the same amount, so that their relationship stays the same. ... ... So that the partials going in have frequencies with @16_1650 ratios of one to two to three to four to five and so on, and those ratios are fixed, even though the frequencies of the partials are being multiplied each by two-thirds. This is a favorite trick of Laurie Anderson's, if you've seen her perform. @16_1665 However, there's a little bit of a problem here, [sound] because if you listen, try to understand what I'm saying here. First off there are clicks all the time because [sound] I'm having to change the delay time @16_1680 constantly. Oh, why don't I just never stop? I want the thing to go down a musical fifth, and I want it to last forever. So, we'll say, I don't know, @16_1695 we'll go on for a million milliseconds, which is 20 minutes. And we'll do that over three million milliseconds, which is an hour. And now I can talk for the ... @16_1710 better make the delay line really long now, right? Like instead of five seconds, maybe ... I don't know how long to make this before I run out of memory, but let's just live dangerously. So, now we have @16_1725 five million samples of delay. Oh, it hates me. It's reaching for five million samples within memory right now. Is it going to succeed, or am I going to have to give up? @16_1740 I hear my disk drive. ... [laughs] It did it. OK, so we now have a delay line that has five million samples in it, [sound - echo] And of course you hear me only on the second delay line, because I'm @16_1755 only using whatever I asked for. But now, I can start giving you a lecture and it's all going to be all transposed down by a musical fifth. Everything would be perfect -- @16_1770 except that there's one terrible problem -- it's that it's getting later and later and the whole lecture now will not last 80 minutes, @16_1785 but would last four-thirds of 80 minutes, if I'm computing right, which is longer than we have in this room. [laughs] @16_1800 Or, to put it another way, well duh, the delay time is getting longer and longer and longer. And now just for fun, "hello." We'll just give ourselves a bomb that will wake us up in a few seconds. This is not a good way to do pifth-shift if you want to regard that as a real-time process. @16_1815 How would you ... OK, so maybe we should go back to the other thing and be continually resetting the delay time to smaller values, [sound] but @16_1830 then of course the smaller values ... But then you couldn't do it without clicking. Right. So what would you do? The answer could be, you change it, but you shut it up while you're @16_1845 changing it. And then you let it start off again. And now, let me try to explain this better: OK, so, going back to ... oh yes, and I'm going to do this two different ways, too, as I do a little bit too much of. ... Oh, you know what, @16_1860 I can get rid of this delay line; I don't like what this is doing to my disk drive. So, I'm going to go back to using a reasonable amount of memory here. OK. And you didn't see this, so I'm just going to erase this from the record. @16_1875 Right. I'm going to lose this idea. What we're going to do instead is make the delay line get quiet -- change to zero, and then get louder again and then start changing. @16_1890 Let's see, let me even make a simpler example than this. OK. So, what I'm going to do is I'm going to ... So, I'm going to show you two different things: OK, so first off, this was cool, and we're going to save it, @16_1905 and then we're going to do a "Save as", and we're going to go back to regular old ... How about 3.delay-time-change..., and then I'm going to make more ... going to make a ridiculous, file name ... @16_1920 I'm going to use an envelope generator to change the delay time cleanly. <> So, now we're going to go back to delread~ . ... @16_1935 for simplicity's sake. So, we no longer have the right to put this line~ in here (and it's complaining to us, but I'm going to get rid of this.) Now, I'm going to @16_1950 try to ... Yeah. OK, that's good. Let's get the number box out again. OK, now we're back at the situation @16_1965 where ... [tone] we can't change the delay time without making the noises. So, what if I wanted to change the delay time, @16_1980 but not have the bad noise? The answer is we mute the sound and then once the sound is good and muted we change the delay time and then we unmute the sound. @16_1995 So to do that we're going to have to multiply it by a ramp generator in order to mute it. @16_2010 (My disk drive is still is still churning after that five million point delay line. My computer has indigestion right now.) Oh right. @16_2025 And now this line of course we know how to turn it off. We throw it a message that says go to zero and take some amount of time. I don't know how long--maybe 10 milliseconds. That again is a value that you're going to have to find @16_2040 depending on what kind of signal you're throwing in. And then we have a nice thing to turn it on. OK. This is an on/off switch. See if this works so far. So there is sound. [sound] OK. @16_2055 Idiot's delight right now. So what we're going to do is every time this thing changes, we want to first say "zero" and then change it and then when we change it @16_2070 at the same time after its quiet we can then ramp the amplitude back up. So what will happen is after a delay of a second... So let's get a nice delay object out. Sorry @16_2085 after a delay of... OK. So what I want to do is I want to make does this: [sound] It mutes the thing, changes the delay time to whatever we want and then turns it back on. So @16_2100 whenever the number comes in we're not going to change the delay time at all right away. What we're going to do is we're going to...let's see... we're going to send a...just... @16_2115 Sorry this is... I'm going to be a little bit pedantic here. I'm going to send a bang off to this nice shut-up button. Now I have this wonderful network @16_2130 which has the property that when I try to change the delay time it just mutes it and it stays off forever, right? We don't have everything built yet. And then after a delay of ten... So we'll bang this delay of ten and then we'll turn it back on. @16_2145 And now we have a wonderful patch that whenever we change the delay time it just turns the thing off and turns it back on which you can hear a little bit. [sound] @16_2160 The only problem with this is that -- first off I can't really ramp very nicely with it because it has to mute and unmute it very, very quickly. It sounds ugly. But I can still change it like that. @16_2175 It's yea OK. As long as I'm putting something complicated through we get away with that. But it didn't actually change the delay time. Nobody's talking to the delread and of course I can't just send the delay time in right away @16_2190 because at the time I'm sending the delay in, it hasn't succeeded in muting yet. It sent this message to start muting but I really need this thing to come in ten milliseconds later after this thing has shut up. So let's @16_2205 take the signal and store it and then when the del 10 is done is when we send the new value of the signal delay. @16_2220 All right this is going to need a little bit of cleaning up before it is really powerful. But now we have something where we can change the delay time and it's smooth. @16_2235 So now for instance and to prove you that the delay time is actually changing, I can now use it as real time thing: [sound] So now you hear this nice delay. And now the delay goes away. @16_2250 And now the delay becomes a second. Oops. And now the delay is a second. And now it's very short. So now I can change delay times on my voice, and it won't make that ugly sound. @16_2265 All right; so this is a good thing. This is a good way if you want to make yourself a delay effect to be able to change a delay time and not have people complain at you because it sounded ugly. Now to go back: @16_2280 The previous patch, I actually got the variable delay object out and it's showing off Doppler shift. And then I was saying, "Oh it would be cool if you could use that Doppler shift thing to make a pitch shifter." That's to say a thing where I could sing in at some pitch now it becomes @16_2295 a continuous singing at other pitch without having a delay time that was gradually either growing or shrinking. So let's apply this principle to a variable delay line. @16_2310 So the variable delay is changing all the time. You can change the delay just fine without having badness. But the thing that causes badness is when you cause the delay time to change discontinuously, which you had to do periodically. So let's see. @16_2325 Now what I need next is actually closer to this patch from the previous one. So I'll start with this one. OK now we're going to make a @16_2340 proto pitch shifter. ... That's number four now. @16_2355 We're being productive today. We might actually get up to five or six patches. <> OK so now what we're going to do is go back to variable-delay-land. That means we need to drive it with a nice line~ object. @16_2370 So this is no longer just going to bash a discontinuously changing value into a float. Instead we have a nice line~. And now what we're going to do... @16_2385 The patch that I'm now going to make is for pedagogical purposes. I would not be likely to use this. I'm going to show you how to do this better. So what I have to tell you is I'm going to do something deliberately sort of OK, but this @16_2400 is going to be replaced by something substantially better in a few minutes, OK. So, the not quite so great thing is this: We have this nice message box, for instance I had zero and I grew up to 333 in a second. @16_2415 And this had the property that... so I'm just going to check this and make sure I'm still where I was. [sounds] So here we are. Now we have a thing that takes my words and bashes it @16_2430 down a fifth, musical fifth. Oh, yeah. I have to remember by the way to tell you how to compute these numbers to do your own intervals because not every interval is a fifth, right? And now what we're going do is, well everything was cool except that going back to the sinusoid again to demonstrate this. @16_2445 You hear a click every time you -- well you might hear a click depending on the phase -- every time you reset this thing. So that's bad, @16_2460 but of course we now know what to do about that which is we just... OK shut this off while we're... We just send off a bang to the... @16_2475 that's bad because that's going to make two bangs. Let's give ourselves a nice button. Yeah. @16_2490 The button is going to mute the thing and it's going to set this new... No! It's not going to do that. It's going to happen after a delay, isn't it? Then @16_2505 the button is going to set the delay off. So now what's happening is... Let's see if I can make this readable. ... It's not great. OK. Whenever I press the button what happens @16_2520 immediately is the line~ gets muted and then what happens after 10 milliseconds is I restart this process of changing the delay line continuously and I unmute the output. @16_2535 Now I have a bad but partly serviceable pitch shifter, which can shift us down a nice musical fifth. Except of course if I forget @16_2550 to keep whacking the button eventually it goes back up. By the way, no matter what I put in here if I keep going in this way I will never do anything other than... Well, is this true? I can @16_2565 transpose down in a clear way and get all sorts of intervals transposed downward. Oh yeah, how about 200 then. @16_2580 There's a musical perfect third for you, want it? How would I make the thing transpose up? You can't go down from zero, so rather than do this you would start @16_2595 at some value like 200 and ramp down to zero over time, so that the length of the delay line is decreasing instead of increasing. And then we get... Anyone want to guess what interval we're going to get now? -- @16_2610 A perfect minor third up. OK. So, why did it go up? The delay time decreased -- it decreased from 200 down to zero, @16_2625 so over the period of one second we quit hearing something that was 200 milliseconds old and gradually got to where we were hearing real time, at a delay zero. So we heard 1.2 seconds worth of sinusoid @16_2640 in a mere one second of time which means we heard it at five... no, at six fifths at one and a fifth times the rate. That's to say it's 1.2 seconds divided by 1 second worth of sinusoid @16_2655 that we heard over one second of time. We heard it 1.2/1 times too fast -- 1.2 times normal speed. In general, @16_2670 if this amount of time is one second, then the amount that we hear is this minus this plus one... oh, plus one second. So this is actually a fifth of a second. So @16_2685 in units, what we get is... the transposition is one plus, OK. One, because time is always moving forward, so if you do nothing at all @16_2700 then you get as much out as you put in. So it's one plus this minus this -- is the ratio by which the frequency went up. And if you give these @16_2715 three things names then you can make a formula. So, if the delay time is increasing, the pitch is going down if the delay time is decreasing the pitch is going up. By the way everyone @16_2730 will immediately use the word "Doppler" to describe this. This is a sort of Doppler shift. This is the Doppler shift that corresponds to, not the one that you'd normally hear which is you're sitting on a park bench and an ambulance goes by. That's the source moving and you are the listener @16_2745 and the delay time is the air. Simply the air carrying the sound from the signal source to you. A better metaphor here is there's something emitting a sound that's fixed and you're moving -- because you're changing the delay @16_2760 of which you're listening to it. But at the same time that's Doppler shift. You can hear it if you're running around on a bicycle or something like that and listen to someone who's stationary blowing a car horn, however ... that doesn't happen as often as you're hearing @16_2775 the horn stationary instead. OK. But it's Doppler shift anyway. And this is the formula for Doppler shift too if you want. Should I tell you this? You can even have a Doppler shift that is @16_2790 so intense that it turns the sound around backwards. So imagine that someone was sitting here talking and what they were saying was so unpleasant that you were running away from that person at twice the speed of sound. @16_2805 You all know the speed of sound, right. It's well, it's a foot a millisecond. 1,000 feet per second, roughly speaking. So, you're high-tailing it 2,000 feet per second away from your professor. And as a result, you're hearing everything that the professor is saying, backwards. @16_2820 Because, you're actually ... the sound is sitting there in the air waiting for you to hear it, but you're traveling at twice the speed of the sound, so you're hearing the sound as it's getting further and further away, further and further down the delay line. Oh, we can even do that. Watch. I can make @16_2835 this delay line do that, by saying, we're going to start with no delay at all, and then we're going to run two seconds of time away in one second. Let's see if I can do this. And then I say anything at all, like @16_2850 "fruitcake." ... And nothing comes out. [sound] ... Fruitcake, and it didn't work, oh, I didn't put the comma in. Also, this is terrible, @16_2865 I'm making all sorts of distortion, because I'm being sloppy about the sound OK now let's see. I hear something. Test. Test. What? [Echo] Oh, @16_2880 I have speak before you start running away from me. ... So, you're going to hear it forward then backward, like this. "Jelly beans." @16_2895 Oh, it didn't work. What's going on? Jelly beans. Jelly beans. ... "I'm changing my voice to go around backwards." Oh, and that was feedback -- ignore that. @16_2910 So, that is a transposition factor of -1. In other words, I'm running the sound around backward by changing ... by making the delay line get bigger -- faster than @16_2925 time is even moving. ... So, that was a slight digression. And so anyway, let's go back to this thing. @16_2940 To make a very cheap pitch shifter, we would say metronome ... I don't know, chose some number of times a second we're going to do this. Maybe 10 times a second. ... @16_2955 And now, everything that I do will be transposed. [sound] @16_2970 OK. Transposer, pitch shifter. Very nice. This is kind of a bad pitch shifter, although it's working. ... Let's make @16_2985 a slightly better pitch shifter by ... So, it's a little bad that the thing is actually dropping out completely. But what you @16_3000 might wish to do is have two delay lines and be cross-fading them, so that the sound is continuously working, even when you wish be changing the delay line. And you can do that, but maybe it would be better @16_3015 before we do that to prepare the example by changing the way we're doing this anyway ... in the following way. So, let's do a "Save As." I'm going to switch now, instead of using a line~, to using @16_3030 a phasor to drive the delay time. Oh, yeah. And why? ... @16_3045 you're going to be able to figure out why immediately when I show it to you. ... I'm going to quit doing this for now, because this is not really going to work for us. @16_3060 So, for right now, I'm just going to cheat and say multiply by 1. That's to remind me that later on I'm going want to control the amplitude again. But meanwhile, I'm just going to drive the line~ with a nice phasor. @16_3075 And it's going to have some nice frequency going in. And if I just throw this right in, (I didn't even have a line~.) If we just throw this right in, it's going to vary between 0 and 1, which is going to be interpreted as @16_3090 milliseconds down here, which is not so great. So, we're going to have to change the range to something reasonable. And I will make that be a message box, too. <>. And @16_3105 at this point, I should say that I don't actually know what order this delwrite~, and this delread~ are occurring in. @16_3120 It would be appropriate at this point to add a couple of milliseconds because there could be a 64 sample delay engendered by the fact that this delwrite~ might happen before this delread~. There's other @16_3135 Pd lore that I'm going to avoid telling you about, how to force that into happening right. But now, I'm just going to add a nice delay, which ideally should be at least a couple of milliseconds. Maybe I'll take that away later and see if it hurts us. @16_3150 And now, let's see, we'll go once a second, and we'll have it vary by, let's say, 200 milliseconds, and then we will throw a nice sinusoid in there, @16_3165 which we listen to, and out comes:[sound] you all know it. And out comes, you all know it. So, it's going to be a if I got it right, [sound] down a minor, a major third. Tada. Ooh! @16_3180 Bad example! This example, this was too good. I can change the delay discontinuously by one second, and because there @16_3195 are exactly 440 cycles in this thing in a second I got away without any discontinuities at all. Don't try this at home -- Or let me show you what could go wrong if you did. Let's try 440 and a half. @16_3210 Everything's going great. We're transposing, but there's a discontinuity every second when this phasor resets. OK, so I'll go back to 440 @16_3225 to pretend it's working nice. And now I have a nice continuous control over the pitch shift. @16_3240 And, in fact, the shift of the pitch I can compute, I think. ... so this number is really a fifth if it's in seconds -- it's 200 milliseconds. (Oh, this is interpreting its input as milliseconds.) So what's @16_3255 happening now is: So the phasor is happening in an amount of time, which is one over this, and it's happening and it's changing by this amount every time. So @16_3270 the transposition that comes out ... The transposition factor is one if there's nothing happening at all. That's to say, when the phasor isn't moving at all. But if the phasor is moving the thing @16_3285 is being increased by 1 ... (Sorry, that's the 1 which is just oneness because time is passing.) 1 minus the product of the phasor frequency and the phasor amplitude. So in this case @16_3300 it's one minus one fifth because this is in Hertz and this is in milliseconds, so this is really 0.2, so this is one times 0.2, which is one fifth, and one minus one fifth is four fifths, which is down @16_3315 a major third. OK. Now you know how to compute, no matter what this is, what it should do. Let's see: [sound] So this is now one minus two fifths, which is three fifths, which is a major sixth. @16_3330 Oh yeah. Let's play the original here. OK. @16_3345 All right? Yeah. So, transposition equals 1 minus product of phasor frequency and phasor amplitude. @16_3360 And then you can work that backward any way you want. Now the next thing is ... let's get rid of the clicks. Oh, you don't hear the clicks because I fudged it here, but now if I change either this frequency or this. @16_3375 Oh, yeah. Oh, minus three means the phasor's phasing backwards, of course. If I change this, I might be @16_3390 changing the delay time by an amount that's not an integer number of cycles and as a result I'm getting clicks, which is kind of bad. So I do have a thing that can continuously change frequency -- @16_3405 But it's clicking like all get-out and that's not something that I want. Another thing about this is, of course, since the delay is ranging between zero and 121 or whatever this range is, there's going to be a delay @16_3420 between when you do something and when you hear it, which could be a problem. For instance, when I start loading my voice in or actually click into it. There's a delay there. So I've got the transposition OK, but I've @16_3435 got delays as well. The delay's actually varying between zero and 121 milliseconds. So that's OK. We can make this number be as small as we want. Let's make it 10 milliseconds. @16_3450 So here's the sinusoid again to test this. So now by the time I give it enough frequency to give it a decent transposition I've had to drive this value up @16_3465 high because this value is small and the transposition is controlled by this product. As a result, I have more and more problems, more and more discontinuities per second. So there's going to be a trade off @16_3480 in pitch shifting between the size of the delay I'm willing to tolerate and the speed of changing it that I'm willing to tolerate. In fact, it's going to become even clearer that this is a trade off @16_3495 when I fix it so that it doesn't click anymore. So to fix it so it doesn't click anymore -- and this I think has already happened... Ehat's a good way to take a nice phasor and turn it into a signal that will @16_3510 shut up right when the phasor jumps from 1 back down to 0, or in this case jumps from zero to one because I'm running it backwards? There are a lot of possible answers to that. One thing is you can design a parabola that goes from @16_3525 zero up and then back down to zero as you go from 0 to 1. The thing that people do most often -- that I see, anyway -- is they use just the best quadrant they can @16_3540 find of the nice cosine function. "Quadrant"'s the wrong word. So cosine, if you feed it zero you get one out. This is cosine of (2 pi of its input), or cosine of its input, in cycles. @16_3555 So from minus a quarter to positive a quarter the cosine goes from zero back down to zero. That's one half cycle of the cosine and it's the one half cycle that's positive. There's another half cycle that's negative that comes right after that or before it. @16_3570 So how do I get that nice cycle out of this phasor, or half cycle out of this phasor? This is going from zero to one and I want to go from minus a quarter to a quarter. So, in general, if you want to change the range of something first you decide how big you want the range to be and multiply it by that: @16_3585 So I want the range to be a half big because it has to reach from minus a quarter to plus a quarter and then I have to subtract a quarter to get it in the right place. Let me @16_3600 say that more clearly: So, this varies from zero to one. Now it varies from zero to a half. And, now it varies from zero minus a quarter to a half minus a quarter -- So, it goes from minus @16_3615 a quarter to plus a quarter. Now we just run this thing through it, and then we just multiply. Ooh. And, it doesn't let us connect, because Pd is cool and that times ones said, "I want control inputs there" -- which I don't any more. OK. @16_3630 Let's go back to something reasonable: 10th of a second; a Hertz. Here's the sound going in. [tone plays] And, here's the sound going out. [different tone plays] @16_3645 Pretty good. Hmm, would be pretty good if it weren't changing its amplitude all the time. Well, @16_3660 there are ways of dealing with this. Certainly the way that's easiest to describe to deal with this is the following: Let's see. I'm going to take these things and get @16_3675 them out here. You'll see why in a second. Let's make another one of these things, and let's make it run out of phase from this one. So that, whenever this one is quiet, the other one is loud and vice versa.[tones playing] Miller: @16_3690 So, how do you do that? OK, so this is all good review stuff. How do you make a phasor that's a half cycle out from this phasor? This goes from zero to one, @16_3705 so we could always say, add a half. That means we go from a half up to one and a half. And, then if we wrap~ that... @16_3720 Then if we say "wrap~", then... This warrants explanation: So, this goes from zero to @16_3735 one. This goes from a half to one and a half. This wrap~ leaves the part that goes from a half up to one, but then the part that goes from one up to one and a half becomes a straight line segment that goes from zero to a half. @16_3750 Draw this out on a piece of paper if you don't believe me, but the result is just line segments, the same as this. But, this thing changes value discontinuously whenever this thing crosses a half, because that's when this crosses one, and that's when the wrap~ @16_3765 changes its mind about what integer to subtract. So now, we've got ourselves a nice out of phase phasor. And, we can use our out of phase phasor. (Let's see. I'll need to be compact here. Maybe I @16_3780 just don't have to be so compact. Let's move this stuff out of the way somehow. Don't need that any more, move this whole thing over. Now do I have room @16_3795 to have another one of these? Not quite yet.) So, I'm just going to take this whole thing, including the multiplier, and make another copy of it running out of phase. @16_3810 And, I'm going to reuse these number boxes, like this. So that I'm multiplying and adding by the same numbers as before. @16_3825 I could clean this up, but don't know how. The right thing to do would be to do this and move things around, but maybe this is clearer for now. OK. So, now we have two @16_3840 transposers and one of them is jumping when the other one is being stable. The jumping one, of course, has been faded out in order to allow it to jump. So, one is always fading in while the other is fading out. @16_3855 Oh, yes. In listening to just the first one to start with: [tone sounds] It's doing that for us. Let's try to make them faster. On the other one, if we listen to it alone, is doing something similar... [tones playing] @16_3870 Whoops -- except I have to repeat these things because I didn't put them in the objects yet. And now, if you add them together... @16_3885 We get something that's not quite as variable in time. It's not perfect, but it's a little bit better. And now, again, we can continuously vary the pitch that's coming out. @16_3900 We can also drop the amount that it's changing the delay by. Of course, in that case, we have to move the phasor faster in order to get @16_3915 a fixed transposition. OK, so let's go back to listening to the voice: So, this is close to the classic pitch shifting algorithm. @16_3930 So, now we're shifting pitch and we have decently small delay and a reasonable transposition. @16_3945 And, we can go up, like this, and so on, like that. And we can make silly sounds by transposing up an octave or two, which I won't get into. It will sound like a chipmunk. So, this is a classic kind of a patch @16_3960 you could call a "pitch shifter." People frequently call these harmonizers, but the word "harmonizer" is a brand name, so call it a "pitch shifter" if you want to be generic. Let me just show you @16_3975 where this shows up in the help browser because you might care how to compute appropriate numbers to stick in the phasor and the delay line yourselves. Of course, I did all that @16_3990 work, and if I were a good didactic person I would make you all do this work too. But instead I'm just going to show you how you find the answer. You go down to the delay examples and you find the... there's a delay @16_4005 G09.pitchshift. And just get this patch out. And this is a fabulous patch which... <> -- Well anyways, I think it's fabulous. Which plays... [sound plays] @16_4020 plays a nice bell. [sound] That's Johnathan Harvey's bell sound there -- And lets you transpose it. @16_4035 Any number of well OK... it's computed in half tones. OK now, let's turn this thing off @16_4050 so I can talk about it. OK. So here, the only thing that I've added to what I just showed you, here's the phasor and and the wrap~ and all the good stuff that you just saw. The only... Yeah, I did exactly the same thing. @16_4065 Oh, I did this in the opposite order, sorry. Work it out; it's the same deal. The thing that I changed here was that I actually went to the trouble of figuring out what frequency you would give this phasor @16_4080 in order to get a transposition that you would specify in half tones -- which is the western unit for pitch shift. So here, for instance, if I say I want to go up seven half tones, @16_4095 that means I want to play it 1.5 times, well almost 1.5 times the normal speed. So a ratio of a fifth, a musical fifth is seven half tones. So C, @16_4110 C#, D, D sharp, E, F, F sharp, G -- seven -- seven half tones. That's this 7 right here and that is a factor of roughly one and a half and how do you figure out what @16_4125 you should feed the phasor? Well, you're going to multiply the phasor by some number which is here called the "window," that's this number here. @16_4140 Let's see if I can show it to you in the old patch. Here's a help browser, go over here. So, I multiplied the phasor by this number which is the range of delay change and @16_4155 once the units were fixed, 1 minus the product of this and this was the transposition as a factor. So, if I give you the transposition as a factor then you can do that algebra backward and that will tell you what @16_4170 you should feed the phasor as a frequency if you already also know this delay change -- which here I'm calling the window size in milliseconds. So, if I set this to a 100 milliseconds say, that's a tenth of a second, @16_4185 then this number here is a tenth. Here I'm correcting to seconds from milliseconds, so here's the delay time in seconds... This is the delay change in seconds. @16_4200 And if I wanted to change by this factor that means I have to add in frequency .498 to it, so I subtract one to get that by .498. And then @16_4215 because rising delay times transpose down, I have to multiply by -1, or to put new way, I have to subtract what I'm going to get here to get the transposition. So I'm going to @16_4230 need to run the phasor backwards to transpose up. So, in fact I have to transpose it by this number times 10 because this number is divided by this number in seconds. @16_4245 And what's this? This is taking half tones and changing it into a factor and this number is the logarithm (to the base 2) of one twelfth. @16_4260 You can compute that; you can pull out your pocket calculator -- if anyone still has one of those -- to find that out for sure. I didn't do this in my head, I pulled out a calculator to get that number. So this now is one of those @16_4275 that I just showed but packaged and engineered in such a way that you can get any desired transposition which you specify in half tones. And as before, there is this wonderful trade off: @16_4290 Let's listen to it. [sounds begin] If I want a fixed... let's see, you can't change. (I'm sorry. I'm going to just turn DSP on and off here to control this @16_4305 because I can't have the volume control and these things up simultaneously.) But now, if I want to do the same thing... Oh right, when you hear this you hear a sort of... [plays sound] Well, you don't hear the real problem here. @16_4320 The problem here is going to be that since there are two delay lines that are different by one half of this window size, 50 milliseconds. Everything that happens in it happens twice, 50 milliseconds apart -- which if we were putting voice through this it would be an annoying thing. @16_4335 However if you try to fix that by making this delay time itself smaller, then you can watch here it has to make the thing run faster to get the same transposition. I'll make a big 20, say and then it has to multiply this @16_4350 by five. And now we're getting the same transposition... [plays sound] That was interesting. That sounds modulated @16_4365 because this thing is changing so quickly that this envelope is raising the amplitude of it this many times a second. That's causing amplitude modulation of sound which we hear as frequency @16_4380 aliasing. -- Which I guess in the bells, since the bell is inharmonic anyway that's not such a clear example. ... ... as I can make out of my voice. Let's do that. Since after all it is computer I @16_4395 can tell it do anything I want to. Let's just use me instead of the bell now for a minute or two. And now let's see. We turn it on. And now you're listening to your [sound modification] professor transposed. @16_4410 And now if I make a nice big window you can get a decent clean sound. [sound] "Ahhh".... Not great. But anyway it's only changing one and a half Hertz now. @16_4425 So it's not terribly messed-up. [sound] "Dohhh". Still pretty messed-up. But anyway also if I make a speech into it. Hello this is speech. You can hear that everything is replicated twice -- s twentieth @16_4440 of a second apart. Actually clicks are even better than speech for this. That's messed-up clicks coming through because there are two copies of every click because I had to make two of these delay lines because they are crossfading in and out in order to @16_4455 cover for the fact that they're having to change discontinuously while this is going on. So then I make this delay time smaller but then this number has to get higher and then you get another problem. This is transposition but... @16_4470 I don't know why I'm getting away with this. ... Well this contradicts what I'm trying to tell you. I was able to get @16_4485 outrageously small delays here. "Ohhh"..... Yeah. But it's just inharmonic now -- although you can't really hear it. You can't really hear the inharmonicity. I have to play it with an instrumental sound @16_4500 and I don't have an instrument handy. But this would be a problematic setting too because this number is too small which is pushing this is pushing this frequency too high to be good. So either this number is too large or this number is too large and you will never get both of them @16_4515 simultaneously small with such a crazy transposition. People usually use pitch shifters with small transpositions like a half tone or a whole tone like this. And then you can get both this number and this number decently@16_4530 small simultaneously like maybe this-ish. Those are almost kind of reasonable numbers to be feeding in to both of these inputs. But for larger transpositions you have to either get a ridiculous window size @16_4545 which is the maximum size of the delay or a ridiculous frequency of interchange and you will get gradually more and more aliased sounds as you do this. All right. So in the interest of @16_4560 time I'm going to skip over the rest of the lore of making cool things out of delay lines although there are other cool things that you can make out of delay lines. I will just mention the existence of one of them because @16_4575 it's a good thing: You can make artificial reverberators out of delay lines. I do want to save this and I'm going to close that to get it out of here. @16_4590 I'm going to go back and get my help browser and just go get something that shows off a nice reverberator, just so that you know it can be done. There are library reverberators even in Pd Vanilla which you can get. @16_4605 But this one is the pedagogical reverberator which just shows how you make reverberations. Here's the test input again. Let's see. This patch is @16_4620 designed in such a way that you make this pitch move around and it shuts up when you stop moving the thing because... well you'll see why. Now we're going to reverberate it @16_4635 and we're going to hear reverberation. And reverberation sounds like this: You can guess how I might have done this. It's recirculating delay lines. @16_4650 But the standard recirculating delay line has a limitation in that you either make a delay line real short and you get frequency response funniness or you make a delay line really long and then you hear @16_4665 individual echoes. Here... Let's use me again... Here you don't have that trouble so much. @16_4680 So now let's see: Now you have me being reverberated. But you don't so much hear... Sorry that's not going to be good. You don't so much hear individual delays -- although this is not a perfect one -- as much as you just hear @16_4695 reverberation -- That is to say sound that's sticking around after the sound, like it would in a real room. And the way you do it, not to put too fine a point on it, is you have bunches of delay lines @16_4710 reading and writing in a complicated network which you have to think hard about. This is all explained in gory wonderful detail in the book why this thing works and why it's stable and how you would design it. @16_4725 All I'm going to do is just sort of say this exists. Go find out how to do it yourself, or if you just want reverb just say "reverb two" <> for instance, -- @16_4740 I'll give it a nice big nonsensical argument just to make the box big. Now you get a nice reverberator with inputs to control various things about it. And there is a nice help thing on there. This is nice abstraction which I built just for making @16_4755 a reverberation in case you just want a reverberation. It's there for you to use. rev1~ is experimental and strange. rev3~ is higher quality than rev2~. @16_4770 There's a collection of three reverberators that you can choose from. And get the help window and check them out if you want to find out how to use them. And the theory is in the book; and I'm going to skip it because we have many other things to @16_4785 find out about. ... We have many other things to deal with than this and it's now time to stop. Next time I have to start talking about filters, which are the other point of view on delay lines where you in fact @16_4800 might find yourself designing delay lines with a specific frequency response in mind. *** MUS171 #18 03 03 Miller: @18_0000 So I'm going to use as my jumping off point the wonderful recirculating comb filter thing and start @18_0015 with one detail about Pd that you might want to know about. So here's the sound. This is the Karplus-Strong instrument. Well, @18_0030 not exactly the Karplus-Strong -- This is noise going into a recirculating comb filter. Now the thing that I want to do with this -- we've had enough delays now. But what I want to do is use delays as a way of @18_0045 motivating filters. Because indeed this is a filter you're hearing - There's white noise going in and there's this stuff coming out. And that's by virtue of the fact that from @18_0060 one point of view, at least, the delay network that we are putting the white noise through is filtering it. It has a different gain for different frequencies. It doesn't have a flat frequency response. It has a comb-shaped filter frequency response if you like, which is why we call @18_0075 this particular thing a comb filter. The comb filter is the one filter that you can explain easily without having to say anything mathematical, or excessively mathematical. @18_0090 The basic deal is that if you just put a single sample in here -- If you made a signal that was 0 except that it had one impulse of sample at one point, then you can imagine what would happen: The impulse would come out and then the delay later would come out a little smaller, @18_0105 then the delay later again would come out of the smaller and is one, and you would have a sequence of impulses at a fixed length from each other and you would hear a pitch. Or you could say what were the frequencies present in that sequence of pulses, @18_0120 and you would see that certain frequencies were present much, much more heavily than others were. Or you can do what I'm doing here and just throw white noise at it, and notice that something quite different from when white noise comes out. And two things that you can vary are the selectivity of the filter, @18_0135 that is to say there's no selectivity at all. and here's total selectivity, and here's something in between, and also the delay time is now controlling the frequencies that the filter likes. @18_0150 The trouble with this as a the thing is that it really only does that one thing -- that no matter what frequency you ask for it will let through that frequency and all of its multiples, thereby deserving the name comb filter. @18_0165 But that's not everything that you can possible want a filter to do. A very standard thing that you would like a filter to be able to do is simply attenuate higher frequencies but let lower frequencies through, or vice versa. @18_0180 And this not a thing that you can use in any direct way to do that kind of thing. So before I go on about how to use this way of thinking to design filters more in general, @18_0195 let me pop up one level and say I'm going to tell you a little about filter design but not the whole story. If you look at the textbook, the longest chapter is about filter design because there are dozens @18_0210 of different kinds of filter designs -- or dozens of kinds of different filters that have different design methodologies. And you would be studying for years if you want to study all of them and even just making a decent cross-section of this is a lot of work -- and @18_022b asically 5more stuff than we could possibly crowd in the three days of classes that remain. Even if we didn't want to mess with GEM and a couple of other things too next week, which is going to take precedence. So, I'm not going to do the whole filter design yoga. @18_0240 I'm just going to tell you how you think about it and also show you how to just use filters in case you don't want to get involved with the filter design yourself -- which might be most of you anyway. So, there will be theory but @18_0255 there's also just going to be hand-waving, "here's how we do stuff" kinds of stuff that's less honest but more useful somehow. So in preparation for that, first thing that I want to tell you is a little bit about Pd lore, which is @18_0270 the following thing. I mentioned a week ago that as it turns out there's a maximum pitch you can possibly get out of this thing, which corresponds to the smallest delay -- @18_0285 the smallest recirculating delay -- that you can possibly get, which is 64 samples, which at 44.1 kilohertz is about 1.45 milliseconds, which corresponds to the 700 and something Hertz. So the @18_0300 frequency -- the resonant frequency -- of this particular filter is one over the delay time. The shorter the delay time, the higher the frequency, and 1.45 milliseconds corresponds to 700 cycles per second. So that is an @18_0315 artificial constraint that is brought about by the fact that there's blocking. In other words, this is a thing that's easy to say and parrot and it takes a little bit of thinking to understand it. If everything is crunching samples in blocks, @18_0330 then this thing creates the read which has to happen before the write It doesn't look that way but this thing is reading delays before this thing is writing them because there are dark @18_0345 lines from here through there, but there are no dark line from here to there. So the real order of operation is delay read, multiply, add an output, delay write. The fact that you have to read a whole block @18_0360 of 64 samples, which by the way is only for run-time efficiency sake, dictates that if you're going to now read a bunch of stuff and then write it, you have to write it 64 samples into the future. In other words, think of a block of 64 samples now @18_0375 we're going to compute some other stuff we have to compute. We can't compute anything earlier than the next 64 samples than the one you just had computed when you read those. And so you're going to have the minimum, a delay of 64 samples and if you want to @18_0390 scoop into your own past, which is what this network wants you to do. Usually that's fine but in situations like this, sometimes you don't want that to be true. And if you don't like this @18_0405 and you want to fix it, then you can do the following thing, which I hope to demonstrate right now and talk for some time: You can maintain local control of block sizes by making sub-windows of patches and using a special object which is called block~ @18_0420 to set the block size of the sub-window. So here, what we would do is we would say "object please." Let's get ... I'm going to call it @18_0435 "small block." This is now a sub patch and what I'm going to do is dump some of this stuff into this sub patch. Let's do it this way. Let's dump ... @18_0450 Let's just grab all this stuff. Here's a receive, so I could put that in there. But this should be an inlet. We're going to make a sub patch here so let's do this. @18_0465 And not good. ... Cut ... Paste. @18_0480 So here now is the recirculating part of the delay network. I'm not sure if this is a good idea. But now, to be clearer, I'm going to put it in the order that really will be sorted in, which is to say it has to read first, @18_0495 and then do its stuff, and then write. The delay write is the object which formally at least doesn't have any output because its output is to write the thing into the delay line. Like DAC~, the same kind of deal. Now, we're going to want to hear the result @18_0510 so what I'll do is make there be an outlet – a signal-style outlet which we'll use to hear the output of whatever this thing is. @18_0525 And that by the way is going to create this outlet here on the containing object, and so now we're @18_0540 going to listen to this like this: (And meanwhile there are two inputs that we need: The recirculation gain. No, the delay time we had controlled out there, so the recirculation gain will be an inlet of the message type. @18_0555 And that, right here, and then meanwhile we'll have a signal to add to it, @18_0570 which we already had, which will be an inlet~ which we're going to add to it like that. It's better to do this. @18_0585 So what I did was I put the inlets in order so the signal inlet is first and then the control inlet and I did that so that you would see a clear signal chain. @18_0600 And then this control is going to go there. @18_0615 Now, let's check if we actually have the same thing as we had before, maybe. We still have the same problem; you can't get @18_0630 anywhere above whatever pitch that is. And now, I'll go in here: This is the sub patch, and say ... (This is why I put this all in a sub patch.) So I'll say block~. And in fact, @18_0645 I'm going to be extreme today and say let's have a block size of 1. If you care, which you might not yet but you will someday, @18_0660 this a rule of thumb: A typical amount of overhead for getting into and out of tilde objects in Pd or in other kind of block things is about 20 samples worth of crunch. That depends on the objects. So that's not a hard and fast rule. @18_0675 A 64-sample block size means that you are paying for about 80 samples worth of computation per 64, and one sample block size means you're paying for maybe 20-ish samples instead of one. @18_0690 So this thing only has about 120th of the compute efficiency of the surrounding patch. This could be a good reason not to do this just for no reason at all. But of course, if you want to do something like what I'm doing here, read something out of the delay line and then @18_0705 do something to it right back in, that might be something you want to do at a lower block size so that you can have a smaller delay in the loop. And now, we can check whether that actually happened. @18_0720 Student: So block's basically dictating how much power is going into that? Or how much computing time? Miller: Sort of. So what it really is doing is, it's saying, every time Pd wants you to compute 64 samples -- or every time your parent window @18_0735 wants you to compute 64 samples to be totally accurate -- instead of computing all 64 samples in one block, you will compute 64 blocks of one sample each. So what happens normally @18_0750 inside Pd is when you ask it to do something like this, then this, then this, it does 64 samples of this, followed by 64 samples of this, followed by 64 samples of that. And you can see this using the print~ object. Print~ will print out however many samples it does @18_0765 in one block's worth of computation. That's where the 64 samples come from the print~ prints out for you. If you say "block~ 1" , instead of doing 64 samples of this and 64 of that, and 64 of that, @18_0780 and so on, it will do one – 1 – 1 – 1 and it will go around the loop 64 times, which is a lot more work. About 20 times as much work, but is nonetheless what you have to do if you wanted to make a very short recirculating delay line. @18_0795 The shortest possible recirculating delay line you can have in digital land is 1 sample. In other words, there's no possible way when you're reading this thing that you can read the current sample because it hasn't been written yet. But you can read theoretically the very @18_0810 previous sample that got written here if the block size is as small as one. Now having done that, we're going to close this. @18_0825 Now that we've done that, then we get the ability to have hugely high pitches. In fact, the highest pitch @18_0840 you can ask for, I think, is the sample rate. Let's see if that's really true. Well, the pitch is 1 over the delay. And if the delay is one sample and the pitch is the sample rate. @18_0855 What does it mean for the pitch to be at the sample rate? It does not mean that there's a pitch in the sample rate because that frequency doesn't exist. There aren't any frequencies above the Nyquist. So if you like this is a nice comb filter and the comb filter has peaks @18_0870 at all multiples of the fixed frequency that you choose. But if you make that frequency be the sample rate, then one tooth of the comb reaches all the way from 0 to Nyquist and the next tooth of the comb reaches from Nyquist up past @18_0885 the sample rate and doesn't exist. So what we've done is we've taken a comb filter and turned it into a one lobe comb filter, or a one-tooth comb filter, if you like, because there's only one room for one tooth, @18_0900 whose center frequency, by the way, or frequencies DC, zero. So the frequencies that a comb filter allows through are zero and then the resonant frequency, which is one over the delay time, @18_0915 and then twice the resonant frequency, and so on. And all those frequencies there are above the Nyquist except for DC -- zero. So now what we've created is not what I just told you. @18_0930 So let's do it, let's turn this on and make the thing be as high as I can get it. Before I do that, let's make this thing fatter so we can look at it. So let's @18_0945 have an 8, a wide one. Now say just go on up to the sample rate. Actually, if it's higher than the sample rate, I know that there can't be a delay of less than one sample. So it's going to be a one-sample delay we'll have so the resonant frequency will be the @18_0960 sample rate which doesn't exist. Or isn't a proper frequency. So now we have noise, but here's the original noise, and here's the comb-filtered noise. @18_0975 OK? So I told you the frequency where the good gain is at zero. What that means is that we've designed ourselves @18_0990 a low-pass filter. So, a low-pass filter in some sense is a special case, a weird- special case of a comb filter where you set the frequency of the comb filter to be the sample rate. @18_1005 Actually 100 is not a good number to use because that's unstable. Let's go down to 99 or so. That's good. Now, @18_1020 at this point, we could actually graph this but I don't want to be too pedantic about things. But you could now analyze what would happen @18_1035 if we did something like put an impulse into this filter. So an impulse would be a signal which has one sample that's non-zero followed by a bunch of zeros and preceded by a bunch of zeros, too. So it's quiet for all time, except that @18_1050 some time there's maybe a unit sample, whose value is 1 with values in one of them, then silent again for all time. This is a signal which you use just for a thought experiment to see what this filter does. And what it does it very simple: @18_1065 So here's the design again: Each sample, we take what was there @18_1080 in the previous sample, ... thinking about the first sample when the impulse comes in, out here is zero because the filter is sitting at zero, it's at rest. In comes an impulse, that's to say there's one sample. @18_1095 So there's one sample whose value is 1. So out goes 1, and by the way 1 gets written to the delay line. 1 then comes out of here and it gets multiplied by 0.99 – what the thing is set to now. @18_1110 So that says 0.99 so out goes 0.99, and it gets added to 0 because the impulse is over now. So it's 1, .99, and then 0.99^2, and 0.99^3, and so on like that. So it's a falling exponential. @18_1125 Now that raises an interesting question. First off, I haven't told you this but an impulse is @18_1140 not the same thing as white noise. But an impulse, if you think about it in terms of frequency content has all frequencies present. Why? Because from one point of view, what's a frequency it doesn't have >... or from another point of view it doesn't have any time duration so it can't have any one frequency @18_1155 louder than any other because it doesn't know what time is. -- That's a hand-waving argument. But it actually works if we you make it rigorous. What comes out is this thing, which is sort of a lump, which has a duration which is longer or shorter, depending on @18_1170 how you set the coefficient of the filter. In other words, if I set this to 0.99, it will take something like a hundred samples to drop off by a factor of e and if I set it to 0.98, by the way I'm using numbers close to one so that you see a nice @18_1185 good exponential. So I say 0.98, then it takes 50 samples to drop off by a factor of e and so on like that. A falling exponential always has the same shape, if you like, except that it's getting squashed or stretched out in frequency, depending on the coefficient. @18_1200 And furthermore, if you think about that, the slower you play that exponential, that's to say, the closer you get the coefficient to 1, or the longer that so-called impulse response lasted, the more low frequencies you would have compared to high frequencies. @18_1215 Because the slower you'd be playing the thing, the more lows you have -- Slow something down you get more lows. (That also is a hand-waving argument.) So, in some sense, you shouldn't be surprised at the fact just from that description of what the impulse response is ... @18_1230 You shouldn't be surprised at the idea that as you push the gain toward one, the thing gradually loses its high frequencies or picks up low frequencies compared to @18_1245 high frequencies. You could ask for a better one @18_1260 or you can also ask for other stuff. But to talk about that, I have to talk about how we talk about filters a little bit. So the trajectory so far has been I started with this recirculating comb filter and I showed you the block~ object @18_1275 that allows it to have one that's just 1 sample. And then I showed you that hey presto what we really have is a low-pass filter. @18_1290 So let me now go to silly picture land and show you how I'm talking about these things. Student: Can I ask a question? Miller: Yeah Student: So I think it's now easy for me in my experiences with filters, @18_1305 they always seem to be things that add or subtract to the signal, like to any one sample in place. I don't know quite how to describe it, but what @18_1320 you're showing is takes what happens in one sample and then seems to add information to the subsequent samples because it's got a delay. Is that the way that all filters work? Miller: It is. Student: @18_1335 So it's actually ... when you filter something, you can low pass filter something you're actually ... Miller: You're making it last longer. Yep. In some sense. In other words, if you had a very, very short sound or utterance, and put it through @18_1350 a filter almost of any sort, you end up with something longer than you started with. An extreme example is if you've messed around with an analog synth -- Try putting something impulsive into a band pass filter and set the Q way up. @18_1365 (I'll tell you guys about what that stuff is later.) And then you can hear it ring, so you can put in just an impulse, and out comes Ping! Like that, and you can make it last longer, depending on how high you set the Q. The thing resonates -- rings. And filters in general @18_1380 are things that ring or sit there, whatever you call it. Usually, for most reasonable settings of the filter, what it does –- the impulse response of the filter is short enough and time it that it @18_1395 doesn't become a factor. But you can set yourself up in situations where it indeed is a factor. I can show you an example of that maybe later on. With luck. So here's @18_1410 just how one talks about filters. And this is just terminology. I haven't shown you actually how to make it into stuff except for that low-pass filter, but I haven't even really analyzed that in depth, yet. @18_1425 But these are just sort of qualitative terms that sometimes have units on them. But here's what a low-pass filter is, as you describe it to an audio engineer. Usually what you say is there is a particular ... @18_1440 So go to the store and buy a filter ... They'll say, "What cut-off frequency do you want?" That is an oversimplification of what a filter really is because no physical filter ever will allow some frequencies through, and then @18_1455 completely block out other frequencies, and just basically have just one frequency, which is a cut-off frequency. But there really is, in most people's way of describing it, a range over which a filter gets from its pass band to its stop band. So the bands are just @18_1470 ranges of frequencies. That is old fashioned radio talk. And so a low-pass filter is the one that has a pass-band and a stop-band, and then there's a transition band, which is where you don't know what the filter is doing. It is somewhere between the two. @18_1485 And then you can talk about the quality of the filter in terms of ... "Give me a filter and I want the transition band to be real skinny," or ... "I want the" ... other terms ... "ripple" ..." You want the thing to ideally have an absolutely flat frequency response in the pass-band,@18_1500 but it doesn't ever really in practice. It always goes up and down. Anything that goes up and down, if you're an economist or an engineer looking at a function and it has maxima and a minima, you call it "ripple." Or sometimes you call it cycles, even if it's not. @18_1515 So engineers will call this "ripple." It's just the fact that in any real filter, the frequency response will go up and down slightly, at least slightly, before it starts heading out in the transition band. And then in the stop band you can say "What is the @18_1530 stop band attenuation?" That is to say this isn't ripple anymore, this is just stuff that still gets through in the stop-band; it isn't called "ripple." You don't care about there being a flat frequency response there; you just care for it to be gone. And so all you care about is what's the maximum value @18_1545 here compared to the value here, whatever you call that. So there's a stop band attenuation. And these things are all trading off against each other and off the complexity of the filter. You don't want to have arbitrarily @18_1560 complex filters, partly because they will ring forever. The amount of time the filter rings very roughly speaking is 1 over the transition bandwidth. So if you want a very clean transition band to have a very @18_1575 ringy filter. So you will typically trade, you will care more about this and less about that. Or maybe you will care a whole lot about this like if you're designing a low-pass filter for a digital to analog converter, @18_1590 you will care about having a nice flat frequency response there. Or you might care about having this thing very low. Or not, depending on what you need. So you make those things part of the specification of your filter and some poor engineer runs off and ... well, actually @18_1605 cranks up some piece of code that designs a nice filter that does this for you. And hopefully it's a decently simple filter and not a complicated one. Not so much because you care about the computation time, but because you care about things like numerical accuracy, which @18_1620 tends to be more difficult to control as the filter gets more complicated. So there's language -- which one uses to talk about low-pass, and in fact high-pass filters. A high-pass filter is the same thing as this, except that the pass band @18_1635 is up here and the stop band is down there. And other stuff: Next. How to talk about band-pass filters: Here's a @18_1650 picture of what you might think of as a band-pass filter specification. So there you have two different stop-bands. You want it to stop stuff below and above the region you're interested in. There's, of course, because @18_1665 in reality we have transition band – which we don't know about – That's where the filters get in from the stop to the pass-band. And then there's ripple again. So a band-pass filter is like a low or high-pass filter, except that the pass-band has both a low and a high frequency @18_1680 cut-off. And it's correspondingly harder to design. And a stop-band is the same as the pass band, except that there is a stop-band in the middle and there are pass-bands on the outside. And then you call it a "stop band," or sometimes a "notch filter." @18_1695 Student: So essentially graphic equalizers and the bunch of band-pass? Miller: It's worse. Graphic equalizers, you want them to be absolutely flat when you have all @18_1710 the sliders in the middle. You will never be able to design these so that you can add them up and get exactly flat, and say end up designing a completely different class of filters to use in an equalizer, which I will show you @18_1725 in a second. So that's terminology for that. And now, the stupid terminology for band-pass, this is if you buy an analog synthesizer, you don't talk about the @18_1740 pass-band any more. What you talk about is the "center frequency," which is the middle of the pass-band and the pass-band itself is kind of ugly. I mean you could describe this filter in terms of two transition regions and all the rest of it, but you don't. @18_1755 What you really describe a simple band-pass filter as is as having a center frequency and a bandwidth. So the band is just the part of it where you think the thing is allowing the signal through, @18_1770 and the band width, in this kind of a filter, typically is measured by saying, "Find the peak and then choose some arbitrary number, which is usually three." Then you say, "go to the right until the thing drops three decibels. " "Now go to the left" @18_1785 ... sorry, whatever the left or right are ... "Then go the other way until it drops three decibels." And then you will see a region of the thing which is characterized by the fact that it's within three decibels of its peak. And that's a way of just talking about bandwidth @18_1800 of a filter, if no one has specified a ripple value or what-not. And so then, basically, for describing a filter like that, it's adequate to describe just the center frequency and bandwidth. And sometimes @18_1815 people call this the "3 dB bandwidth" to say that we chose that arbitrary number 3 to talk about it. There's another @18_1830 knob that you get on a synth, which is called a Q – which stands for "Quality." And the Q of a filter is a thing which is designed so that as you increase the value of Q, the filter itself gets sharper. @18_1845 I can't tell you in any very simple way why that would be a measured, the quality of the filter, so don't worry about that. The quality is then defined @18_1860 so it should go up as the bandwidth goes down and the textbook definition of the Q of the filter is it's the center frequency divided by the bandwidth. And that's a good unit to use @18_1875 because if you're designing -- for instance for analog synthesizer or another kind of application like that -- if you're designing a filter, that you would want to change the center of frequency of, @18_1890 it might actually be a good thing for the bandwidth to be maintained as a fraction of the center frequency, instead of being maintained as a constant. You could imagine them both, you could imagine a filter that sweeps the bandwidth, stays the same. @18_1905 But then if you think about it, that filter would sound more selective if you tuned it up into high frequencies than in the low. If the bandwidth is 50 Hertz, and if you say that the center frequency of a 100, that's a very fat filter but if the bandwidth is 50 @18_1920 and you say the center frequency is going to be a thousand, then 50/1000 is a very small variation, and then you hear it is a very sharp pitch. To put that another way, if you wanted a filter whose bandwidth was one @18_1935 half-tone ... That would be a reasonable thing to ask for if that would be a filter that was sharp enough that you would hear as a pitch basically, to a pair of Western ears. So if you want the filter to sound like middle C, you'd like its 3 dB points to be @18_1950 halfway from C to C-sharp, and halfway from C down to B. That would be a C filter. That turns out to be a Q of 17. That's to say a half-tone is a 6% @18_1965 increase in frequency or change in frequency. And 1/6% is about 17. So middle C over whatever middle C has to change by when you get to the next one over is about 17. And that's true @18_1980 if you chose middle C or any other pitch on the piano. It's always going to be true that proportionally to one part in 17 gets you to the cracks between you and the next two keys. So Q = 17 is a @18_1995 one half-tone wide filter. So if you make the controls on your filter be center frequency Q just what the synth manufacturers typically do, then it's good you can set the thing to a higher or lower center frequency that has the @18_2010 same perceived width, which is the width as a percentage of the center frequency. Another example of a useful value of Q is what if you set the filter to be about a critical band's width, @18_2025 or a critical band wide? "Critical bands" are these psychoacoustic things, which are typified roughly ... They're things you learned about @18_2040 in Music 170 that I don't want to try to explain because then you'd be talking psychoacoustics and then you'd get into arguments because no one can really make measurements about psychoacoustics. ... But a critical band is roughly a third of an octave. And the reason @18_2055 you see all these third-octave filter banks and, by the way, if you go buy an equalizer, then it will be third-octave, right? That third-octave is the critical band. A third of an octave is, again, a number of half-tones, @18_2070 four half-tones. And so that corresponds to a Q of something like four-ish. So a Q of four is about a third of an octave -- Still, no matter the center frequency you choose. So those @18_2085 are reasonable values of Q. Having told you all that, that's all I want to, tell you about taxonomy of filters. I'm going to tell you one other thing, which is to answer your question better about @18_2100 equalizers: There are other filters running aroud besides low-pass and bandpass, which are filters where you specify not that it be 1 in the good part and 0 in the bad part, but that it simply have a higher @18_2115 gain in one frequency range than in another. The simplest of these is called a "shelving filter." For a shelving filter, you say, "what's going to be the frequency at which it transits the transitions?" It's "transition @18_2130 frequency." And then you say, "What do you want the gain to be at low frequencies? What do you want the gain to be at higher frequencies? And roughly what frequency does it make its transition between the two?" And if you have one of those, then you've got something you can use to boost or cut @18_2145 the bass or to boost or cut the treble, depending on where you set the transition frequency. So those are things like the treble and bass controls on old fashioned stereo amplifiers -- maybe they still make those. Or the low and high shelving @18_2160 filters on your equalizers. -- whether the equalizer, by the way, is a parametric one or a graphic one. Then you need all the filters in between. To do that, you have an @18_2175 out of band gain and an in band gain. So that if you set the in band and out of band gains both to be 1, then the filter will be nothing for you. But then you ask i6 "Make the out of band always be 1," which is an appropriate thing to do, but "Make the in band gain @18_2190 be +5 decibels" or "-5 decibels" -- which would mean push or attenuate this particular frequency band. And there the things you would specify would be "where's the center frequency>" and "what's the bandwidth?" which is to say "over what range of frequencies @18_2205 are we going to push it up or down?" And those are things that you've all seen because they're on any parametric equalizer. That's not the same thing as the band-pass filter on your synthesizer. So for some reasons, synthesizer @18_2220 manufacturers love the band-pass filters whereas mixer manufacturers love the shelving and peaking filters. This is called a "peaking filter" because it makes you a peak. They call them "peaking" filters, that's the word. @18_2235 The typical mixer thing is you've got a shelving filter for the highs and shelving filter for the lows and two usually peaking filters for pushing or pulling away from some frequency range in the middle. -- So that's how people @18_2250 talk about filters. Student: Do these also work with delays? Miller: Yeah. So all of these things are things that in digital land -- @18_2265 in analog there's a whole different way of thinking about them -- but in digital land these are things that are made with delay networks, in which the delay time is always one sample. And as a result, they're horribly inefficient to make as patches because you have to set the block size down to 1. @18_2280 So the only time that you make one of these in a patch is if you needed some special weird nonlinear filter thing that you couldn't build out of the building blocks that you already have that someone else coded up in C for you – Which you can do, and which I have done ... I had @18_2295 to do just last Fall one time. But usually, you can get by with the filters that pre-exist. And usually, of course, the reason that people code of these filters up is because it's horribly inefficient @18_2310 to make patches that make these filters -- because of the block size. Now the next reason you don't do these things themselves is because the math gets genuinely complicated to make these things. The basic deal about making low-pass, high-pass, @18_2325 and band-pass, and peaking and shelving filters is not so bad. And Chapter 8, goes a certain distance into that. But then when you start getting into" make it just so" kinds of things, then pages and pages @18_2340 of math or huge software packages to do the design. So I want to give you some idea of the theoretical framework in which that is done, but not really go down that even as far as Chapter 8 does, for the lack of adequate time. @18_2355 What I'm going to do is I'm going to haul out some existing filters from Pd to show you what they do and then I'll try to go back and explain what's happening on the inside. So what we'll do is @18_2370 we'll trace our steps backwards because what I did to start today off was I started with the comb filter and showed you how to make the simplest possible low-pass filter out of it. Now what I want to do is just grab some filters and start seeing what they do, and then try to justify how you would build them by how @18_2385 they act. And then I will show you some actual math in the complex plane, and then you will all fall asleep, and then I will see you again next Tuesday. Let's see if we can do this. Filters: ... @18_2400 So we're now going to say patch #4. <> @18_2415 So I'll just get some filters out. And maybe it's just as well to have .. this is just an all-purpose input @18_2430 generator thing; we'll leave that and we'll just start messing with filters and see what they do. (I have to get rid of this, and I'm going to get rid of @18_2445 "pd small-block" ... And I'm just going to start hauling some of these out. So there's nice low-pass filter. Let's get ourselves something just to hear the original sound, in case I will need to A/B it. @18_2460 We got that going; so we've got white noise; good. So the low-pass filter... you can get an argument which is the cut-off @18_2475 frequency in Hertz. Or, what's maybe better here is ... we'll get one of these things. Let's get this thing. So to prevent confusion now, I'm going to get rid of this. @18_2490 And now we just have low-pass filter. And while we're at it, let's get two more of these. @18_2505 How's that? @18_2520 So then we'll get a nice simple high-pass filter and a nice band-pass filter. Band-pass filter, @18_2535 as I mentioned, has two things that you might want to control, which is the center frequency and a Q. "Q" for quality. And so what I'm going to do is get a nice thing that I will constrain to be positive ... @18_2550 and have that be the quality. There's that: [white noise] Low-pass: This is what I showed you before. @18_2565 There's noise. And now we turn the cut-off frequency down and you hear a drop off in the highs. This is not exactly @18_2580 the filter I built you before because it's normalized differently. This one is normalized so that it has unit gain at zero frequency, or DC. Whereas the thing that I showed you before, the recirculating comb filter, it might @18_2595 have a very nice high gain at DC (Imagine feeding that thing all 1's, but if it has 0.99 feedback, what's going to come out is much larger than one. I think it will be a 100.) So you could divide by that number that it would put out. And then you would get @18_2610 something that puts out the same amount of DC as you put in. But of course it puts out less of everything else, because it's a low-pass filter. So then you get that effect. [sound of white noise through low-pass filter] A thing about this @18_2625 which I will go into a little bit more later maybe, is that this is a control, that's to say a message, input. And so I wouldn't be able to take a nice line~ until kind of envelope generator @18_2640 and throw it in there and get the right output. To do that, you'd have to go somewhere else, get a different filter. But these are optimized to be computationally very inexpensive and simple. @18_2655 This one is the high-pass filter whose job is to do the opposite. So the higher you push this, @18_2670 the less low frequency stuff you have. It's not general true but in this @18_2685 particular case it is true that the high-pass is exactly what you would get if you subtracted the low-pass from the original signal. Actually, there's a numerical accuracy issue that I'm @18_2700 covering up. -- You wouldn't actually be implement that way for numerical reasons but in fact conceptually this is just input minus that. That is no longer true when you get to any more interesting filter than just this very @18_2715 simplest one. Band-pass filter: This is the one that you buy on your synthesizer. You decide a value of Q. So the number 17 came up ... so I'll say "Set your Q to 17 please and @18_2730 the center frequency of 69." And then we hear A. I hope that's A. Anyway, if I push this up or down, you just get pitches out. @18_2745 So a Q of 17 is half-step wide. A nice sharp filter might be a Q of a hundred. That's asking right now the ... let's see ... go back to 69, @18_2760 which is A so if the center frequency is 440 and the Q is 100, that's to say that the bandwidth is 4.4 Hertz. The bandwidth being 4.4 Hertz you can also think of as the fact that @18_2775 there is a ... (You can hear that the thing's changing; it's not a sinusoid. It's tumbling or fluctuating. The speed of fluctuation of this amplitude is roughly @18_2790 4.4 Hertz. That's to say it's roughly the bandwidth of the filter.) So if you don't want the thing to sound like it's fluctuating, you would send this Q up to something much higher. But, of course, @18_2805 the less stuff you let through, the less power you will hear if you put white noise or something like that in. So now, why don't we just take this and multiply it by @18_2820 791 so that you will pick back up the gain that we lost? Watch yourself when you're doing this, but let's turn this down first. Now let me show you how to normalize this @18_2835 nicely for white noise. Actually, there are several ways you could think of to do this. What I'm going to do is, I'm going to take this number, and add one to it, and then multiply that by the filtered sound. @18_2850 Let's start with a Q of 1 so that @18_2865 nothing silly happens. Right: Q of 1. It's basically an octave wide. @18_2880 So in other words, if the center of frequency is 440, so is the bandwidth, and so it reaches from 220 to maybe maybe 660. I told you a quarter-octave @18_2895 here is about a critical band's worth of noise. Now we're kind of in kind of Frank Zappa "Nanook of the North" land ... Here's the half-tone filter: -- @18_2910 And here's the very sharp filter: -- This is super sharp: And now we're making pitches out of noise. @18_2925 While we're here ... notice that this filter rings ... In fact, I have told you how to make an impulse, have I? @18_2940 What's a good way to make an impulse? Audience: Couldn't you just use tabread~ and an array? Miller: Oh! -- That's probably better than what I was going to do. Let's do that. Let's make ourselves a nice impulse. @18_2955 So we're going to make ourselves a nice table.... I'm going to @18_2970 save some time and say "table" and give it a name and a size. I don't know... << table foo 10 >> And then I'm going to say a message: "semicolon foo start at @18_2985 location 0 and we're going to be 1 and then all 0's". There's an impulse: It doesn't look like an impulse because it's drawn using segments instead of @18_3000 lines; but the first number is 1 and the rest of the numbers are 0. And then we can say "tabplay~" -- This is the simplest, stupidest possible way to play a table back. @18_3015 This one you just bang it and out comes the table. And then you have an impulse generator. Cool. Now let's stick this in my little adder so that we can see what it does to these various filters. @18_3030 Here it is: So now the center frequency of the filter is @18_3045 just the frequency that we hear. And furthermore, this Q or "quality" of the filter ... (Oh, that was a thousand... Sorry -- you can't see that.) I'll make it a hundred now. [sound] @18_3060 Or I'll make it 17, which is the half-tone filter.[sound] This controls directly the length of ringing of the filter. In fact, @18_3075 you can quantify that: In another way of thinking, the Q describes the number of times the filter @18_3090 rings before it drops down to a factor of the e in amplitude. Why e? Just because life's that way. So that means, by the way, that the higher the frequency I give the filter, the @18_3105 shorter the ringing will be, because it rings a certain number of cycles. It will ring now a thousand cycles as opposed to a thousand milliseconds or something. So the higher one -- a the thousand cycles up there doesn't last as long as the thousand cycles down here say. @18_3120 So Q is the length of ringing of the filters in cycles. Or Q is the frequency divided by the bandwidth ... @18_3135 Frequency divided by bandwidth, which is the sharpness. Student: @18_3150 So Q is also like the width of the peak? Miller: Yeah. So the higher the Q is the narrow the peak is. Q is the "narrowness" of the peak. @18_3165 But it's the narrowness of the peak compared to the center of frequency. So if you push the center of frequency out, the peak will get fatter, too, for a fixed Q. ... @18_3180 And now that I've told you this, you know almost exactly how to build this band-pass filter: Because all you would have to do is arrange to make some kind of a delay network that rings sinusoidally -- @18_3195 when you hit it with an impulse. And then you have a band-pass filter because you have what I have here, which is a band-pass filter. That's not very good mathematics. ... Another way of thinking about filters: @18_3210 filters are resonant bodies. They're masses on springs. If you like, they're bodies of air inside resonating bodies, which have resonant frequencies like Helmholtz resonators do, or whatever you might wish to make resonate. @18_3225 You can think of them as masses on springs. So to make a mass on a spring, you would make something that when you hit it, acts like a sinusoid that's damped. And now I can tell you why they call it "quality." If you @18_3240 think of it as a mass on a spring ... as I've told you, the lower the Q is the faster the thing is damped; or the higher the Q is, the longer it vibrates. The quality is in fact the percentage @18_3255 of the energy of the filter it maintains all over a cycle, or is related to that -- It's not equal to that but it goes up with that. In other words, the leakier the filter is, the more resistance you have in the thing and the more damped it is: The lower the "quality" that it circulates @18_3270 in some sense. That's why it's Q. So how do you build this? Well, remember I was telling you about complex numbers last time. You were hoping I wouldn't get into that... @18_3285 How would you make something act like a sinusoid? I told you that sinusoid is nothing but something that's getting multiplied by a constant. But because the constant is a complex number that's on the unit circle, say, the thing is going around a circle, @18_3300 instead of dropping towards zero. The low-pass filter that I showed you that was the comb filter that had a delay of 1, the trick was you took whatever the previous sample was and multiplied it by 0.99 say, and put it back in. @18_3315 And that gives you a very nice low-pass filter; it gives you a thing which when you give it an impulse, give you an exponentially dying response. If instead of multiplying it by a real number, like 0.99, you multiplied it by a complex number, @18_3330 that had a modulus or an amplitude or absolute values slightly less than 1, but also had an angle to it so that it wasn't real, then every time you multiplied it in, it would continue to @18_3345 spiral around the origin. And in fact would spiral into it, assuming that you made the gain, that's to say the absolute value of complex number, less than 1 -- Which you really ought to do; otherwise it would be unstable. So if you wanted the filter to ring forever, @18_3360 that's the easy thing to design: You just choose any complex number on the unit circle and just multiply the previous sample by that, and by gum, they will just go around the unit circle forever. In fact, that's so good that you can use that for an oscillator. And @18_3375 Max Matthews spent a year building oscillators out of this concept ... it was really cool. So here's how you do it: (So this is the menagerie. Let's lose that, and @18_3390 I'll open the previous patch again, and I'll save it as number five, delay circulating complex. <> @18_3405 [...] @18_3420 [...](I have to do it again, I'm sorry.@18_3435 [...] ... Did I lose everything? So let's close this. What I'll do is I'll make a nice subpatch; then I will put the delay recirculating hoohah into this subpatch like this. And then I'll clean it up like this. We're being sloppy and unfortunate here ...) @18_3450 [...] [...] @18_3465 [...]And then I had a nice @18_3480 inlet~ ... And that was going to get added to it ... that changes now. And then we have an outlet that allowed us @18_3495 to listen to it.[...] @18_3510 Here we're going to put this stuff in here. And then we're going to listen to the output, like this. @18_3525 [...]There it is; there, roughly speaking, is what we had before. Now what we're going to do is we're going to take this @18_3540 thing and, instead of multiplying it by real number, we'll multiply this by a complex number. (This is Algebra 2 or maybe pre-Calculus.) So complex numbers have a @18_3555 real part and an imaginary part. So let's say "delay-real". [...] @18_3570 I'm going to tell it to write a delay time of zero. ... the delread~ should say something, I'll say half a millisecond. @18_3585 But I didn't give it anything to the delread~ -- There's no input there, which means "Read the shortest possible delay that you can read, which is one sample." Oh! That's assuming I remember to do this: @18_3600 "block~1" Now, we'll do the same thing for the imaginary part. We'll have a nice delay for it. @18_3615 So what that means is we'll do another delread~ and another delwrite~. It will fill the whole screen very soon here... And this will be the imaginary part. @18_3630 Same thing with the delwrite~ ... And I'll say, "You have a millisecond too, but we'll only use one sample's worth." So we'll eventually take the inlet and add it to this. @18_3645 But the multiplication step is going to be interesting: So to multiply complex numbers ... So first off, we do an inlet to have the complex number come in. And that inlet @18_3660 is going to have two components. So let's just say inlet here and inlet there. (Those could be signals or they could be @18_3675 control values. I'll just say control for right now.) And now, to do a complex multiply, you multiply the real part by the real part. And you multiply the imaginary part by the imaginary part. @18_3690 And what do you do to these two numbers? Does anyone remember? -- @18_3705 You add them backwards: You subtract them. The reason you subtract them is because i X i should be -1 -- because that's what it is, -1. So you @18_3720 take the real times the real minus the imaginary times the imaginary -- and that's the real part of the product. The imaginary part of the product -- ... (See I've done this a few times, I know what I'm going to have to do ...) is you take the real part of one of them, @18_3735 and the imaginary part of the other -- that's imaginary. And you also take the imaginary part of one and the real part of the other -- and that's imaginary. And by the way, if I didn't do this exactly right, @18_3750 this is going to go unstable and blow up. So don't make a mistake when you're doing this. Actually I should say it differently: "Turn the volume down when you make networks like this -- until you really believe they work." We're going to say "save." ... And, since @18_3765 Cooper was kind enough to introduce the expr object, I'm going to use an expression to compute what the complex number is going to be. @18_3780 What I want to do is specify an angle and a magnitude. So, just for talking, I'll call the magnitude "R" and the angle "theta." So the real part of the complex numbers is going to be @18_3795 R cosine theta. So "f1" the first one will be R, and the second one will be theta. @18_3810 And then the imaginary part of this complex number will be R sin theta. And what's R going to be? R can be anything that you want, except that it sure better be less than 1. So I'm going to do one of @18_3825 these things, and I'm going to restrict this to only go up to 100 -- We'll allow ourselves to actually have the thing right on the unit circle. @18_3840 That's R. Now theta should be the frequency ... So how do you figure out what theta is, the angle of the thing? A simple way of thinking is: the sample rate means go all @18_3855 the way around the circle every sample, so that you stay in one place. So you take the frequency that you want, and if the frequency were the sample rate you would want 2 pi, which is all the way around. So you take the frequency and multiply by (2 pi @18_3870 divided by the sample rate.) And I will just do that without saying much about it. I'm too lazy to compute 2 pi to more than 4 places in my head. ... @18_3885 Then we'll divide by 44,100 which is our sample rate. And that will now be theta. (By the way it would be good to see this just to make sure we're doing it right.) And furthermore, it would be nice if we change this @18_3900 that we recompute both the expr's so we should use a trigger to tell the expr's to recompute when they get these. And furthermore, it would be really good now to look at those numbers. @18_3915 There's the real part. And here's the imaginary part. So what I've done in very simple terms is ... Let's turn this off, choose a gain of @18_3930 1/2 to start with ... -- I've made something that does ... nothing ?! What did I do wrong? Audience: You're sending that trigger output instead of the expr ... Miller: Thank you. Hoo-hoo, boy! @18_3945 Dig! There are people who are not asleep yet. [laughter] Miller: And is it working? It sort of looks like it's ... Right -- this is good. So now, if I tell it: "Your frequency's close to 0," basically the real part is the 1/2. @18_3960 I've made the magnitude 1/2 so that it wouldn't blow up for now. And I'm just seeing if we go around the unit circle decently well. So for frequency 0, we should see a real part of 1/2 and an imaginary part of nothing. If I tell it "Nyquist" it should go halfway around the circle and be -.50 . @18_3975 Oh where's Nyquist? -- Nyquist is go down here and say 22050. And a half of Nyquist is pure imaginary. (That's a small number which @18_3990 isn't 0. So it said "+" because it couldn't write it out in exponential notation. That's kind of bad ...) ... So, anyway, basically as I start increasing the frequency, it starts @18_4005 wending its way around the circle with radius 1/2. And now if we listen to that: Let's put noise through it -- @18_4020 Less than convincing, huh? But of course this is a high value of Q ... So push it close to the unit circle now -- and we've got a band-pass filter! Now that was a @18_4035 hand-wavy kind of band-pass filter design job. But the punch line is: The center frequency of the band-pass filter is nothing but the angle, or "argument", of a complex number that you use to @18_4050 multiply inside the looping comb filter. As a result of which, if I gave this an impulse ... Where did I put my impulse? That was in that previous window ... Let's "save as". ... @18_4065 So let me go back and grab the impulse generator. ... @18_4080 I'm too lazy to make that again ... @18_4095 If I put an impulse into this you would hear the thing ring -- You would have to because in fact I designed it to be something that rings when you send an impulse into it. I designed this band-pass filter basically by imitating the behavior of the band-pass filter that we observed @18_4110 when we just put an impulse in it. -- And that behavior was that it rang. So here's a thing that rings and when we put noise in then ... This recirculation gain controls how long it rings; And @18_4125 furthermore, let's turn this off for a second... Let's send the recirculating gain all the way up to 1. Careful now ... I'll just put in a little noise and then stop it -- And tada! We now you now have a @18_4140 nice oscillator -- which is ringing 40 Hertz but I could change that now if I wanted to. It hates me for some reason ... And throwing white noise in changes @18_4155 how loud it gets ... Something's wrong. Something's not working real-time. I'm abusing it in some way here, probably with the recirculation. So there is a @18_4170 recirculating gain that's flat on. That's to say the Q of infinity. Or if I want to make the recirculating gain less than one ... maybe .99 ... @18_4185 That's not close enough to 1 to let you hear it ring, is it? .. But if made it real close to one – @18_4200 Let's make it 99.99 – Now I've got this: It's a nice, very high Q, (It's a Q of 10,000, I think. ) -- a high Q resonating band-pass filter, @18_4215 also known as an oscillator. Of sorts. That's the basic yoga of designing filters. @18_4230 ... What questions do you have about this just right now? I should show you the internals again ... Audience: If you make the delay @18_4245 too small will the system crash? Miller: It will make it the smallest delay it can pull off, which is 1 sample. Or actually it's 1 block @18_4260 and since I've set the block size to 1 sample, in this case it's 1 sample. @18_4275 ... Well, it's 1 sample so it's 22 microseconds. That's one way to think of it. You wouldn't be able to get the computer's audio latency down that low at all. A typical computer audio latency might be 10 milliseconds or something. @18_4290 ... It just wouldn't be able to do it -- I mean, where's @18_4305 it going to get its number; there's no place to look. So either it does nothing, or else it does something arbitrary -- which could be crash, I don't know. Miller: The typical design style @18_4320 of Pd is if you ask it for something out of bounds, it just gives you the thing within bounds which is closest to what you asked for. @18_4335 So what's happening here is we have a complex number, which we're representing as the real and imaginary part -- as separate real numbers. So we're using two delay lines to manage that @18_4350 pair of numbers which are the two axes or two "coordinates" of a complex number if you like. And each time through the delay -- every sample -- what we do is of course we add the inlet~ in and we add it as if it were a real number -- which is to say we add it only to the real part. @18_4365 And meanwhile, we take the previous sample and multiply it by a complex number, which is coming in these two inlets. So this is a complex multiplication here. And that number that's coming in, we wanted to specify in @18_4380 polar co-ordinates -- that is to say specify as an absolute value and an "argument" or angle. Audience: Why is the outlet only connected to the real part? Miller: @18_4395 In other words, why are we only listening to the real part? That's a real good question. We can listen to that, or the imaginary part. A trouble with this whole @18_4410 discussion is that I've been pretending that you can listen to complex valued signals – which, of course, there's no way you can do -- because air pressure is a real number. But you could, if you wanted to, @18_4425 just listen to the imaginary part of it as if it were a real number. And you would get, as it turns out, you would get a slightly different filter, for technical reasons. It's not hugely different. ... So instead of getting this; @18_4440 let's make some reasonable number ... So there is the real part and here is the imaginary part: It turns out that the real part @18_4455 has all the highs in it and the imaginary part doesn't. To put it another way, this is a band-pass filter and this is a low-pass filter, but they're both resonant. So you actually have most of what the old Moog VCF gave you. Audience: @18_4470 Can we hear what the low-pass filter sounds like on the complex side? Miller: ... Yeah. Now let's see. So here's this ... @18_4485 not really different ... yeah, kind of different. So that's the true band-pass there, I think. I'm sorry, this is low-pass, this is true band-pass. Audience:@18_4500 Can we hear it sweep? Miller: The frequency? Oh, this thing, right? @18_4515 As opposed to this. That's interesting. @18_4530 The high frequencies are getting masked up there. Sounds like they're losing energy. But I don't think they are really. Audience: Can we hear them both together? Yeah ... @18_4545 I don't know what that would give you but ... Of course maybe it's a little louder ... it's just something in between. @18_4560 So I'll grab the picture of the complex plane next time and show you what this looks like in the complex plane @18_4575 in slightly more detail. And then we'll just get off into applications of filters. ... So that's it for today. *** MUS171 #19 03 08 Miller: @19_0000 Someone asked a really cogent question, which is grading weighting: What's the weight of the final versus all the homeworks. @19_0015 And the answer is the final is worth two homeworks. So out of 100%, the homeworks are all 10% and the final is 20%. The grading, whatever you call it, is the way it will be graded @19_0030 is the same as your homeworks, except that of course you will only have something like three minutes per person to look at the finals, assuming that there are 53 of you, which is how many people were signed up last I saw. Although all I see now 10? [laughs] @19_0045 But of course it's only three minutes after the beginning of the hour, so people will wander in. So I think what we're going to do is set up some kind @19_0060 of a tag team thing where we'll set up a couple of tables and allow someone to be presenting while someone else is fumbling with their laptop. And I'll ask this again later, but if you have a patch but don't have a laptop, @19_0075 then you'll want to use a laptop that I'll provide. But all of my laptops are running screwy OSs, so we're going to have to work on that, I'm not sure. Maybe Joe's got a laptop @19_0090 that's got a normal OS that you guys know about. All right. I want to do one thing @19_0105 to finish off filters, although it being only one thing doesn't make it necessarily short. I'm not sure how it's going to work. The first thing is an observation, which is that you can put delays on @19_0120 things. So filters are made out of delays. So I'm going to make observation number one just using delays, so you can see and hear it with long delays -- that's to say audible ones. And then I'll go back and show you how it spins out with filters proper. @19_0135 And then I will drag all of you to complex plane again one more time just to show you how this spins out in calculations, which you can actually calculate the frequency response of any filter in the world. Maybe. OK. So @19_0150 the main observation I want to make is this: I'll make the recirculating delay loop, which is cool, and then I'll show you how to make the delays go away again. I didn't actually realize this worked until last year. @19_0165 (... Wait, I don't want to do this.) So what we're going to do is we're going to take a signal to add a delay to it. OK, signal. Let's see. Let's just do the microphone for now. So do we have a microphone going? @19_0180 Microphone, so that we can do things like have the delays now. Is that amplifying, still? Because it shouldn't be. OK, that's me not knowing how to deal with my mixer. So anyway, I can @19_0195 drown it out by doing this: So microphone. Now, what I'm going to do is make a nice delay just like you've seen before. So what that is, is you say delwrite~ -- @19_0210 I'm just going to call it delay 1 <<"del1">>. And we can give this a nice long time because we'll maybe want to set the time that we read it from. @19_0225 And then we'll have a delread~ Snd we'll give it a nice delay time that we can hear, like a fifth of a second. And I want this thing to have a gain maybe of less than one, so I'm going to say... @19_0240 (Sorry. I'm just realizing ... Ah, it's all right...) OK, so I'm going to multiply it by some gain, and that's going to be a control. So I'll put down a nice number box. @19_0255 It might be good to have it in hundredths. So I'm going to say "divide by a hundred." That will be the gain of that, and we'll listen to it to see how it all works. OK? So now if this network does what I think it does, @19_0270 we'll hear me and then --It doesn't do anything?! Oh, Duh: <> Here's the echo, and the echo has a volume that I can control. Let's do something reasonable. That's all right. Just set this to 0. "Hello" -- @19_0285 Back to normal. So delay line. Now, how would you make this delay go away? Now why would you want this delay go away -- To make a point. The point is some delay networks have inverses. @19_0300 That means that some filters have inverses because filters are delay networks. So I want toshow you how to invert a filter. And this is good because ... and there's a reason this is good ... Oh! -- @19_0315 Because it turns out that I can tell you how to figure out the frequency response of this network real fast. Basically you already sort of know what it is because the resonant frequency ... It's going to be a comb filter, and so it will have peaks at @19_0330 multiples of 5 Hertz in this particular example. And if you want to do the math, you can even figure out what shape the peaks have as a function of this gain here. So if it's 0, it's flat. And if it's a hundred, then it's notching completely out 2.5 Hertz, @19_0345 and doubling 5 Hertz. And in between, it's doing something in between. And you can compute that. And then if you can compute that, you can compute the one of its inverse -- because it's just going to be 1 over it. First off, let me make the add explicit so @19_0360 we can talk about this as a single thing. So either it's a delay network or it's a filter, depending on how you think of it. And now, we're going to run very quickly out of space, so I'm going to just sort of -- @19_0375 squeeze it. There. All right. So what's the opposite of this? The opposite of this is the following thing: We're going to take the filter again. Oh, yeah, so how would you get rid of @19_0390 that echo? Well, all you have to do is you would make the same echo --you'd have to use a different delay line to make the echo, of course. So name it "del2." And then we're just going to subtract it. So we'll take this thing and multiply it by minus one ... @19_0405 and have that control this: And then if I take this signal... So here's a signal with a delay on it. Let's see if this works... @19_0420 "So we're still talking and we're now making a delay..." So now if I subtract that, that would make it go away, right? The answer is: "Try again!" So what happens is, @19_0435 we'll take this thing and we'll make an echo of it that is minus the same multiple of the original. -- @19_0450 And then we'll try it. And then we get... So -- what I forgot was ... @19_0465 there are two delayed copies coming out of here and they're separated by a fifth of a second <<200 milliseconds>>. And then I subtract that off. But of course it subtracts not only the original but it subtracts @19_0480 the delayed copy off. So what I really get is signal minus the signal that is _400_ milliseconds late. Oops! Right? So how do I really get rid of it? The answer is I'll make it recirculate. @19_0495 So I'll take the signal. The signal now has a delayed copy. Now I'll subtract the delayed copy, but that will subtract another twice-delayed copy, so I'll subtract it out and that will make a three-times delayed copy, and I'll subtract that out @19_0510 and it will make it a four-times delayed copy, and so on. And eventually I'll get them all subtracted out and there'll be nothing. And the easy way to do this is to make this delay line recirculating. So what I'm going to do is, rather than just add @19_0525 the delayed signal into the original signal, I'll take the delayed signal, add it to the original signal, and feed it back. @19_0540 This is now a recirculating delay. Oh ... can I prove that? Let's see if this is actually working as a recirculating delay by listening to it alone. @19_0555 OK, we have clarity problems here. So there's the non-recirculating delay, here's a recirculating delay. If I did it right. And I'm going to listen to it and make sure it really is a recirculating delay. @19_0570 By the way, it's got a negative feedback coefficient. All right. recirculating delay. Now if I take that recirculating delay and apply it to this delay, @19_0585 so I took out the original signal and now I'm putting in a signal and itself delayed times 86%. And now we're listening to both delays and @19_0600 we've got rid of the delay. One caveat about this that will immediately have occurred to you: Of course, if I made this gain more than 1, then to get rid of it I would need a recirculating delay with @19_0615 a gain more than 1, and that would be unstable. As a result, if I made this gain more than 1, at least this approach to finding the inverse filter is going to fail. ... @19_0630 But maybe we should not worry so much about that. The next thing is ... So now I have a delay network that is just giving us the same thing, and slight observation is we could make @19_0645 this gain negative, and the same thing holds: Now what we've got is the recirculating delay has a gain of 74% and the @19_0660 non-recirculating delay is subtracting a copy of it. This is actually easier to think about than the other case. And again, as you hear, I got rid of the delay @19_0675 that we had before. Now I've told you this, although I don't think I've really emphasized this. Linear time-invariant things like this commute. @19_0690 So let's get this up here. What I'm going to do now is switch the order of the two delay lines. So now what we're going to have is, @19_0705 the original signal will go into this delay line, and it has 74% feedback. And now we have the recirculating version: And now I'm going to take that @19_0720 and throw that into this network here - the non-recirculating one. In fact, to save our sanity, @19_0735 maybe I should make them agree spatially with what I'm doing. So let's do this now. So now we have a @19_0750 recirculating delay, that you just heard. And then we have a non recirculating delay that we will put this into and then we will listen to the output. @19_0765 And now -- Doh!? Why is it delaying? "Hello!"What am I doing wrong? Interesting. @19_0780 I have no explanation as to why this isn't canceling out. @19_0795 Just to be sure that I'm not going crazy... So I'm adding ... @19_0810 I'm sending this thing into this delay line. Oh, that's not the output of the delay. Sorry, I did this wrong. I wanted this thing here. @19_0825 This is the output of the recirculating delay. Now, we have nothing again! No delay. OK? Now a quick analysis of the situation: @19_0840 (Sorry, I don't know how to make this neat.) This is maybe easier to understand than the other one. So now what I've done is almost miraculous. I have this messy recirculating delay network, which you put instantaneous sound in and out comes a thing @19_0855 that lasts forever, right? And here is a nice thing that cuts that infinite train of delays out, entirely. Cancels it out. Why did that happen? That happened because ... One way of thinking about it is -- @19_0870 When you studied geometric series in high school, they taught you that all you have to do to figure out the sum of a geometric series is you take the thing and multiply it by that number and that makes all the terms match up to all the terms but the first one, and @19_0885 then you subtract it and they all cancel out. The exact same thing happens here. The result of this network is a train of delays, each one 77% as loud as the previous one, or having 77% @19_0900 of the amplitude of the previous one. And then, of course, if you apply a delay that takes the original signal and subtracts 77% of it, that on the first one cancels out the second one. And that delay of the second @19_0915 one cancels out the third one, and that on the third one cancels out the fourth one, and so on. Or to put it another way, this recirculating delay makes a train of echos, each of which is dying out exponentially. Take that whole thing and delay it -- the same delay time -- and multiply it @19_0930 by minus 77%, then you cancel out perfectly the infinite train of echos. And the only reason you should believe this is because you just saw me pull it off in a patch. @19_0945 You might think that this means that now you whenever you have a recording that was done in a bad space, all you have to do is make the inverse of that space. Right? So rooms are basically delay lines @19_0960 in a sense. So whenever you talk in a room, when you put a microphone somewhere or a pair of ears somewhere, you hear just a bunch of delayed copies of the sound -- In a very hand-wavy way of describing acoustics, right? So all you have to do is make the network that cancels out all those delays @19_0975 and you could zero out the effect of any kind of room acoustics that you wanted to. And start all over. So you made a nice recording of someone, but they were playing in a horrible acoustic space. Just take the space out. @19_0990 And then you can apply any other kind of treatment to it that you want, from the original raw signal. Two things wrong with that: One is notice that this only worked... @19_1005 For recirculating delays, I think it's fair to say for any stable recirculating delay, you can make the inverse of it and get rid of it. For non recirculating delays, you can only invert the thing if the @19_1020 echo is softer than the original sound. When that spins out into a real acoustic situation, it turns into a statement that you don't actually know, or you don't know in advance that the inverse filter of whatever your room is, @19_1035 is a stable filter. A stable filter is, for instance, a recirculating delay that has a gain of less than one. An unstable one is going to have a gain bigger than one. So there might not be a stable inverse to @19_1050 a real live situation. The other thing is that you can't do it because, first off, you can never measure perfectly what the response of the room is. Second off, the sound source is always moving. You almost @19_1065 can't get a sound source to stay completely still. And even if the sound source were perfectly still, the air temperature and air density in the room is constantly changing because there are air currents. And as a result, the reverberation, the response of the room is @19_1080 always changing -- enough that if you canceled out the reverberation of the room at any given instant of time, it wouldn't be good for any other given other instant in time. So you'd be out cold. So people have been chasing this fool's dream of trying to @19_1095 get rid of -- or trying to inverse-filter -- reverberant patterns for decades. Conveniently forgetting, or inconveniently forgetting, that it's actually pretty well-nigh impossible to do. @19_1110 However, in this nice completely artificial, simple setup, you can do it completely. I told you that the reason that this was going to be interesting was because now we can make @19_1125 inverse filters. That's OK. But we can analyze the frequency response of a recirculating filter if we can analyze the frequency response of a non-recirculating filter. So to make that @19_1140 audible, let me get rid of the microphone -- put in some noise. @19_1155 But I now have to drop the delay time of the filter so this will be clear. So I'll put a number into the delread~ read objects to change their delay times to something tiny like 2 milliseconds. Then we put noise in. And if @19_1170 I do it right... I get 92% recirculation. Oh, I'm @19_1185 changing the wrong one ... So now we've got a nice comb filter. And now I can take that filter and invert it and reconstruct the original sound. But what that also means is that this filter and @19_1200 this filter -- I'll play now the original noise going into this filter like this: So here's the inverse filter, if you like. @19_1215 This filter [sound] is the inverse of this filter. [sound] This filter's kind of ugly-sounding [sound], but it's the inverse of that one. All right? And I told you that that was going to be easy because we can analyze this rather easily, @19_1230 and it will take more work to analyze this one. Now, when we take engineering courses or other kinds of signal processing or signal analysis kind of courses -- signals and systems -- they will make you do algebra to analyze this system. @19_1245 And what I'm doing is trying to avoid the algebra by just sort of analyzing it out of thin air -- by making this claim about these two systems being inverses. @19_1260 I should tell you a thing about this: This is a perfectly good filter. I could make one that has the exact @19_1275 same frequency response as that one, simply by exchanging the two delayed copies. So right now it's the original signal, and then it's minus 92% of the delayed copy. But I could take @19_1290 -92% of the original copy and then full-blast the delayed copy and that would sound exactly the same. But that filter would not be invertible because the second echo is louder than the first one. @19_1305 So if I try to make a recirculating filter to cancel the echo out, it would be unstable. There are two different forms of this filter. One of which, the one I've shown you here, it is invertible. @19_1320 And the other way that you could put it together, which is backwards in time, is not invertible -- Or at least it's not invertible with a stable causal filter. How would you analyze the frequency response of this thing? @19_1335 Well, I've sort of told you ... In fact, you can almost do it in your head if we say the gain is flat-out 1. Yeah, if the gain here is either 1 or it's -1, @19_1350 then we can make a claim about what the frequency response should be pretty easily. -- Think of putting a cosine wave in ... What comes out is a cosine wave and itself delayed. And the sum of the cosine wave and @19_1365 a delayed copy of that is trig -- which you can handle -- not quite in your head -- but it's pretty easy to do. However, when this gain is not 1, it takes a little bit more work. So I'm going to draw you a picture to show you how you might @19_1380 think about that. As usual, as soon as the trig gets hard, the right thing to do is avoid dealing with the trig by jumping into the complex plane. So we will spend ten minutes looking at the complex plane, and we then will forget the complex @19_1395 plane forever -- unless I can end up showing you the Fourier transform next time. But maybe we won't have time for that. So here is @19_1410 the thing that I just showed you. Now, this is how Chapter 8 of the book. We've set all the delay times equal to 1 now because we're making filters. So the deal there @19_1425 is that comb filters are filters -- perfectly all right. But if you make comb filter whose first resonant frequency is the whole sample rate, then it doesn't act like a comb filter at all; it acts like something that only does its thing once in the entire audible frequency range. @19_1440 It doesn't do the combing thing. So this is the way you do a filter. And here what I'm doing is making a number capital Q for reasons that well ... you'll see in the book ... I had to name the variables carefully. And then we'll subtract that from the @19_1455 incoming signal. The reason that we're subtracting here is because -- as shown in the patch -- by convention... Yeah, it's convention. By convention, you think of the recirculating filter, this one, @19_1470 as having the positive coefficient. It doesn't have to, but I make its coefficient negative if I wanted to. Like that. All the same good things would happen: We have that and this and those two things are still @19_1485 inverse filters. But by convention, when one uses the recirculating coefficient as the variable that one names capital P or capital Q, depending on whether we're recirculating or not. @19_1500 As a result, since we're going to be talking about inverse filters, the inverse filter is going to be subtracting -- subtracting some coefficient times its delread~ . @19_1515 To tie this in with last time: Of course this is a real-valued comb filter, and one of the things that I showed you last time is how to make a recirculating comb filter whose feedback coefficient was @19_1530 a _complex_ number. And there is, in fact, no reason that all that this number has to be real number -- It could be complex number. I just made it real number so that I could make the network easily and show you this inverse property. But if we were using complex numbers -- which means @19_1545 pairs of delay lines, and then doing complex arithmetic on them -- Then all of this stuff would still hold. And then we could be doing things like making bandpass and stop-band filters. So now, in fact over here,.. (If @19_1560 you're reading through Chapter 8 while I'm doing this, these are already complex numbers. The hypothetical reader of the book is completely bathed in complex analysis by this time.) Now, here then is how you @19_1575 analyze that: I'm going to skip the equations and just show you what you get. So this Q -- Here is a complex number. And this is the recirculation @19_1590 of a -- if you think of a pair of filters that are inverse, this was either going to be the recirculating coefficient of the inverse of the recirculating filter or it's going to be just the coefficient of the non-recirculating filter @19_1605 except it's going to be with the minus sign. So the minus sign is still up here. So what happens up here? So again, @19_1620 we imagine that we are going to put a sinusoid into the system. And a sinusoid in complex number-land means the following thing. You choose a good number Z, a capital Z, which @19_1635 is on the unit circle. So here's the number Z. And the number Z encodes the frequency of a sinusoid. So now you think that the sinusoid is the points @19_1650 1, Z, Z^2, Z^3, Z^4, Z^5, and so on forever. And of course, when we listen to this, we're just going to take the real part. So we're going to project that onto the real axis and it's going to look like a cosine. @19_1665 But in truth, the real signal, the thing that's happening underneath, is that there is complex number spinning around the unit circle. And the trick is that each new sample is simply Z times the previous one. @19_1680 So now we know how to talk about delaying that 1 sample. Delaying it a sample is simply dividing the signal by Z. Why dividing? Because if you have 1, Z, Z^2 ..., and if you delay it, you get ... @19_1695 1, Z, Z^2, <> and that's 1/Z times the signal that you have delayed. That's confusing, but it's important to remember that "one over." <<1/Z>> 1/Z, by the way, is just this number down here, which is what you get when you take Z @19_1710 and reflect it around the unit circle, Z to the -1 power. So it's down here: So now what we have is the original @19_1725 signal, which is the signal times 1, and then we have the signal times Z^-1 because we delayed it, and times Q because we multiplied it by Q in the network. << 1 - Q Z^(-1)>> @19_1740 So let's go back to the network and just check. So here is QZ^-1. Here's Z^-1, which is the delay, and here's Q. And we're going to subtract. @19_1755 Now this isn't even figurative -- This is figurative when you're in electrical engineering, but this is real for us because we're thinking that we're putting a complex sinusoid into this. So this really is multiplication @19_1770 by 1/Z or Z^-1. And this really is multiplication by Q. And this is just subtraction. So here is the left side of the thing, @19_1785 and here is the right side of the thing, which is the signal multiplied by Q Z^-1. In other words, the signal is multiplied by 1, and it's multiplied by Q Z^-1, then you subtract the two. So it's ( 1 - Q Z^-1 ) @19_1800 which is to say it is a complex number which gets from here to here. So if you think of it as a vector, it's the short vector which starts here and points there. @19_1815 The way I drew it, it looks like that's a very small number. But the number, in fact, is in the range from 0 to 2. And this amplitude, this thing,( 1- Q Z^-1 ) -- Its size, its absolute value is @19_1830 the gain - the frequency response of the filter at the frequency Z. So Q is a parameter of the filter. You can control it but you can treat it like a constant. Z is the thing which depends on the frequency that's going in. In fact, @19_1845 you think of a signal perhaps as consisting of many or even an infinitude of sinusoidal components going in. all with different values of Z. So Q is fixed and Z is everything at once in some sense. And @19_1860 the easy way to think about that is not to think about how Q Z^-1 changes, but to multiply the whole thing by Z to get this picture. So now we have Z, which encodes the frequency of the sinusoid, @19_1875 and here's Q, which is the coefficient. And now as we imagine looking at values of Z that could range all the way around the unit circle, you see there's an area of the unit circle where the values of Z are close to Q -- and those are areas where the gain of the filter is low, @19_1890 it's small. And around here on the other side, the gains of the filter are large. And the gain of the filter in fact is nothing but the absolute value of this @19_1905 complex number, that's to say the length of that segment. Furthermore, if you want to think about it, you can also get the phase response of it -- it's the angle of this thing. So if you care about phases, which well ... maybe you care about -- but you don't @19_1920 have to worry about that yet -- you know how to get the phase out of this diagram? ... Yeah? Audience: So is Q fixed there, it's fixed in space there? Even as Z travels around and Z-Q will change? Miller: That's right. @19_1935 So Q is the filter parameter -- it's the knob. Z is the frequency that you're thinking about going through the filter. And this is a way of thinking about for all possible values of Z, What does the filter do? And the answer is it multiplies it by that. Audience Member: So what is @19_1950 (Q Z^-1) ? Miller: This. This part of the diagram is explaining why this part of the diagram makes sense. So this is the real response @19_1965 of the filter. But this is harder to think about because this point is moving around. This point is not fixed. It's easier to think about the thing just rotating the whole thing about the Z so that this point is fixed and this point is moving, instead of having this point fixed and this point moving. Although @19_1980 you could think about it either way. This is the way engineers think about it. Now, the punch line to this is... Well, there are two punch lines. First off, if I took a bunch of filters and put them in a series @19_1995 (Only if I put them in series; parallel would be a mess.) ... but series. And if all of them had this form, then I could tell you what the frequency response of the whole mess was, because you would simply multiply the frequency response of each @19_2010 stage in turn. So now we can analyze the behavior of complicated filters using the behavior of simple filters. Or to put it another way, that could give us way of of designing complicated filters. Because we might want to @19_2025 design that filter with several stages in order to accomplish something or other. Of course, we're not really going to get there, but that's the thing that people think about. The other cool thing is this: Going back to the beginning of the lecture ... this is @19_2040 non-recirculating filters. But of course I've told you and showed you that recirculating filters can be thought of as the inverse of non-recirculating filters. So here's the non-recirculating filter. @19_2055 And the recirculating filter, which is the inverse of that, is this filter: (I have to go forward one. I have to go forward two, sorry. ... @19_2070 Sorry, I didn't have the diagram. Never mind that.) You know what it should look like. It should look like this, except that you're recirculating the output of the delay line to the input and we're multiplying @19_2085 by Q and adding at the input of the delay line, instead of subtracting at the output. Or to put it another way, we can go back to the patch: It realizes that this is the recirculating @19_2100 filter where we are: Delaying, we're multiplying by something, and then we're adding. This is the non-recirculating one where we're: Delaying, we're multiplying by minus the thing and adding -- in other words we're multiplying by something and subtracting. @19_2115 And those two things are inverses. And what that implies is that [...] @19_2130 for the non-recirculating filter, the frequency response is the length of this segment, which changes as Z changes, which encodes the frequency. > And for the recirculating one, @19_2145 the inverse of it, the frequency response is one over this. <<[1/(1 - Q Z^-1)]>> So the non-recirculating filter has a notch right where Q points towards Z, then the @19_2160 recirculating one has a peak where that happens. And what's the smallest value that this thing can be, the shortest this segment can be? It's when Q lines right up with Z. And so that is 1 minus the absolute value of Q -- @19_2175 in other words the amount that Q fails to be right on the unit circle. And so what that shows is that the recirculating filter has a greater and greater gain ... the closer Q gets to the unit circle, the greater @19_2190 the gain of the recirculating filter is right at the choice of Z which lines up with Q. So the angle of Q chooses either the @19_2205 notch frequency of the non-recirculating filter, or the resonant frequency of the recirculating filter. And the absolute value of Q, this radius here called r ... <> -- controls the gain of the filter. @19_2220 So with those two rules -- and with a lot of messing around -- you can design filters to any kind of specifications you want -- @19_2235 just by making assemblies of recirculating and non-recirculating filters with various coefficients. But in particular, you can do the thing that I showed you last time, which is you can make a recirculating filter that resonates at any given frequency. @19_2250 And the way I described that last time was: You know what the impulse response should be -- It should look like a damped sinusoid. And I know how to make a damped sinusoid because I can just make this funny @19_2265 recirculating complex filter. Just by pure thought, you can think about what the impulse response of that should be -- which is ringing. And therefore that recirculating delay line would @19_2280 act as a resonant filter. Now what I'm doing is showing you analytically why that same recirculating delay line acts as resonant filter. It's the same filter that I made last time, but I'm coming at it with a completely different line of reasoning now. This is the @19_2295 correct line of reasoning -- in the sense that now you can take this and actually go compute things. Wwhereas what I showed you last time was just sort of a phenomenological explanation of what's going on -- like picking shells up on the beach or something. ... @19_2310 Questions about this? This is pretty much it for filter theory, I think. @19_2325 Yeah, because I don't know how to show you much more without... After that, it's just details, but the details go on and on and on. For instance, how would you design now a peaking filter, which is a filter that, @19_2340 around an area here has a little bump that either bumps up or bumps down, but around the rest of the circle it's basically 1-ish? Well, the answer is you put a recirculating filter and a non-recirculating filter @19_2355 with their coefficients at the same angle, put them rather close to each other, and therefore anyone out here is about the same distance from both of them, and therefore the gain there is about one, because the two distances are almost the same @19_2370 and you're dividing -- because one's recirculating and one's not. But in this neighborhood, if you put one of them closer than the other, then you can make the thing have a positive or negative gain, depending on the ratio of the two distances. And that's your peaking filter. @19_2385 And reasoning like that. You can make it as complicated as you want, but it's thoughts like that get you through all the elementary filters that people use every day in computer music. @19_2400 So this is a much better way of thinking about it than is the sort of phenomenological: "Make something that rings." Because you can actually do reasoning on this complex plane and in a way that allows you actually figure out that would make @19_2415 the filter do something that you want. Oh, and furthermore, I just told you how to make a peaking filter: It's a recirculating @19_2430 and a non-recirculating filter. Now if you set the two coefficients to be exactly the same, those filters are exact inverses. And so that's how you get away with putting all these filters in series in an audio chain. It's actually true that when you set the gain of a @19_2445 peaking filter to 0 dB -- neither up nor down -- so that the recirculating and the non-recirculating coefficients are exactly the same, the filter is unity. It is as if there were no filter there at all. @19_2460 And you can put a hundred of these things in series and it won't change the original signal. And so that's why you can actually have things like graphic equalizers that don't completely destroy your signals, because each one of those filters is actually nothing if you zero it out. ... @19_2475 Questions about this? So that's filter design. And study with Tom or Shlomo and learn @19_2490 all the deep stuff if you want to go further in this. Now what I'm going to do drop this entire line of inquiry and start talking about graphics. Audience Member: These results you've shown are all from complex analysis? @19_2505 I might need to find some books on that. I wonder if it's the simplest approach? Miller: @19_2520 Yes, this is called the Z plane, just because one uses the letter Z to describe the complex number on the unit circle. Yeah, indeed. This is something that I wake up every morning wondering about. @19_2535 And the good news is you didn't have to know any calculus to do this. You do have to do complex arithmetic, that's to say you have to understand about @19_2550 angles and magnitudes of complex numbers, but you don't need calculus. Although, sometimes calculus helps later on. This is all high school mathematics. In fact, I've probably already said this, but this is the reason @19_2565 high school mathematics is interesting; so that you can do computer music. [laughter] Miller: You cannot do banking, even. Bankers don't do algebra or geometry, but computer musicians use that all the time, and this is exactly how it comes up. @19_2580 So people should be teaching computer music in high school because that would make the mathematics interesting and make it stick with people. But that will only matter if you become a high school mathematics teacher in your futures. So I'm going to save this. ... @19_2595 And I've pretty much finished making all the points that I want to make about this. So how we're going to go work with graphics. Now I have to tell you something about graphics programming, which is that I don't do a lot of it. @19_2610 So I'm not exactly the right person to teach you this. You'll see. I can't make great examples, because I'm not a person that does this kind of thing, and there are a lot of @19_2625 people who do. So I'm going to quit here. And I'm actually going to change directories. And furthermore, I'm going to run GEM, and not Pd. @19_2640 First thing about GEM -- You probably already see this ... when you start up ... If you downloaded Pd-extended as opposed to Pd, then you have GEM. And in fact, when Pd-extended starts up, you @19_2655 see all this kind of stuff. This is Pd loading GEM. GEM is a library that is larger than Pd, I believe, that Pd reads and uses @19_2670 to define a whole collection of new objects. OK. Describing that depends on... I haven't said something I didn't say, which @19_2685 is that: In Pd, most of the objects that I've shown you have been built-in objects. In fact I think all of them have been. But if you type it the name is something in Pd that Pd doesn't know about, (And if it's not an abstraction -- that is to say that if it's not the name of a patch.) ... another thing that it @19_2700 could be is a name of a file which is an object file which Pd will load in to define a new object. So you can make objects in Pd that are C-code that fit inside boxes and do things that you want them to do instead of the things that I thought you might want to do @19_2715 with the built-in objects. GEM is the... So the name stands for the Graphics Environment for Multimedia. This is by Mark Danks and is now managed by IOhannes Zmoelnig. @19_2730 And all these names are also people who work on this. What GEM is, is a collection of something like 200 objects that pertain to graphics @19_2745 in some way or another. Graphics in GEM-land is the thing which is called OpenGL. OpenGL -- it's the @19_2760 name of either a worldview or of an API, which regards computer graphics as being "drawing polygons in space." That sounds really stupid until @19_2775 you find out that what you can actually do with it, which is not drawing polygons in space, but it is drawing one polygon in space and pasting images onto it. So I'll show you how all this works. @19_2790 There are two points of view on computer graphics: One is the 3-D point of view which is "Everything is a model." The thing that you do if you make a dinosaur or something like that -- A dinosaur is a bunch of triangles which are @19_2805 a bunch of vertices, which few points in space, and a bunch of segments between them that describe polygons. And then, if you want to render a nice dinosaur on your screens - it's called "rendering" -- for each one of those @19_2820 triangles that is described, you ask the computer to paint a picture of that triangle, except of course if it's wholly or partially occluded by some triangle that's in front of it, then you would paint the one in front of it in that place instead of the one behind. @19_2835 So you do hiding and all that kind of stuff. And this is exceedingly popular as a way of thinking of computer graphics, basically because of the influence of two industries. @19_2850 One is Hollywood, which started making high-budget, three-dimensional rendered animated films like "Toy Story" or "Up." @19_2865 And the other thing is computer games. There are the interesting computer games and the stupid ones... The interesting ones are the ones that have a thought component to them, And the stupid ones are the ones where you're chasing things around and shooting at them. And if you want @19_2880 to make a computer game where you chase something around and shoot at it, it turns out that 3-D rendering is a very good way of making that appear realistic. And so basically the first-person shooter games, FPS games, @19_2895 and Hollywood movies are the basic reason to have three-dimensional graphics. Now, personally, turn your ears off, because I'm going to express a aesthetic opinion here: I think both of those things are aesthetically bankrupt. @19_2910 But they're there and, furthermore, both of those things aree multi-billion dollar industries. So if you know how to do this kind of stuff, you can actually make money at it. GEM is @19_2925 OpenGL, which is the Open Graphics Library, which was originally called the Graphics Library. It's one of two or three competing APIs which the world uses @19_2940 for doing 3-D rendering. However all of the 3-D rendering things ended up having to work with images as well. So why isn't all that stuff images? Well, because, as I've told you @19_2955 but then got lost trying to explain, there really are two points of view on making pictures with computers. One is draw a 3-D model, which is what OpenGL and these other things are designed to do. And the other is to think of it as painting on a screen. @19_2970 In other words, the screen consists of a bunch of pixels. It's flat. And what you're really doing is you're concerned with the color of each of the pixels. And then the tools that are of interest are video cameras, because video cameras make images, they don't make 3-D models. @19_2985 And tools like compositing, which is to say taking one image and painting onto it with another image, which could by, the way be the image of a blob made by a paintbrush, so that you could regard painting as a compositing operation where @19_3000 you put bits of one image, which is actually just paint, onto another image, which is the actual canvas that you're painting. So OpenGL has a huge @19_3015 facility for doing image processing in this second sense, which is called "texture mapping." Why? Because the only reason for doing images if you're back in chasing dinosaurs around @19_3030 in some computer game, the reason for having images is so that you could paint the images onto the skins of the dinosaurs to make them look scaly. That's called "texture mapping." You don't really want to have your dinosaur to look like a bunch of green polygons @19_3045 running around. You want it to look like dinosaur skin. So what you do is you go hire artist to make a picture of what a dinosaurs might look like and you take that picture and you tile it onto the body of the dinosaur -- all over -- in a way that doesn't make it obvious that it's repeating. And that's called "texture mapping." So to make a 3-D picture... -- Is this stuff that you all know? Sort of? Maybe I'm repeating things here. ... @19_3075 So to make a 3-D image, really, you make a model but then you paint a texture on the model and texture on the@19_3060 image. And so there are image processing things which are basically there's 3-D texture mapping but they allow you also to do things like taking in @19_3090 parts of images and compositing them onto the other images and stuff like that. And those are the cool things that you can do with GEM, as it turns out, at least from my point of view. So now what I'm going to attempt to do -- and this is dangerous because I don't really know what I'm doing -- is show you the @19_3105 basic tools in GEM for making shapes and for mapping textures onto them. Just to maximize the embarrassment, I'm going to do this from nothing so that you can see everything that you have to do in order to make a GEM object. And then I'll @19_3120 fall back on some prepared ones because - you'll see ... Things don't just work the first time in GEM because there are more details to keep track of than there are in audio land. So what we're going to do is make a new window and @19_3135 before I do anything, I'm going to save it, and it's going to be 0.gemtrythis. <> And I'm going to call it .Pd even though maybe it should be called .GEM. -- It's going to be a Pd patch but @19_3150 there are going to be a bunch of new objects which are GEM objects. So the first one is going to be this thing ... The first thing is, we need is a window to put the graphics output in. @19_3165 And there's an object called "gemwin", whose purpose in life is to maintain a window that will be the image that Pd makes. And it takes messages, and messages are something like @19_3180 "dimension," which allows you to say how big you want the thing to be. So maybe 300x by 200y. I'm going to make it really small because my screen doesn't have much resolution. And @19_3195 that is just going to tell the GEM window how big a thing it should make, and there's a "create" message that makes it and there will be a "destroy" message that gets rid of it. @19_3210 There's other stuff here that I'm not telling you about. So tell it what dimensions and create a window. And ta-da -- we have now a nice window -- which is just being a window that doesn't @19_3225 know what it's doing. It's just sitting there being a space on the screen. It isn't even being managed by the window manager right now. The next thing to do is to be able to throw it messages to start it and stop it. @19_3240 And the obvious thing to do would be to put a toggle. So you can send it the number 1, and the number 1 starts it rendering @19_3255 if you've set it so. So now it's rendering, which means that it can redraw itself -- and it's just redrawing black every time it gets redrawn now. And then if I turn it off, then it's not rendering anymore and that it's just being catatonic like it was before. @19_3270 Now me, when I'm making patches, I don't do this, I do this: It turns out that as soon as you create a window, it's time start rendering. And if @19_3285 you want to stop rendering you'd probably want to get rid of the window, too. So I alwsys just do that, "creating and on" or "off and destroy." << create, 1>><0, destroy>> Now, making objects: So I told everything's a polygon. So @19_3300 I'm going to show you as an easy-to-manage polygon that won't do much for you. And then I'll show you a complicated polygon that will do more stuff for you, but it will take a lot of work. The easy one is a rectangle, @19_3315 and the complicated one is a triangle. Why? I'll show you... Rectangle is this: Say "rectangle", and then we'll give it dimensions. @19_3330 And then we've to say -- And here's the thing that I have trouble explaining. But I'll just try to explain it: Now what you need is to have, in some sense, the equivalent of the @19_3345 adc~ object -- The thing which just starts things rolling. So rectangle is an object which doesn't -- It looks like it has an output, but it doesn't. It's at the bottom @19_3360 of a chain of things that we will do, which is we will first off make a source of messages that will go down this chain of objects. And eventually the chain will terminate in the rectangle, which is the command to draw something. @19_3375 The top of the thing is an artificial object which is called "gemhead." So we will have a gemhead at the top everything -- which is called a "GEM chain." @19_3390 Now we have a rectangle. This is insulting your intelligences but ... Rectangles have dimensions. And so now we've got graphics. So now you can @19_3405 immediately tell that you could make patches that have abstractions that have thousands and millions of these things and start making Piet Mondrian paintings and stuff like that. In fact, you can do anything with this now. Almost. Now this is, @19_3420 however, a little bit stupid because the rectangle is white and there's some other things stupid about it ... Let me tell you something good to know. The dimensions in GEM roughly speaking: @19_3435 Everything is in three dimensions, although you don't see it yet. And this rectangle is on the Z=0 plane. Z is this direction, Z is positive towards you and negative away from you. (I hope -- @19_3450 I'll find out if I'm wrong.) This is Y and this is X. And at Z = 0, you can see X and Y, if I remember correctly, between positive and negative 3. @19_3465 Now why positive and negative 3? It's because that's the way the coordinate system is set up. It's a thing that you could change, but you think of that as the camera. In other words, there's a virtual@19_3480 camera looking at this scene, and that camera has a particular lens length and all that kind of stuff. But it is such that this ranges from plus to minus 3 at Z=0. @19_3495 Let's see if that's actually true. So I'll make the thing three. Three means three units wide. So we'll make it six units wide to fill screen. So there's that. @19_3510 Now, first thing that you might wish to do - well, there are a bunch --would be to change the color. Anyway, it's a thing you'll eventually wish to do. @19_3525 Now we start with all the 200 objects: I've shown you three objects, now we'll start with the other 197. How about @19_3540 "colorRGB" ... I have to say very soon I'm going to have to go consulting the help files, because @19_3555 all these objects have lots of inlets and have lots of complicated things that you can do with them. But right now, I'm just going to fly with this and hope for the best. So if I remember correctly, RGB are actually these three inlets, @19_3570 and their values range from 0 to 1. (I'll find out if this is right or not as soon as I start doing this. I'm wrong.) @19_3585 Change that to 1. Let me get rid of this. We're going to just not know what the last inlet does, and do this instead: So this is also confusing because @19_3600 the color is white, which is: R, G, and B are all equal to 1 to start with. And so I had to actually send it 0's in order to turn it off. The inlets do not necessarily start out at zero in GEM. Although they almost always will in Pd. @19_3615 So here's red, here's green - wait, no. Sorry. And of course blue. And now everyone knows this but ... @19_3630 Take red and green and you get ooh -- Sort of yellow. So this is video color rules, where colors add; they don't subtract. @19_3645 That isn't yellow either, is it? Better than the other. And exactly what color you get depends on your projector or your screen. In fact I have a radically different color here than what you're looking at. So there's all that. @19_3660 What is happening here is the following thing: Maybe you all can understand this, but this is a thing that I find very, very mysterious. @19_3675 The way GL thinks and the way GEM plays into GL... (OpenGL is the API that GEM is talking to. API is an "applications programming interface," - It's just a bunch of function calls as far as we're concerned.) @19_3690 The way the API thinks about life is, you don't just render things. (So this is rendering a rectangle here, and you can say "render a rectangle." But before you render the rectangle, you're allowed to do all kinds of nonsense @19_3705 which are called "transformations." Transformations are things like rotating or translating the object in space, changing its color. (Now why is that a transformation? I don't know, but it is.) @19_3720 And making it not opaque, make it partly transparent. And worse yet, unbelievably wrong -- but this is not Mark Danks' fault, this is OpenGL's design @19_3735 that's just weird: Another transformation of an object consists of saying what texture it's going to have mapped onto it as it's rendered. So to put it another way, you go @19_3750 waltzing down this GEM chain until you get to the last thing, which is a command to draw something, which is a drawing command. But you collect all sorts of detritus along the way. And the detritus is things like rotations, translations, color changes, @19_3765 transparency changes, and textures. So this right now is the color thing. And I believe it's true @19_3780 that if you do it again, it would simply replace the color with the new one. (I shouldn't be doing this, but we'll see...) Now this color is white. @19_3795 This color simply overwrote that color. So as I told you, you can translate or rotate. So how about @19_3810 "translateXYZ"? Sorry ... this is painfully stupid, isn't it. Now @19_3825 while we're here, if you want to do animations, the obvious way to think about doing animations is to make an object and then start it flying it around. Don't do that. It's just stupid. @19_3840 This is a stupid animation. A good animation is representing motion by drawing things in sequence, which is not the same thing as drawing a thing and making it move around. @19_3855 But the people who designed OpenGL were convinced that the right way to animate something would just be to make something and make it fly around. And so there are all these wonderful things in OpenGL for making things fly around. Next one, of course, @19_3870 we have translations. But of course, we're also going to have to have rotations. This one, I think, you can actually say "rotateXYZ." @19_3885 [...] @19_3900 So rotation: There are many ways that you could represent a rotation, but one possible way is as a 3-vector. @19_3915 By the way, it's a complete coincidence that the same number color dimensions is the same thing as the number of spatial dimensions. That didn't have to be true. That's our eyes didn't actually choose the number 3. But that's the number we have, right? @19_3930 So rotating about XYZ is the following thing. You specify a vector and the magnitude of the vector is going to be the amount of rotation. @19_3945 What units do you suppose OpenGL would have proposed for that? If colors are going to be from zero to one, the obvious thing to do is have the rotation be in degrees, right? No. But that's what they did. @19_3960 So, for instance, if you want to rotate the thing on the plane that you're looking at, what you're doing is you're rotating about the Z-axis. We're going to describe the vector normal <> to which you're rotating, and furthermore, @19_3975 the length of that vector is going to be how much you're rotating. So here, we're rotating about Z. And notice by the way some crud in the image. This staircase thing is called aliasing, @19_3990 and that's bad. You can fix that, but I'm not going to show you just right now. The other thing is you can also rotate like other axes and now suddenly you get to see the fact that you're being three-dimensional. @19_4005 Now, this is a perspective drawing of the nice rectangle whose top edge is at 140 at whose bottom edge is pointing away from you. And compound rotations @19_4020 can be compound things. Now this is interesting for about 30 seconds and then it's profoundly boring. So next @19_4035 I'm going to make two of these, so you can see how GEM thinks the things should superpose. @19_4050 Let's see now what's happening> This one ... They're the same size. We're going to rotate this one. Oh my! @19_4065 I have to tell you something about my computer. A pixel in this direction isn't the same size as the pixel in this direction. @19_4080 Anyway -- I didn't tell it to make it a square window. Probably that's what's really going on right now: Since my window isn't square -- In fact why don't I make my window square because I'm going to be confusing here. @19_4095 So you would never actually make a square window, but I'll make a square one so that you still only see the aspect ratio problem. So this shape should be the same that shape and I think it's not, but I think that's because my @19_4110 aspect ratio is messed up. The aspect ratio is whether the pixels are square or rectangular. So now we have two things. Now, who said that the yellow @19_4125 rectangle is behind the white one? ... @19_4140 OK, so why is the yellow one behind the red one? Because I did this first. That's not good. It would be better to tell these gemhead's in what order they should be @19_4155 rendered. What's really happening is that the yellow rectangle is being rendered first and then the red rectangle is being rendered. So that even though they are at exactly the same location, pretty much space, the red one shows one on top. You can @19_4170 actually specify that by putting numbers here which are priorities, which would be the order in which that the things are going to be rendered. But rather than worry about that right now, I'm going to start translating again in the Z direction. @19_4185 I'm translating the yellow one. And I'm going to move it toward us, and then away from us. You get two options. What is that? @19_4200 "Z buffering" is I guess what you call this, where one thing is in front of or behind another. Or, to belabor the point horribly, let's take this thing and rotate it about X. @19_4215 Now we have sort of an engineering drawing where we have this piece of metal going through a slot on this piece of metal or something like that. Now basically this is the way @19_4230 3-D rendering works: You draw stuff and then this stuff occludes other stuff -- that's the basic deal. Now comes the risky part. Let's start putting textures on these thing. And the reason for wanting to do this @19_4245 is just so that we can actually start working with images, which is much more interesting than working with shapes in space. ... At least in my opinion. So to do that -- and this is really strange, I guess. It's not really stupid, @19_4260 but it's just strange. So I'm going to do yet another thing, which is to tell the thing that it has a texture. Now @19_4275 that is called "pix_texture". And what's the texture going to be? What this thing does, pix_texture, is it says @19_4290 "Whatever the image is, that's what you're going to texture map on." But what is the image? There's no way to specify that directly, and so what you do is just say "Part of the environment that @19_4305 we're in is there is a current image and the image is going to be set by pix_image -- this object." And furthermore, this object takes a message. @19_4320 The message is going to be "open test1.jpg." <> So I'm @19_4335 going to do this and I'm going to try to explain what it is. So pix_image is a thing which is memory, which contains an image which we can read the image in. It didn't work?! @19_4350 Why can't I do this? You know what, I'm going to cheat. I'm going to go look and see. @19_4365 So we say pix_image open pix_texture. There's nothing wrong with this... @19_4380 Oh! "temp1" ! So why didn't I get an error message? Oh, right! The error message goes... (Right! ... I got this earlier today @19_4395 and forgot: The error message getss thrown on the "standard error console". Bad bad ...) So we're going to say "temp1.jpg". @19_4410 And then do we get anything? OK, it's happy ... (Where's the rendering window ... It's gone because ... There -- Ha!) OK, so let me @19_4425 go back and make this thing be white. So that you can see the image in all its glory. Here's the image. It's a stupid image, but you know, someone found this somewhere on the web... @19_4440 Mark I think found it on the web somewhere. And now what's happening is: This image is being texture-mapped onto that nice rectangle. So the operation is done in the following way: You have a pix_image, @19_4455 which is a buffer which contains the image. And pix_image's job is simply to say, "All right. If anyone needs an image, I've got an image and it's in this buffer." And then pix_texture's @19_4470 job is to say, "Has anyone got an image? If so, let's texture map it." And of course the person that's got the image is this one. So that becomes the image that gets texture-mapped. And that's the basic way that this thing gets mapped through. OK. @19_4485 Now images are cool ... But where do images come from? Images come basically from three possible places that I'm aware of right now. @19_4500 The medium cool one is files, the really cool one is the camera, or your camera -- so you can take your camera and make it show up on this thing. And then the uber-cool one is: You can take the two images and composite them into a third image, @19_4515 so that you can actually work on various kinds of image synthesis, like you can take an image and punch it into a part of another image and blah, blah like that. I'm not going to have time to describe this in detail today, but I'll try to show you some of these examples next time. And finally, @19_4530 on some OS's -- maybe all Os's now, I'm not sure -- you can take whatever you just rendered, make that an image and save it -- which is a way then of being able to paint stuff and haul it off screen into an image and then be able to use that as raw material @19_4545 in something else. So, with all that, you have a ready source of a whole bunch of images that you can use in recursive ways to build up cool visual effects of one sort or another. ... @19_4560 Yeah? Audience Member: Can this run while you're running audios and stuff? Miller: Yes! And furthermore, although I'm not ready to talk about it -- Well, I don't have time to talk about this because we have two minutes left. But furthermore, the two can be throwing information back and forth to each other. @19_4575 So you can. ... -- I tried to get this demo working today and couldn't. But maybe by Thursday I will ... You can take the camera and point it at something and turn that into sound, like a waveform or a spectrum, @19_4590 or you can have a sound going into a microphone and have that effect how an image is happening -- Like ... make an image jump around when you have a signal coming in to the microphone. @19_4605 A lot of people have worked hard on coming up with cool and interesting ways of using this musically and visually. Some people call this "visual music" when you actually make designs that consist of @19_4620 both images and sound that are changing in time. Although, of course, that's a music-centric name to give it. But the name "visual music" I think dates back almost a hundred years now. -- So it's not like the inventor of GEM @19_4635 thought that term up. Yeah, so now you can all go out into clubs and make money because people will pay to dance to images jumping around the screen -- until they @19_4650 suddenly realize that that's not something you really dance effectively to and then it'll go out of fashion and then you won't be able to make money this way any more. [laughter] So more on this next time. *** MUS171 #20 03 10 Miller: @20_0000 We'll finish up with GEM today. This is an example of taking audio and graphics and in some sense, bridging the divide between them. And this is a very good patch @20_0015 for you to load on your laptops while your professor drones away. [laughter] Basically, well, you can tell exactly what's happening. So, as I was saying, GEM is all about polygons. @20_0030 And what you see here is a bunch of polygons. But so far, I've shown you two rectangles, so this is a whole sample with a whole mess. So what I want to do is just sort of show you how you put together something very simple like this. @20_0045 And I've got to say, this is not going to win you any prizes being able to do this kind of thing. But the interesting stuff that I think that you can do with GEM, with geometric kind of modeling like this @20_0060 is things where you algorithmically generate hundreds of thousands or millions of polygons to make shapes or other kinds of collections of stuff in space. And, I don't have any good examples of that sitting here right now. So, I'm not going to @20_0075 try to develop one. Instead, I'm just going to show you this kind of very simple sort of generating example of "OK, here's how you would use audio analysis to drive a picture." And then, we'll just sort of leave GEM @20_0090 for future years. And then I have five other topics in Pd that I'm not going to have time to do properly, so I want to mention that they exist and give each one of them maybe 10-ish minutes each. @20_0105 That will be plenty for today. And then, we're going to be done for the quarter -- except of course for final projects. So, the plan for today is not just one thing: It's a bunch of things but each of them is @20_0120 only just kind of on the surface. One is, I'm going to finish up with GEM with this example. And then, the example actually, has is an example using audio analysis and there are lots and lots of things that you can do with @20_0135 analyzing sounds. And so, I want to show you the basic tools that Pd has available for doing audio analysis and some of the things that you can do with that. And then, there are other things that you might want to know about which I will tell you about @20_0150 as I get to them; but, basically, four other classes of things. Each of these are just sort of quick topics. "netreceive and netsend" is making network connections between computers. @20_0165 "readsf~ writesf~" is spooling audio to and from disc so that you can do things like make sound with Pd and have the sound file afterward. And, pd~ is a trick for doing Pd with multiprocessing. It's a way of having Pd sprout child @20_0180 Pd's that can run on other processors. So, each of those things takes a few minutes to describe and then they're done. Fourier analysis and re-synthesis: I'm going to just show you one very simple example of this, but this is a thing which you could easily study for @20_0195 months or years. In fact, it's true that most people have to study this and think they learn it and then come back a year later and realize that @20_0210 there's actually another point of view on it that you wanted to know it from. And so on for three or four iterations before you really have enough points of view down that you really believe that you know Fourier analysis and synthesis fluently. So, this is a thing that which I want to tell you the existence of, @20_0225 it will not start actually going on. Because it is just a big thing. But, anyway, back to the GEM example. so what's happening? Every time I talk, the sound is going to the microphone. @20_0240 So, we're having to do two things. Really, we are, measuring the loudness of a sound. That's a technique which is old and it dates back to the, at least to the analog synthesizer days, it's called "envelope following" and it's one of the three kinds of analysis that I am @20_0255 going to be showing you in some more detail next time. But at least now, what I'll do is show you how it works into this example. So, envelope following. This is kind of a mess. I like actually running sound files @20_0270 because if you have a recording of your favorite politician giving a speech, this is a great way to listen to that. So, what I am going to do is try to figure out where all the stuff is... (Not there. @20_0285 Come on. What am I doing wrong? Got that, got that. Audio in. Oh, "pd works" . Here we are. This is the real thing.) , so what does a bird consist of? @20_0300 Last but not least is going to be "pd sound" where we are actually getting the loudness of the sound coming into the microphone. So, I'm going to save that because for continuity sake, I will just talk about the graphics first -- even though @20_0315 the flow of information is from sound to graphics. So, I'm going to be going upstream in information flow here for a few minutes. So, what would you do? Well, these things are all, @20_0330 well, these, I'll do this in some detail. This, these hundred rectangles are going to be the bird's body. So, part of the trick to drawing the bird is making this shape, @20_0345 which is a very irregular shape that you can't make very simply out of polygons. So there is a thing for making a hundred polygons that makes that shape that I'll show you. Then, there are isolated things which are... Let's see. @20_0360 This thing is a rectangle, this twig that it's sitting on. The legs are I believe trapezoids although I have to go check. And, these eyes are actually hexagons. That's cheesy, but @20_0375 that's what I did. And this beak is three triangles. There are two triangles for the top part of it and just one triangle for the bottom. And, those triangles are the only thing in the whole thing that's moving; and in fact, the only thing that's moving in this, are @20_0390 four points in space which are: First off, the two sides of the beak which are [clapping noises 06:33] chosen at random whenever it finds a new attack. So that, basically, the width of the beak is sort of changing word by word @20_0405 except it's not working too great right now. And then the, you can tell that the two points in front of the beak -- which if there's no sound going at all are one point there. There are two points @20_0420 which lie on a vertical segment and they're some fixed point plus and minus the envelope value that is coming in from the incoming sound. So, these two are random, but are set off by attacks of sound. @20_0435 And these two are the continuously changing envelope. That's the whole deal. So, how do you do it? What I want to do is find some simple stuff first and then show you the complicated stuff. @20_0450 Here is simple stuff: I told you that everything is triangles and then of course here, I'm making a four vertex polygon which is a @20_0465 quadrilateral. If you make quadrilaterals in OpenGL or GEM, make sure that the four points are coplanar because it will do the wrong thing if you give it a skewed quadrilateral, @20_0480 that's a quadrilateral whose vertices are not planar. In this case, almost everywhere, the Z value... <