Re-cap of Zach "Friday notes"

Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2018 17:38:14


  1. Thanks, I'll get into the website this weekend, most likely.

  2. I jumped into the deep end with the nextEngine scanner. (Perhaps into whitewater rapids is more accurate). Attachment should make meaning clear.

  3. Pictured is a composite of some 75 individual scans. The program claims it is within 0.009" accurate.

  4. Output to Blender without issue for cleanup.

  5. Going to use that (Ed: i.e. the engine scan) for a set of tutorials.

    1. It includes all the difficult to scan contours. (Concave/ convex, hollow sections, holes, shiny surfaces, etc. ) and
    2. compositing small scans of large objects

[Engine as Scanned]

[Engine after Blender import]