Oct 7 Planning Rationale   (as .pdf)

Oct 7 Pd+RPi Workshop: Features Plan
Activity/Sequence/Duration 3PM   4PM   5PM   6PM   @CrashSp
Working Notes
Pd/RPi Video Gallery Continuous Loop (Low Volume and/or Headphones) On Screen On Screen         On Screen On Screen   Nominations welcome
Literature-Smorgasbord Table (books, articles and handouts) ongoing ongoing ongoing ongoing ongoing ongoing ongoing ongoing   Nominations/loaners welcome
Gadgets-Smorgasbord Table RPi compatibile peripherals and other hardware ongoing ongoing ongoing ongoing ongoing ongoing ongoing ongoing   Bought, Borrowed, Built
Setup and Pd/RPi "hello world" check for each participant(+ "Try-this" simple examples)                    
Miller's Talk/Presentation/Walk-Through of Pd/RPi     Miller Puckette Miller Puckette Miller Puckette Miller Puckette       (OK per Miller,flexible)
Ustream Announcement?
Free form hacking Create or Modify patches. Challenge/Solution opps?                    
Peripherals demos Followed by participant hardware-tryouts                    
Wrap-up & Participant Q&A/Feedback Video debriefings?                 Reception